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asm enables to block samus control

Started by TROM, January 14, 2018, 11:27:12 AM

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hello everybody there!!!

I'm on a way to finish a new hack and have some trouble...

I want to make samus cross a room (whith treadmil blocks) but in a same time the controls blocked! Let the player incapable to do anything....until the room is passed....

OK, I saw here someone who talk about that but my knoledge about asm is ridicule and if a clever one made a asm patch for that stuff...Year I applause! and I want to use it!


You don't need ASM for this, no real need to lock controls unless you want to. Just set the BTS so Samus can't move higher than the treadmill and stack invisible KAMER platforms to her right or left so that she is shoved across the room, and remove the door caps so she is pushed into thedoor blocks.


thanks for your answer...but whith your idea, samus can fire....I want no action and no sound! in fact, the room is just a transition and samus does not appear...In the game, she is not on the screen...So yes, I believe only ASM could help!


Holy f*** I'm so excited for this.

LDA #$0001 : STA $05F5 disables sounds. STZ $05F5 to enable.
If samus is definitely not on the screen, wicked cheap sound block.


Are you going for the same type of room transition as the Maridian Tube? I was just wondering. If you are, you can try to start from there to see what you can find.


I think no, the maridain tube is vertical and my rooms are horizontal - I just want samus to cross the rooms . But the player believe she's not here, there is something on the screen (the bg) that dont need samus any more....yes I could show you picture but that's spoiler! HA HA


Hi everybody here.....Sorry but I need assistance...Again, I need someone who can help me with ASM... I want a block (like a fool x-ray) when samus touch it, she can't move! Then treadmils blocks drives her in a area where other blocks unlocks he moves... I saw that someone create ASM that blocks samus in Morph...I want the same things but in normal position...maybe like she is in a lift or recharging health or missile... When she do that, controls are blocked!