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Show Me Your Moves!! (Project Base & Control Freak)

Started by PHOSPHOTiDYL, October 24, 2016, 09:46:56 PM

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Hey there!
Sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner, yesterday I had quite some and life matters in the afternoon, but today I reserved it for testing the hack out :)

Let's get into it:

1. On Norfair's right sde of the map, there us one room where you have to cross over some spikes to a red door to get the Wave Beam (I believe). If you look at the map, you can see that big room us being divided by a vertical line in the middle which goes halfway across the height of the room.

2 & 3. I don't want to be that guy... But the Run code modifications are making a lot of the Speed Booster puzzles harder or impossible to pass.
I cannot start a Speed Boost in the room in Norfair with two red Cacatacs and a Super missile door underneath:

(I use this one for speedrunning and sequence breaking into the Ice Beam) and also I can't pass through the barriers at the left side of Norfair to get the Ice Beam neither, so I can't go through any of the two sides.
I have yet to test other speed booster puzzles since I didn't want to continue without the Ice beam in my arsenal.

I haven't noticed any other issues so far. Next up I'll be up to Maridia I believe, I'll let you know if something comes up!


@ShadowOne333 Wait, don't progress through the game yet, let me fix the issues first.  :lol:

First off, my fault! I forgot to match the shinespark timer to the one in vanilla, that's why it activated slower. This one is more similar, let me know if you still have difficulties. I know this part still needs more tweaking, and i'm still not fully convinced by the level edits I made.

I've also increased the default running speed to about 1 second higher, and added the ending suit palettes as suggested by @MollyAncalime.

The ballspark code is ready, and I've included it on this version. You need the spring ball to use it, though. Next up i'll begin working on the status screen counts.


I already finished up another full playthrough of the game with the latest Beta 3.
Here are the bugs I found:

* Missile tank at the left-most side of Norfair (vertical shaft at the left of the Ice beam room) which has disappearing blocks has the same glitchy background as the Speed Booster did (yellow blocks on the background once you get them)
* The big room in Maridia (Lower left) where you have to do a vertical Speed Boost to get a Missile tank also has the same glitch, the Super Missile in this big room (which you enter from another room through Morph ball) also has the same glitch.
* The Energy tank you get in Maridia on the way up to Dragoon (the one where you can Speed boost below or do a Morph ball on the blocks above) has the same glitch too.
* The powerups found in the Golden Torizo boss room (Missile and Super Missile tanks), same glitch.
* There's an Energy tank you can get in Lower Norfair which you can get only by going above one of the wall monsters which spit blue flames, this one has the same glitch too.
* Power bomb powerup in Lower Norfair which you can only get while entering from a room above (two vertical pillars in this room), same glitch.
* The power bomb right before Ridley also has the same glitch (the one with the spiky elevators).
* The Energy tank that you get after defeating Ridley also has the same glitch.

As you can see, all of those I mentioned have the same bug, the glitchy yellow blocks on the background when you get them, I believe they are all room based since any item found within the same room shares the same bug.

Also, another thing I believe is a bug:

* The rectangle in the middle of the Crashed Site in Eastern Crateria (the part you go through to get the Gravity Suit) doesn't appear as visited once you go through it.

And I believe that's it, I didn't find any other issues, and the tweaks made to the Speed Booster worked quite well.
I would only like to suggest (and hope this doesn't come out as nagging :P) if you could somehow rework the Speed boost to avoid map layout changes, or at least make it so that the map layout change is kept at a minimum. Or if it's possible, to make a second patch which keeps the fast-paced/crazy Speed boost from the original with the layout untouched. That'd be neat!

And... that's it!

Let me know what do you think and hopefully this helps out to debug the remaining stuff! :D

PS: Oh I almost forgot, for those wondering my performance:
2:32 with.. 106% for items?
I'm not sure if this is another bug or not, but I clearly saw 106% at the end. xD


I've solved all the bugs you mention, except the item completion rate. What's the exact number of missiles, super missiles, power bombs, etanks and reserve tanks you had at the end? Did you cheat? XD

Also, the only rooms I edited were the two bridges in Brinstar and the speed booster ramp in Norfair, so that's weird.

