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Metroid Action[from China]

Started by 0Zero0, April 20, 2018, 11:01:12 AM

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This is a Metroid: Zero Mission hack by [Jumzhu] from China,released at April 20, 2018

New version captures added in 2018/5/12

A bossrush hack with challenges !

There is a map and a readme file in the rar package.

ps.the Metroid Graphics is from Metroid Spooky Mission(before v2.0.6), thank you all who made that awsome game !

Here is the readme from the author (translated by Google and me :^_^:)


Why the Readme use chinese?
emmm,My English is bad....

Hello there! This is my first hack, which took 15 days from conception map to main body. After that, it was basically testing, improving and searching for bug. There are basically no collection elements in the game, pure bossrush. The game is divided into three modes: [low], [any] and [all]. If you are a novice, please choose [low]. In this hack, the kicking of the wall is a necessary skill. By the way, the hack can be 15% in the [any] mode.

Use Tool:Mage, Mzmr, XVI32, NLZ-GBA Advance, iview451_x64 and computer drawing.

Game Help

Player: Why can't the ball ability be used?
Jumzhu: Well, all the capabilities are not immediately available XD.

Player: Why is there no map?
Jumzhu: I used a random rom to prevent the Chozo statue Boss from forcing varia suits and gravity suits, but it made it impossible to modify the map. Once the map is modified, all the abilities will disappear in the game, even if edited in hexadecimal. The same is true for device modifications.

Player: Why I get gravity suits but can't activate?
Jumzhu: [Any] Mode will be like this. If it is All Mode, it will be turned on. This is also a bug caused by random rom modification.

Player: When we fled for the first time, which route should we take?
Jumzhu: The best route, [Low] can only go to the top, [Any] in the middle, [Hard] in the bottom.

Player: Why is there a "?" after [Any] in the mode selection?
Jumzhu: In the [Any] mode, you can omit some Boss and you can also play almost all bosses.

Player: The mother brain is very hard, I can't go through!
Jumzhu: Standing beside her mother's brain, even if you are hit by light waves, you can hardly lose energy.

Player: In a hot room, I kept lose energy, and the big worm that blocked the road couldn't fight.
Jumzhu: Use super missiles and charge beam to quickly break.

Player: Ridley can't beat!
Jumzhu: Intensive use of super missiles, and then to add super missiles and energy, into the ball form can escape the tail, it can also attract it to throw small fireballs, so that it can add energy.

Player: How to fight Acid worm?
Jumzhu: When you freeze the seahorse, then when Boss attacks, hit the transmission switch and jump up to grab the switch. In the middle of the transfer, freeze the other seahorse. Then get down from it and step on the frozen seahorse to attack Boss. Of course, you can also save energy and attack Boss in the acid, especially the last form.

Player: In the mother brain's escape, I killed the charge beam Boss, and then I found the route behind it became different.
Jumzhu: It was originally set up like that.

Player: In the [All] mode, the third Chozo statue Boss is almost unbeatable!
Jumzhu: Yes, the last form is really difficult, but it can actually be solved with an power bomb. In the previous route, a Metroid room had plants that blocked the road, where shine spark could get an power bomb.

Player: How to beat the eye monster boss before the mechanical Ridley?
Jumzhu: You can kill it with fifty super missiles. You can also kill it with ten super missiles hitting its eyes. [Any] and [All] need to use the above transmission.

Player: Why can't I destroy the mechanical Ridley's missile?
Jumzhu: If you get all the beam guns, then you must put an power bomb to weaken the missile before you can use the beam gun to destroy it.

Player: How to fight black pirates in flight?
Jumzhu: Refer to the original game's Low% Quick Video.

Player: Metroid can't freeze sometimes?
Jumzhu: Sometimes it takes more than one shot. If you want to freeze it, use a charge beam.

Player: Is there a new hack plan?
Jumzhu: It was originally there, but I found that the capabilities of each area of ​​the game cannot be set in other areas. However, I do not have any programming knowledge, so I can only stop it.
If you have problems and solutions you can email me because in China it is very difficult to overtake the wall.

E-mail address:

Thanks list:
0Zero0(拒绝融化)'s promotion and test
Cpt.Glitch's help and his ASM

E5 M10 S6 es3



2.0.2 2018/4/22

Final fled add some super missile supplies in the Metroids room(It's very strange that when entering the room without missile, there

is no replenishment for the green circle.)
Added energy up for [any] mode
Fixed [all] mode Metroid room blocking plant position
Fix the bug in the item choosing room before the mother brain (Thanks Cpt.Glitch)
Increase the super missile drop rate and damage of the mechanical-ridley missile

2.0.3 2018/4/22

Reduce the energy added by the [all] mode to prevent data overflow.
Charge beam boss A super missile cannot kill

2.0.4 2018/4/22

Fixed the bug of the shortest route of [any] route to avoid eating all two E before the mechanical Ridley, resulting in data overflow.

