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Metroid Insurrection

Started by liamnajor, November 23, 2016, 08:19:50 PM

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I am planning to use these sprites instead of stock fusion suit samus for my game:


My laptop overheated. I opened it up, and it turns out, the CHARGER PORTS pins had melted. I have another laptop, but guess what I forgot to back up? THE ENTIRE PROJECT. I have to restart.(on a positive note, the change of sprites was going to require an almost full rewrite of the engine, so this gives me an opportunity to optimize for the new sprites)


The destruction of my hp forced me to restart. I realized I need a method to back up my data constantly so this doesn't happen a 3rd time. Also, the issue of single platform compilation from GDevelop was too glaring to ignore. So, I have set up a repository on Github ( and am using the Crafty.js javascript game library to make my game, with to compile for all platforms. I'll even be making it for Chrome OS. The repository is not finished, and won't be ready for commits until tomorrow.


I finished set up of the Github repository.


Quote from: liamnajor on January 19, 2017, 11:08:19 AM
My laptop overheated. I opened it up, and it turns out, the CHARGER PORTS pins had melted. I have another laptop, but guess what I forgot to back up? THE ENTIRE PROJECT. I have to restart.(on a positive note, the change of sprites was going to require an almost full rewrite of the engine, so this gives me an opportunity to optimize for the new sprites)


could you provide us with what laptop it is?



adding co-op 2 player multiplayer. player 2 will have this sprite:


Damn son, where'd you find this? That's the most photorealistic shit I've ever seen! I've always wanted to play as a Galactic Federation Trooper, they seem really neat, but they never made a game with them in it as playable characters, so I was always really disappointed....

So, is coop gonna be online capable, I don't have any real friends, so I couldn't play locally.  Besides, local multiplayer is shit anyways, what, you have both players screenlocked to the same small ass screen? How do you even play that shit, what an awful idea. It must be online, yup. Good shit man, good shit.

Also, I'm noticing GFT doesn't have any crawling animations.... if samus can morph, and GFT can't even crawl, that's a pretty large power gap. Or is that intentional? Like, maybe GFT is supposed to be played completely differently, and has a completely different playstyle from samus, who has all those really neat chozopowered upgrades. Damn, that's deep.


There will actually be specific roles unique to Samus and the troop(who is going to have a name by than), respectively. For example, there will be bosses that only Samus can fight, and vice versa, and some they will both fight.


OH GOD I'M SO HAPPY! one of my friends got my project files recovered from my busted laptop, AND compiled GDevelop to javascript so I can use it on any platform. I've also figured out how to publish cross platform in GD. I'll post a video on youtube in 2 weeks, and my windows, mac, and android builds of my engine.


I've decided to stick with javascript, because it gives me MUCH more control over the game. My first build is almost ready, and I'll be compiling it soon. Just need to finish the sound effects code.


1) photobucket's a mess and poorly formatted links to your photobucket profile

2) i was going to be nice and fix that for you using postimg instead but these images are unrealistically tiny because you must have scaled them, and in one case they were corrupt.


Quote from: FelixWright on February 16, 2017, 04:42:10 PM
1) photobucket's a mess and poorly formatted links to your photobucket profile

2) i was going to be nice and fix that for you using postimg instead but these images are unrealistically tiny because you must have scaled them, and in one case they were corrupt.
no, I left them at default.......


I have some family matters to sort out and am going on a little break from this. don't worry, i'll be back! Just not for about a month.


anyone willing to help, I'm collaborating with HASSAN HaKMI. we have set up a discord:


So, about my current progress. I've decided to build an editor based on Metroid Feat Editor( within my game. I've already found a tile map editor, a photo editor, and a music editor. They are very basic, but they work. I'll have an update within 1 more month. It is currently a nonworking prototype, but if someone asks, I'll post a download link. I'm also setting up a separate github repository. Screenshots soon.



Sorry I've been quit about my engine for so long. I'm extending the running and jumping animations, which takes time. I'm about an eighth done. I'll most likely have a working engine to release in 1-2 months. I have nothing new that's complete enough to show.


so, it's been a while. here's what I've been up to:
it's far from done, but at least there's progress.


That GF trooper sprite is inferior to the one Physix made, if you are able to fit all of these frames in this could be one of the best engines out there!!
(Has more frames, nicer look, better smoothed edges, much much nicer colours)


If anyone would like to join our (new) server, please come around :)

Im not too much help at the moment, just until Liam gets his laptop fixed, or gets a brand new one.

I made a room loader function and made a tile map editor that exports to Crafty.js(NOTE: that is my old engine, I just loaded in a room to test the room itself and the loader. the black aroun some tiles is for debug, my new engine will not have the blackness or lack of wall collisions. seriously, that engine is a mess.)


Can't wait to see the new progress with the new improved engine.


the new engine is not ready, and won't be for up to a month.


Oh, will it be as smoooooth as MEngine seeming as you are using the same sprites, will gameplay be similar (physics etc)?