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General Hack Ideas

Started by DSO, May 20, 2009, 08:41:04 PM

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This topic is not to ask for ideas, or to ask for help.

This topic IS to let other people know about an idea for your hack that is original to some extent, that you want feedback on, or for an idea that you don't plan to use, but others might want to use.

That post you made would go best in THIS topic, as the stuff you were asking about is stuff most people already know how to do, and you might actually get some help if you used the proper topic.


Quote from: Crys
Metroid Prime 2 beat you to the punch by about 5 years.


Quote from: Zhs2 on February 28, 2010, 01:13:53 PM
Quote from: Crys
Metroid Prime 2 beat you to the punch by about 5 years.
It was a troll. Or did his troll just backfire?

EDIT: erm my bad lets get back on topic >:C


Quote from: Zhs2 on February 28, 2010, 01:13:53 PM
Quote from: Crys
Metroid Prime 2 beat you to the punch by about 5 years.
I think you missed my sarcasm...


Quote from: BloodsonicIt was a troll. Or did his troll just backfire?
Semi-backfire. We wouldn't have it in Super Metroid if MP2 didn't do it first!


Quote from: Crys on February 28, 2010, 02:14:20 PM
I think you missed my sarcasm...
I believe James once said, "There is no sarcasm on the internet."



i have a good gfx collection: all original SMR tiles.

you can get them from me, if drewseph does allow it, but i doubt it!

ask him if you want the tiles from me.

i also can give the palletes and morphball as an ips patch; but, ask him


Gunnar, we've been through this.  We're all very aware that Drewseph doesn't really want to share any of his work, so we're not going to pester him about it.

My real reason for posting is: Would it be possibe to create diagonal door transition tiles?  I know that the door bubble would be more difficult, but for doorless transitions, I was thinking about this sort of thing, where the triangles are the transition tiles, and you entering this door from above, and to the right. (This door would take you down and left):

I know that it'd only really work with room transitions fading in and out, not scrolling, and Samus's positioning in the new room could be difficult, but was just wondering about the overall possibility.  Too much work?

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: Quietus on March 07, 2010, 09:10:53 AM
Gunnar, we've been through this.  We're all very aware that Drewseph doesn't really want to share any of his work, so we're not going to pester him about it.

right, but i use the sets to make my hack, if i´m ready i´ll repaint the tiles with my own. it´s just easyer to hack in that style

but at the end, nothing will be stoolen


Quote from: Quietus on March 07, 2010, 09:10:53 AM
My real reason for posting is: Would it be possibe to create diagonal door transition tiles?  I know that the door bubble would be more difficult, but for doorless transitions, I was thinking about this sort of thing, where the triangles are the transition tiles, and you entering this door from above, and to the right. (This door would take you down and left):

I know that it'd only really work with room transitions fading in and out, not scrolling, and Samus's positioning in the new room could be difficult, but was just wondering about the overall possibility.  Too much work?

Long quote but it's all good info...
Basically, no. Not at all. Not without a complete rewrite of the games door transition system. If a door is in the center of a screen, the scrolling get's screwed up heaps, and doesn't fix itself unless you save (in game save) and reload.

But it *might* be possible to create door tiles that aren't actually doors. They would work similarly to doors, but not quite the same. I'd have to test a lot of things out with them. Basically it'd be like the teleport PLMs from the Lost Caverns, but instead of transporting you instantly to another part of the room, they'll take you to another room, without scrolling anything (thus without the scrolling glitches). Problem is they won't work like normal doors, so you'll need to specify room destination and such within the ASM.

Another thing you could try, is using 2 doors to create that diagonal door, one along the top row, one along the side, with the same in the destination room (see pic). Basically, door 01 takes you sideways to door 01 in the next room, door 00 takes you vertically to the next room to door 00. Makes sense right? The problem with this is that you'll come out on the wrong side of the screen, so we'd make some ASM that simply subtracts or adds to samus' vertical or horizontal position depending on the door position, to run while transitioning the door.

I can't remember the exact locations for each, and you'd need to tinker with it to et it right, but basically:

;for vertical doors where you go up on the top right (as in pic) or down on bottom right
LDA $[samus' horizontal position in pixels]
SBC #$(value to move samus from right to left, probably about $0100)
STA $[samus' horizontal position in pixels]

;for vertical doors where you go up on the top left or down on bottom left
LDA $[samus' horizontal position in pixels]
ADC #$(value to move samus from left to right, probably about $0100)
STA $[samus' horizontal position in pixels]

The difference between these is that one subtracts from your horizontal position (moving right to left), while the other adds (left to right). You'd have the same system for the horizontal doors, but instead of LDA'ing the horizontal position, LDA the vertical position.
This way you have 4 separate codes, but they can be reused for any of the diagonal doors :wink:


[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: gunnargumpert on March 07, 2010, 09:01:57 AM
you can get them from me,
Uhh... we could just rip them ourselves? Ripping tiles, palettes, and tile tables isn't hard at all with SMILE.


