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Super Metroid Redirect

Started by j2001m, October 30, 2018, 05:09:17 PM

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Hi, do any other users need any tips?


I'm completely lost. I beat Spore Spawn and got the Super Missiles, but I'm going in circles. The only Grapple Block I've found is the one in the room with two small sidehoppers and one big one.

[spoiler]Nevermind, I forgot about hidden crumble grapple blocks being a thing that bombs don't reveal.[/spoiler]


I am working on my next hack :whoa:


 I have updated my hack again to 1.3, it fixes a range of bugs


I played this shortly after it came out. It has its ups and down. I found a lot of little and big bugs throughout. I sent them to you through DM on Discord, but I don't know if you've found them, so I'll put them here.

Permastucks and other things:
The ability to control your shinesparks combined with re-spawning speed-booster blocks leads to a lot of potential permastucks.

Actually, those are the only ones I found, but there may be more.

General Graphical Hiccups:
These grass tiles in Maridia are floating in midair randomly.

There is an item dot here, but no item.

Random air tiles:


Sigh... Crumble grapple blocks:
This is a neat and interesting way to introduce the crumble grapple mechanic, but... Most later spots are not projected well enough to feel fair.

These spots are not so nice...

Using crumble grapple blocks like this also can cause Samus to clip into blocks, which has the potential to cause permastucks.

Grey doors and progression:
I don't know why most project base hacks I play have this door locked. It seems that it never opens in this hack, and that's kind of stupid because it causes a lot of unnecessary round-tripping.

This one is really annoying and also causes a lot of backtracking. It really should unlock at some point, or just not be there.

The unnecessary roadblock in this room caused me a lot of annoyance and really should not be the way it is. This could easily be remedied by opening it up after acquiring Power Bombs and/or beating Kraid, but as it is, it overly streamlines how you can move through the hack, and detracts from the overall Metroid experience.

Back to this picture, why did you remove this elevator to Norfair? It makes Norfair a pain to get in and out of and is overall annoying. This should also either be like normal or open up after Power Bombs.


Other Comments:
At the beginning of the hack, don't let players get into the save station before the planet is awake or else the game will just play the normal Crateria music instead of the ambient music.

This spot could probably be designed a bit better. The blocks stick out really weirdly, and it can be a somewhat annoying mid-air morph to have to do for unseasoned players.

By morphing into the sloped area in the top right then unmorphing, you clip underneath this line of power bomb blocks. I don't know if that was intentional or not, or if it leads to permastucks, but It's up to you to decide what to do.

I'd say keep it in as long as it doesn't lead to any permastucks, but that's just me.

I know the purpose of the hack is to "redirect" players to new routes, but the world should still open up later in the game. Also, is there no wave beam? I got 101% without picking it up, and I find it odd that the pirates in the escape drop pickups, but there is no point to them dropping ammo since you don't need it, so only the health would be helpful.

Overall this hack shows you have the potential to make a really good hack. I had a decent time playing it, and I look forward to your next hack. I don't know how many of these things have been fixed already since I haven't played Version 1.3, but there may still be some others in there that haven't been found. 


Hi MetroidNerd#9001
The total is 104% and you can 100% get wave beam, so you may like to play again, I have fixed many of the bugs you reported and then some, but have not removed some of the more slower redirects, but I have made the starting grapple block more easy to find, and why I like to make it so power bombs opens up parts that are locked down at the start and remove 1 way doors,  it's done to make it harder to find plasma beam as if I was to remove the redirects you be on it in like 5 sec  as you need power bombs to get to it, I.e, you have to go just one way so you do not get the beam so fast. It's also done as you must find the secret way to get to the wreak ship and also into Maridia , It looks like it stop you finding all the beams going by you not finding the wave beam so it working, please note it's not hidden, but you can only find it 1 way.

You also asked why Maridia is locked down in project base hacks, this is due to bombs can be used under water., so you have to lock maridia down big time.


New ver 1.5 is out, loads of bugs fixed


Ok new ver 1.6 is out with some room changes


Please report any new bugs in the new ver 1.6, thanks all


Not sure if I was suppose to do this. gyazo. com/e106b3e567f8c3f001b9c54e017243d8


Quote from: gotrice on January 28, 2019, 09:14:09 PM
Not sure if I was suppose to do this. gyazo. com/e106b3e567f8c3f001b9c54e017243d8

Sorry what are you trying to say the problem is with the image?


Quote from: gotrice on January 28, 2019, 09:14:09 PM
Not sure if I was suppose to do this. gyazo. com/e106b3e567f8c3f001b9c54e017243d8

I be thinking you mean you got on top of the powe bombs pipe and now have no way to get out?
Can I ask how you got there ?


I shinesparked diagonally through the pipes and there is a way to get out which I just randomly found and it's in that little area on the top left of the pipe. You can glitch through the tiles and land in front of the right door. I believe I morph balled into the little crevice and tried standing up and I got out.


Quote from: gotrice on January 31, 2019, 06:27:29 AM
I shinesparked diagonally through the pipes and there is a way to get out which I just randomly found and it's in that little area on the top left of the pipe. You can glitch through the tiles and land in front of the right door. I believe I morph balled into the little crevice and tried standing up and I got out.

You beat to pass this bug onto project base, as it's a core design problem with that hack, but as you was able to get out you be good, also good as it means if you do get where you was AND HAVE NO POWER BOMBS you can get out, and you can get there and have no power bombs left in normal play, as the top is a one way door nd if you have no bombs left and have not taken out the pipe with bombs you going to need it, hm, did I put that Morph ball way out, hmhm, hahaha :yay: :yay: :grin: