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Update On Blue Glass and the Future... (v2)

Started by AuroraxPhilic, September 20, 2016, 09:28:47 PM

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OMG!! Flower!? Playing my hack!? *dies* My excitement levels can't -- hold *rip*

XD For some odd reason, it excites me that you're playing my hack!

Alright lemme get right into it:

That's not actually a pallet swap room. That is actually the one and ONLY perma-stuck in the entire hack. No need to really save state, I bug tested thoroughly. (I figured out a way to fix that only perma stuck, but I'm too lazy to release a v1.2)

X3 Silly flower. Every tile has it's purpose. Those door tiles move the screen into other areas. They are not there just because why not. There is more to be explored, shortcuts to find.
My obstacle placement is actually good? I thought it was horrible. I could do a much better job if I tested more.

Dang. I should have put something in to hint to the player, that you needed to shoot the tank with a middle to escape. That's right, you use a missile to open the glass just like you would killing mother brain.

In the readme, it mentions problems with gaining and losing things for no apparent reason. I tried the password generator multiple times; to no avail, unfortunately.

I recommend giving it another go with these things in mind. This isn't your typical NEStroid experience, experiment! :3 Look around. There really isn't any perma-sticks besides the prior one, I promise. I tried making this hack as non frustrating as possible. Exploring is very important. ('s Metroid :P)

Thanks, it was an absolute bitch to animate those things. It easily took nearly 20% of my overall time; very tedious. That's why I didn't put more animations in; they are just so...uggghh!
My apologies for the colors, let's just be happy it isn't #Drugtroid. XD (Shots fired)
I did those colors in a rushed manner. If I had spent more time getting a grasp of the NES' colors, I may have made things prettier, but alas...this is merely a demo, not the fully fledged game, I see no point in going all out. I am simply shooting some ideas.

Mmmm...Thanks for the compliments. I just don't view it the same; I feel I could do better. The final release, I'll definitely put everything I have into level design. I believe it is my duty to do a phenomenal job; given that I hope to create a Metroidvania game some day. I guess you can say this is just practice...sloppy practice at that. :P

Thanks for all the kind words Flower, I also really enjoyed what's there of your hack, you're actually my inspiration for my hack being cave like believe it or not.
I would absolutely love to test your stuff! I like understanding how games work, then using that knowledge to try and break it.

I really urge you to try my hack from scratch with all this in mind, it would make your experience less of a pain!...'xcept for maybe that bomb section. I'm really sorry about that bomb gauntlet with M1 bomb physics. XD (Didn't proofread, sorry for any mistakes)


Hey Aurorax, i even gave it one more shot and played your hack and finished it this time.
Nice work.

I have to agree that you could have done a lot better, but certain things really cherished satisfaction in me.
a) like i said, the missile breakable glass.
b) elevator placement to Kraid.

Regardings graphics i guess you can do a lot more work, and it should turn into something good. I would love to see that.
and yeah the bomb jump sections - would be a lot more enjoyable if you would include some asm hacks provided in the wiki. It would reduce frustration by tons!

in the end i guess i had collected:
[spoiler]6 e-tanks, 120 missiles (including those you get from Kraid), at first ice beam and then wave beam, high jump, marumari, bombs, varia - did i forget something?[/spoiler]

[spoiler]oh and why is there an e-tank you really can't collect? i mean in the end i had the maximum of 6 either way but that bugged me![/spoiler]

i uploaded a tiny demo of my hack, whenever you're in the mood give it a try! i swear it will be a short game :D


I think the reason why my hack felt so good in some parts, and very bad in others, was because near the end, I began to rush the hack with little playtesting of the newer layouts. I freehanded all of the hack. That's right, I never drew a map, or thought of a layout in my head; I just did what came to me. ;) So imagine how good my layout could be if I actually plan...

Again, in the graphics department, I only did minuscule edits to make things feel different. I only wish I knew how to write in music, as I'm not a music creator (yet). Music is something we never seem to talk about, but it is very important to the feeling of a hack.

I just thought it would be nice to have bomb sections in Nestroid you know? X3

You only missed one item, and there's no way you would have found it unless you were trigger happy. That item was screw attack. (In Kraids area, top entrance.)
How did -- you collect 6? I recall only placing 5 in the hack. Maybe I miscounted... XD
That Energy tank is just for decoration. Mst was pretty pissed about that as well.

I seen that. I'm going to try it today. :)


Quote from: AuroraxPhilic on October 21, 2016, 12:47:24 PM
I freehanded all of the hack. That's right, I never drew a map, or thought of a layout in my head; I just did what came to me. ;) So imagine how good my layout could be if I actually plan...
oh man, what are you saying? If anyone knew... in a way it's nice to see things growing naturally and organic. If you don't run into a dead end in level design... ;)


I got stuck here:

I had nothing but the long beam at that point



You're not stuck. Keep trying. It's a difficult maze.