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Show Me Your Moves!! (Project Base & Control Freak)

Started by PHOSPHOTiDYL, October 24, 2016, 09:46:56 PM

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Awesome job everyone!!

Moving pb/cf posts to its own thread.
Download at end of post.

This is the combined table for project base & control freak. Detailed information. Control Freak repoints the table to bank $B8, & uses not even 1/4 of it, so there's plenty of room for creating & testing new moves.

0. Get yourself a vanilla rom.
1. Apply either:
- project base gameplay patch
- sexy code grime posted on the project base thread (don't change anything)
2. Apply control freak patch. (don't change anything)
3. Apply projectcontrolfreakbase asm. (will repoint spinjump restart for you)


The data structure looks something like:
[spoiler]TABLE #:   ;= LABEL

The whole code will be something like:

T11:   ;= Moving right, aiming downright
DW $0000,$4400,$0037   ;pb   (hold [DOWN+Y] to morph)

hold down+y while moving right & aiming downright, to transition to morph facing right on ground & in air

There's nothing there at T37, so you just morph?[/spoiler]

You'll need some input data. (Paste in notepad, small window.)
[spoiler];8000: B button
;4000: Y button
;2000: Select
;1000: Start
;0800: Up
;0400: Down
;0200: Left
;0100: Right
;0080: A button
;0040: X button
;0020: L
;0010: R[/spoiler]

Transition data. (New window, credit to Scyzer??)
;Falling means you walked off a ledge or demorphed in midair
;Jumping means you used the jump button

;00: Facing forward, ala Elevator pose.
;01: Facing right, normal
;02: Facing left, normal
;03: Facing right, aiming up
;04: Facing left, aiming up
;05: Facing right, aiming upright
;06: Facing left, aiming upleft
;07: Facing right, aiming downright
;08: Facing left, aiming downleft
;09: Moving right, not aiming
;0A: Moving left, not aiming
;0B: Moving right, gun extended forward (not aiming)
;0C: Moving left, gun extended forward (not aiming)
;0D: Moving right, aiming straight up (unused?)
;0E: Moving left, aiming straight up (unused?)
;0F: Moving right, aiming upright
;10: Moving left, aiming upleft
;11: Moving right, aiming downright
;12: Moving left, aiming downleft
;13: Normal jump facing right, gun extended, not aiming or moving
;14: Normal jump facing left, gun extended, not aiming or moving
;15: Normal jump facing right, aiming up
;16: Normal jump facing left, aiming up
;17: Normal jump facing right, aiming down
;18: Normal jump facing left, aiming down
;19: Spin Jump right
;1A: Spin Jump left
;1B: Space jump right
;1C: Space jump left
;1D: Facing right as morphball, no springball
;1E: Moving right as a morphball on ground without springball
;1F: Moving left as a morphball on ground without springball
;20: Spinjump right. Unused?
;21: Spinjump right. Unused?
;22: Spinjump right. Unused?
;23: Spinjump right. Unused?
;24: Spinjump right. Unused?
;25: Starting standing right, turning left
;26: Starting standing left, turning right
;27: Crouching, facing right
;28: Crouching, facing left
;29: Falling facing right, normal pose
;2A: Falling facing left, normal pose
;2B: Falling facing right, aiming up
;2C: Falling facing left, aiming up
;2D: Falling facing right, aiming down
;2E: Falling facing left, aiming down
;2F: Starting with normal jump facing right, turning left
;30: Starting with normal jump facing left, turning right
;31: Midair morphball facing right without springball
;32: Midair morphball facing left without springball
;33: Spinjump right. Unused?
;34: Spinjump right. Unused?
;35: Crouch transition, facing right
;36: Crouch transition, facing left
;37: Morphing into ball, facing right. Ground and mid-air
;38: Morphing into ball, facing left. Ground and mid-air
;39: Midair morphing into ball, facing right? May be unused
;3A: Midair morphing into ball, facing left? May be unused
;3B: Standing from crouching, facing right
;3C: Standing from crouching, facing left
;3D: Demorph while facing right. Mid-air and on ground
;3E: Demorph while facing left. Mid-air and on ground
;3F: Some transition with morphball, facing right. Maybe unused
;40: Some transition with morphball, facing left. Maybe unused
;41: Staying still with morphball, facing left, no springball
;42: Spinjump right. Unused?
;43: Starting from crouching right, turning left
;44: Starting from crouching left, turning right
;45: Running, facing right, shooting left. Unused? (Fast moonwalk)
;46: Running, facing left, shooting right. Unused? (Fast moonwalk)
;47: Standing, facing right. Unused?
;48: Standing, facing left. Unused?
;49: Moonwalk, facing left
;4A: Moonwalk, facing right
;4B: Normal jump transition from ground(standing or crouching), facing right
;4C: Normal jump transition from ground(standing or crouching), facing left
;4D: Normal jump facing right, gun not extended, not aiming, not moving
;4E: Normal jump facing left, gun not extended, not aiming, not moving
;4F: Hurt roll back, moving right/facing left
;50: Hurt roll back, moving left/facing right
;51: Normal jump facing right, moving forward (gun extended)
;52: Normal jump facing left, moving forward (gun extended)
;53: Hurt, facing right
;54: Hurt, facing left
;55: Normal jump transition from ground, facing right and aiming up
;56: Normal jump transition from ground, facing left and aiming up
;57: Normal jump transition from ground, facing right and aiming upright
;58: Normal jump transition from ground, facing left and aiming upleft
;59: Normal jump transition from ground, facing right and aiming downright
;5A: Normal jump transition from ground, facing left and aiming downleft
;5B: Something for grapple (wall jump?), probably unused
;5C: Something for grapple (wall jump?), probably unused
;5D: Broken grapple? Facing clockwise, maybe unused
;5E: Broken grapple? Facing clockwise, maybe unused
;5F: Broken grapple? Facing clockwise, maybe unused
;60: Better broken grapple. Facing clockwise, maybe unused
;61: Nearly normal grapple. Facing clockwise, maybe unused
;62: Nearly normal grapple. Facing counterclockwise, maybe unused
;63: Facing left on grapple blocks, ready to jump. Unused?
;64: Facing right on grapple blocks, ready to jump. Unused?
;65: Glitchy jump, facing left. Used by unused grapple jump?
;66: Glitchy jump, facing right. Used by unused grapple jump?
;67: Facing right, falling, fired a shot
;68: Facing left, falling, fired a shot
;69: Normal jump facing right, aiming upright. Moving optional
;6A: Normal jump facing left, aiming upleft. Moving optional
;6B: Normal jump facing right, aiming downright. Moving optional
;6C: Normal jump facing left, aiming downleft. Moving optional
;6D: Falling facing right, aiming upright
;6E: Falling facing left, aiming upleft
;6F: Falling facing right, aiming downright
;70: Falling facing left, aiming downleft
;71: Standing to crouching, facing right and aiming upright
;72: Standing to crouching, facing left and aiming upleft
;73: Standing to crouching, facing right and aiming downright
;74: Standing to crouching, facing left and aiming downleft
;75: Moonwalk, facing left aiming upleft
;76: Moonwalk, facing right aiming upright
;77: Moonwalk, facing left aiming downleft
;78: Moonwalk, facing right aiming downright
;79: Spring ball on ground, facing right
;7A: Spring ball on ground, facing left
;7B: Spring ball on ground, moving right
;7C: Spring ball on ground, moving left
;7D: Spring ball falling, facing/moving right
;7E: Spring ball falling, facing/moving left
;7F: Spring ball jump in air, facing/moving right
;80: Spring ball jump in air, facing/moving left
;81: Screw attack right
;82: Screw attack left
;83: Walljump right
;84: Walljump left
;85: Crouching, facing right aiming up
;86: Crouching, facing left aiming up
;87: Turning from right to left while falling
;88: Turning from left to right while falling
;89: Ran into a wall on right (facing right)
;8A: Ran into a wall on left (facing left)
;8B: Turning around from right to left while aiming straight up while standing
;8C: Turning around from left to right while aiming straight up while standing
;8D: Turn around from right to left while aiming diagonal down while standing
;8E: Turn around from left to right while aiming diagonal down while standing
;8F: Turning around from right to left while aiming straight up in midair
;90: Turning around from left to right while aiming straight up in midair
;91: Turning around from right to left while aiming down or diagonal down in midair
;92: Turning around from left to right while aiming down or diagonal down in midair
;93: Turning around from right to left while aiming straight up while falling
;94: Turning around from left to right while aiming straight up while falling
;95: Turning around from right to left while aiming down or diagonal down while falling
;96: Turning around from left to right while aiming down or diagonal down while falling
;97: Turning around from right to left while aiming straight up while crouching
;98: Turning around from left to right while aiming straight up while crouching
;99: Turning around from right to left while aiming diagonal down while crouching
;9A: Turning around from left to right while aiming diagonal down while crouching
;9B: Facing forward, ala Elevator pose... with the Varia and/or Gravity Suit.
;9C: Turning around from right to left while aiming diagonal up while standing
;9D: Turning around from left to right while aiming diagonal up while standing
;9E: Turning around from right to left while aiming diagonal up in midair
;9F: Turning around from left to right while aiming diagonal up in midair
;A0: Turning around from right to left while aiming diagonal up while falling
;A1: Turning around from left to right while aiming diagonal up while falling
;A2: Turn around from right to left while aiming diagonal up while crouching
;A3: Turn around from left to right while aiming diagonal up while crouching
;A4: Landing from normal jump, facing right
;A5: Landing from normal jump, facing left
;A6: Landing from spin jump, facing right
;A7: Landing from spin jump, facing left
;A8: Just standing, facing right. Unused? (Grapple movement)
;A9: Just standing, facing left. Unused? (Grapple movement)
;AA: Just standing, facing right aiming downright. Unused? (Grapple movement)
;AB: Just standing, facing left aiming downleft. Unused? (Grapple movement)
;AC: Jumping, facing right, gun extended. Unused? (Grapple movement)
;AD: Jumping, facing left, gun extended. Unused? (Grapple movement)
;AE: Jumping, facing right, aiming down. Unused? (Grapple movement)
;AF: Jumping, facing left, aiming down. Unused? (Grapple movement)
;B0: Jumping, facing right, aiming downright. Unused? (Grapple movement)
;B1: Jumping, facing left, aiming downleft. Unused? (Grapple movement)
;B2: Grapple, facing clockwise
;B3: Grapple, facing counterclockwise
;B4: Crouching, facing right. Unused? (Grapple movement)
;B5: Crouching, facing left. Unused? (Grapple movement)
;B6: Crouching, facing right, aiming downright. Unused? (Grapple movement)
;B7: Crouching, facing left, aiming downleft. Unused? (Grapple movement)
;B8: Grapple, attached to a wall on right, facing left
;B9: Grapple, attached to a wall on left, facing right
;BA: Grabbed by Draygon, facing left, not moving
;BB: Grabbed by Draygon, facing left aiming upleft, not moving
;BC: Grabbed by Draygon, facing left and firing
;BD: Grabbed by Draygon, facing left aiming downleft, not moving
;BE: Grabbed by Draygon, facing left, moving
;BF: Jump/Turn right to left while moonwalking.
;C0: Jump/Turn left to right while moonwalking.
;C1: Jump/Turn right to left while moonwalking and aiming diagonal up.
;C2: Jump/Turn left to right while moonwalking and aiming diagonal up.
;C3: Jump/Turn right to left while moonwalking and aiming diagonal down.
;C4: Jump/Turn left to right while moonwalking and aiming diagonal down.
;C5: Morph ball, facing right. Unused? (Grabbed by Draygon movement)
;C6: Morph ball, facing left. Unused? (Grabbed by Draygon movement)
;C7: Super jump windup, facing right
;C8: Super jump windup, facing left
;C9: Horizontal super jump, right
;CA: Horizontal super jump, left
;CB: Vertical super jump, facing right
;CC: Vertical super jump, facing left
;CD: Diagonal super jump, right
;CE: Diagonal super jump, left
;CF: Samus ran right into a wall, is still holding right and is now aiming diagonal up
;D0: Samus ran left into a wall, is still holding left and is now aiming diagonal up
;D1: Samus ran right into a wall, is still holding right and is now aiming diagonal down
;D2: Samus ran left into a wall, is still holding left and is now aiming diagonal down
;D3: Crystal flash, facing right
;D4: Crystal flash, facing left
;D5: X-raying right, standing
;D6: X-raying left, standing
;D7: Crystal flash ending, facing right
;D8: Crystal flash ending, facing left
;D9: X-raying right, crouching
;DA: X-raying left, crouching
;DB: Standing transition to morphball, facing right? Unused?
;DC: Standing transition to morphball, facing left? Unused?
;DD: Morphball transition to standing, facing right? Unused?
;DE: Morphball transition to standing, facing left? Unused?
;DF: Samus is facing left as a morphball. Unused? (Grabbed by Draygon movement)
;E0: Landing from normal jump, facing right and aiming up
;E1: Landing from normal jump, facing left and aiming up
;E2: Landing from normal jump, facing right and aiming upright
;E3: Landing from normal jump, facing left and aiming upleft
;E4: Landing from normal jump, facing right and aiming downright
;E5: Landing from normal jump, facing left and aiming downleft
;E6: Landing from normal jump, facing right, firing
;E7: Landing from normal jump, facing left, firing
;E8: Samus exhausted(Metroid drain, MB attack), facing right
;E9: Samus exhausted(Metroid drain, MB attack), facing left
;EA: Samus exhausted, looking up to watch Metroid attack MB, facing right
;EB: Samus exhausted, looking up to watch Metroid attack MB, facing left
;EC: Grabbed by Draygon, facing right. Not moving
;ED: Grabbed by Draygon, facing right aiming upright. Not moving
;EE: Grabbed by Draygon, facing right and firing.
;EF: Grabbed by Draygon, facing right aiming downright. Not moving
;F0: Grabbed by Draygon, facing right. Moving
;F1: Crouch transition, facing right and aiming up
;F2: Crouch transition, facing left and aiming up
;F3: Crouch transition, facing right and aiming upright
;F4: Crouch transition, facing left and aiming upleft
;F5: Crouch transition, facing right and aiming downright
;F6: Crouch transition, facing left and aiming downleft
;F7: Crouching to standing, facing right and aiming up
;F8: Crouching to standing, facing left and aiming up
;F9: Crouching to standing, facing right and aiming upright
;FA: Crouching to standing, facing left and aiming upleft
;FB: Crouching to standing, facing right and aiming downright
;FC: Crouching to standing, facing left and aiming downleft

Some additional info for project base gameplay on other rom hacks.
[spoiler]Axeil Redesign can't use most of project base's enhancements, it has its own modz.
Escape II doesn't have enough room for backflip, haven't tried pointing to another bank.
Other serious hacks just need some extra repointing, some are patch & play.
[spoiler]Probably want control freak on all of them now.
If anyone wants to start dissecting control freak code, please post your data.
The fall transition table & new pointer(s) to bank $B8 is worth the most.[/spoiler]

Posting ASM file since it exceeds character limit...

Control freak's animation table will overwrite data for these...
- project base 0.7.2 patch
- nintendit 1.5.7 patch

Will either repoint table, or repoint data from the roms.

So gameplay patch only.



Samus couldn't move left while aiming. Redownload asm to fix.



Fixed something involving aiming & wall collision on only one wall. Now happens with collision on both sides. Redownload asm to fix.



Aim lock works. Spinjump restart in place doesn''t work, & backflip can still be done at anytime during a jump if no other buttons are pressed. Redownload asm to fix.



Spinjump restart works if jump is the next button pressed after down in air, or if jumping while aiming diagonally down & holding jump. Does not work while aiming up or diagonally up. Redownload asm to fix.


I can't believe this is finally happening.

I'll point out a couple of issues noticed with the latest update:

- I can't move while in morph ball.
- The backflip is being triggered erratically (I can do mid jump backflips, and they are triggered accidentaly when trying to manouver normal jumps)
- Respin doesn't work (as said on the main post)



Quote from: Grahf on October 27, 2016, 08:59:12 PM
I can't believe this is finally happening.

I'll point out a couple of issues noticed with the latest update:

- I can't move while in morph ball.
- The backflip is being triggered erratically (I can do mid jump backflips, and they are triggered accidentaly when trying to manouver normal jumps)
- Respin doesn't work (as said on the main post)


I can move with morph ball. Do you have spring ball as well? I only tested up to ridley, no grapple or spring ball...

Backflip needs some work. Respin works aiming diagonally down & holding jump, or if jump is the next button pressed after down while in air.

I think backflip needs an extra button check. Will look into it soon.


I can confirm it happened with the Spring Ball obtained.


Wow, I'm a bit behind it seems! :razz:

Amazing work, man!


I wasn't aware of the new topic :c
I will download the latest ASM and test it out! :D
Thank you!


Quote from: Grahf on October 27, 2016, 08:59:12 PM
I can't believe this is finally happening.

I'll point out a couple of issues noticed with the latest update:

- I can't move while in morph ball.
- The backflip is being triggered erratically (I can do mid jump backflips, and they are triggered accidentaly when trying to manouver normal jumps)
- Respin doesn't work (as said on the main post)


I can confirm these three issues.

1. The Morph ball movement locks out when you get the Spring Ball.
Once you morph directly by pressing down two times, you cannot move left nor right, without Spring Ball it seems to be working fine.

2. Back flip looks iffy. If I try to perform it (Crouch + Run + Back + Jump) I end up with an animation in which Samus stretches her leg and touches the ground in less than a second.

3. Respin I'm assuming is the move in which if you jump vertically or without the spin animation, if you press A again Samus will go into her spin animation, right?
This one, indeed, does not work. I cannot go back to the spin animation after a vertical jump.

So far I have encountered only those three problems.
If I find anything else I'll let you know!

Thanks for this awesome work!


Ok. I need to share what just happened.

I was coding a patch for Control Freak + Project Base that tweaked some stuff with the HUD and accidentaly applied ControlFreak2.asm AFTER I applied both patches and suddenly I could move with Spring Ball and the backflip problems were gone. Still no respin though.

The patch order that did the trick is:

0. Project base gameplay patch
1. ControlFreak2.asm
2. projectbasecontrolfreak.asm
3. ControlFreak2.asm

Since I stumbled on this by accident I don't know what causes the fix, but hopefully someone who understands the transition tables better can make something of it.

PS: I'm also attaching the patch I was coding. It has nothing to do with the fix or anything on this thread: it highlights your selected item with yellow color when Brandish is pressed (like the GBA games) and auto selects missiles when you pick them for the first time. Apply it last.


EDIT: D'oh. I think I got too excited. What this did was overwrite all of Project Base moves with Control Freak's.

After that facepalm moment, I decided to check the transition tables. Turns out it's not that difficult at all. @PHOSPHOTiDYL has done a GREAT job keeping it organized and documented. That must have taken a while.

I made a couple of corrections and surprise: Springball works, respin works, everything should be working fine now! Actually, not everything. I commented out the backflip move. I never cared about it, so I'm fine like this. You can use kdiff or something to spot what I patched.

I've been up all night so I'll leave this and go to sleep  :grin:


Amazing work, man!  :cool:

How to apply this?
And which one to apply?


Indeed, everything but backflip seems to be working just fine!
I also applied your HUD code and it's working really neat too, nice changes you made there.

I'm going to make a full playthrough of the current test ROM I have, and if everything goes well, I might release this in (I find backflip somewhat hard to perform, but if it gets fixed I might update the hack) crediting (of course) PHOSPHOTiDYL as the main dev and sylandro for some last fixes and the new HUD (if you allow me to use this one of course, if not that's okay, I'll just release this one as PJ+CF).

I'll let you guys know what happens when I finish my playthrough. :)


Quote from: ShadowOne333 on November 11, 2016, 11:51:18 AM
Indeed, everything but backflip seems to be working just fine!
I also applied your HUD code and it's working really neat too, nice changes you made there.

I'm going to make a full playthrough of the current test ROM I have, and if everything goes well, I might release this in (I find backflip somewhat hard to perform, but if it gets fixed I might update the hack) crediting (of course) PHOSPHOTiDYL as the main dev and sylandro for some last fixes and the new HUD (if you allow me to use this one of course, if not that's okay, I'll just release this one as PJ+CF).

I'll let you guys know what happens when I finish my playthrough. :)

Do you have any idea how to patch .asm files?


@ShadowOne333 Of course! I'm giving permission to anyone to use/modify/whatever my patch, as long as they give credit. I'd hold publishing it for a couple of days though, in case someone manages to restore the backflip  :grin:.

@Thirteen1355  You can use xkas to patch asm files, but if you're new at this I recommend SNEStuff, which has a nice multi purpose GUI:[/url].

The correct patch order is PB gameplay patch, control freak, projectcontrolfreakbase (the one in my post), and optionally the UI patch.


Thanks a lot!

I have SNEStuff, so that shouldn't be a problem :wink:


I just finished a complete playthrough with the new patches and...

It works!
Everything works!
I couldn't notice anything ot of hand or odd at all!

Well, only one small thing.
When you walk off / fall off a ledge, you cannot activate air morph.
If you jump and press Down + X, you can do it just fine, it seems to not work when walking off a ledge only..

