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Started by Mentlegen, August 06, 2017, 06:33:58 PM

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I have learned quite a few things about hacking in my time as a n00b, some of which i have had a great deal of trouble with. in order to prevent these tasks from being troublesome for others, i'm making this page so that these things that were hard to me may seem easier to you.

i have learned two main skills that i think are in need of a tutorial:

Pause skill suit palette changing


Setting up MSU1
(visit this page for a tutorial),4381.0.html

Pause suit palette changes:

In order to change samus's appearance in the pause menu, you must do two important things
1. Replace the tiles of Samus's green wireframe model with new tiles from project base Using TLP. (offset in TLP is 1B2E00)
2. Download and apply this code to your rom using xkas: LoROM

!PaletteLine = 1 ;Which line to save the new palette to
!PaletteBank = $B6 ;Bank for the palettes
!PaletteAddress = $F200 ;Address for the palettes. Each pallete is 1 line ($20 bytes). Order is Power, Varia, Gravity.

;Don't change stuff under here
org $82B5C5 : JSR SetupSuitColourOn
org $82B5E3 : JSR SetupSuitColourOff
org $8291BE : JSR SetupSuitColourLoad
org $82F70F
SetupSuitColourOn: JSR $A27E : BRA $03
SetupSuitColourOff: JSR $A29D : BRA $03
SetupSuitColourLoad: JSR $A615
Assume mx:%00
ApplySuitColour: PHX : PHY
LDX #$0004 : LDA $09A2 : BIT #$20 : BNE + : DEX #2 : BIT #$01 : BNE + : DEX #2
+ LDA #!PaletteBank*256 : STA $01 : LDA SuitIndex,X : STA $00
LDY #$00 : LDX #$00
- LDA [$00],Y : STA !PaletteLine*32+$7EC000,X
INY #2 : INX #2 : CPX #$20 : BCC -
SuitIndex: DW PowerPal,VariaPal,GravityPal
org !PaletteBank*65536+!PaletteAddress
PowerPal: Skip #$20
VariaPal: Skip #$20
GravityPal: Skip #$20

Now that you applied the code, and replaced the tiles, open SMILE RF (JX seems to have a problem with I'm a genius addresses)

In SMILE RF, open the palette editor. Choose the dropdown that says "im a genius"

Enter the value B6F200 in the first box and FF in the second box.

If done correctly, all spaces will be white ( blank )

Download and patch proj. base to a clean rom. Then go to the same address (B6F200 FF)

Copy or Export this palette

Go back to SMILE RF, and go back to the palette editor window at adress B6F200 FF

Import the palette that you just saved or copied to address B6F200 FF

Your game should now change samus's suuit palette on the pause menu

These colors are what you want to match from samus's sprite to the pause menu

The middle of samus's shoulder is color 1 from left to right ( the yellow ) and the other two are darker as shown in these pictures
Try making these colors in this picture

match the colors in this picture

Basically, take the colors from samus's sprite (picture 1) and put them into these slots in B6F200

I will update this page with more info as i learn more.

hope this helped! Feel free to PM me with questions.


Though I didn't take the time to read all of what you've wrote, there does seem to be some good information in here. As such, I'll take this opportunity to remind people of two things:

1. I encourage you to add this (and any other useful information) to the MetConst Wiki.
2. For the everyone else, please don't forget our local Grime has put a ton of effort into writing and revising the Super Metroid Mod Manual.

Good stuff. Happy hackin' y'all.