A few ideas from me:

Split Beam Combo ability into several levels:
Level 0 : No combo
Level 1 : Charge Beam + 1 beam
Level 2 : Charge + Ice + Wave + Spazer. Plasma can only be combined with Charge at now
Level 3 : Plasma + any other beams (even + Spazer)
Level 4 : Hyper + other beams to gain their power (except Charge). Regular Hyper shot has power of Charged Plasma
Level 5 : Hyper + Charge. Ability to charge Hyper Beam even more. Result is very wide, very powerful and very long beam.

I think there are good ASM skill need to program levels 3, 4 and 5.

A few new items:

Quick Beam:
Halfes the time of beam and charge reloading. Idea by me and my friend.

Short Charge:
Halfes the distantance needed to perform Super Jump [or just increase acceleration]. Blue echoes from Speed Booster will appear earlier too.

Far Beam:
Off-screen shots will no longer be removed and will fly to end of the room.
[can be easily used for Missiles and Super Missiles. For regular beams it needs extra work]

Another idea is to change lava/damage (came from my friend). The more HP you have, the less damage you will get from lava/acid.
When you have 99/99 Energy, you will get the same damage as when you have 499/499 Energy (for example).

Damage when you have 250/499 Energy =
damage when you have 500/999 Energy.

This may be called as "corrosion effect".


That sounds pretty good JAM. Hope someone does it, would be very useful and cool.


Well, I can point out now, there's no point mixing Spazer and Plasma, as plasma with waves makes a spazer effect anyway, plus the small problem that it's impossible cause there's no GFX and it creates a huge bug in the ASM.

That said, you just gave me a great idea when I read the corrosion effect... but it's different. the opposite actually. Gonna make a new enemy now =P


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on March 23, 2010, 08:13:54 PM
Well, I can point out now, there's no point mixing Spazer and Plasma, as plasma with waves makes a spazer effect anyway,
Yes, but 4 charged beams should have more power than 3 charged (Ice + Wave + Plasma). Something like 0500.

Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on March 23, 2010, 08:13:54 PM
plus the small problem that it's impossible cause there's no GFX and it creates a huge bug in the ASM.
But is it possible to create GFX for Spazer + Plasma shot? I think, it should looks like spazer shot, but all 3 beams in it are green plasma. Or, maybe yellow plasma...

Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on March 23, 2010, 08:13:54 PM
That said, you just gave me a great idea when I read the corrosion effect... but it's different. the opposite actually. Gonna make a new enemy now =P
Good luck =)

Black Falcon

Quote from: JAM on March 27, 2010, 07:59:08 AM
Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on March 23, 2010, 08:13:54 PM
plus the small problem that it's impossible cause there's no GFX and it creates a huge bug in the ASM.
But is it possible to create GFX for Spazer + Plasma shot? I think, it should looks like spazer shot, but all 3 beams in it are green plasma. Or, maybe yellow plasma...
As if GFX would be the only problem..
Here are things I found out while glimpsing through the beam code:
Beams need behaviour, x and y speed, damage pointers, x and y radius, initialisation asm code, running asm code and maybe trails.
In addition to this you'd have to code this stuffz for each of the 8 accelerating directions.
The graphics can be done at the end but they also need pointers to their graphics + new sprite codes to use this gfx + new palette pointers.
Believe me, this still sounds easier than it is actually!
Quote from: JAM on March 27, 2010, 07:59:08 AM
Good luck =)


Quote from: Black Falcon on March 28, 2010, 07:47:03 AM
Believe me, this still sounds easier than it is actually!
Yeah, a lot of stuff... I guess, new sound when firing (and pointer to it) should be added too.

Well, my skill is not enough (for now, I believe) to make this. Perhaps, one of hacking gurus such as Kej and Jathys will do it someday...

It's just an idea. I always felt that Super Metroid is little incomplete because of impossibility of selecting all beams at once.

Quote from: JAM on March 27, 2010, 07:59:08 AM
Good luck =)
Actually, it was said without sarcasm. I really wish him to do what he wants.