2.0.5 2018/4/24

Crateria 0room music change 8
Chozodia 17room crumble block position revise
Chozodia 2room super missle drop move place,prevent missing
Chozodia 6room copy to 4f room and 52 room,make the acidity of different degrees of difficulty is different

2.0.6 2018/5/2

Chozodia room A bg1 fix
Chozodia room 33 Infinity-like Shinespark Sound fix
Metroid Graphics changed back to the original (originally to distinguish between two kinds of Metroid, But one Spirit group can only import one image, so the default is to use Ing-ing 's image.)
Chozodia room B elevator spirit fix

2.1 2018/5/2 (Big Update)

Add Minimap(A large number of room and door's modifications are not listed)
Easy Mode can play Ridley and Acid worm
Hard mode can 100%
15% have only 6 items

2.1.1 2018/5/2

Morphball ability room, maps can be explored completely
Reduce the number of enemies in Plant boss room
Fixed the Plant block-the-way room's bg0 errors, and the problems that can't speed boost leading to 100% is impossible

2.1.2 2018/5/2

Big-jump-monster Room's Enemies changed
Hidden room's Door Corrected
Varia suit must get in 100%!!!Mode
Some Metroid new layout in 100%!!!Mode
Acid Worm room Reduced acidity

2.1.3 2018/5/6

Add save room between the Ridley room and the acid worm room
Plant boss restores two flying insects
Morphball ability room small modification
Opening word modification
Increase the supermissie drop rate of flying insects

2.1.4 2018/5/6

acid worm room steps lower to prevent no power grip from getting on the water(Acid worm third form)
Weaken the seahorse attack, the acid worm attack,the machine-ridley missile attack, and the machine-ridley laser attack
Change 15% route's Metroid distribution
15% route ability choose room, replase the useless gravity suit(just a trap!) to plasma beam

2.1.5 2018/5/7

Fixed the mini map Get item display error (when start game again)
Fix Energy in low-route ad hoc rooms can be eaten with a small chance
Increase the cold resistance and energy of metroid in 100% mode
End picture order change

2.1.6 2018/5/8

Fix 100% mode can enter the low route in the first half
Low route has warning
Fix Low route Chozo statue water behind samus
Fix 15%-50% mode can't 50%
Change the Metroid configuration of the low route final escape

2.1.7 2018/5/9

(Again, some eye door can be directly attacked by missiles without waiting for them to blink.)
Fix morphball room gold barrel can run jump to the opposite bug
Modify the machine-ridley save room can go back and get items
Increase machine-ridley's paw attack power from 150 to 240
Reduces 15%-75% mode energy from 250 to 240
Removed the gold barrel used to prevent energy overflow in the items room in front of the machine ridley room
Increase the mother's red circle and fort attack to 5
Reduce green circle attacks from 20 to 5
Slightly increased the seahorse attack, the acid worm attack
Increase mother wave damage 100 to 150
The number of power bombs that changed in the three modes was 1-10-5
Increases the damage of all charge beams from 1 to 15

2.1.8 2018/5/9

Fix missiles or supermissiles must hit the eyes of the eyedoor, hit the eyelid missiles will flop
Widen the width of the centipede ground and reduce the damage of centipede and jump-monster
Increase jump-monster's energy
Fix uses Morpholl.asm's ball shape to trigger the Stuck by Chozo statue Boss(unuse Morpholl.asm)
Change Chozo 13room green circle to red circle in 100%
Fix Power bomb can trigger chozo statue boss right top view

2.1.9 2018/5/9

The number of power bombs that changed in the three modes was 1-10-10
Fix all mode must get one super missile
Modify centipede weakness is only super missile
15%-50% mode must play twice eye-door,unless 15%
long beam change into power grip in 15%-50% mode

2.2 2018/5/10-11

Change the acid and enemies configuration of the second eye for 15%-50% mode
When zero suit Add Pirates
Reduce the damage of kriad's hoof 30 to 20
Increase the supermissiles drop rate of Kriad's nails
Increases jump-monster's damage by 5 to 10
Non-boss bossroom adds hot air
Mother brains add circles and forts
The number of power bombs that changed in the three modes was 10-10-10
Change the second eye door must play,unless 15%
Reduse eyedoor wave attack 100 to 75
Change eye door room configuration
Optimize the pirate room

2.2 FV 2018/5/11

The 15%-50%mode route must get Power bomb after chozoboss.
The 100%mode route must get Power bomb after chozo boss(The third time)

2.2.1 2018/5/12

Fix the bug after defeated the machine ridley then can return to the left to get the items.
Optimize the escape boat room,pirates are more insidious.
Strengthen pirate energy so that it is not afraid of ice.

