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Started by Mr. L, October 15, 2009, 09:50:37 PM

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Mr. L

1. How do i delete things such as the morph ball, enemies, and such interactive sprites?
2. Wheres the bombable block data? I know that there's the tile, but what about the actual data?
3. How can i insert enemies and others into areas where they aren't usually are? (Space Pirates in Brinstar, etc.)
4. What is the edit sprites? (is that the answer to 1. and 3.?)
5. I'm a noob at this, sorry for so many questions...
6. I'm working on my first hack: Space Pirate's Anger (Zero Mission), which is why i'm talking about space pirates up there in 3.




I got the same error in Vista.  Posted the same pic on m2k2.


Funny enough it worked fine for me on Vista, what the frack is going on inter?  :evilno:


plz to be install VS2005 redistributables plz


Short reply, I know, but: What? :pwuh:

I installed what I think is the thing you're asking me to install.

I get this (which is actually the error I got before), which is slightly different to the one above.

EDIT: Still no luck with the error.

It seems to work fine if I don't replace the .exe, but then I presume I'm not using ther latest version.  Also, is there a known bug with mouse buttons?  I seem to recall that the right button copied tiles (can drag a box), and the left placed tiles, yet the right seems to do nothing, and the left only places blank tiles.  I have to manually select each tile from the tileset every time I wish to change which block I'm using, which is very time-consuming when you have repeating blocks.

Lastly, is there an easy way to move the start location?  I had a look through the menu, but couldn't see anything obvious.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: Quietus on November 09, 2009, 03:34:19 PMAlso, is there a known bug with mouse buttons?  I seem to recall that the right button copied tiles (can drag a box), and the left placed tiles, yet the right seems to do nothing, and the left only places blank tiles.  I have to manually select each tile from the tileset every time I wish to change which block I'm using, which is very time-consuming when you have repeating blocks.
Right-click only enlarges the placement/selection box. To paste patterns of tiles, you need to use the clipboard dialog (under room options or something) and place tiles in there, then use shift+click (or was it ctrl+click?) to paste from the active clipboard.

Quote from: Quietus on November 09, 2009, 03:34:19 PMLastly, is there an easy way to move the start location?  I had a look through the menu, but couldn't see anything obvious.
See this for some explanation on how to do that. For the starting horizontal position, in case you don't already know, [] means the value at that address and a<<b is equivalent to a*2b. Be aware that modifying the starting horizontal location also modifies the door at the top of the room, since that's how the game gets that position.


A question, and a possible bug report, if I may:

What's the correct sequence for moving scroll areas around?  I know that the right mouse button resizes the scroll, but the help files says about dragging inside the box to move the top left-hand corner, but this seemed very trial and error-ish to me.  I resorted to using BOTH buttons to move the box, and half the time, it would whinge about the box being too small, and other times it'd move OK.

Were you aware that some of the tiles look screwed during the intro - where Samus opens her eyes?  Seems to be any slopes I had, or No Blocks.


To move a scroll, you should be able to left-click inside the scroll and drag, and the top left-hand corner will be set to your mouse position once you let go.

The intro in general tends to be pretty weird. Inter made a patch to get rid of it for Origins, but I don't have it on hand, and it was also a little screwy.


Quote from: smlaxy on November 17, 2009, 04:21:07 PMTo move a scroll, you should be able to left-click inside the scroll and drag, and the top left-hand corner will be set to your mouse position once you let go.

Nope.  That's what I read it as, but it didn't do anything of the sort. :nowai:

I shall persevere... :grin:


 I've been having problems with one door connection, in particular. The doors CONNECT fine, but whenever i actually come through the door, unwanted things happen. I've tried and tried, but i cant get what i want.
Look at these two pictures.
(these rooms wont look anything like this.)
The first one shows the door that, on the other side, gives me problems. Whenever I walk through this door, instead of being on the ground running like i should be, I start off in the air a little bit. The second picture shows the position i start in when i enter the door. Whenever i go back to the 1st room pictured, everything works as it should...
I've tried things from putting a door capsule, fooling with door types, and changing exist distance. I dont know what else there is to do :(
I dont think door types have anything to do with it, but maybe the exist distance? or something else?
Here in a little bit, ill upload some bitmaps of the rooms in DH for further explanation in that same album.


I've got a problem with space pirates. Just like when your suitless, if a space pirate has spotted samus the music changes. I used space pirates early in the game and I can't change the music (I even tried to change the music into something else, this one has priority). Hearing the same music over and over is frustating as hell, even if you used to like it.


Im going to assume thats going to take a lot of reprogramming to fix, but uNsane might be able to tell you more.


It shouldn't be difficult to make the change in music not happen at all, but I couldn't say how hard it would be to make it be able to change between rooms. It might be as simple as changing a branch, or it could involve reprogramming a lot of stuff. I'll see what I can do about it and put up the results.

Edit: I couldn't find anything useful, unless you want to make space pirates completely unable to see you at all.


Damn that's a bummer. Because of the doors (those who will shut if the space pirate sees samus) and the space pirates following samus through doors (this one is less important), the space pirates needs to see samus. But I recently found a way in MZM to change the music back to normal. If you use the chozo statue which shows the map, the music will change into the chozo music. And after the music stops, the game loads the music of the room your in and the music changes as it should be.

I have another question. (I know i ask too much but it's the last one..... for now :blush:)
Would it be possible to change the time how long a space pirate (or all sprites) will be frozen?


While I know the routine for causing an enemy's frozen timer to decrease is within that enemy's AI, I'm not entirely sure where what sets it in the first place would be. Working with enemies tends to be frustrating, but I can still give it a shot.