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Sanis teh Urin [CANCELLED]

Started by squishy_ichigo, November 12, 2016, 10:39:37 PM

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Sanis teh Urin [CANCELLED]
This story is dead, sorry anyone who liked it, but I can't be assed to finish it.

Table of Contents:
Chapter One - The Mission (below)
Chapter Two - In Captivity
Chapter Three - Many Things
Chapter Four - Old Flame
Chapter Five - An Escape
Chapter Six - New Beginnings
Read the rest of the plot I had planned here:,4150.msg58121.html#msg58121

Full Book - Chapters 1-6
Full Audio Book - Chapters 1-6

Bonus Art:
Original Artwork that inspired the series
Character Bio
Knuxtro Life Cycle
Official Sanis Theme Song
Sanis To Be Continued


[spoiler=Chapter One - The Mission]9:18 PM - 11/12/16

Sirens blared, as the police intercepters rounded the alley's corner. Their tires squealed as they they spun out, before course correcting and accelerating again. The purple colored porupine was waiting for them, and with a few well aimed shots, made quick work of her pursuers. The giant logs crashed heavily into their windshields, crushing the drivers instantaniously, causing their vehicles to spin wildly before crashing into the surrounding walls.

Sanis smirked, it was no interest of hers if they lived or died. If they had minded their own business none of this would have happened. With the power of her styling kicks, in a single bound, she leapt onto the top of a nearby building. More sirens could be heard in the distance, but she'd be long gone before they arrived. She survied her surroundings using her cybornetically enhanced vision, and found her target.

Trump tower.

She imagined he would be sleeping at this hour, nestled soundly in his warm bed, dreaming of the future that awaited him. But little did he know the awful truth. She had been sent here personally to assassainate the president-elect, by the galacatic federation. His recent win in the presidential election was not supposed to happen, the federation had made sure that he would lose. And yet here we were. She hadn't been filled in on quite how it had happened, but she suspected meme magic had something to do with it. Those ignorant bastards, they had no idea the power they weilded. But it wasnt her job to deal with them, no, she was here for one singular purpose.

She leapt from rooftop to rooftop, making her way to the shining structure. Her thoughts shifted to what she would do after she was finished here. The portal would be open for another thirty minutes or so, but if she wasn't able to make it back in time she would be in trouble. She doubted anyone would stumble into it unknowingly, but it wasnt exactly hidden. She had emerged on this planet in a restroom in the center of the cities large park. At this hour, it was unlikely anyone would find it, but if they did there would be in for a nasty surprise if they were courageous enough to step through. The though itself made her chuckle a bit.

Sanis was there.

She had been informed he lofted on the top floor, and with a blast of her wood beam, she was in. She was unconcerned with how much noise she was making, she wouldn't be here very long. The place was gaudy, this mans tastes in furnishing was awful. She dismissed these thoughts, and using her night vision quickly made her way to the master bedroom. The bedroom door was no match for her, and with a wide smile she entered the room.

. . .

It was empty. This couldn't be right! The smile quickly left her face as she turned to check the other rooms. Empty. Empty. Empty! Panic was beginning to settle in. What was going on. Could she have been giving faulty infomation? Was it possible that they had known she was coming? Or even worse, was she being set up?


She turned to face her challenger, arm cannon raised in anticipation. It was him. Donald J. Trump himself, with a smirk on his face. She didn't hesitate for a moment, a flurry of wooden beams ejected from her left arm, and crashed into the wall, as The Don evaded each and every one. He was behind her in an instant, and with a single punch, she was sent flying, crashing into a luxourios coffee table.

'I didn't expect they'd send an amatuer as bad as you,' he said with a chuckle.

In a fit of anger, she left from the debris and ran right at him, guns blazing. But it was all for naught. To her surprise, a humanoid with an eagle head formed itself in front of The Don, and each beam turned to ash as it hit its firery body. It wasn't possible! Trump was a stand user!?

'I applaude you effort, but you see, you never had a chance!'

She had to get out of there.

She quickly dodged the plumes of fire that the eagle-man fired out of its mouth. She was cornered, but she had a plan. With a few presses of her hologram console, she switched her armorments. The wall she was hiding behind couldnt hold out any longer, and came crushing down on where she had been sitting moments before. But she was ready now; with a stylish roundhouse kick, sparks flew as Trump's stand was sent flying across the room.

It was all the time she needed, she threw herself into the window, and began plummeting into the streets below. She repositioned herself, and kicked off of the side of the building, landing safely on a nearby rooftop. She looked up to Trump Tower. There was smoke pouring out of the top, but it didn't seem that he was giving chase.

She turned off Screw Kick, and and let out a audiable sigh.

She had failed.

There was still enough time to get back to the portal, but did she really want to? There was no way that the Galactic Federation didn't know Trump was a stand user. She must have been setup after all. But why? Did someone want her dead? Police sirens could be heard again in the distance, and soon they would be near. It was time she got out of there.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Author Notes]
I blame project. Also MBT808. But here we are. Some backstory in case you are completely clueless.
I recently made a shitpost poking fun at MBT808 for his deviantart watermarks by making a shitty Sonic 'Original Character' that was dressed as samus, here:,4149.msg56508.html#msg56508
Mildy amused by my own antics, I then went and made a shitty sprite by combining a super sonic sprite from sonic 3, with a sprite of samus from super metroid, it is currently in my avatar. Upon discussing my clownshit antics on irc, project asked if I had made any lore for Sanis. To which I just had to write shitty fanfiction, what else would I do.

If you bothered to read this, then good for you, you've descended into my special little corner of hell. I'll probably write some more chapters in the near future, as its mildly amusing to do so.

Sanis' backstory will be revealed over time, and the plot line is sure to be stupid as fuck.

Official Artwork for Chapter One

Audio Book - Chapter One


[spoiler] sanis fullb ody[/spoiler]

[spoiler] sanis face closup[/spoiler]

[spoiler] sanis modern art[/spoiler]

profesiional fan art i take commisions 300$ per colour black is 500$


Umm we need a love intress   and a  scenes with hott sannis on gurl action. then Mayybe this will start   to get gud


[spoiler]Actually, this does seem a little bit too tidy, coherent, and legible. If you're gonna be an idiot, go all the way![/spoiler]

Sanus fan art is already here lets go


I was pretty unsatisfied with the last picture I drew and tried again. this is working better I think


[spoiler=Chapter Two - In Captivity]
-489 Years Prior-

Sanis was covered in the milky red fluids of her prey. The Knuxtro Queen laid dead before her, and her mission was complete. She took out a cigette and lit it with a snap of her fingers. It had been a long journey, and all her companions had died along the way, but it sure felt good that it was finally over. They had slaughtered all of them, even the unborn eggs. The Federation was pretty scared that tese things were gonna be threat to the galexy, and after fighting so many of them, she could see why. Their climbing abililites and their capacity to glide, despite their massive weight, was only furthered by there impressive fighting prowless. To think that a nonsapient species, without any technology, could be powerful enough to give the Federation trouble.

As she took a long hit, she heard a odd sound in the cavern behind the Queen. She tossed it aside, and jumped to her feet. Her HUD had said that they were all killed, but the counter had increased again.


She made her way to the back of the cave, and saw a unhatched Knuxtro egg. She quickly switched back to Flame Sword, and stabbed the egg repeatedly as it screeched in pain. The counter returned to zero. Had she missed any others? Why had this one not desplayed for her like all the other eggs had?

'Sanis, do you read me?'

Sanis sighed, 'what is it Shadow?'

'We beleive that there may be an unhac--'

'All ready killed it.'

A long pause. 'Sanis, we had hoped that you could bring it ba-'

'I already killed it.'

Shadow sighed. 'Very well, it can't be helped. Please return to the ship to begin debreifing'

Sanis chuckled as she closed coms. She had always hated that peice of garbage, and it was nice to hear him upset about something that was clearly his own fault for not having told her sooner.


On board the SS Anna, no longer in her battle armor, Sanis made her way to her room. Those bastards had kept her in debreifing for hours, making her drone on and on about the mission, like she didnt have footage of everything that happened. She really hated the people that worked on this ship, she could swear they were doing it just to piss her off.

As the automated door to her room opened to her bioscan, she saw a figure on her laying on her bed. As the light turned on, she could see that it was her son's corpse lying helpless drenched in his own blood. Sanis let out a loud gasp.

'Com- Commander Shadow! I have a pro-' She began, shouting into her coms.

'What now? I'm busy at the moment I'd real-'

'Our son is dead!'

A long pause. 'Are you sure?'

Sanis walked over to the bed and placed her fingers on the lifeless remains of her offsprings chest. After a few secounds she responded, 'Yes, I'm sure!'

Another long pause. 'This is unfortuate news, I am very ups-'


'Let me assure you, I am very upset about this Sanis.'

'How could this have happened!? Get the room footage! Call the-'

'Sanis, calm down. The camera in your room has been broken for weeks now, we've been over th-'



'Sanis, you need to calm down. You know how busy I am, I can't come down there right now. I'll send the meidical team down, they should be their shortly.'

Sanis flipped off her coms in a fit of rage. That rat bastard was always like this. Never caring about anything related to her. He probably even knew what had happened here, and was keeping it to himself. It made her so mad!


Upon reaching the Federation outpost Triple Koppa, Sanis had already determined that she was done with Shadow. The medical team had deterimed that the cause of death was suicide, but she knew what she'd seen. There was no way that that scene she had walked into had been caused by a suicide. No, Shadow knew something, and was keeping it from her. Just like he always did. This was the final straw.

The outpost was a space station, an important hub for offical federation business in this sector. She had been here a few times before, and knew where a few bars were at, one of which she was heading to now.

Sanis needed to get away from all those fools. She wasn't offically a member of their team, she was hired for this job for her exceptional skills. She and Shadow had been seperated for many years, him with custody of their son. She could only imagine what he must of thought of her all these years. She had hoped that she could spend some time with him after the mission.

After several rounds of hard liquor, she looked out of the space port out to the stary emptyness of space. As she staired out at the vast emptyness, she noticed a large containter being unloaded off the SS Anna. Largely uncaring, she went to chug another round, but then noticed that there were bars on the container. It was some sort of cage. And something was moving around inside of it.... It sorta looked like.... No. She was probably seeing shit, she was pretty drunk.


Her alarm awoke Sanis up with a pounding headache. She had definately downed too many at the bar. She got out of bed and put on her pipe boots. Her battle armor was really just a energy materialized projection from her boots, and she could summon it at her leasure, as long as she was wearing her boots anyways. She never went anywhere without them, she only took them off to sleep and bathe. She wasn't entirely sure why they were called that, but it likely had something to with their origin. Her instructors years ago had given them too her, and she cherished them as the only reminder she had of the time they spent togehter.

'Sanis, this is Commander Shadow.'

She didn't want to answer him. 'Sanis, please respond.'

So she didn't. She set her coms to silent and went back to sleep.


Sirens were blaring. It woke Sanis immediately. How long had she been sleeping? But more importantly, why were the alarms going off.


What the hell was going on now. She turned her coms back on, and paged Shadow.

'Where the hell have you been Sanis.'

'I was sleeping, I had a hango-'

'You know you're not supposed to sleep with your coms off. We are in a very extreme situation now, and it could have been avoided if you had responded to me earlier. I can't talk at the moment, but I am very upset with you right now.' As he ended the call.

'Well fuck you too.'

She powered up her battle armor, and began making her way to the portal room. She had no idea what to expect, so she was preparing for the worst. There was a lot of people panicing and running down the hall. She followed after them.

Upon getting most of the way to the evacuation point, the airlocks began to close around her. She watched as someone was crushed to death right in front of her eyes. This was bad. Very bad. Where they under attack? She powered up her Flame Sword and cut a hole into the airlock. Only about a hundred more to go.

After making her way through about a dozen or so doors, she could hear pounding coming form a few doors ahead of her. A very loud pounding, whatever was making it was very big.


No. It couldn't be. Could it?  How could it. She had killed all of them. Not to mention, how would they have even gotten on board?

The crate.

She hadn't been seeing things after all. That bastard Shadow had smuggled Knuxtros onto the space station. No wonder he was freaking out. Something had gone wrong and now they were destroying the entire station.


She smiled for the first time since she'd finished her mission. She cut through the few rooms leading up to the groutesque creature, and then cut into its gelatious guts with her sword. The ones in this stage were pretty easy to kill. There were a few dead bodies with their innards eaten out laying in a pool of blood beside her.

Suddenly, the airlocks opened up. She could see the portal room up ahead. She didn't stop to question why the airlocks had suddenly opened, she just made a mad dash to evacuate.

The portal room was covered in blood.

Bodies were strewn about all over the place. The scene was horrific. And it could only mean one thing. The Knuxtros had already made it through the portal. Which is why they probably opened the airlocks, since it was too late anyways.


She turned around and saw Commander Shadow, holding his side. 'This is your fault isn't it Shadow.'

A long pause. He looked at her with disgust.

'No Sanis, this is your fault. If you had answered my c-'

'SHUT THE HELL UP YOU PEICE OF SHIT!' She screamed pointing her arm cannon at him.

'Sanis. This isn't the time to play around. This situati-'

'Fuck you. You know what? I bet you had something to do with David's death too didn't you, you peice of shit!'

'Sanis, this is redic-'

She wouldn't have anymore of that. She turned on her Flame Sword and gutted him. His face twisted in agony, and then he fell to the floor.

She smiled. And then walked through the portal.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Author Notes]
Thanks for the fan art guys, great stuff! I added some fan-service in this chapter, from some of the suggestions that people had on irc. Hope you enjoyed it! Also, David actually does kill himself. :^)

I may and or may not do some official artwork displaying certain events that happen in the story.
Official Art has been added for both chapters, and the Original Artwork has been added to the original post. I may and or may not do bonus artwork that is not related to the plot of the story, but each chapter will have Official Artwork.

Official Artwork for Chapter Two

Audio Book - Chapter Two


and then jhon became a zombie.

so umm where is the baby?


[spoiler=Chapter Three - Many Things]
-36 Years Later-
-453 Years Prior-

Sanis stopped walking down the long hallway and looked out the window at the flying vehicles outside.

Her meeting with the council couldnt have gone worse. They were considered the highest order in the galaxy, despite having no real authority in Federation matters. But they had a twisted outlook on things, and wouldn't even consdier helping her. She had come before them for help with bringing her decieced son back to life. She knew that there were methods, but that these were secrets of the highest magnitude. She had hoped they would understand, and help her, but that was a mistake. Yoda was particularly infuriating, with his redicoulous speech patterns you could barely understand what he was trying to say. But the bottom line wasnot just 'No', it was 'How stupid can you possiblely be to think that we would even consider it.'

She was out of options now. This had been the last avenue she could travel in her efforts. She was depressed, and she was angery. What would she do now? Just give up? How could she just let this go, her son had been murdered and his assalent had never been found. She had taken it out on Shadow, but she didnt know how much he had been involved. She should have tried a bit harder to get more information out of him.

'Excuse me, but are you the fabled Sanis teh Urin?'

She spun around and saw a service drone standing behind her. 'What of it?'

'My master has requested your presence! It envolves a delecate matter and he would like to speak with you on it in private.'

'Who is your master?'

'The respectable Senator Palpatine! He has heard of your great exploits and wishes to meet with you!'

She didn't know how to feel. Why would some federation senator want to speak with her for, did he have a mission for her? It wouldnt be in her best interest to ignore a summons from a high ranking member of the senate.

'Fine, take me to him then.'


'Welcome, welcome! I have heard a great deal about your acomplishments Sanis teh Urin!'

'Please, just call me Sanis.'

'As you wish.' The senator seemed in high spirits. Most people she met with to discuss jobs with were usually pretty sullun.

'What did you want?'

Palpatine chuckled to himself. 'You aren't one for formalities it would seem. To the point then. It has come to my attention that you are looking for a way to bring someone back to life.'

He looked directly into sanis' eyes with a serious face now. 'As a way of paying my respects to you for all you have done for our great galaxy, I would like to share some infomation with you that I have happened across over the years.'


She wasn't sure how he had found out about her problem, but this was the first real lead she had found. 'Go on.'

'Reversing death is troublesome, even more so if the corpse is not accessable, which I beleive is the case for you?'

He knew too much.

Had she told anyone that much? She couldn't remember, but she certainly hadn't brought it up with the jedi council, which is where she had assumed he had heard of her quest.

'Yes, thats right.'

Palpatine smiled. 'Well, it just so happens, I do know of a way to bring a person back to life in these cercumstances, however it is not for the feint of heart.' He paused.

'I'm listening.'

'A coullege of mine gave me a very powerful relic many years ago, a very dangerous relic. It can reshape the very fabrics of reality. I have been safeguarding it for many years now, but I would like you to use it, if you so desire.'

'How dangerous are we talking here.'

'You see, this relic is a deck of cards, each one with a unique and powerful effect. A person declares to draw a number of cards from the deck, then does so, after which the deck dissapears and reaapears in a random place somewhere else in the galaxy.'


The level of Meme Magic infused in that relic must be incrediable. Portals required an large ammount of magical energies to travel across the long distances of space, and yet this deck of cards could do it, in addition to a number of other things?

'Furthermore, to answer your question. The effects of each of these cards range spectacularly. Some are fairly trevial, while others are powerful enough to completely destroy the user, or worse. However, the risk has a spetacular reward. One of the cards is capable of granting any wish the user so desires.'


But why was the senator willing to part with such a powerful item? It was true that Sanis had done much over the last several decades to save the galaxy, but she had been rewarded propionately.

'Why haven't you used it yourself?'

Palpatine laughed.

'I am far to worried about the negative concequences of course. True, the potential to have any wish granted is a tempting offer, but a man of my nature is not so easily swayed into potentially destroying everything I have worked for over the years for such a chance.'

'Why me?'

Palpatine turned away from Sanis, and stared out the window.

'Truth be told, I am curious to see if its all true or not. I hadn't given it to anyone else before now becasue I didn't think they deserved the oppurtunity, or that they didn't have the right mentality to use it.'

She smirked.

He knew far to much about her. He was careful enough to sidestep his way around it, but she could just tell. He probably knew everything. Not just the 'good' things, like her reputation as a defender of the galaxy, but the bad things too. Who was this man? Did he have altear motives?

'Do you have it here now?'

Palpatine turned to face Sanis again, with a wide smile on his face.

'No, its not here, I wouldnt leave such a powerful relic in my possession. But I can have you escorted to its location.'

'Please do.'


It had taken her nearly a week to travel to the distant planet in hyper-space. She could imagine why he hadn't given her a portal to it instead. Portals could be more easily traced. And he was hiding something. That much was clear.

She landed her ship in a clearing nearby the cordinates she had been given. In addition to its location, she had been given a tracking device app upgrade, that was capable of pinpointing the location of highly concentrated points of magical energy.

The ruins of the ancient temple were surronded by a vast jungle of trees. This clearing had likely been made for the exact purpose of landing this close to the ruins. Palpatine had warned her that the temple was guarded, and had given her a device that was to deactive the security features.

She climbed the many stairs leading to the entrance and then stopped in her tracks. The massive statues standing on either side of the opening were familiar to her. She had seen them many times in her childhood, while she was training were her instructors.

This was a Space Jockey temple.

She took out the device she had been given, and the glowing green eyes of the statues faded away. Her thoughts turned to her childhood as she made her way through the temple.

The Space Jockeys had raised her to be a warrior. They had taken her in after a major disaster had struck the galaxy, apparently she had been prophcized in their scriptures or something. It was from them that she had recived her powerful Pipe Boots. It was a powerful magical item, that they had been safeguarding for eons. With this, she had been helping to save the galaxy ever since, just as they had trained her to.

It was close now.

The ruins were pitch black, but she had her Darkvision visor equipped, and it was easy enough to navigate her way through the ruins. She entered into a massive room, she couldnt see the ceiling, but large columns were scattered through out the room. And straight ahead was the relic.

100 meters. 70 meters. 50 meters. 20. 10.

There it was. A highly decerated box, which held the Deck of Many Things. She carefully removed the lid, and took a deep breath.

'Two cards.'

The deck exploded with light, blinding her momentarily. She switched off Darkvision, and could see that the relic was producing a great deal of light now. She drew the first card.


Instantly after reading the card, it dissapeared from her hand, and a pile of jewlery fell to her feet. She was grateful that it hadnt been one of the bad cards, but she had no interest in these trinkets. She drew her second card.


As the card dissapeared, a swirl of magical energies centered behind her. The light in the room was gone now, the relic had already transported itself away. She had failed. She had limited herself to only two cards to try and keep the risk of drawing bad cards to a minimum, but not only had she not drawn the card she had wanted, she had drawn one of the bad ones.

As she turned to face her new enemy, she switched Darkvision back on. Standing before her was a a ghostly humanoid skeleton clad in a tattered black robe and carrying a spectral scythe. She fired a birage of oaken logs at her opponent as she began to strafe around it. It floated into the air, avoiding her blasts, and then made its way at her, scythe at the ready.

Sanis switched to Flame Sword and rushed the creature, slicing the air so near its skull. Its ghostly weapon came crashing down, but was repelled by the energies of her battle armor. She watched as her energy reserves fell on her HUD, and then spun around for a second strike. This time, her firely energy blade made contact, cleaving the skeleton diagonally in two. The top half, slid away, collaping to the ground and scattering its bones. The other half however was still grasping the scythe, and flew high into the room.

She couldnt guess its game, but she switched back to Wood Beam, and began firing repeatdly at it. As she did so, it decended, swaying left and right evading her shots, and came in for another sweeping attack. She quickly activated her Screw Kick, and with a powerful roundhouse, sent the remaining peices of the skeleton flying in all directions.

The remains of her opponent turned to smoke, and dissapeared, leaving her once again alone in the ruined temple.

[spoiler=Author Notes]
Well well well well well well well.
Since my last chapter, I have reorganized the layout I will be using for my posts, and have added a few bonus images to the first post. The Character Bio has a few spoilers in it. I also drew up some stages of the Knuxtro to better illustrate that they are in fact knuckles/metroid mashups.

I have decided to tell Sanis' story in anachronic order, so expect the story to jump all over the place. I plan on continuing the plot lines I've already established in previous chapters, but want to establish a few important plot things before hand. In this chapter, we are introduced to Sanis' quest to bring her poor dead son back to life. Her poor murdered son. That was murdered.

Quote from: realred being realredso umm where is the baby?
it died when sanis stabbed it

Official Artwork for Chapter Three

Audio Book - Chapter Three


[spoiler=Chapter Four - Old Flame]
-116 Years Later-
-337 Years Prior-
-152 Years Later-

Sanis' magicial artifact locating app had been suprisingly useful here. They had been able to find all seven of the powerful items with realtive ease. They had their own tracking device, which allowed they to split up and cover more ground. She had in her possession three of the orbs, and the others were waiting for her so they could grant a wish. She had offered to help them collect the artifacts, but little did they know she was planning on using the wish herself.

She would revive David no matter what.

She had spent the last hundred years scouring the galaxy, looking for any traces she could of the Deck of Many Things. She had been able to track it down only once more, and it had ended in similar fashion to the first time. But then she happened upon this planet. According to the ones she was 'helping', these orbs worked in a similar fashion to the deck she had spent so long looking for, only even better. One only had to collect the seven Dragonballs, and summon a dragon, and it would grant any wish they wanted! Afterwards, the dragonballs would scatter, but only limited to this planet, so finding them again was easy, if you had a tracking device.

She landed her ship nearby where they were all gathered. The four other orbs were lying in the grass nearby. They had been planning on bringing some dead friend of theirs back to life, which is how she knew that her wish would work. They had apparently done it a few times already.


The one with the spikey hair was fairly annoying. The bald one less so. And the girl with the blue hair was fairly suspecious to Sanis. Apparently, she was the one that had built the device they were using to find the dragonballs, which would nearly impossible given the tech level of this planet. Something didn't quite feel right about her....

'Did you get them!?' The bald one asked.

'Of course she did, you can see the other three dragonballs right here on my rader.'

'Nice work purple chick!'

'Now now Krillian, thats no way to greet our new friend! Her name is Sanis. Be more respectful!'

'It's fine,' Sanis interupted. She she didn't interject, these idiots would just bumble around for another few minutes, she had already seen it before. Which is one of the reasons she had gone off on her own to find the other three orbs.

'Now then, we just need to wait for one other to show up and we can get started!' Goku exclaimed.

She had had about enough of this.

'Why? We have all of these dragonballs here now. Just get on with it.'

'Now Sanis, we told him that we would wait for him to show up! It shouldn't be much longer.'

Her patience was wearing thin. Who knows how much longer this baffons were gonna make her wait. Knowing them, it might be another hour, or longer. She didn't think she could stand listening to their clowning another minute, let alone that long. They had already told her how the summoning worked. They mearly had to gather all of the dragonballs together, and explaim that they wanted to summon the 'eternal dragon Shenron.'

There was only one thing to do.

She fired up her Flame Sword and stabbed Goku in the chest. He was the strongest one here, so taking him out first was the obvious decision. As he fell helplessly to the ground, Bulma let out a scream.


God, her voice was like nails to a chalkboard, she would be next. Sanis made a quick dash over to her, and with a quick flick of her wrist, Bulma's head went flying. There was only one left. As she turned to face the remaining idiot, she could see him just standing there like the dumbass he was. He could have attacked her. He could have run. He could have fucking summoned the dragon. But no, he was just standing there, terrorfied.

'no... why? please! you dont have to do this!'

He fell just as easily.

She turned off her weapon, and made her way over to the seven orange orbs.


The sky began to darken, clouds forming overhead. Sanis smiled. It was finally time. After all those years of searching, she would finally be able to do it. David would be revived, and they would be able to live happily on all of the money she had saved up over the years.

Her eyes fell on a figure making its way up the side of the hill. Was the person they were waiting on already here?


Had they shown up mearly moments sooner, maybe their friends might still be alive.

'It's been awhile, Sanis.'

She recognized that voice.... Who on this dirtball of a planet could possiblely know her? Wait....

Lightning flashed in the sky, revealing the figure to be none other than her belated lover, Shadow the Hedgehog.

How could this be!? She had killed him nearly a hundred years ago during the Knuxtro incident! How could he possibly have survived? And furthermore, even if he had, he would have died of old age by now. The only reason she had been able to live so long was that she had been enchanced with cybernetics. So how could it be? How could it possiblely be!?

'Shadow.' He was nearly upon her now, she needed to act fast. He would surely try and stop her.

The dragonballs glowed intensely, and a bolt of light flew into the sky, and from the light, formed a massive dragon. It coiled around itself, and then came to face sanis.


'I wi-'

Sanis was sent flying forward, and collapsed near the corpse of the blue haired woman. She turned to face her attacker, and saw that the spikey haired man panting with his hands together. Some how he had survived, he was stronger then she had expected.... A normal human would have died easily, like the other two had. As she switched to her Wood Beam to take him out, Goku collapsed. He must have put all his remaining energy into that attack...



She turned to face the dragon, and saw Shadow standing near the dragonballs, staring back at her.


That bastard! He had stolen her wish! That unforgivable peice of shit! How much more could he ruin her life.

'It's over Sanis. Just give up, and we can talk about what happens next.'

What was his problem! Did he really think she wasn't gonna to absolutely destory him? Seriously? She had left him to die last time, assuming that she had done enough damage, but not this time. Oh no, she would revile in tearing in to bloody peices.

She made a quick dash towards Shadow, switching her sword and screwkick armarments on, and with a jumping attack she--- was sent flying. A golden glow bathed her. The dragon had left, the sky had already returned to normal, so what was that glow? She looked up to face Shadow, and was in awe.

Shadow was glowing, and hovering about the ground. Sparks of electricity were sizziling the air around him.

'As I said, surrender Sanis, this is not a fight you can win.'

Had that bastard wished for power? What a joke. After all these years, to think she would be bested by her old hated flame. No, she wouldn't have it. She couldn't give up now. Not after all she had sacrficed. She wouldn't be killed here.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Author Notes]
People are giving me flack for the way I am writing this, and that I am taking it too seriously. Well, soz folks, I'm not gonna change the way I am writing my silly fanfiction. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Guess I'm 'Full Autism' mode at this point eh? I enjoy making these silly things, and will continue to make them as long as I do. You can choose to feel however you want about that, or not. Whatever.

This chapter reintroduces Shadow the Hedgehog as the main antagonist of the series (which was spoiled in the character bio).

Official Artwork for Chapter Four

Audio Book - Chapter Four


[spoiler=Chapter Five - An Escape]
8:20 AM - 11/23/16

It had been several weeks now since she had come to this planet. Her attempt to assassinate Trump had been a massive failure. She had fought stands a few times in the past, and each time it had ended up pretty much the same way. They were incredibly strong, stronger than pretty much anything she had ever fought.

Except for him.

She shuddered a bit just thinking about her run ins with Shadow over the last several hundred years. That man had been extremely tenasious. But she had finally found out his weakness and killed him. Good ridiance.

She had decided against using the portal to return, and had been wandering around trying to find another way off the planet. At this point, she couldn't care less about kill Trump. She had certainly been setup, so why bother? She didn't know an awful lot about this planet, it was a farily low tech world. And they didn't even know how to properly channel meme magic into something useful. Her only hope to get offworld would be to find the secret underground shadow government that really ran things.

The Illuminati.

She had read in breifings that there was an alien race living on this planet, controlling the government. So surely they would have a ship she could use. And if not, a portal.

She had spent the last several weeks trying to find them to no avail, but a few days ago her artifact locator started pinging, and the cordinates seemed like they would work.  Getting around without being spotted by the humans had been a chore, but she had made her way down to the nations aptiol, Washingotn DC.

The Pentagon.

The artifact was deep under the ground under the pentagon, she just had to figure out a way to get there. There was almost certainly some sort of elevator shaft that would take her down into the secret base, but she had no idea how she would go about finding it. She was currently hiding out just a ways away, in the trees nearby a marina.

She heard some rustling, readying her arm cannon. Moments later, none other than the Don himself appeared before her, fixing his jacket as he made his way to her and sat down next to her.

'I had my people do some work trying to find out about you, you know'

'What do you want, I dont plan on killing you anymore, I dont want any trouble'

'Thats good, but I had idea.  Maybe you'll listen, maybe you want, but I think that you will.'

What could this man possiblely want from her. And for that matter, how much could 'his men' really have found out about her? This plaent was a dump.

'I'm hear to ask you for your help. You see, I have this ambitious plan to make this country great again, and to do that I need to run the current power structure out, drain the swamp if you will.'

'And why would I help you do that'

'Well, if my information is right, and I think it is,  I think our intrests aline here. You are trying to get off this planet right? Thats why you are out here staking out the Pentagon.  Well, the people, if you can even call them that, I wouldnt really, that I need to ouste just so happen to be in the same place. So, I was thinking, maybe we can work together, take them out, its a win-win.'

'How did you even find out about me?'

'Oh come on, this planet might not look like much, but those bastards down there do have an outside connection.  It was as easy as hacking into their databases and grabbing the stuff we needed. Beleive me, those bastards have it coming to them, I've read the awful stuff they've done, and theyve been doing it for a long time.'


Could she really trust a stand user? But with his new elected position, he was poised to be able to potentially get her into the facility. It was a risky move. But if he wanted her dead, he could probably easily defeat her right here. And why would he lead her into a trap just to capture her? That didnt sound very likely.

'Alright, its a deal'


How in the hell did he do it.

Really, they were standing in the elevator, decending into the secret headquarters of the illuminati, and it had been cakewlk for him. It baffled her brain how he could have been able to accomplish such a task without killing anyone, despite the fact that she had pretty much just waltzed right in with him.

He was good.

As they made their way down, they eventually came into a massive geofront. It had to be a good twenty kilometers in diameter, meaning it engulfed the entirety of DC above, and the surrounding towns as well. To think they could get away with having something this big underneath their captiol without anyone finding out about it. In the center of this underground clearing was a collection of buildings that could only be described as an alien city.

Just how many of these things were here? She hadn't expected they had an entire city down here.


This aritechture was familiar to her.... Where had she seen it before. She wasnt privy to which alien race it was that was in charge of this planet, she hadnt thought it particularly important enough when she was in breifing. And the script inside the elevator seemed really familiar too. What was going on?

'So whats the plan Trump?'

'I say, we go in, guns a blazing. Just tear the whole thing apart, what do you think?'

'You want to kill off an entire settlement? Isnt that genocide?'

'Look, you dont understand just how much trouble these things have caused over the last several hundred years, ok? These lizards have ruined everything, beleive me. If we don't take them all out, it would be a real disjustice to my people. They deserve better then being slaves to unknown masters.'

'It just seems like a bit too much, don't you think? They can't all be bad.'

Lizards. How many reptilian speices had she interacted with over the years. A few, to be sure, but this all seemed really familiar. Like she had done exactly this many many years ago. Infultrating a base, killing off all of the inhabatites. Would have been a mission for the Galactic Federation. It was screaming deju vu.

As the elevator came to a stop, and the doors opened, she remembered instantly. One of the reptilian aliens was standing there, and its body shape was exactly the same as the foes she had murdered in her youth.

Space Pirates.

She had gutted it with her Flame Sword before she had even realized it. Trump only laughed.

'Haahaha, what happened to your reservations?'

'Ok Trump, your right, these bastards all need to die. I've met these guys before, they have no redeaming qualities. Murder them all.'



Trump's Stand was extremely powerful. He didn't need her help here, so why did he invite her along? Not that she was complaining, it had been a very long time since she had been able to revile in such a slaughter. And to get to kill one of her old nemesis.

She hadn't seen them since her youth, when she had destroyed their entire pirating operation. Their former leader Ridley had been a massive pain, but after his death, they had officially disbanded. The Galactic Federation wasnt concerned with that though, and had them all tracked down and killed anyways. Of course a few of them would have slipped through the cracks, but to see them again here, manipulating this planet. It was disgusting.

The artifact was nearby, and out of curiosity, we had decided to go check it out. She had not been dissapointed any of the other times she had investigated these magical items over the years. If nothing else, they were interesting.

She was in what looked like the powerplant for the facility. They were likely using it as a power source. If nothing else, the radient magical energies of artifacts could be harnessed and used. She had seen it a few times in the past, mainly when the item was dangerous to use directly.

The former space pirates were of little concequence. Their pride was fairly strong, and it made them fight, but they had begun to flee as they realized how hopeless their situation was. This area was completely deserted.

And then she saw it.

Floating in a stasis bubble, an image she had seem numberous times now.

It was the deck.

Why was it that it seemed to surface in the strangest of places. It was eerie in a way, and made her feel a bit uncomfortable. But she couldnt help herself. She knew how dangerous it was, it had nearly killed her a few times now. It had stripped her of all her wealth she had accumulated over the years. But she had also drawn a few of the good cards. It was a real mixed bag.

She made her way over to the bubble, and then pulled the box of cards out. How many more times would she be able to do this. This awful thing was surely going to be the death of her. But she had promised herself, she would bring her son back no matter what. She owed it to him.

With a long sigh, she took of the lid, and place the deck of cards down on a nearby box.

'One card.'

She drew. Eyes closed, full of anxieity. What awful thing would she get this time.


She smiled. Tears began streaming down her face, and she began to laugh. She had finally done it. After all these years, she had finally drawn the card that would grant her her wish. She couldnt control herself, her happiness consumed her entirely, she fell to her knees and wept.

After a few minutes, she had composed herself enough that she was ready to make her wish. She knew she had to word the wish correctly, this kind of magic was so powerful, but it would work itself out in the least intensive way it could. With a deep breath, she made her carefully worded wish.

'I wish that my son David was alive, here with me now.'

A bright blue light engulfed her, she could feel the card dissapearing from her hand. She closed her eyes. She had never been more at peace with herself then she was in this very moment. As she opened her eyes and looked around, the smile slowly faded from her face.

Where was he?

Trump came walking into the room soon after, with his stand in tow.

'What's going on in here? Is everything alright?'


No it was not.

Where was David. What the fuck was going on. She had worded her wish so carefully, why was her son no where to be seen. Panic was settling in. Where the fuck was he!?

'Trump, I need your help right now, I'm looking for my son, help me find him, hes got to be around here somewhere.'

'I don't understand, why would you-'


'Whats gotten into you all of a sudden?'

Her panic was quickly becoming anger. Why? Why was he not here? Had she wasted all these years searching for this damn wish only to be crushed once again? How many times would this happen? How many more times would she be left waiting, hoping to finally see her son again. Was her entire life just one big cosmic joke?

She had never in her entire life been more mad than she was right then.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Author Notes]
Returning back to Trump, good stuffs. Thanks to silly dumbshit someone said to me I have developed the final pieces of the master plot, so I have a pretty good idea of where the story is going from here on out. It's gunnagitgud, imo anyways.

Despite the amalgamation of events that have happened so far, it does all tie in together. Eventually.....

Official Artwork for Chapter Five

Audio Book - Chapter Five


I like how sanis is always down for some shady shit. She started using question marks at the end of this chapter though, wassap with that?


[spoiler=Chapter Six - New Beginnings]
-510 years prior-

Sanis had never been happier than she was in that moment. Her little family, all together finally, was gathered in her room. In her arms, was her newborn child, and coming into the room was her lover, Shadow the Hedgehog.

She had met Shadow a few years ago, during her first job for the Galactic Federation. He was a highly respected Commander, and with his aid, she had been very successful on her missions. She had really fallen for his calm and calculated demenor. He was always very busy, and didn't have a lot of time for her, but that only made the time they spent together even more special to her.

Like now.

He had taken off time during an important campaign to come and she her and The Baby. She wasn't mad that he hadnt been able to come in the last few weeks since his birth, he was a very busy person. She understood that.

'Hows he doing?'

'Well. hows work?'

'Lets not talk about that now.'

Shadow came over, and took The Baby from Sanis, and held him in his arms.

'I do wonder how it is that our child was born a human.'

'The doctors were fairly confused, I was never given a good answer. Something about recessive genes? But that doesnt make any sense.'

'No, no it doesn't. So why did you decide on David of all things.'

'Well, I figured it would be best if he had a normal human name, it make it easier on him I think.'

Shadow walked over to the window and looked out at the stary space outside.

'Sanis, I feel I need to tell you something, and it would be better for you if I did it sooner rather than later.'

He turned back to face Sanis, who was awaiting his message with dreamy eyes and a smile.

'What is it?'

He sighed.

'I've been trying to think of the best way to tell you, but there really is no good way. Sanis, I don't love you.'

Her smile slowly faded from her face.


'I respect you as a warrior, and want you to be happy with your child, so I'll do my best to do right by you, but I feel it would be best that you know that there won't be a relationship.'

Tears began to run down Sanis' face, 'Why Shadow!? I thought... I thought...'

'Sanis, it was a mistake. I knew you were found of me, and should have been more careful. But in a moment of weakness I made an error in judgement, nothing more.'

All this time, he hadn't loved her at all? She had just assumed he was being reserved about his feelings. This was a complete shock to her system.

'I'm sorry Sanis. I knew this would hurt you, but it needed to be said.'

'You.... you don't.... sound.... very sorry.....' she barely managed to say.

'Let me assure you, I am very sorry about this Sanis.'

This was the worst moment of her life. The man she loved more than anything else in the world had not only rejected her, but she knew she could say nothing at all to change his mind.

She wept.


Sanis was sitting in her ship, bounding for Planet Char. She was curled up in a ball, staring at her hologram projected monitor.

She hadn't taken Shadow's news very well.

She had went several days without eating, and was barely able to care for her child. She knew that she had to do something, anything to get her mind off of Shadow, she was killing herself with grief. She had left David with a babysitter, and had decided to take a mission. Something dangerous.

Very dangerous.

She was to help eradicate an entire alien species. Its existance was a treat to the galaxy if left unchecked. She felt her previous experience was sufficient enough, and maybe killing things would make her feel better.

But the trip was taking forever.

As hard as she tried, she just couldnt stop thinking about him. All the fond memories she had of him, she respected him so much. Even after her rejection, she didn't hate him, she couldn't imagine ever hating him.

He was her hero.

It was due to his efforts fifteen years ago that she hadn't died when Dio had attacked Mobius. She didn't rememver the events very well, but she had been told about the Stand War. It had been a very dark time for the galaxy, and it had nearly been the end of he federation. It was during the war that the Space Jockeys had made a prochecy, and apparently she was the chozon one. She didn't know much about all that, but she was apparently supposed to save the galaxy at some point.

Her monoter started blinking, she had an incoming call. Ahe sat up, fixing her quills, trying to look a bit more presentable and then opened the call.

'Ah, you must Sanis then?' A dog dressed in red.

'Yes, thats right, and you are?'

'General Pepper, I am the commander in charge of your mission on Char. I was calling to discuss a few of the details with you, seeiing as you will be arriving at the roundevue point soon.'


'You will be joining an elite band of mercenaries for the impportant task of killing a high ranking member of the Zerg army. Kerrigan aka The Queen of Blades, is your target. Working together with the Star Fox team, you will cordinate a strike on one of their bases. Meanwhile, the main force of the Federation will be focusing on taking out the Zergs hivemind. With these two targets destroyed, we beleive the Zerg will be significantly weakened, and will reduce them to a non threat. Any questions so far?'

'Can't say that I do.'

'Then I shall begin on the specifics.'


She could see why the Federation was worried, these things were vicsious. The Landmster that Falco was piloting was working well enough on them, but she had to get up close with them to keep them from overrunning the tank. They were much more frightening than the other alien species she had fought over the years, but she had to keep her resolve.

'Yo, Fox, drop a bomb over there!'

A small fighter zoomed past, and a large explosion ahead sent shockwaves that shook them violently. The massive organic structures that had been standing there moments before had been torn to peices, and were spraying sprawling arcs of disgusting fluids.

They were deep in enemy territory now. The other three members of the Star Fox team were all in the air, keeping the endless wave of aireal monsters at bay, while her and Falco slowly made their way along the ground.

A new enemy was approaching now, and it was the size of a large building, underneath its msasive legs was another wave of the enemies they had been fighting so far. It was gaining on them with incredible speed, and before she knew it, it was ramming its giant tusks at the Landmaster. The Arwings were firing a barriage at the beast, but it was to no effect. The tank was no match, and flipped over itself as the monster crushed it.

Sanis was sent flying, and landed on the slithering and oozing ground beneath her. Even the ground here was Zerg. The massive beast tore into the tank relentlessly as the Zerg army made itsway to Sanis' location. A small wave of panic began to run through her, as she prepared for the onslaught.


Her Flame Sword made quick work of the smaller ones, and the snake shaped ones were easy enough as well. But she was surrounded, one mistake would cost Sanis her life. The several years of training had sharpened her instincts, and she unleashed a barrage onto the ever increasing Zerg forces.

She was forced to the ground by the shockwaves sent from the bomb detinating on the back of the massive creature, its guts flying in all directions.

'Sanis, are you alright?' Falco commed.

So he had somehow survived, 'I'm managing somehow.'

Another Landmaster dropped from the sky, landing near her, and she saw her blue companion jump into it. The mission continued.

'We'll need to be more careful around those Ultralisks, preemptive bombing on sight!' Peepe exclaimed.

'We only have a few more Landmasters in reserves guys!' Slippy snidded.

In the distance, a massive explosion shook the planet. Blue waves of energy were iminating from where the Zerg's hivemind was moments before.

'Whats going on!?'

'A Protoss Carrier just collided with the Overmind!'

'Why the hell would they do something so stupid?'

'I'm not sure whats going on, but it seems to have destroyed it!'

'That doesn't make any sense!'

'The psionic energies swirling around must have something to do with it!'

As the Starfox team quibbled between themselves, the Zerg forces that had been assaulting them relentlessly since they arrived were no longer working as a well cordinated team, and were even fighting amung themselves. The sudden destruction of their master was having an overwhelming effect on them.

'Kill them all!'


Tracking down Kerrigan had been much more trouble then they had anticipated. The Federation had a tight blockade setup around Char, and they were certain she was on planet, but finding her had taken weeks. There were a few pockets across the planet where the overminds cerebrates were able to keep a degree of control, but the Federation systematically eleminated them, until they managed to find Kerrigan.

She didn't last much longer after that.

After Kerrigans death, she had spent a few more months on Char, she and the Starfox team had mostly been eliminating Zerg. Her mission to kill Kerrigan had been taken on by a different group after they had failed to find her, but that was of little conern to her, she wasn't doing this for the glory. The Zerg had taken her mind off of Shadow, and she had somehow gotten over it.

She was currently in her ship, heading back to the SS Adam, the capital ship Shadow was in charge of. She hadn't spoken to him since he came to her room and gave her the bad news. She opened coms to Shadow. Upon connecting, Shadow only staired at her.

'umm, hey there Shadow, I was just calling to-'

'Sanis, why didn't you respond to any of the messages I left you.'

'I... I was busy.'

Shadow couldn't help but sigh, and rub his head.

'Sanis, I... I really don't even know what to say to you right now.'

'Well, I'm heading back to the SS Adam now, I--'


Sanis was puzzled.

'What do you mean by that?'

