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Started by TobiMikami, December 14, 2022, 09:39:02 PM

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This version of my engine is where I left off when I updated to Studio, plus the very basic death controls I just put in the main game/engine and an abridged title card with my screen name. You can see the more up to date, near finished version of the intro card/title/main menu here:
1. This version is nowhere near as advanced as the version you see in my videos, but if you want to get into building Metroid games with Game Maker being a free code engine, your only hardware limitations are that of your PC, and maybe GMS 1.4, bringing me to;
2. This code was updated to GMS 1.4 from GM 8.1, There may be functionality changes in GMS2, if you choose to port this to GMS2 and not GMS 1.4, I have no idea what may cease to function, and it will be on you to convert this code, as I have NO intentions of converting this engine again, until I finish The Tallon IV Project. 1.4 has every bit of the capabilities I feel I need to create this game, 8.1 did not. It's taken me months now just to become acquainted with this software and still discovering new functions I didn't have access to before. AM2R was originally started in GM 8 and earlier, Doc ported to Studio before he completed the game. More than capable software of doing almost anything you can dream, draw, and program.
3. If you find any glitches, you can report them and I'll attempt to see if I have a fix in the current version. I may make some minor updates to this public release, as there will be more engine development concurrent with the development of The Tallon IV Project. I'm only doing so if it'll be relatively copy and paste, however.
4.Those who have already released a complete, quality hack or fan game, and want to take the step to the next level, you can request a copy of the current version privately. I am releasing this version because the resources in it I don't mind releasing at this point, some of the rest of my stuff is specifically for this game, having drawn these HUD screens and such from nothing, I'd like to be able to at least use them in my game, before they pop up in a million half ass "fan games" made by 12 year old kids. I have stated before I will release the full game source when it's done, rooms and all. That projected date is 1-2 years. This game has been in development in its earliest form as an SM hack in 2014. We are more than the long haul through this now, it largely comes down to level design from here.
5. I will answer your questions to the best I can, but the GameMaker manual of all the code functions online will tell you how to use GML. If it's not related specifically to the engine itself, that's where I'll be sending you.
6. Have fun, enjoy, and most importantly, if you make a game with this, all i ask is I be the first to play it lol.