[01:10] Flamestar666 So I've decided to make some Power Missiles
[01:15] TBSLegends Gosh I swear
[01:15] 06@Grime Power missiles?
[01:15] 06@Grime Explain.
[01:15] TBSLegends as soon as I try and figure this out an almighty force stops me
[01:15] 06@Grime That was me; sorry 'bout that.
[01:15] 06@Grime Just doing my job.
[01:15] TBSLegends Haha, get my bro off my case till I figure this out :p
[01:16] DChronos I wonder...
[01:16] TBSLegends Please sir, god, Grime, you go by many names..
[01:16] 06@Grime I'll make some phone calls.
[01:16] 06@Grime My favorite is Allah, because of the pun potential.
[01:16] 06@Grime Allah the bitches up ins.
[01:16] 06@Grime My wine brings allah the religious fanatics to the courtyard.
[01:17] DChronos I wonder if returning from force vblank is also a factor
[01:17] TBSLegends Allah them gonna pimp yo out!
[01:17] Luna|ZQuest wait
[01:17] Luna|ZQuest wait
[01:17] Luna|ZQuest missilles
[01:17] 06@Grime Hallah at'cha boi.
[01:17] Luna|ZQuest that when hit target
[01:17] Luna|ZQuest make power bomb explosions
[01:17] Luna|ZQuest why did we not think of this before?
[01:17] Luna|ZQuest D:
[01:17] 06@Grime Because it would lag the game to hell.
[01:18] Luna|ZQuest one per screen limit?
[01:18] 06@Grime Probably couldn't handle more than two PB explosions at once.
[01:18] TBSLegends DChronos - Still trying to get Geiger going, but yes I feel that the 2nd VBlank is not happening. I think there's some routine to properly do it, but it's omitted?
[01:18] 06@Grime I guess.
[01:18] Luna|ZQuest would still be cool as fuck you know
[01:18] 06@Grime Agreed.
[01:18] Luna|ZQuest someone needs to make that
[01:18] 06@Grime I'd like missiles that explode as if a large enemy had been killed (like big sidehoppers); multiple explosions that cover a certain radius for a few seconds.
[01:18] DChronos also, did you have the loop forever?
[01:18] TBSLegends I did - but I removed it
[01:19] DChronos after that intialization
[01:19] DChronos keep that there
[01:19] 06@Grime "Splash missiles"


I've actually had an idea of making a missile that explodes a powerbomb when it hits for quite awhile. I'd always refer to them as 'Nuclear Warheads'. Never even thought about the lag issue though. You'd need to find a way to make it so you can only shoot one at a time, and not be able to shoot again until the full animation finishes. Which might not be hard considering you can only set one powerbomb off at one time anyway.


        <Parabox>   You know what would be awesome?
   <Parabox>   A phase 2 Crocomire.
        <Mel>   Reminds me of those Crocomine MUGEN videos I saw. xD
        <Parabox>   That was about what I was thinking of.
   <Parabox>   Just about that power.
   <Parabox>   Fireballs, that kind of shit.
        <Parabox>   What also would be awesome is a hack where you start without a ship, and then proceed to steal one of the space pirates' ships in the end. [Phazon does this, but I meant it a bit more like Zero Mission]
        <Parabox>   Like you get trapped on a pirate infested planet.
        <Parabox>   And you don't get Chozo tech, but pirate tech.
        <Parabox>   It's shown to work in Prime 3.

^ Feel free to use my ideas.


I have an idea to make second menu screen and make pause screen rotation as it was done in Metroid Prime.
When you see map, text inside L and R rectangles will be ITEM 1 and ITEM 2.
When you look at first menu screen: L: MAP ; R: ITEM 2.
When you look at second menu screen: L: ITEM 1; R: MAP.

So, pressing R or L three times will return you to the same screen.

And since there are a free space in 8*8 tileset of Graphic Sets 22-26, create a Super Missile Reload Station and Power Bomb Reload Station. I know, there are already a patch that makes Missile Station restore all ammunition, but idea is to create different stations.

And make new doors:
Red door (10 missiles, no super)
Purple door (25 missiles, no super)
Greenish blue door (5 super missiles)
Yellow door (3 power bombs)

Add new ability to grey door. Make it open not only by events and also by 100 missiles.

And... rainbow door (5 weapons of each type). This door will change it's colors from blue to green to yellow (or orange) to pink and to blue in cycle.


Quote from: FullOfFail on April 16, 2010, 12:35:54 AM
I've actually had an idea of making a missile that explodes a powerbomb when it hits for quite awhile. I'd always refer to them as 'Nuclear Warheads'. Never even thought about the lag issue though. You'd need to find a way to make it so you can only shoot one at a time, and not be able to shoot again until the full animation finishes. Which might not be hard considering you can only set one powerbomb off at one time anyway.
Note that a I can't write the code but...: point the missiles to load a PB explosion and set a timer so you can restrict the amount of missiles you can shoot.

Edit: Woops, I said I could write the code yet I don't know any ASM... ^^;


Some ideas for me. Please don't copy, it's just to register here.

-Lets imagine a vertical cave and, in the top, have a hole. This hole will send you to an open sky area (I will put a door). I could use the light effect comming from the hole, because the room above actually is in a daytime. Horizontal caves are a good idea too. Just putting some big and/or small holes in the entire ceiling.

-Lets imagine a small room, with 1 scroll area or 2 scroll areas to down. Will have a hole in bottom of this room, if you go there, you'll fall to a cliff (yes, I will put a door in this hole). I actually will put a black haze effect in this room. The next room is a very big cliff, I will use the maximum height possible to this room xD. I actually found a VERY dark pallete blend (yes, more dark than "2A - darker glowing visor dark room", in the "A" effect). I will put this pallete blend in the cliff. Other idea is, in the first room (the entrance to the cliff), NONE fx1 effect, then, in the room below (the cliff, but I think this one will be more small), black haze effect. Then, a third room, the end of the cliff, with the very dark pallete blend. I could create some asm blocks to, when Samus reaches the ground, die ^^.

So please dudes, DO NOT COPY THOSE IDEAS, I want something original to my hack.


This thread is really aimed at offering ideas to people.  If you wanted it to be secret, then you should probably keep quiet...