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Contest Idea (Move to Appropriate Thread PLS)

Started by Palmy_Risen, January 08, 2018, 10:53:03 PM

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For the Record, this jk16bit_palmy_ on an alt. account, as i forget to change my email address, my then email provider had switched to a paid subscription-based model and deleted emails who did not cough up dough. So i no longer can access that email to reset my old password to login f**king i'm looking at you, you sonuvab**ch
Anyway, with that introduction out of the way, i was watching a TAS of MST's SLG when i had a nifty contest idea strike. I quickly took to my trusty keyboard and vomited typed this up as a result. So here goes nothing. This Contest Idea (if liked) has no determined date, as I will let mods and modders alike decide that date, as i assume several months will be needed to complete.

The Story:
[spoiler] Samus has traveled to the farthest depths of the galaxy, in search of planets that have been sieged by Space Pirates. She lands on a planets so dark that light from that galaxies sun hardly reaches the planets surface. The planet has little means of light- perfect for the pirates to go un-noticed and resurrect mother-brain once more. Infiltrate this dark planet and stop the space pirates from resurrecting Mother Brain. [/spoiler]

Features: [spoiler]
- This is a DARK Theme. Players must have difficulty seeing rooms whilst still being able to play.
- Minimum room limit of 25 rooms.
- Rooms can only be entered ONE way.
- Rooms may have a maximum of only 2 full (4-tile) doors and 1 single-door tile (for traps, hidden passages, etc)
- Rooms that contain a vertical door must have a horizontal door and vise versa.
- Rooms with items must contain 2 items, those two item must not be of the same value, quantity or type (meaning no room can have just 1 item, and cannot be 2 minors or two majors)
- No two minor items are allowed to have the same amount or identical within 3 units (i.e if one Super pack gives 3 supers, the next can NOT give 1, 2, 4 or 5 supers.
- All unit TOTALS must be THE SAME (i.e 20 missiles, 20 supers, 20 PB's)
- Each Major Item must stay at least 5 transitions apart.
- Must have at least 3 bosses. At least ONE boss must have double health, and ANOTHER must have half health, but can only be harmed by 1 type of projectile.
- Rooms must Progress in lethality. NO EXECPTIONS (exception being boss rooms and 1 room away from boss rooms). How that is decided is up to you.
- Rooms cannot have ANY vanilla spikes. Get creative- make your own.[/spoiler]

*Optional Challenges* (If you choose to make your hack have some challenge in it or make yours a challenge hack, you must use at least 3 options)
[spoiler]- Use The x-ray scope as the only means to see. Bosses excluded UNLESS otherwise able/desired.
- One boss must be EXTREMELY hard to see.
- Health can not exceed 399 Units
- 1 Physic must be altered
- Players have no map. Mini or Large.
- ALL (if possible) drops shall be EXTREMELY Reduced. YOU MUST HAVE 3 DEDICATED Recharge Stations/ Refill Rooms for health and ammo to choose this challenge.
- After a door is entered, it becomes locked. Condition to unlock is left up to the creator.
- No Vanilla Anything. This includes physics, palettes or tiles. Bosses, Ship and extremely difficult things to change are excluded. [/spoiler]


Reminds me of Blackout. That was interesting to run as a novelty, but it kinda reduces appeal.


Indeed, though i'm not going for a FULL blackout- most just severely reduced visibility. Making really good use of many skills. Blackout was novel in its own sense though, but your right, it did get old quite quickly. Hence why i'm going less for a full blackout, and more of a different concept here. Dark doesn't always mean pitch back. :bounce: Making it a contest makes modders think different, as no one wants to see several blackouts. I think it gives potential to a different kind of creative throughput. Humble opinion though- and my personal lack of modding skills makes my world less credible yet as a player important i hope. my 2 cents.