2.2.2 2018/5/13

Fixed a 15-75% mode that might miss the space jump.

Added 100% mode hidden supermissiles room pirates.

2.2.3 2018/5/13

Fixed the pirate music to play long time.

2.2.4 2018/5/14

Ridley small fireball defense increases.
The gravity suit is changing position with long beam.
Fix the 75% mode worst route is can't be beaten.
Fix the two reptile room procedures will be jammed.
One eyedoor room optimization.

2.2.5 2018/5/14

Increase the strength of the hive, not afraid of freezing,increasing the bee.
Fix 75% mode cannot be 75%.

2.2.6 2018/5/14

Add a plasma beam room.
Ridley small fireball strength and long ice beam attack power micro correction.
Speed booster can increase the speed of ordinary walking.
The save room and item selection room of the mother brain were changed.

2.2.7 2018/5/17

Kraid nails missile drop rate increased
Fix Plasma beam uses space jump graphic
Red circle attack reduced (5 to 2)
Fix Gravity suit obtained get, in the original long beam position(100% mode)
Fix in the Eyedoor room will be stuck in the blocks can not come out(100% mode)
Pirate Optimization in the Airship Room(low mode)

2.2.8 2018/5/18

metroid room optimization(100% Mode)
Eyedoor room optimization

Ending picture:
Easy mode
2-4 hours 16-99% Normal/Hard mode
Less than 2 hours 16-99% Normal/Hard mode
Over 2 hours 100% Normal/Hard mode
Less than 2 hours 100% Hard mode
Any time 15% Normal mode


Please use USA version to patch.


how this patch? some tutorial


Quote from: elol on April 20, 2018, 12:29:35 PM
how this patch? some tutorial
Sorry, please redownload and try again :cry:


I see Metroid Graphics from Metroid Spooky Mission were used. Might be courteous to credit it.


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on April 20, 2018, 06:00:58 PM
I see Metroid Graphics from Metroid Spooky Mission were used. Might be courteous to credit it.

I am sorry about that, i just modified the topic .We have no malice, just because Metroid Spooky Mission is very popular in china, we all love this game!  many bilibili uploader have made the video including me ! so don't sue me anyway :cry:


This was a really challenging hack, but it deserves more credit than I gave it while streaming. It taught me the real way to fight many of the bosses. I may need a break before I can play it again but I could be convinced to revisit this hack another time.


You can softlock here by hitting the laser then immediately moving to the right before the gate closes.

Quote from: 0Zero0 on April 20, 2018, 09:08:21 PM
I am sorry about that,
It's no problem. Just making sure Ing-Ing's work on those graphics get their due credit. They are pretty cool looking.


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on April 20, 2018, 11:21:17 PM
You can softlock here by hitting the laser then immediately moving to the right before the gate closes.

Quote from: 0Zero0 on April 20, 2018, 09:08:21 PM
I am sorry about that,
It's no problem. Just making sure Ing-Ing's work on those graphics get their due credit. They are pretty cool looking.

We just fixed this bug, and some other bugs! please download the new version :yay:

BTW, the author have some problems wants to ask you ,I'll try to describe his question:

He wants to know why some ASM files will have this kind of error?


Here is the 15% in [any] mode video by the author [Jumzhu] at Bilibili:

And he said there should be two 15% route of the [any] mode. This route is relatively easy, perhaps.


Quote from: Cosmic on April 20, 2018, 09:13:15 PM
This was a really challenging hack, but it deserves more credit than I gave it while streaming. It taught me the real way to fight many of the bosses. I may need a break before I can play it again but I could be convinced to revisit this hack another time.
Thanks for your playing! We hope you have a goodtime! :heheh:


Quote from: 0Zero0 on April 21, 2018, 04:47:19 PM
BTW, the author have some problems wants to ask you ,I'll try to describe his question:

He wants to know why some ASM files will have this kind of error?
I't looks like he does not have the most recent version of armips installed. That code uses a special syntax not supported in the old version. Tell him he can find the new versions here.


Quote from: Cpt.Glitch on April 21, 2018, 07:37:05 PM
Quote from: 0Zero0 on April 21, 2018, 04:47:19 PM
BTW, the author have some problems wants to ask you ,I'll try to describe his question:

He wants to know why some ASM files will have this kind of error?
I't looks like he does not have the most recent version of armips installed. That code uses a special syntax not supported in the old version. Tell him he can find the new versions here.
Thanks for your help :^_^:



With difficulty hitting Hard mode  low% of the 2.2.8 version