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The Beserker Contest! Voting

Started by Jiffy, December 02, 2018, 05:45:08 AM

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Which hack is the best?

Super Metroid Exertion - ULTRASMOL by Mentlegen
Angry So Little Dread by Ted, DSO and MetroidMst
Temple of the Winds by Moehr and Albert_V
METROID SCROLLS 6 by CaptGlitch, Conner, JRP, and OneOf99


It's time to VOTE!! Make sure to play the hacks here before casting your vote.

The players voting on this contest will be:

- The entrants
- MetroidNerd
- YOU!

The entrants: You (or 1 player from your team) will judge the other hacks and reward them points, using the following score card:
[spoiler=Score Card]

  • Theme - 10 points - How well does the hack follow the theme? Does it make you like you've dispelled anger after playing?
  • Aesthetics - 5 points - How good does the hack look?
  • Replayability - 5 points - Can your hack be played over and over to be less angry?
  • Fun - 5 points - Hacks have to be happy and fun! Make it more fun and you get more points. It's that simple.
  • Construction - 5 points - Is the hack well built? Are there any bugs? Make sure to crush them before you submit!
Feel free to leave reviews underneath the score card too, if you like to write responses about the hacks. Failure to submit a review from yourself (or your team) will result in a penalty.

YOU!: As well as the entrants and MetroidNerd leaving votes, YOU have the opportunity to vote in the poll above! Each vote will be 1 point towards the hacker. Vote wisely, as this may be the difference between your favourite hack winning or losing!

Please keep discussion/spoilers for the hacks in the other thread, and the voting thread clear for people leaving reviews.

You have 3 weeks to make your judgement, therefore the winner will be revealed on December 23rd. Good luck!


Whilst I'm not technically a judge, I'll unofficially leave this here:
(Contest versions played. Which mean no patches outside the deadline. This affects SLD, and Temple of the Winds)

[spoiler=Exertion - Mentlegen]Needs a savestate to start the hack. afaic, this is a dq. Every contest, to my knowledge, has required entries to be completed from start to finish. This can't be started properly.

[spoiler=Scores]This entry cannot be scored, as it crashes on file load.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=SLD - MST]Replaced the contest patch after the deadline. Again, afaic, that's a dq. Besides, got permastuck in a wall 2 and a half hours in, and said screw it. Literally unplayable. So many things this hack does built up over time so badly, that I left the hack more fucked off than relieved, so for me personally, it barely fits the theme, either.

Does it follow the theme?
Barely, this will partly be explained in "Fun" and "Construction".
I stopped playing this after 2 hours. Trying to play this, I got more angry, than less. The only time I felt relieved, was when I stopped playing and moved on to other entries, defeating the point of the theme's criteria.

How are the hack's visuals?
Honestly, this is the only thing going for the hack. A lot of the visuals are rather good. Every enemy being a variant of the ectoons/dachora got really stale, really fast.

Is it fun to play?
The contest version, absolutely not.
- Space didn't work in C.L.E.A.N.S. It doesn't work here, either.
- Getting assaulted by red shit in space doesn't help matters.
- Space has also ruined sector 4's music for me, much like SLG with dire dire docks.
- Pause doesn't work. So what's the point of the map...
- Pause lag also exists, similar to SLG.
- HUD doesn't work in draygon.
- Early game enemies that have exorbant health, can be a pain to hit, and can easily kill you... we're off to a terrific stop.
- Nothing really feels balanced.
- Power bombs don't give ammo. Why drop them, then...
- I stopped playing this, after 2 hours.
- lag's not a fucking feature. stop trying to justify it

Would you play it again?
The contest version, absolutely not.
A fixed version, maybe... emphasis on maybe. Still probably not.

How well constructed is the hack?
I got permastuck twice, died off-screen twice, and lost the hud during the draygon fight. None of the save stations put you in the right place either. Held together with duct tape might be too generous a statement.

This gives SLD a whopping 8 points whoo beat that nerds

[spoiler=Temple of the Winds - Moehr]Contest version crashes 4 rooms in, so it's a dq. A shame really, because I quite like the visuals.

