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MetConst Community Race - March 18

Started by MetroidMst, February 10, 2017, 05:45:21 PM

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Welcome back once again you virtuous racers! AND GOODBYE TO THOSE WHO DIDN'T EVEN JOIN LAST RACE AND GOT THEIR ACCOUNT DELETED!!11!!!111 I have been convinced, through nefarious means, to schedule another community race here before our annual Redesign showdown, and this time, it's a thing with a game no one has heard of in the history of dog!

Game: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
When: March 18, 2017 @ 1PM EDT (Whatever fake timezone that is. I can't even confirm it with Google.)
Where: MetConst Mumble
Who: Those who want the street cred

This is the thing with stuff, and apparently @Lenophis is doing some tutorials for things and stuff just for the race. Also, Leno is sort of taking the lead in this, so please direct any questions to him at, or just ask here like always.


Just an fyi to everyone involved, the EDT is for eastern daylight time, because daylight savings starts the Sunday prior in the states. Yes, I know, groan away.

Alright, as promised I have some tutorial videos for everyone to see! To make it easy for everyone, I made it into a playlist which I will be adding to over the course of the week.


I'd like to participate in the race!

It's my first race of any game, but I really like SotN and think this is great opportunity to replay it!

Oh and are there special rules? Like Luck Mode or specific weapons only?


Ahhh, yes, I probably should have mentioned that. The rules will be as follows to allow the most people to participate:

  • Absolutely no out of bounds (OoB). This includes using Heart Refreshes to bypass loading triggers to gain access to other rooms, Wolf clip Richter skip, and wall zips.
  • Generalized actions that causes Alucard to load into a room a way they shouldn't is not allowed. Notably, Bat transformation Richter skip. Added Feb 15
  • Any method of losing items to Death is not allowed. Sorry! Added Feb 15
  • Sword Brothers glitch is banned, which by extension also means Duplicator is banned.
  • Using items and weapons normally is allowed. This means using Boomerangs and their ilk to gain early access without needed power-ups is not allowed. Removed March 9
  • If you want to farm for specific drops, that is perfectly fine. Masamune? Malbung? Crisseagrim? Go for it.
  • This particular race will not use Luck Mode, since not everyone participating may be used to the stat and strategy changes.
  • Goal of this race is to kill Count Dracula in the Inverted Castle. We are not doing all bosses, though if you want to that's completely up to you.
  • It is recommended you have a Clear File so cutscenes can be skipped. If you're emulating the game, you can find one here.
  • All versions of the game are allowed.
    • Playstation, whether played on PS, PS2, or PS3
    • Xbox360 (via Xbox Arcade)
    • PSN (via PSOne classic)
    • PSP/Vita (via Dracula X Chronicles, but you have to beat that first to unlock it)
    • Saturn (but why would you play that one?).
If you're worried about doing something on that list that you shouldn't, fear not. Generally, you can't do anything accidentally. I'm just making sure all bases are covered for those that do know tech with this game.

I will be posting some basic strategy videos soon to assist those participating that aren't experienced at the game.


Quote from: Lenophis on February 11, 2017, 12:13:17 PMCrisseagrim?
I'd have thought cheating wouldn't be allowed. :grin:

Some inspirational anagrams for you all:

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Camp hotly fashioning hasty event.
Many itch, even hoping to slay Shaft.

Gosh! They sanctify an evil phantom!

"Only I, thy son, can fight as thee, vamp!" :cool:


Actually, I've been thinking about the Duplicator. I've been thinking of letting it in if people wanted to get it. The point is to have fun. But you would have to go all the way through Orlox's Quarters to get it, since OoB is restricted. Is there any thought about allowing it?

For those not aware, the Duplicator is an item that shows up in the Library's shop after you beat the game once. If equipped, it will let you keep using any consumable item, literally giving you an infinite amount. The downside is it lowers a bunch of stats, and costs $500,000. In a speedrun (or broken) setting, you would use the Sword Brothers glitch to let you sell all the gems you want to quickly get the amount.

If you choose not to get it, you would be at a huge disadvantage to those that do want to pick it up, which is why I initially wanted it out. It adds a fair amount of tech for the inexperienced, but the upsides are huge. What does everyone think?


Well I would love to throw my hat in, but I am getting officially married to my wife that day. Good luck to everyone


Welcome to the world of the married. :grin:

@Lenophis I guess the obvious question is: Since this is supposed to be a race, if somebody were to go and get it, would they have an advantage in the race or not? If the answer is 'not really', then it shouldn't hurt to leave it it, since somebody is going to have to grind for the money, which wastes time.


They would definitely have an advantage, because I would also allow the Sword Brothers glitch to quickly gain the funds needed. However, the route to pick up Sword Brothers would be different, since OoB would still be restricted. You would have to traverse through Orlox's Quarters to pick it up, which probably means three trips to the library. It would also help those that aren't fully experienced, since they will have an infinite supply of healing items.


I was thinking that you'd simply remove it from your list of exclusions. Somebody going for it would clearly be at a disadvantage, because they'd have to grind for the money. It's very unlikely that any newcomers are going to even be aware if it anyway, and those with experience are going to know it's much quicker without it.

I'd be tempted if you want to make it more fair (again, because the newbies won't be aware of the massive amount of techniques), you should suggest it be any%, glitchless. This'd mean that experienced players have a level field, and newcomers need learn only the route to be able to compete.


That's mostly the reason I came up with the current rules of what is and isn't allowed. I will be posting tutorial videos on how to do all of the things one can expect for this race, which would include Sword Brothers glitch to get the Duplicator if we want it in.


Yeah, I can see why. It just strikes me as leaning toward the elites is all. Having the goal as a glitchless run means everybody can have a go, whereas the more technical you make it, the more you filter people out. It's just a suggestion anyway - I'm not running. :heheh:


I have edited the second post to give out the list of tutorial videos for all to see! Study them carefully, and keep an eye on the list, since I will be adding more and more as the week progresses.


Since reaction was mixed, both here and on the discord channel, about allowing the Duplicator, I have decided that it will continue to not be allowed for the race.

As always, if there are questions or concerns, please bring them up ASAP.


This was mentioned in the Discord channel, but I'll mention it here too. If you are participating in the race on console, and don't have a clear file, you should let me know ASAP.

Generally, you'll have to sit down and beat the game once. Make a save along the way, and when you beat the game with the true ending (defeating Dracula in the Inverted Castle), your save file will be marked CLEAR. You can use the route tutorials I have in the playlist linked earlier in the thread. If you're on emulator, you can download a clear file linked earlier in the thread.

What does having the CLEAR file mean?
Generally, cutscenes can be skipped. This allows a faster kill of Intro Dracula so Alucard can have higher stats, which also allows Alucard to kill many enemies in the game much quicker. It also allows Manna Prisms to show up in the shop (these are important!), as well as letting monsters drop more items in general (Ring of Varda comes to mind here).

Do I need a CLEAR file?
No. You can get by without one. But just know that you're going to lose the race if you don't have one. If that isn't important to you, then it's irrelevant.


You guys have waited long enough. Here is the video of the community race that nobody showed up for!