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Room of the Month - November 2017

Started by Retroo, October 17, 2017, 03:09:27 AM

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Who won Room of the Month for November?




You appear to have missed a couple black filler tiles on the top right (close to the diagonal CRE)


making a room for this month(REMEMBER TO PUT IT IN THE POLL THIS TIME, MOD!)


Haha, hopefully I did this right.



I come here with one of my worse submissions to RoTM. I didn't do much this month really. Been focusing on other things.

anyways here goes:

Gonna replace the bg at some point in the future.
Also, the ship comes in like it did in Fusion.


Hey guys. This room is pretty basic (no new assets, vanilla tileset) but I figured I'd submit it because why not. Also provides a sneak peek of my upcoming hack. (Hopefully I formatted this submission correctly). Feel free to provide feedback/criticism if you like.


[spoiler=In-game screenshots]


EDIT: I have used forums before (not this one), and I have posted images on them before - yet I can't get the img tag to work on here for some reason. I'm probably doing something dumb and wrong, if anyone knows then feel free to enlighten me lol

EDIT2: Nevermind, got it figured out. Also made the main submission image smaller because the other one was probably too big. (No actual edits to the room were made).


Quote from: nodever2 on October 28, 2017, 04:07:24 PM
Hey guys. This room is pretty basic (no new assets, vanilla tileset) but I figured I'd submit it because why not. Also provides a sneak peek of my upcoming hack. (Hopefully I formatted this submission correctly). Feel free to provide feedback/criticism if you like.


[spoiler=In-game screenshots][/spoiler]

EDIT: I have used forums before, and I have posted images on them before - yet I can't get the img tag to work on here for some reason. I'm probably doing something dumb and wrong, if anyone knows then feel free to enlighten me lol

I'm a huge fan of those ruined tourian tiles. I'm always a fan of rooms with tilesets that are used beyond anything I could even attempt.. The purple crateria, however, could do with some work; you have 1 flat face, as well as a repeated slope, which both could do with different kinds of bumps. Also the bricks look very repetitive - try and embed them into the purple crateria rocks.
I'll send you a pic of one of my Nature rooms for reference if you like, but you'll have to wait until the morning.  :wink:

Quote from: Boomerang on October 27, 2017, 07:53:23 PM
Haha, hopefully I did this right.


Fuck me, that's goo-oooooood.


Time to sort the good fish from the bad fish!


In-game screenshots:

Been a while since I've posted image links to SMF, sorry for the several modifications!


Happy Halloween Metconst!
Also, here's a thing I did:


Boomerang, ofc you did it right, not only it looks greatz but the setup is  :yum:


Shouldn't voting have started by now? It's a week into November.


Yes, and it will, I've just been busy this last week, I'll have rotm updated soon


Congrats go to Scout on his chozo themed nestroid room for winning Rotm October!

Now, we've got some interesting rooms for November, so get voting!



Boomerang - Very solid room(s)! I really like how you follow the green pillars in the bg3 for the room design. Also the green kraid tiles in the bottom work nicely as a reference point for the player.
Hackmi - Interesting room. Not sure how it would play (having so much space under the ship seems odd), but the tileset it neat.
metroidnerd9001 - This room is kinda basic, and lacks variety in terrain design. However, the tilesets are used well to differentiate the different areas of the stairway.
moehr - I'm sorry, but these colors hurt my eyes. They are very bright and don't work well. I did however view your room in black and white, and the design doesn't seem half bad. Unfortunately the tileset ruins this one.
passarbye - It's a neat take on a mechanical room, and the tileset works nicely overall. However, some parts of the foreground blend in a bit too much with the background.
nodever2 - I like this mashup of tilesets, and the hill in the middle is integrated very well. Solid room.
retroo - This tileset is both cool and really weird at the same time. I like it but I also don't really understand the colors. Cool room design though.

My vote goes to nodever2


Boom : This is great, colors are good, the way you have a room inside a room placed there just fit nicely with the rest around it, the bottom tell you approach kraid or a new lookin place. Only thing is that nothing too fancy in the way you use the tiles, looks like a standard vanilla room which is good but I like to see more toying with the tileset around.

Hackmi : The organic feel is noice and the organic BG too. Too much big slopes and navigation seems hard, but I am here to judge the visual so my bad point lay more into that you forget to hide some GM (editor) visual indicators so I see some flashy red stuff that has nothing to do with the art.

MetroidNerd : The big thing to say there is make more rooms and come back here. That is a ok start but it looks more like a first pass or a good looking level design layout. I dont see a finished level art here, its too simple to compete. You can see that more time has been put into the bottom stairs part compared to the rest.

Moehr : Oh boy! That is... bad. I mean the color palette is the worst here. You broke the contrast rule and everything hurt. It looks like an image compression error where everything is too bright. However, I saw your ingame with the layer 3 color blend and it looks okay, so you should also post the ingame when the ingame looks different enough. The tiles are ok, I saw your other pictures of your project and I can see the eris feel goin for it, some of your recent pictures are really good, Id say keep on that track.

Passar : I love it, only problem is the FG/BG similarities as OneOf99 already told.

Nodever2 : Good start, just keep doin them and you will get pwetty. I like the mix, but it also clash ; where the bricks are really straight and undetailled, the metal parts is detailled and you have an organic part too. Then samus can travel from one part to another real quick and the change is too strong.

retroo : I like it, its weird and new in a way. Nice custom grapple blocks too. My grip with it is the different colors, I think you could play with em some more to get better results. Then I think you could crank up the amount of detail too.

Voted Boomerang, then it would be passarbye and then Hackmi


Voted for boomerang this month. As much as we like whatever fancy new flavour is available, sometimes you can't beat good ol' vanilla. :^_^:


boomerang: I wow. you'd think after all these years all vanilla tilesets would get boring. lesson learned: the tiles don't matter, it's all about what you do with them. it also looks like it'd play well, so that's a bonus.

hackmi: nice looking room, ditto for your tileset, but looks like it'd play terribly. I hope high jump is nearby, otherwise samus is stuck here. why would she have her ship hovering 15+ feet above the ground...?

metroidnerd901: eww. flat AF. get some curves, or GET OUT.


passerbye: nice overall, however, some of those platforms... should I say "stand out"? because they mesh with the background way better then the foreground. they stand back. yeah, I'll go with that.

nodever2: were there avalanches? did the space pirates start to build a base, give up, and build another base right next to it? what happened to that hill? this room looks like it has some backstory to it...

retroo: I have to say, this room is a good way, like it was supposed to be ugly. my biggest cratique would be the sandy tiles pop out more then I feel like they should. besides that, I'd give it a "meh".

nodever2 gets my vote, I need to hear the backstory for that room.