About the speed, i'm thinking of increasing Samus' speed even further until she can cross the crumble blocks by just running, and restore the edited rooms to their original form. The only drawback would be that she's more difficult to control due to the speed (which I guess would be similar to if she was pressing Run in the original). If that goes well, I can get rid of auto run and use that option for something else, tentatively auto morph. We'll see.


Well I did continue from my previous save, don't know if that had sonething to do with it, but I have only 26 super missiles and power bombs IIRC.
Don't know if anything regarding the item count when an expansion is obtained was modified.

I will check again in a few hours to be sure.


Ah, that's why... the max amount of super missiles and power bombs is now 20 in normal (2 per expansion as in the newer games), you exceeded the maximum because you carried over a save.


Oh I see, so you reduced the maximum amount of Super Missiles and Power Bombs given by each expansion to match Fusion and Zero Mission, that explains the overflow then.
I'll be on the lookout for the next beta :P


Ok, I might have just missed something obvious here, or might just be an idiot, but is there a way to get this patch to run with the main Project Base (map changes and stuff) and/or Hyper Metroid? Both seem more or less OK until I get to Zebes proper, and then environmental graphics are gone and the such. From the first post, it seems some graphic banks are overwritten, so I'm guessing the patch would need to be adjusted or something, but I could just be a moron.

For reference, I'm just trying to apply the IPS patch directly on top of already patched Project Base and Hyper Metroid ROMs.


Are you using this,4115.msg56634.html#msg56634 patch? That is the latest version. The later posts/attachments got severely off topic and may confuse other people.

Unfortunately, my hard drive crashed some days ago so I won't be able to test or fix it for some time, but that one should be the one you're looking for.


If there's approximately $1600 bytes free space in bank $B8, the animation table can be moved off of $B88000.

From control freak, the modified routine at $9181A9, there is an instruction LDY $8000, X.

Change to wherever you point the animation table.
$B8A000/LDY $A000, X
$B8E111/LDY $E111, X

You'll get it...


Quote from: sylandro on December 28, 2016, 10:22:54 AM
Are you using this,4115.msg56634.html#msg56634 patch? That is the latest version. The later posts/attachments got severely off topic and may confuse other people.

Unfortunately, my hard drive crashed some days ago so I won't be able to test or fix it for some time, but that one should be the one you're looking for.
I know this is a bump :P
But I was wondering what happened to the hack you were working on?
Where you able to recover the files and/or continue with the remaining fixes?


@ShadowOne333 Hey there, I was able to recover everything hack-related but switched to Linux in the process. Many tools aren't built for Linux and don't work there, so having to use a Virtual Machine just to hack & test was way clunkier than before until eventually I lost interest.

...until now that is. I do plan to continue, going back to hacking has been haunting me for some time. I will probably PM you when I make solid progress or create a new thread because we know this one has already fulfilled its purpose and what I was doing doesn't really belong here. It's going to take me a while, though.


Quote from: sylandro on May 19, 2017, 09:37:21 PM
@ShadowOne333 Hey there, I was able to recover everything hack-related but switched to Linux in the process. Many tools aren't built for Linux and don't work there, so having to use a Virtual Machine just to hack & test was way clunkier than before until eventually I lost interest.

...until now that is. I do plan to continue, going back to hacking has been haunting me for some time. I will probably PM you when I make solid progress or create a new thread because we know this one has already fulfilled its purpose and what I was doing doesn't really belong here. It's going to take me a while, though.

Ah I see.
Yes I agree that opening a new topic would be the best option, but if you also want to contact me through PM or email, feel free to do so. :)
I'll be glad to help out in anyway I can!

And don't worry, take your time :P


Hi, I know I'm digging an old post, but I really like the mod, but I would like to disable GBA-like gravitation and enable the one from Super Metroid, can I do that somehow? Thanks in advance.


Quote from: PHOSPHOTiDYL on January 09, 2017, 07:22:43 PM
If there's approximately $1600 bytes free space in bank $B8, the animation table can be moved off of $B88000.

From control freak, the modified routine at $9181A9, there is an instruction LDY $8000, X.

Change to wherever you point the animation table.
$B8A000/LDY $A000, X
$B8E111/LDY $E111, X

You'll get it...

Quote from: wyjek on December 11, 2017, 01:36:36 PM
Hi, I know I'm digging an old post, but I really like the mod, but I would like to disable GBA-like gravitation and enable the one from Super Metroid, can I do that somehow? Thanks in advance.

Sorry for the big digging, but i'm interested too for restoration of the super metroid's default gravitation.
This hack would be perfect if so !

Thank you

I found the answer here :,4290.msg58748.html#msg58748


Project Base 0.7.3 & Control Freak Compatibility.

For the project base 0.7.3 version, most patches are not compatble, because project base use lots of freespace, and these patches write on the same space, so i decided to move the code that need freespace to another free adresses for working properly.

Apply this patch to Project Base 0.7.3.

the "extra" folder contains extra patches (bonus) modified for that working properly with Project Base 0.7.3

ASM source included, with txt that explain freespace used. All i did is moving to available freespace for each patch.

extra patches included :

BlazingFastDoorsSpeedUp = remove doors transitions for increase doors speed. (thanks to P.JBoy)

ElevatorsSpeedUp = very fast elevators (thanks to grime)

MSU-1 = enable MSU-1 audio chip to allow high quality music. If no music detected, stock music played. more info : thanks to DarkShock

Time&PercentItem_EquipScreen = display gametime, and percent item collect to the Equipment pause Screen. thanks to scyzer and PHOSPHOTiDYL

XxYyZz_EndTime Format = display hours:minutes:seconds format when ending game (THE OPERATION WAS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY CLEAR TIME) instead of hours:minutes. thanks to PHOSPHOTiDYL


Super Metroid turbo ! 7.37i version

Faster speed mode, based on Project Base 0.7.3 (Gameplay only), with Control Freak feature. what this patch does :

- Faster Doors transition speed
- Doors opening faster
- Faster Elevators speed
- Faster pause screen
- Possibility to skip intro by pressing start button, from project base 0.8.1 feature
- Remove fanfare music when collecting new item and replaces them with sound FX that don't interrupt the BG music, thanks to Sadiztyk Fish
- hold down to make bombs explode instantly with no jump (only works on the ground), from project base 0.7.3 feature
- charge beam attracts energy/ammo drops from enemies much faster and smoother than before, from project base 0.7.3 feature
- Samus's suit palette in the ending will match the suit that was equipped when the game was beaten, from project base 0.7.3 feature
- Morphball animation plays only if Samus actually moving, from project base 0.7.3 feature
- Samus now has a fully drawn suit in the equipment pause menu, from project base 0.7.3 feature
- Adjusted the energy and ammo drop rates for most enemies to be less stingy, from project base 0.7.3 feature
- Most of demos on the title screen has been replaced (for watch them you have to wait few seconds on the title screen)
- Display hours:minutes:seconds format when ending game (THE OPERATION WAS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY CLEAR TIME) instead of hours:minutes. thanks to PHOSPHOTiDYL
- Display gametime, and percent item collect to the Equipment pause Screen. thanks to scyzer and PHOSPHOTiDYL
- Control Freak : Changes the control setup for the game, to something closer to the newer GBA Metroid games, thanks to Kejardon. more info for this patch :
- Add Hard mode difficulty in the options menu (Normal by default) thanks to PHOSPHOTiDYL
- Power Bombs reveal hidden tiles
- Screw Attack now destroys frozen enemies (by Adamf).
Intro text can be sped up by pressing a button.
Unstuck at tourian: it's now possible to return to other areas (only works with RestoreDoorsTransitions.ips optionnal patch).
- Adds 2 new unique items upgrades: WAVE DASH and HAMMERBALL (by mccad00). Will you be able to find them?
- WAVE DASH: While spin jumping, hold run and double tap left or right to become temporarily invulnerable and dash through enemies.
- HAMMERBALL: While in the morph ball, hold down and press 'Aim down' midair to perform an incredibly fast downward attack. Destroys speed booster blocks and utilizes the shinespark contact damage
Changes ending time: 2 hours instead of 3 hours for the best ending, and 8 hours instead of 10 hours playing for the "bad" ending, due to the faster way we play.
- Grey door timer in the bomb torizo room is changed, it's now possible to avoid the fight with bomb torizo if you're fast enough by escaping before the door closing
- Welcome screen changed to 2021
- bug fixes (thanks to Nodever2)
- changes from 7.37b to 7.37i :

