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Super Metroid: Space Junk

Started by Crystal_Knight, August 17, 2018, 03:24:25 PM

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Super Metroid: Space Junk

This hack was made for the Post Hack Scrubs Contest. This is NOT the contest version, this version has few fixes that were made too late to be in the contest. If you want to play the contest version, you can find it here:,4717.0.html

List of changes between the contest version and this version:

  • Added a missile recharge before Chocomire.
  • Fixed a major oversight, where you only needed to beat Kraid to finish the hack. Opps...
  • Fixed an issue, where if you paused in the room where you got charge beam the water would become opaque.
  • Fixed an issue, where id you laid a power bomb in the room before Crocomire the room would gain a clear white overlay.

1.2 Change Log

  • fixed Missile recharge not working
  • fixed FX1 issues
  • fixed issues in Spore Spawns Room
  • Made items collectable during escape

The one change in 1.2.1
More FX1 Fixes... Good Lord! Okay, I think I know what is going on (sort of). Whenever I changed the FX1 data in the Charge Beam room it would mess with the FX1 data in other rooms, most prominently in the room before Wave Beam, and the Space Jump room, this also happened vise versa. I fixed this by moving FX1 pointers around. However the question still remains, why in the world was this happening? Was data being overwritten? Whatever, I figured it out, if anyone finds more FX1 issues let me know and I will try to fix it.

The only change in 1.2.2
fixed the tall vert. room in the area filled giant rocks. It is now in the right area instead of Brinstar... Again...

     At some point in galactic history a powerful company purchased a beautiful plot in space. They used this plot to build The Space Grand Resort and Spa. However, there was one tiny, maybe large issue. There was a space junkyard(?) within view of the resort, and ruined the view. How were customers going to enjoy their stay at the resort with such a hideous view (that the owners of the resort somehow did not notice while the resort was being built). The answer was simple. Buyout the space junkyard(?) and have it cleaned up (blown up). The resort sent out men to try doing just this, but a mysterious force was keeping of the timebombs from going off. The company was at a loss as how to clean up (destroy) the junkyard. That is, until an intern of the janitor spoke up during a meeting, "I have heard tales of a bounty hunter that blows up almost every planet she visits doing her job." Because of this intern Samus received a very simple job--clean up (blow up) the space junkyard(?), and find out why the other timebombs were not blowing up.


  • You will not NEED any advanced techniques to beat the hack
  • This is my largest hack to date by far
  • The main tileset is drawn by myself. The CRE tileset is a modified version of the original
  • Respin is a thing

The 3 items you can get in any order

  • Hi-Jump
  • Grapple Beam
  • Varia Suit

Item Totals

  • 95 Missiles
  • 7 E-Tanks
  • 10 Super Missiles
  • 15 Power Bombs


Yay, new version. And before I start bugging you again I think I should say that I actually like this hack, and can't say anything bad about it.

[spoiler=some issues in 1.1 not contest]
I don't know if you've fixed it and just didn't put it in changelog but, room that used to flash red for me, two rooms before grapple, now has lowering lava. Issue is, when I enter that room from the left door, lowering acid is solid black color. When I enter it from the right, it's solid white. It's also kind of odd that it lowers each time, but might be on purpose.

Also, don't know if you've noticed, but I've kept updating that bugs post. Older save slots affecting where the new slot starts the game is the biggest issue for me atm, and it's still present in this version. I hope that's fixable.

Background in the room before wave beam flashes irregularly. Pattern of three flashes that keeps repeating. Didn't see that in older versions.
And same thing in space jump room.

Strange door still appears on revisit to spore spawn room as reported before, but now I also noticed that if you don't collect hi-jump before leaving, it'll be gone on revisit.

One waver in the big room before Crocomire, decided to radically change his life. He adopted a different palette, chose a geemer ai to follow, and is now corrupting his sprite as he crawls down the side of the wall.

Missile recharge before Crocomire is inaccessible because samus stands on a slope slightly below required height.
edit: It's also missing in the escape.

Two rooms before spazer, two geemers have some issues. Their sprite flickers, they crawl on their side, can't seem to grip the ceilings and walk through slopes. Also, refill bugs are gone in this version.

Haven't retested in this version yet, but it seems highly likely. You can't collect spring ball, speed booster and two missile(first room with rising lava, big room near Crocomire) during the escape, despite going through those rooms.

oddity: If rising shutter in the room before first power bombs is meant to help players to get up without hi-jump, it's a bit short. I've managed to walljump up using it twice so far, but it's much easier to bomb jump instead. I probably don't have full understanding of jump physics though. Nvm, starting from crouch makes it trivial.

[spoiler=some issues in 1.2 not contest(attachment seems to have been replace since then, but kept same version number)]
Quote from: caauyjdp on August 14, 2018, 03:08:16 PM
Stumbled on an odd map bug.
Room to the right from the first screenshot transports you to brinstar and corrupts the map while you're in there. Fixes itself when you leave the room.

This bug is here again.

Water transparency issue in charge beam room is back again.

[spoiler=some issues in 1.2.2 not contest]
Managed to get stuck in this corner. One time I was also able to bomb jump out of it but that only happened once. Also, there seems to be a small dessgeega down there during the escape, but not during normal play.

Really minor but, you can get hi-jump during spore spawn fight. Doesn't break anything except scrolling(kraid room has similar issue until he rises completely).

Quote from: caauyjdp on August 14, 2018, 03:08:16 PM
This room doesn't have a wall on the right side to prevent you from going offscreen. Also, top right part of the room near the door has something to prevent screen scrolling, and you can fall down without camera following you.
I think this was fixed at some point(at least the first part), but it seems to be broken again in 1.2.2 nc(unless I messed up and loaded wrong version which is unlikely but possible).

Steel Sparkle


Should I have had gravity suit before fighting Draygon?   Can't seem to escape his room without it, and he seemed really hard compared to the rest of the hack thus far.   That fight was the only time I've used save states. 


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on August 18, 2018, 03:15:13 PM
Should I have had gravity suit before fighting Draygon?   Can't seem to escape his room without it, and he seemed really hard compared to the rest of the hack thus far.   That fight was the only time I've used save states.
[spoiler=You can leave without gravity. How to inside.]Do a running jump from the room without water into the draygon room. You need to jump at the last possible moment so you don't hit the ceiling on the other side, and keep holding jump. It's basically a gravity jump without gravity suit.[/spoiler]


OK.  Tried that but kept just missing so figured maybe I was supposed to have gravity.

Edit:  That maneuver is easy if you [spoiler]Turn off high jump.  I kept hitting the ceiling and just missing the ledge[/spoiler]

Edit2:  Beat the game.   Never did find the gravity suit.   Don't know if it exists.

Steel Sparkle

I have found everything but the space jump. If it's in this game, where is it?


[spoiler]Try the top-left corner of the Landing Site.[/spoiler]

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: andlabs on August 21, 2018, 11:03:03 AM
[spoiler]Try the top-left corner of the Landing Site.[/spoiler]
Alright, Thank you :3


And I found everything except for Screw Attack and Gravity.   A hint as to the location of one or both would be greatly appreciated.   Thanks!


[spoiler]Screw Attack is near the room with the fish. IIRC Gravity is too.[/spoiler]

Is there X-Ray Scope in this hack? As for me, IIRC I'm looking for one Missile Pack and one Power Bomb pack.


I have no freaking idea how I missed gravity.   It's right there.   Then you can immediately go get screw attack.   I saw that room but felt as if I needed gravity to navigate it.   Having gravity really would have made Draygon (and getting to him) WAY easier.   Dang. 

Current totals are 80 missiles, 10 SM, 15 PB and 6 ET.   I think I'm only missing two missile expansions and one ET.   Fun minihack right here. 

Edit:  Found the last e-tank and 2 more missile packs, so I think I'm now just missing one missile pack (I'm at 90), but man have I looked everywhere.   Also, in the most recent version, in addition to the Kraid room error there's an error where you can disappear off to the right in the room leading to the first super missiles and end up falling through the screen and out of bounds.   I was able to move around some and end up back in bounds. 


hey. posted a map (,5391) while waiting to play it soon. looks interesting. weird transition for crocomire and phantoon tho. guess coming from the left is for escape changing rooms a bit but from the right it gives you crocomire and "speedbooster" teleporting to the norfair area. funny how the map still works kinda this way!