Does it follow the theme?
I... don't know what to make of this (even if it was only 4 rooms.) There's fish that deal 80 damage, which was an immediate turn off. But that was, almost quickly, countered with refill robots, and very generous expansions. Unfortunately, the hack crashes 4 rooms in, so I can't say a lot about overall fitting the theme.

How are the hack's visuals?
I said this in the tl;dr above. The visuals are pretty good. However, the whirlwinds felt a bit out of place, stylistically.

Is it fun to play?
- Unedited fish (80 damage, and a lot of health)
- Some pathways are too compact for samus to normally walk through
+ Some neat use of the robots (eg. can use them for wall jumps)
- Sadly crashes 4 rooms in.

Would you play it again?
The contest version, absolutely not.
A fixed version, very likely. I liked what I saw, and what I played.

How well constructed is the hack?
As mentioned in "Fun," the hack crashes 4 rooms in, and a lot of pathways are really compact that samus can't conveniently traverse them. But didn't run into any major stucks.

This gives Temple of the Winds 17 points.

[spoiler=Scrolls 6 - OneOf99]This was submitted after the dealine, so this is also a dq. Sadly. Because this is the only entry I liked, AND finished... despite numerous minor flaws in the game, which I could cast off as non-issues, because most didn't impact gameplay and, ultimately, I had fun playing it...

Does it follow the theme?
This was the only entry that I finished. That's merit enough. But the hack feels and plays really well. I'll explain below...
There were many small little issues here and there, but did not heavily affect gameplay, and could cast them off as non-issues, just because I was still having fun with the hack.

How are the hack's visuals?
ZM hacks seem to be doing well with visuals. I'm not complaining, and this hack's no exception. A few rooms with tiling errors (or full on missing filler) but didn't affect the gameplay.

Is it fun to play?
+ A few places to choose from, which could be completed in any order, before moving on to another set of areas.
/ I was a bit skeptical of the theme of the items at first, but kinda grew attached to it.
- ^ I was half expecting a witty bomb/power bomb name, but there wasn't :(
+ A few rooms in the magma carverns had tiles near transitions to indicate that the following room is super heated. I think more hacks need to do that, instead of blindy run in a room, and wonder why I'm melting.
- ^ There was one instance where this didn't happen.
- Charlie began to drag on a bit.
- A few cheaply placed enemies (although at that point, it was almost a non-issue, as you can get pretty buff, pretty quickly)
? Were drops modified? Because I was getting PB drops up the ass.
- Why give plasma if we can't even use it on the area boss?

Would you play it again?

How well constructed is the hack?
As stated in "Theme," there were little things that cropped up here and there. But they were mostly tiling errors, missing filler, and didn't affect the gameplay as a whole. The hack could still be beaten from start to finish.

This gives Scrolls Six 24 points.


[spoiler=So... who wins?]Statistically, OneOf99 and co. wins with 24 points. Realistically... well... no one. 1 can't be started without a savestate, 1 can't be finished, 1 barely fits the theme, and removed the original contest patch (the updated patch was posted after the deadline), and the 1 hack I did like was submitted past the deadline. So unless jiffy and metroidnerd are going to allow the post-deadline entries to be reviewed instead, this is where I stand. Aparantly, Scrolls Six has been accepted, but with a score penalty in place (well, even though all the other entries have also been penalised), so looks like we have a winner.

But sadly, as jiffy predicted on my stream, I left this contest going beserk.


Not really voting, but I did want to say this before I forget: in my unending binge of ~all the hacks~, I've grown to be really annoyed by Black Falcon's custom HUD and controls — it's just slow and cumbersome to use compared to the original HUD and controls. If anything, Angry So Little Dread's controls show that it's possible to accomplish the goals of Black Falcon's HUD and controls while not having any of the things that make it annoying to use for the player (well, except for having no beam combo, but that's something I'm not really a fan of anymore anyway).

(And on the subject of Black Falcon's HUD, I do need to put up my writeup of Metroid Mission Rescue one of these days...)


Berserker contest hack scoring:

Scoring by Moehr and Albert V separately, as indicated

Scores and review by Moehr:
Exertion, by mentlegen:
[spoiler]Total points: 4
Theme: 0
Was a lot of effort to get into it, and then once in, no chance really to use it to alleviate rage :D

Aesthetics: 2
Some changes had been made to the ROM that seemed like they had probably been an effort, but what I managed to see was too close to vanilla to feel like it's own thing. Not enough here to really establish its own style; the highlight element of the suits seemed promising but there was no way to experience them in action really.

