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Super Metroid Blood+ 0.8.6 & SuperBlood+

Started by PHOSPHOTiDYL, May 06, 2018, 02:45:40 AM

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Just spent 72 hours the past six days bringing blood+ to a whole new level.
If you ever played the original blood, it was unfinished & filled with so many bugz.
Blood+ was an eight day project with the mindset of just getting a complete hack.

Version 0.8.6 does things that you just haven't seen yet.

It's a completely different hack now.
The original had various room from different regions connected to eachother.
I just used what was available & tried to make the most sense of it.

Definitely worth checking out, you haven't played anything like it yet.
There was a problem with the area load map showing the cursor in the wrong spots.
I tried to seperate the area map from the hex map to keep that intact, but I failed.

So game start to gameplay again.
Also, there's no metroid to rescue, so game over to file select again.

Screen scroll is now part of the dash button, if standing or crouching, L or R to look ahead.
I'm sure you've played redesign, mine is not as nice, but you'll want to make use of it this time around.

Suitless underwater, not too much of it.
Small heat runs, a few spiked areas.

Then there's the superblood patch...

What got me into hacking super metroid was wanting a game timer on the equip screen.
But what got me into assembly & serious hacking was the item "select" button.
I swap the default controls & just rotate through items, I also play with a controller, it's a nightmare.

Superblood+ contains the following differences from blood+:
- xray is shoot
- bomb spread is disabled
- samus can morph & hold charge
- samus can walljump & hold charge
- bomb skip if holding down
- no bomb jump if crouched on a bomb
- max fall speed is #$000A again
- energy cache/reserve cache
- e-tanks only refill one tank
- unreleased hud
- double press down to midair morph & keep acceleration
- hold down & press jump so you don't overshoot those tunnels you aimed for
- also makes mockballing much easier for the average player

The hud addresses the problem I have with switching items as minimal as possible.
It's very close to vanilla, just instead of canceling out, you just switch over.
Your last selected item will hold it's place.

It's a combination of vanilla code, hud hack 2.5, & the prime hud.
So credit to all those involved.

Idk, check it out if you want, there's also one bonus feature.
Check the difficulty settings, it's not another hack mode switch.

I threw it together in the last hours & did one final run with it.
Seems like it only affects late game, so if you REALLY want a challenge, just turn that switch on...

Also, not to spoil anything, but I should make sure you know.
Just in case you end up in the wrecked ship prior to collecting the blood suit, which is possible.

Get it on video, cause you're gonna get WRECKED.

Link to version 0.8.5 for a few screenshots.,4553.0.html

Credits will be seen in the hack itself.
I'm done with this one, so it's open to whatever the underground wants to do with it.
They're also standalone patches, don't combine them, it won't work.

I forgot to mention the norfair express costs two e-tanks...
You'll see what I mean, I made sure it wouldn't just kill you.

There is now an add-on patch for superblood.
Controller specific relatedness.

Run will now be left/rite + up, then you can hold whatever speeds you were at.
Speedsquat is now a nice roll down when blue suit is acquired.
Also default controls are changed to reflect this.

My controller layout for snes would be:
- X is fire
- A is jump
- Y is beam select
- B is ammo select
- L is aim below
- R is aim above
- select is aim scroll

The beam/ammo select are rite next to eachother, & there isn't a crisscross between hud & button location.
If you play with a keyboard, or a controller with at least an L2/R2, then you're prolly good without.
But if you're limited to old skool controls, select is not in a good place, maybe you want to check it out.

Might as well get this out now, I'm using it in my hack, but that's still being worked on.
I'll make sure to do a vanilla version & a superpatch version though.

Also small update to that add-on now.
You couldn't spinjump when running like that, so small ledges were impossible to gain speed off of.
Now you can spinjump aiming diagonally up only if using the d-pad. Much better.
Works while holding charge too, you're ninja skillz are insane.

Check the resource thread for details...
Also made walljumping better aka you can walljump aiming diagonally up, also charged.
Also just fixed x-ray not working with the add-on patch. Again you apply to superblood.


Can't seem to escape the wave beam area.   Seems like I don't have enough running room to charge up.   Do I need super short charge?   Never done it. 

Edit:  Never mind I figured it out.   Good game so far.


Last version you had a shorter space & had to jump over the water & shinespark between a one tile space.
Then you had to do it again to get out... Not the best decision.

Did you go to norfair first, or take the ninja path to maridia?
I don't want to spoil anything, you gotta do both anyways.

[spoiler]Ninja path is faster, but is definitely harder to do...[/spoiler]


I haven't been to Norfair yet, only parts of Maridia, so it must have been Ninja.

Edit:  Went to Norfair.   Got some goodies (plural).   Although seem to need either grapple or power bombs to go further in the game.   Not asking for help yet.  Got a couple ideas.


Pretty fun.   Played the regular version.   Not too tough, at least the route I took.   As you said, starts out pretty linear and half-hacky, but really opens up and shines later on.   Loved the ice beam effects.   Didn't like the required bomb jumps in Norfair nor the spike course.   None of the short hell runs were even a little scary.  Finished in 3:25 with 81% completion.   Phantoon acted weird.   GT acted really weird and I ended up having to hide up in the rafters and take potshots like a little bitch to beat him.  Loved some of the palettes and tile edits.

Not life changing, but would recommend. 


Yeah, I did my best to alter some boss AI. There's a reason for the item in torizo's room...

After getting supers, there's two routes to take.
One is through maridia to lower brinstar, aka ninja path.
The other is through west norfair then the above path, aka intended path.

You have to do both anyways, but maridia would make things faster.
It also leaves the possibility of doing wrecked ship b4 west norfair.
I wouldn't recommend it, but if you get every energy related pickup b4, it's possible.

The hell runs are much scarier on the intended route, seeing how you'll have much less energy.
Glad I got some things rite though, thanks for playing.
I'll avoid spike courses in the future, it was a speedhack both times, so ideas were done then & there.

Also if you bomb jumped that one set of spikes, space jump is nearby the first time you visit them.
Straight out of norfair express, & the escape route one.
I was hoping players would think that's too much, maybe look somewhere else.
Then with space jump it's one pixel forward straight up, morph at the rite time & no damage taken.


Got it, yeah I definitely did Ninja then.   Didn't seem too bad.   Didn't go to WS pre-West Norfair though.   I was just sort of exploring.   I like how open-ended this gets in the 2nd half.   If you do it that way the hell runs are super easy but I can see how they wouldn't be otherwise.

As far as the bomb jumps, I suck at it, but they weren't so high that I wasn't going to try.  Only took a couple minutes per attempt.   I don't think any player of reasonable skill would be dissuaded.  And making it allows for early SJ which makes exploration a breeze, but I totally suck at vertically SJ'ing up a narrow shaft so bomb jumps were still my preferred method even towards the end.

May re-run this trying Norfair first, and eventually may even try early WS but that sounds like it's brutal so not sure. 


Ohhh I get what you did for the bomb jumps.
Lol yeah early SJ is available, but it's totally not worth.
It's intended to be collected from the other side & used to get over.

If someone bomb jumps the spikes after croco though, that'd be insane.
You could prolly just eat spikes anyways, there's free energy b4 & after.
Norfair express is avoidable if you backtrack through maridia, it'd only make sense the first time.

Now I don't even think you need SJ to finish the game...


So I just got springball and two reserve tanks, but now im up to the point where Kraid is, I think im stuck though. I cant find anywhere to go.


Did you beat kraid yet? Taking down kraid opens a door in the area to get some items.
You cant' leave the area w/o what lies past his room.
That item will help you find what you need to get into the wrecked ship.
I recommend finding the blood suit b4 the wrecked ship, if you haven't already.


Thanks. I overlooked killing all the enemies to get to Kraid. Im much farther along now.


Lol I fixed a scroll there coming out the green door.
Didn't think anyone would try that move.  :heheh: