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Still born hack :( super duper metroid

Started by Daltone, May 03, 2021, 11:20:14 PM

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This thread comes with many sad emojis and crushed dreams from my former self that realized the not exactly unfortunate situation I've gotten my life into in that I really don't have time or ambition to continue working on my hack.

I'm dropping this here so people can see what I was capable of and the slight chance one of you will pick it up and do something with it. I know it's got some good ideas and would have had nice changes that are mostly done inside.

I'll put some spoilers in case you want to run thru it and enjoy the decent amount of content that's present. Most of the level design is done aside from half of norfair and tourain.

[spoiler]it's extremely non linear, multiple morph ball locations. Varia > gravity is mostly finished aside from the extra flashiness that came with project base. It's got a secret challenge that allows ice beam before morph ball aswell that was planned to be much more. There's tons of little things to make it less project basey but still very basey.
I don't have a item count but it's pretty much over once you get to the pirate ship after you do wrecked ship.
Wrecked ship has a awful bug I couldn't figure out that makes the map screen lag real bad if you pause there but iirc I blocked pausing there, it's a small area anyway.[/spoiler]
Sorry to let you all down with this thing that you might not have known you were waiting for. Glad I didn't make a hype thread so I only feel a little stupid that it gets a aborted fetus thread. I barely use my PC anymore so you get no screen shots either, it's been untouched in maybe 4 years so I think it's time to let go. Thanks for being there for me when I've been such a ghostly figure in the community.


A sizable chunk of this hack is complete, I pestered him for years to finish but life man, what can you do?
The amount of routing and shortcuts in this is mind boggling, if you play for a bit you'll see what he was going for.


It uses Project Base 0.7.1, which is old since 2015. Still, I wish more people would try to use Project Base as a base for their Super Metroid hacks.

Also, some of the doors don't work right. Not so super duper. :(


It's not very far from complete! And upgrading it to the latest PB version would be an interesting challenge.


Quote from: Metaquarius on May 04, 2021, 03:35:51 PM
It's not very far from complete! And upgrading it to the latest PB version would be an interesting challenge.

My thoughts as well. Except it shouldn't be a challenge with my new codebase. I'll look into it soon.

I was excited for this hack years ago but honestly I assumed it had been canceled. It's cool to see that it was mostly complete, and I hope we as a community can get it across the finish line.


Thanks guys, I'll also upload my big notepad of comments and stuff along with the room and enemy data files so its easier to play with in smile, might be tonight if I can pack my camping shit early enough, if not I'll do it next week.
Sorry if the patch has broken stuff, it might be the latest version as far as level design goes but might have broken bits because of that, I'll try to find a earlier version that has maybe 3 rooms missing but less bugs with doors/scrolls or enemies.
I still feel bad but I'm in a good place with my company where a secure future is a likely possibility for me and my family. Really appreciate the time of day anyone has given it.

Maybe grime has a version that was more of a demo to have fun with so we could bug him to see, many thanks if he can plop a ips of it here aswell. Thanks guys!


Are the various empty pedestals I'm seeing in Brinstar alternate Morph Ball locations?

This is pretty neat so far; I've so far only beaten Spore Spawn and am trying to figure out what to do next :D We'll see...

EDIT Well after doing some more stuff in Norfair and Maridia I went back to the left elevator to Green Brinstar and the door out reverted to being locked; I wonder what bug *that* is


Good lord, this was a very fun hack to play. Just like Super Metroid Opposition, sad to see a hack with this much potential be discarded, but even then it was really fun to play in it's incomplete state. I managed to get 8.5 full etanks (17 half ones), 110 missles, 20 supers and 15 PBs with all beams collected, SB, SJ, with high jump boots. I have no idea where any of the suits are (not in Maridia that's for sure) nor did I see Varia in Brinstar. Hell-ran my way through Norfair to get SB but man, sooo many doors don't lead to anywhere in that level. Would love to know if more major items are collectible that I missed.


Thanks for trying it out, I don't want to spoil the future or make any promises but there may still be hope one day.
Iirc there should be a suit in [spoiler]topmost maridia, varia wasn't placed yet but was planned to have been close to the noob tube in norfair[/spoiler]
Here's a giant 10mb map I made with it all connected if anyone is interested.


This map is giant, I am interested in playing this game in Widescreen :)


This hack is being rebuilt as we speak so you'd rather wait until the full version comes out.


This is excellent news. So it is best to wait. Thanks!!