How do you get used to Redesign Original after playing Axeil for so long?

Started by Foxhound3857, November 18, 2017, 12:37:20 PM

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I'm trying to love the original and really get into it, but the difference in physics really throws me off. You fall like a brick and you get almost no distance on a jump without a good running start. Original has no auto-morph, no auto-wallkick, and 30 second Ceres, which I actually prefer over Axeil as I felt it simplified the experience a bit too much, and Redesign was intended to be a difficult experience; all those subtle traits are part of it. But I just can't get used to the physics of the original Redesign. You fall so fast compared to Axeil, and the lack of ramp-up on small platforms doesn't help with the jumping at all.

Elminster says he prefers the original over Axeil, and it some ways I do (the original certainly has a much less frustrating Tourian), but I'm having such a hard time getting used to its physics. That was something that Axeil handled so much better, IMO, and going back to the way it was in the original is a hard transition to adjust to.

P.S: Does anybody know what the lowest percentage possible is in the original Redesign? When I finish this playthrough I'm tempted to give low% a try, if I've adjusted to the changes by then.


I just learned to put up and work with the gravity the best I could all while having background in a faster paced game like Smash Melee. Lots of practice too in order to solidify movements and techniques down to the small windows which are sometimes required; a two frame window walljump isn't ideal, but after a while you begin to realize your graced with the fact that it's easy to retry and not a one framer, unlike missile lake in vanilla SM. The biggest hurdle for myself when doing any kind of intensive run of Redesign though is the time sink, which is what eventually put me off of playing it any further.

As for low%, I believe Elm does currently have the lowest percent possible for RTA. I seem to recall some instance of ice+enemy clipping in Tourian for some absurdly difficult payoff for one lower percent. I also remember that there is only one single room in Maridia which requires Gravity Suit because of waterline and morphlock (yeah, imagine doing Redesign completely without Gravity :nope:). That stuff said, I've never been one to obsess over low% and was more about finding things that weren't intended within the level design. Redesign's item count wasn't simple enough (it's like 146 items... I think?) for me to actively go calculate or remember such numbers. Also because Mother Brain 1 glass tank math and the varying amount ammo expansions give counted together have always been numbers never entirely persistent in my head.

Edit: from a quick DM

[1:44 PM] ElminsterRTA: lowest I've done is 14.8%, 22/148 items
[1:45 PM] ElminsterRTA: that gets 15(2) / 8(4) / 3(3) ammo, not counting the escape missile

13.5% should be possible but I have not gotten around to putting up an actual proof of concept of it. It would only get 1 power bomb pack


I've pretty much just convinced myself to treat them as different hacks, as it was so much variation to really call them the same hack any more.


Quote from: Quietus on November 18, 2017, 01:36:38 PM
I've pretty much just convinced myself to treat them as different hacks, as it was so much variation to really call them the same hack any more.

Yeah, I kinda do have to play it differently. I'm nursing my Missile count so cautiously in the beginning, because Side Hoppers are such a huge threat and there's so little in the way of resources early on. And then there's Hell's Run too.

At least Tourian isn't so bad compared to the Axeil version.

Edit: I just fired up Axeil again right after playing the original Redesign, and man, the difference is night and day. The controls and the physics are so much smoother in Axeil, as opposed to Redesign where I literally have to fight with the controls to get Samus to move where and how I want her to move, from the game gutting her momentum when doing a running somersault to stopping dead in the air in the middle of wall-kicking. None of that is in Axeil, it's smooth like velvet.

Maybe Axeil has just spoiled me, but I don't feel like the physics or mechanics are smooth or fluid at all in Redesign, I feel like I have to constantly fight with the controls just to get Samus to cooperate with me. But part of that may just be because I haven't played any Metroid in over a year and I'm still rusty.


I'm still playing this one, and I just find myself getting more and more frustrated with it. After a good dozen or so attempts I finally escaped the Grapple Gauntlet, and a few more after that for the Speed Booster Escape. Then I get Wave Beam and decide to do a little Norfair collecting before I head for Crateria again.

So I use Speed Booster to break some blocks on the west side, where you fall into a tunnel leading to a shaft with a missile pack, one which requires the Grapple Beam to swing across to. And I know there's another missile pack tucked away in the lava in the room adjacent. So I jump in the lava to get the missile tank, because I have 6 e tanks and figure I can survive a lava bath.

Not only is the missile pack tucked into the highest corner, and therefore unreachable, but as it turns out, the lava is inescapable. There's a tiny little platform on the right just below the lava, which I can reach, but the incline next to it, because my feet are still in the lava, is impossible to jump to because the physics don't allow you to crest the waterline when you're at a certain depth. Long story short, I slowly boiled to death and threw my controller because I lost a good 30 minutes of progress, because I figured I was safe from death traps once I had Speed Booster and chose not to go back and save.

Why Elm prefers original over Axeil edition, I don't know. Norfair just has way too many deathtraps, too many situations where if you fall into the lava because of a mistake, you're dead. Period. Grapple Gauntlet has at least two, Speed Booster Escape has two, and there's probably others that probably shouldn't be, as I had the unfortunately luck to discover for myself. I hate that I literally have to fight with the controls and the mechanics of the game because the physics make everything so miserable.

I'm trying to like the original Redesign, I really am, but it keeps kicking me in the gutter and isn't playing fair.

P.S: I'm not using Savestates. I refuse to.


Quote from: Foxhound3857 on December 08, 2017, 12:30:14 PMWhy Elm prefers original over Axeil edition, I don't know.
It'd probably a simple case of experience and familiarity. You have to remember that Elminster has been playing the original time after time for years, and is probably not frustrating to him at all. He would probably find it difficult to adapt to a new hack that changed all the physics round again, much like you are with the Redesign.