Replayability: 0
I'd give a fully developed version another go, but this one doesn't run properly and requires some poking about in Quickmet to see anything.

Fun: 1
Not a lot a player can do even by means of a test room with some goodies in it to show the tech additions Exertion had or the music potential.

Construction: 1
Since it mostly doesn't work, but clearly some changes have been made to the vanilla ROM's mechanics, it gets a point here.

Feedback: Even a small one-room tech hack can be a good time; be sure the player can use the things you've added and give them at least one room to run around and whack some things in.

Angry SLD, by MST:
[spoiler]Total points: 22
Theme: 4
The game affords some opportunities to kill stuff but the setup is fairly sprawling and the enemies are fairly difficult to take down. Once you get past the first area getting a map you can't access is super irritating for something so spread out, where the map would have been super handy to refer to, especially since the layout is so different from vanilla. Dark areas with punishing obstacles also hurt the early experience. Additionally the save stations didn't work properly for some reason so I had to restart from the beginning more times than I expected before switching to savestates.
Once past the opening area the game opens up very fast but with no real direction as to where to go. This could be figured out over time but I interpreted the contest theme more as a 'jump in and get right to things' kind of environment. Something as little as numbers on those teleporters suggesting a specific order would have been helpful here, since I don't think the order is entirely up to the player.
I might have scored this higher if I had managed to get to better weapons in the timeframe alloted.
Aesthetics: 5
A lot of new art here and successfully conveys a space base amongst a number of small asteroids. Gravity shifts to differentiate between spacewalks and areas to explore helped convey this even more. I was able to see the entrance and some surrounding grounds for all areas and I like what I managed to see. This is honestly what kept me interested enough to try the game again several times despite the difficulty and save issues I had before going to savestates.

Replayability: 5
Having actually voluntarily restarted 3 times without beating it, and such a wide-open game world to run around in, I think it's a good hack to give a spin. I do plan on going back and trying to finish it up but the holiday crunch meant I just didn't have time to go through the whole game because of the hurdles it presented.

Fun: 4
I think the game does what it sets out to do well enough to stand out and be entertaining. The difficulty curve cost that last point here. The initial game area is pretty unforgiving and moving through spikes in darkness is fine so long as you immediately get to save and restore afterwards, which unfortunately isn't the case here. No map button also means you are blind and can't control your equipment (if there's a need to; I didn't see one but it's possible) and being left blind while exploring was a constant source of frustration.

Construction: 4
Most of the stuff seemed to work really well and I don't recall hitting any level design problems, although some choices were questionable - periodically there were background elements that were used as solids in some areas and air in others, minor things like that. Save station issues were the biggest issue for me and caused a couple unintended restarts, combined with the inability to access the map, both of which ate a point here as well, since one's a big playability concern and the other is a strange design choice.

Feedback: Criticisms aside I liked this hack a lot and can't wait to finish exploring it. I really liked the feel of running around in space blasting things and you had some really great custom art and music. Nice work! I'd gladly recommend it to others.

Scrolls 6, by OneOf99:
[spoiler]Total points: 26

Theme: 8
There was exactly enough difficulty to guide the player to new areas as needed without making crossing those areas several times too obnoxious. The foot journey through some areas was an adrenaline killer at some places, but there was enough new art and items to find to keep it interesting. Upgrades come pretty quickly and regularly and it doesn't take long to be able to brush aside most threats that aren't bosses, which is good because it lets you get to the main fights pretty quickly and keeps the focus on the big battles instead of on the little fights.
As someone who has very little experience with the GBA lineup I can say I felt totally comfortable diving in and had to do very little side research on controls and mechanics differences so keeping things close to the vanilla setup helped in this regard. I never felt like the game was taking cheap shots. I did paly on the easier difficulty.

Aesthetics: 4
Item descriptions were also pretty entertaining, and made me want to find other upgrades just to see what had been done with them. It would have been nice to have some new item graphics to fit the theme so this is the main loss of points. The other game elements were pretty well constructed to give the vibe of a realm of magic rather than tech and the art overhauls were really impressive. The final area with Ridley could have kept to this approach.

Replayability: 4
I had to set this aside early on and found when I had a chance I ended up playing it again cause I wanted to. While I only went through it one time, the game world is pretty big and it is possible to approach things a different way. Having an additional difficulty level also means a greater challenge is possible on the replay too. Requiring the defeat of all bosses does mean I felt like I have done all the things with this game, but I would still gladly bust it out again down the road some time.

Fun: 5
I had a blast playing scrolls 6, especially once screw attack was obtained and there were some fun breakable block puzzles where controlled landings were key :D I stumbled across the forest section much later than i probably should have and was pleasantly surprised to see it; getting to run around in treetops as Samus was a lot of fun and a good direction to explore in another hack. I had a pretty good sense of freedom the whole time playing, and even the heated sections weren't bad to run through. Great job!

Construction: 5
I'm not super familiar with the GBA lineup but I didn't notice any errors while playing. Everything worked as one would expect. The screens with drops that warped you back to the entrance were a surprise but also a good choice if not one provided by the vanilla game. The right platforms and clip data were always in place for whatever challenges were presented. Game felt very polished.
Also the music was just absolutely the best, loved hearing some custom tunes! Custom music really makes a hack great.

Feedback: What can I say, except a really good job all around and a ton of fun to play? The only thing I'd really like to see is some new weapon gfx or equipment effects and maybe some more enemy customization on their appearance. An all around good time
that I'd recommend to anyone.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

Review by Albert V:
[spoiler]Angry SLD, by MST
Well, I honestly think the hack is far from it, since the enemies are quite frustrating and annoying and some of them have a lot  health - especially the animals that jumps in ball shape, and also those sidehoppers have too much health!

At the beginning of the game I liked the Graphics, including the asteroids and and samus's ship. I must say that I liked the scenes drawn, at least the main set; I realized most of the same tiles were reused for the rest of the areas:/
I liked some backgrounds in the lava area - that I think was the most enjoyable part. Many tiling errors were found on the game and some rooms even felt unfinished, such as the one where you get the screw attack. The rest of the areas felt a bit repetitive graphically.

-I died more than 35 times XD and only finding energy tanks and getting the plasma and high jump, which is very difficult to locate without bombs or x-rays, feels Fun.
-The game is more enjoyable killing those annoying enemies using plasma only!
-I felt annoyed in approximately 80% of the game :/ Sincerely in the outer areas it was worse and very tedious to travel and to die all the time because of those electricals sparks. (but a really clever idea)
-other thing is that I had to create my own escape route to show my stats, because I was playing more than 5 hours! trying to find the bombs and never found them! I believe that it is really necessary to position the bombs near the beginning and make it easy to locate them, since you can discover BTS blocks of supers and some walls that you can't tell what it is, and also for jump in morpball! I was blind finding secret,items,walls etc.. and I could never find the second boss because of this issue.

I liked the layout and story but here are my thougts:
-OK first, the Map where's the map! i had to use a PNG Screenshot to guide me between the rooms and areas.
-The game forces you to use abilities, something that not all players enjoy.
-many areas  unfortunately has lots of bugs, I found approximately 15 or 20 visual errors, and I got stuck in 4 different parts. Also the game crashes in one room.
-Something made me have to restart the game because of some scrolling errors, and only by restarting could  re-visualize the game correctly

This version of the contest No.[/spoiler]

Scrolls 6, by Oneof99
i think yes, killing animals felt so easy and pleasing even using only the power beam, most of the enemies were well positioned. It was fun killing them and clearing my way out felt enjoyable.

Well. about that i notice there was a lot new sets but i think only 2 of them looked very well!
-many rooms had simple design, and were not that good-looking since they lacked decorations and some good backgrounds etc. Also, i noticed there were some tiles darker in an outside lighted area and some bad palettes in the upper areas.
-the sky is really nice but this is not for metroid games i think, and being placed in an area that looks like a cave, it did not look good.