'You are not welcome on my ship.'

'I.. What the hell are you talking about!? David is on your ship!?'

'I'm surprised you even remember he exists, the way you ran off and left him alone all this time.'

'What the hell are you talking about? I left him with a babysitter!'

'Sanis, she called me two days into your little escepade, wondering why you hadn't returned. I really couldn't beleive you'd do something so foolish. I tried to contact you multiple times, but you seemed to have better things to do.'

She was fuming. 'Damn it Shadow, I... I told her-'

"I honestly don't give a damn what you TOLD her. You blew it Sanis. I took custody of David months ago, you are unfit to take care of him, you won't be seei-'


'Yes Sanis, I am very serious. If you want to see your son again, you're going to have to prove to me you deserve to.' Shadow closed coms.

[spoiler=Author Notes]
I didn't want to take so long between chapters, but I got sick, and then got distracted by other things.

Since the last chapter, I have added Audio Book readings for each chapter, and added the full audio and the full rtf to the first post.
Now you can enjoy Sanis teh Urin read to you by Allison!

Official Artwork for Chapter Six

Audio Book - Chapter Six


Ok, it's official, I'm too lazy and not interested enough anymore to finish writing the other thirteen chapters. Not like anyone really gives a shit anyways, amirite? :^)

So instead, I'm just gonna write out my plans, and you can read those, if you feel so inclined.

[spoiler=Chapter Seven-Nineteen]
Chapter Seven was going to introduce the big bad, Jar Jar Binks, who is a sithlord by the name of Pepe the Frog. The full reveal of his true identity would have been revealed later in the story, but he is the strongest person currently alive in the universe, gaining power from meme magic because he is the most well known meme, he was leading a secret program to destroy the universe, called Project E'leviah (more on that later). He had a very powerful position in the Galactic Federation, and Palaptine was actually going to be a red herring villain.

Shadow the Hedgehog was not a bad guy, he was actually the good guy, Sanis was actually a villian protagonist, who (if it wasn't apparent) have a flawed perspective on how things really were. She was going to spiral into true villianry as the story progressed, she didn't do an awful lot of bad stuff in what I had written, but the clues were there. I gave Shadow a Adam Malkovich like personality, that I twisted even further to the point he displayed next to no emotion at all. Everything he says is the truth, Sanis is just silly. In Chapter Four, Shadow's wish was not what Sanis thought it was, he had actually wished for the Dragonballs to be destroyed, as Shadow was on a mission of his own, to destroy all the powerful artifacts that he could, as part of his quest to stop Pepe from completing his evil plans. Shadow is the ultimate life-form, created by dr. eggman, and is actually part vampire, which is why he didn't actually die when Sanis 'killed' him in Chapter Two. He used his 'death' to leave the Galactic Federation and go off on his own, because he knew about Pepe's plans. Shadow possesses all of the chaos emeralds, which is why he went super sayian in Chapter Four. One of the things he was trying to do was harness the power of the Master Emerald, which would unlock his powers even further, but it was like kryptonite to him, he needed Sanis help, and was trying to get it. The Knuxtros in Chapter Two (as seen in my artwork!) actually contained miniature emeralds in them, he was trying to study them secretly behind the GF's back.

Now, for those that aren't aware, David is ProjectXVIII's real name, I added him into the story orignally just as a 'fuckyou' shoutout, since he's said he was gonna kill himself multiple times, so I had him kill himself in my story, it wasn't going to be anything more than that originally. But then I came up with the master plot of the story, and his part in it actually became more and more important, to the point that he is actually the most important character in the story. I was building up his important in some of the chapters, and dropped a few hints as to what was actually going on, but David is the center piece of Project E'leviah, he was revived by Pepe soon after his death, to be used as an experiment in pepe's evil plan. BUT MORE ON THAT LATER.

Sanis, oh dear Sanis, you poor fool. So, sanis was prophesied by the Space Jockeys (aka the chozo of my verse) to save the universe from a great evil, this is why they gave her her cybernetic enhancements, but they were a bit off on that one, (#later). Sanis possessed a extremely rare ability to see and interact with Stands, which was a very sought out power during the time the prophecy was made, during the Stand Wars, a war that was orchestrated by Pepe to cause chaos throughout the universe. Sanis slowly (over the centuries) becomes evil over the years, I was hinting at this with a lot of the time skips and how she behaved differently during them. David's death was the catalyst, and her quest to revive him no matter the cost really took a toll on her, which is why in Chapter Five, when the wish fails to bring David back to life (because he was already alive), she flipped out so much. Over the course of the story, I would have shown Sanis actually inadvertently helping Pepe's evil plans, and Shadow trying his hardest to stop it. She truly believes herself to be a good guy though through out all of it, showing just how fucked up in the head she actually is.

NOW THEN. On to Project E'leviah. (Trump will be explained during this section)

Aeius E'leviah is the name of ProjectXVIII's OC, that he pretty much uses for everything he does. I stole her to use her in my story, Pepe is using David's DNA (a combination of the prophesied Sanis and the Ultimate Lifeform Shadow) to create Aeius, (tobeexplainedevenfurtherbeyond!). The entire Project is Pepe and his team of evil scientists (Hojo, Dr. Eggman, Willy, Evil Rick, and a defected Space Jockey) failing again and again to create her, each failure being given a Project number. Sanis would have fought many of these failed Project throughout the story, with Shadow being the one who stops them again and again. Trump, is actually Project number 18, the most recent failed attempt. He defys Pepe, and with the combined power of himself, Sanis, and Shadow, they eventually get to the part where they are about to stop Pepe's evil plan. Thats right guys, Trump is actually ProjectXVIII. Sanis eventually meets up with the original David, who explains to the idiot that he killed himself because he didn't want porcupines for parents. He still wanted to die, but was pretty happy that he had such a big role in destroying the universe.

NOW TO EXPLAIN THE EVIL PLAN. Aeius (project number 19) is finally created, and she is the key that will unlock the slumbering Elder Gods, who Pepe plans on using to destroy all of space AND time! She is significantly more powerful that even Pepe is. The crew get to the gate where the gods are locked away, and fight against Pepe, and get their asses handed to them. It's only after both Shadow and Sanis are defeated, that Trump is able to take the chaos emeralds (powered up by the master emerald) and sanis pipe boots (the source of most of her power) and defeat Pepe. Aeius then makes some remark about how Trump barely defeated him, and how does he think could possible stop HER?

Then Trump grabs her by the pussy, and that's the end of the story guys. Universe saved.

I think that's everything I had planned, the rest of it was going to be done as I came to it.


It sucked.

I just liked the opportunity to goof around in MS paint.