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SukuArt - NES style

Started by squishy_ichigo, January 29, 2017, 11:08:11 AM

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So, I was goofing around the other day, converting a samus image to using three colors, and decided I wanted to goof around some more.

So, I present to you, a bunch of images I stole from other people, pixelated, converted to NES palettes, and shrunk. Yep.



I think they turned out pgud. I tried to challenge myself a bit, and pick images that had a lot of different colors, and I had to pick and choose the best ones to make the image look good.

edit: changed the same of the thread, because I'll probably be making more, of things not related to Samus.
also, added links to all the original images that I used, so you can compare the before/after (click the image)


I think they all look great, actually! my favorite one would be #3, but #4 is a close second


They would actually work in a NES game too, provided that the graphic(s) are reduced to fit in the available tile limitations.  NES screen tool can be used to convert them into tiles. 


Round Two. Fight!



Personally, I like the more colorful ones the best. The pursuer didn't come out as well as I'd have liked, but I'm pretty satisfied with the rest of them.

Vismund Cygnus

Oh my god. The Solaire one, I love it! These are actually surprisingly awesome, keep them coming!


The one with the two knights and the pinkish sky is great. :cool:


The Darkwraith is my favourite. Also I like how you linked to the original art.


Episode Three



I think this set is my favorite so far, lots of different emotions, and vibrant colors. Not to mention, that Burgerpants picture might be one of my favorite images ever.

Stay tuned for the next episode.


This art is awesome. It's handmade right?


If you did some reading of what he said you'd know that he takes other artworks and then makes new art out of it via colour detraction, etc. The originals are even linked if you click on the images.  :T_T:


I used my hands to make it... does that count? :^)



Limited myself to VII-X, since those are the ones I know the best.

I don't know what I want to do next... maybe animu?


Im in love with this art. Nice work Ichigo.


What's your process for breaking these arts down to three colors + black?  Are you using Photoshop?


The process is simple enough. Using Gimp, I import the url as an image, then pixelate it a certain amount depending on the size of the original image. Next, I index the colors to 16 to give myself a more manageable number of things to edit. After that, I shrink the image down so the pixel depth matches how pixelated I made it. Then, I just take the nes-colors that I have saved as an image I have opened in paint so I can colorpick the colors, and change them in Gimp. From there its just trying to find the best colors to use, which is the hardest part. After I'm finished, I convert it to a 4 indexed palette, and export as a .png.

I save the urls in a .txt file so its easy to grab them when I make my posts. All the images are numbered 1-15, and the url entries are labeled the same way, so there's no confusion. I save all of the images from each collection in a separate folder, I'm really big on trying to keeping things organized like that.