Of course! this felt so enjoyable. The only thing i really found annoying was jumping into crumble blocks and starting over again felt hard and stressed me out, and the worst part was this was in a lot rooms!
A lot different areas and some interesting things i haven't seen on zero mission, i liked the water level a lot!
I have to say it, the music was the most pleasant to hear! Most of them make me feel like i was playing a brand new metroid game, but i think just 1 felt out of this game type - i think is the one at the beginning of the game. But the rest of them were amazing i really liked them.

The game feels very nice, rooms are well-made, as are the map, messages, etc.. i didn't find any bugs at any rooms or message or map. The game played correctly with no issues.
-i found just one spot that made me have to ask for help since i had to jump to another side but the ceiling was too low and was making samus fall into door blocks but good thing it was easy to find another way to cross. Unfortunately i got stuck in the room of the big chozo room, I barely killed it but the game just didn't pass the event and this made it so the doors never get opened. I honestly felt that boss was too hard, maybe is because im using a keyboard for playing, IDK.

Would I play it again? For sure!! it was a great hack![/spoiler][/spoiler]


Here are my reviews (representing my team is me).

[spoiler=So Little Dread]
Theme: 5/10   
Although there were several moments in the hack that were extremely annoying, overall the pacing and item placement wasn't too bad. The asteroid field was annoying to traverse though, and in the end the lack of a map really lowered my overall enjoyability of the hack. If there was a map you could use then this category would be 3 points higher.

Aesthetics: 5/5      
I have to give credit where credit is due, Ted is quite the art master. Each and every part of this hack was pleasant to look at.

Replayability: 2/5
If this hack were to receive more polish (and make the map available), I think it would be very fun to play again, especially since the three major areas can all be done in any order (as far as I can tell). That being said, the fact that there are several highly unenjoyable places (cough cough Draygon battle and battle asteroid) really prevents me from replaying this hack.

Fun: 3/5
I had a some fun playing this. My major complaints are the battle asteroid (too grindy), the draygon battle, and how clunky the use of the thermal visor is.

Construction: 3/5
The level design in this hack is overall good, with very few exceptions. The area with the sanctuary fortress background had some odd design choices, but it too can be considered passable. Not finding bombs however costs quite a few points here.

Total: 18/30
Overall I liked the hack, but there were too many annoying moments that really brought down the score. Please fix the map issue  :cry:

[spoiler=Temple of the Winds]
Theme: 2/10
Unfortunately this hack has too many high damage enemies, unresolved permastucks, and bad design choices that makes it irritating to play.

Aesthetics: 5/5
The art in this hack is simply amazing; it gives off quite the nice super metroid vibe.

Replayability: 0/5
There is a lack of direction in the world, rooms placed next to each other have no geological context, nothing really makes sense. Not to mention I couldn't finish.

Fun: 1/5
It was fun for a minute until the first enemy in the game hit me for 80 damage. It was all downhill from there.

Construction: 2/5
The tileset use is terrific, but that does not matter much when the room design is claustrophobic and seeing more than one enemy is a death sentence.

Total: 10/30
I'm sure I could like this hack if I figured it out, but there main problem. The contest was about reducing anger, not invoking it  :sad:

[spoiler=SM Extertion]
Total: 0/30
I could not get it to play. The savestate provided did not work with snes9x.  :pwuh:


Here are my scores for the hacks with comments.

Exertion Ultrasmol:
Theme: 1/10
I gave it one point for the theme as I am was angry after playing it. Everything else is 0/5.

Total: 1/30

Angry So Little Dread:
Theme: 5/10
The first half of the hack I give an 8/10 because I really liked how all the enemies exploded more. It seems like something you could get through to vent. The second half I give a 2/10 because of the lack of a map, leading to a lack of direction, causes a lot of frustration with progression. (as can likely be seen in my third video of me playing the hack) Averaging those out gives a 5/10

Aesthetics: 5/5
I really enjoyed the custom graphics and music. They made the hack feel fresh and were well done overall. There were a few graphical gripes, but not enough to bring it down much.

Replayability: 4/5
This hack I think is supposed to be nonlinear, but I'm glad I took the path I did at the beginning. The other paths seem like they would be really annoying to traverse through first. The openness of the hack I think would make a second playthrough interesting, especially once a player knows what to do.

Fun: 3/5
There are some pretty fun parts of the hack, but there are also parts that are downright frustrating and mean. The sparsity of save stations and the lack of adequate refilling areas compound to make savestates something you wouldn't feel too bad about using, as I used very liberally in my playthrough.

