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Tile Standard?

Started by dewhi100, October 29, 2016, 07:40:02 PM

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While reading Grime's SMMM document, what immediately jumped out at me was this section about switching tilesets in a room:

NOTE: changing tilesets for a room that's already built will make the room look horribly glitchy (don't worry, you can change it right back to what it was). This glitchiness is totally normal, and it happens because none of the tile tables are organized exactly the same between tilesets. Basically, that means there's no easy way to change a finished room's tileset without erasing and remaking it.

Do we currently have a patch that rearranges the tilesets to make them more interchangeable? What about standards for new tilesets, and a template to assist?

I'm willing to get on this myself, however I don't want to duplicate work. Has anyone started working on a project like this, or brought it up?


The notion of tiletables that line up perfectly has been suggested many times. The issue is that you'd have to remake every table and room in Super Metroid. The dealbreaker is sets like red brinstar, wrecked ship, old tourian, and lower norfair that don't adhere to a standard tile structure.

You're welcome to this undertaking, but it will be a tremendous one.


Knowing as little as I do... I imagine that not only are all the tilesets scrambled with respect to one-another, but that there's no 1:1:1 etc. correlation between all the tiles from one set to the next.

Best case is that every set excepting the one chosen as the base will need to be rearranged, and then their corresponding rooms will need to be put back into order.

Worse, and no doubt much more likely, is that some or many sets will be missing tiles that have mates in other sets. That would mean creating new tiles... Is there a limit on # of tiles in a set? Things could get very dicey.

But at least nobody else is working on it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If you really want to do this, my only tip for you is to use what I did when I messed with the file select, pause / map, status, and layer 3 tilesets:  Take the original tilesets' graphics and add numbers to all the tiles according to their position in the original rom. Then you can use one to align the others and see how it's been rearranged since the numbers on the graphics will tell you exactly which tile they were.

Not sure if this will help in what you're planing, but it could.  I did this to find all unused graphics, though.


Thanks. I'm still trying to figure out how to attack this, but I probably will have to end up numbering them at some point...

Edit: I'm planning on making my own tool to look at these tilesets, is there any documentation on the format they're saved in? Somebody must know since SMILE can read them...