Out of that, it all went smoothly! :D


Try with this one. I made it on my mobile phone so I haven't tested it -- it could go horribly wrong. I just added the key combination to the falling stances.

Also check that nothing else has broken, especially other key combos while jumping.


Quote from: ShadowOne333 on November 12, 2016, 01:06:26 AM
I just finished a complete playthrough with the new patches

That went quickly! What's your item percentage? :heheh:


I've corrected a few bugs.

I noticed that if you air morph while spinjumping right or left the ball keeps your momentum, whereas on Project Base, you fall to the ground. This update makes it work like in PB. Also the air morph while falling is fixed too.

One thing to note. While comparing the transition tables I noticed that PB has a couple more key combinations, mainly Down+L and Down+R while landing or running against a wall (I think?) would normally trigger a morph. Since L and R have other functions in Control Freak, they are disabled here. I don't know all of PB combos so there might be a couple more that are missing.

Oh, I also updated the HUD patch because there was a small bug with the X-Ray scope highlight.


Sorry I wasn't home long enough to test the new changes this weekend.

Quote from: Thirteen1355 on November 12, 2016, 08:27:49 AM
That went quickly! What's your item percentage? :heheh:
2:28 with 91%. :P
I tend to do it all in one sitting, but I always end up above 90% and below 95%, I have yet to do a 100% run, gotta see where the items that I'm missing are to accommodate them to my speedrunny playthrough.

Quote from: sylandro on November 12, 2016, 11:55:13 PM
I've corrected a few bugs.

I noticed that if you air morph while spinjumping right or left the ball keeps your momentum, whereas on Project Base, you fall to the ground. This update makes it work like in PB. Also the air morph while falling is fixed too.

One thing to note. While comparing the transition tables I noticed that PB has a couple more key combinations, mainly Down+L and Down+R while landing or running against a wall (I think?) would normally trigger a morph. Since L and R have other functions in Control Freak, they are disabled here. I don't know all of PB combos so there might be a couple more that are missing.

Oh, I also updated the HUD patch because there was a small bug with the X-Ray scope highlight.

Okay so far I have noticed two issues;

1) When you use Aim Lock aiming down, and you jump, Aim lock retains the position (Down).
However, if I were to press the jump button again while in midair and aim lock is still aiming down, the Aim lock is changed automatically to aim up instead. This happens with both left and right positions.

2) Morph ball after a fall off a ledge is still finicky. If you fall directly vertically and try to press Down+X, it doesn't morph. However, if I go slightly off a side like Down-Right or Down-Left and press X, then it morphs after the fall. Doing it with only Down+X doesn't work.

That's all I could get at the moment, I'll try to see if I can find more buggy stuff.


This is all going really smoothly!
The (for me) ultimate version of Super Metroid is about to be realised.

But did you actually test the gravity patches? The heavy and floaty gravity patches might change stuff. I use the heavy gravity patch in order to make Super Metroid play like the GBA Metroids/AM2R.

Haha, nice Shadow. I don't remember the percentage I got last time, but it sure wasn't as high as yours :mad:
Oh wow, it wasn't that low :lol:


Quote from: Thirteen1355 on November 14, 2016, 11:10:41 AM
This is all going really smoothly!
The (for me) ultimate version of Super Metroid is about to be realised.

But did you actually test the gravity patches? The heavy and floaty gravity patches might change stuff. I use the heavy gravity patch in order to make Super Metroid play like the GBA Metroids/AM2R.

Haha, nice Shadow. I don't remember the percentage I got last time, but it sure wasn't as high as yours :mad:
Oh wow, it wasn't that low :lol:
I'm always using the Heavy patch to test everything because it feels much more fast-paced than with the floaty physics.
I also want to have Super Metroid with a GBA gameplay feel too, which is why I started out screwing around with both PB and CF.

If this gets realized to the point were the last bugs are fixed thanks to PHOSPHOTiDYL and sylandro, I will surely release the full patch in RH with a name like "Super Metroid: Zero-Fusion Style!" or something cheesy like that. xD

Oh and 83% is quite good,  I got 93 last time, I know the other 8 or so items I'm missing I haven't encountered them before. Gotta check them out.


Surprisingly, AM2R gave me a much higher item percentage, and that was on my first run. 90%.

Anyway, it sometimes pains me I can't help out. Well, I can test stuff, but otherwise I can just watch and give praise to you guys.