Construction: 3/5
This hack is built pretty well, but there are a lot of points that make no sense. The main thing is bombs. How do you get bombs? I'm sure it's possible, but they eluded me for the entire hack. This leads to a multitude of problems. The main problem is the fact that you can't check to see how you are supposed to break something. That is frustrating, but it's also bad design. Don't even get me started on the map. These things bring the hack down a lot, but the rest of it is well constructed enough to supplement at least to a 3/5.

Total: 20/30

Temple of the Winds:
Theme: 2/10
Though I did get really angry at the hack, which is the opposite of the goal, there were a few spots that I did enjoy where I could whale on big enemies with missiles. Other than that, it increased my anger.

Aesthetics: 4/5
Albert V once again has done a wonderful job with the graphics in this hack. Unfortunately, there are too many graphical hiccups to give a perfect score.

Replayability: 1/5
It was too frustrating for me to want to play again unless it is heavily fixed.

Fun: 1/5
It was too frustrating for me to have fun through very much of it.

Construction: 2/5
Has some well-built parts, but there are too many rooms that are either permastucks or are frustrating to navigate. Also applying to this section, the enemies do way too much damage.

Total Score: 10/30

Metroid Scrolls 6:
Theme: 10/10
I did not go into this hack angry, but throughout my playthrough, my power surged multiple times and I lost the recordings I was making of my playing through the hack, which made me pretty angry. I promised myself that if the end vented my anger, I would give the hack a 10 for this category, and it did. Even past that, there was only one part of this hack that made me mad, and that was Serris, but I won't dock the hack for it because of the aforementioned promise.

Aesthetics: 5/5
The tiling in this hack is exquisite, and it fits the theme of each area. This hack is entirely made with custom music, and it is really good. Each track fits the section they're in. It helps a lot with the immersion into the hack.

Replayability: 5/5
This hack is very non-linear and as such has a lot of replay value. I wouldn't mind playing it over again once I get the nasty taste of those power outages out of my mouth.

Fun: 5/5
Each area has its own gimmicks that are fun on their own, but overall, the hack is fun. There is enough challenge to make it interesting, but not so much so that it is annoying.

Construction: 5/5
It's those little things that push a hack from good to great. One of the best examples is that many of the challenges are not punishing for failure, and are built in such a way that you can get back up and do it again if you fall down. That's good design. The whole hack is full of it. Rooms flow together well, and there are only a few hiccups that don't detract very much.

Total Score: 30/30


Sorry but, you kind of need to be able to start the game from actual "start game" to even qualify IMO.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=METROID SCROLLS VI]Theme:6/10
Alright, so to explain some of the scores here. Theme was kind of meh, but not trash. It looked nice and the music was a nice touch, even if completely redundant. I do think it would've taken away from the hack if it wasn't there though. Now the replayability, I can't say I want to touch the thing again. It just kind of felt like I beat it and there isn't a need to go back to it. Like I'm done, I don't feel a need to try it again.
It was a fun hack though. Nice couple of custom things besides the music. Too linear. Basically given a path and if you want 100% come back later with an item from a different linear path! That doesn't feel like great exploration, just kind of an annoying sidequest to get everything.
Now construction, I have to give this a 0 because there is a gamebreaking bug I encountered. I can't give a rating under "construction" when it has such serious flaw in it.[/spoiler]

[spoiler= TEMPLE OF THE WINDS]Theme:8/10
And here we might get into a bit of SM is superior fanboy in me. Now, to explain the scores on this disaster, I legit had the most fun with this one. It's more broke than I am, has all kinds of weird issues, has fish of death and treadmill tornadoes, and I loved the wackiness. It was weird in a lot of great ways, and felt the most refreshing.
Aesthetically, this Albert's tiles look great. The tornado things looked like a reuse of bubble tiles, and the enemies were things. Now, I can't say I want to play it again as it's a complete trainwreck. I needed savestates to get as far as I did and I got completely stuck. But it still managed to use wackiness and strange tiling to amuse me a lot.
Again though, I can't give anything for construction as really it should get negative points for how poorly things turned out in this area.[/spoiler]