- Updated MSU-1 patch to v2 : when big metroid finish to drain energy the music is now stopping, instead of play samsus theme music. Happens only when using custom music
- Restore default screw attack palette
- Fix an issue caused by a conflict between control freak and project base : when aim downleft or downright (with aim button), and walk off a ledge it will reset to aiming upleft or upright (thanks to laserlambert for reporting it)
- Fix an issue caused by a conflict between control freak and project base : when aiming downleft (with aiming button) and walking left into a wall, it will reset to aiming upleft (thanks to laserlambert for reporting it)
- Fix an issue caused by a conflict between control freak and project base : when aiming downright (with aiming button) and jumping while walking right, it will do a spinning jump (thanks to laserlambert for reporting it)
- Fix a bug happens on some demos scenes in title screen
Updated RestoreDefaultItemFanfare_Music&MsgBox_HUD.ips optional patch
- added LessWiderX-Ray.ips optional patch
- added DefaultControl(removeControlFreak).ips to remove control freak controls (restore vanilla controls)
- added NewButtonConfigurationByDefault.ips to change default configuration buttons to match with speed runners often uses
- Possibility to skip intro by pressing start button (project base 0.8.1 feature)
- Restore default fanfare music when collecting Morph Ball, first missile, first super missile, and first power bomb.
- New fanfare sound for each other items.

Juancho Aran

I would like to ask a question
Some time ago I downloaded some extras from the "Base Project", in IPS format
"Project Base 0.7.3 plus Extras (January 28 2018)
1. Backflip-disable
2. Classic_booster
3. Floatier_physics
4. Heavier_physics
5. Moves_only
6. Samus_death_censor

Of all these files the only one that I have used is the number "5. Moves_only" since it is the one that interests me because I love this type of mobility in Super Metroid and in the hasks that use these movements such as, Project Base, HyperMetroid and Ancient Chozo.

The question is the following: why when I apply this patch to other Hacks it does not work since the game freezes?

The only game that has worked without showing any problem was "Super Metroid - Reimagined V.1.5"

Is there a way to fix this or you just can't put these mechanics in other hacks.

I also provided it in the last hack, which is very good, it should be noted "Super Metroid - Vitality", the whole game is fine but it freezes in the last part when the security cameras detect Samus.



I would guess it's because Project Base moved so much stuff around that the areas of the ROM it's trying to patch are different to other hacks, so you'd effectively be trying to insert new info where it's not supposed to be. You could get them to work with other hacks, but you'd have to edit the .ips file to affect the correct data in the correct place.

Juancho Aran

That is beyond my knowledge, thanks for responding :)

Quote from: Quietus on November 05, 2020, 02:55:29 PM
I would guess it's because Project Base moved so much stuff around that the areas of the ROM it's trying to patch are different to other hacks, so you'd effectively be trying to insert new info where it's not supposed to be. You could get them to work with other hacks, but you'd have to edit the .ips file to affect the correct data in the correct place.


Sorry for the really obnoxious bump, I am not sure if there's a proper thread for Control Freak, or if PB+CF is being worked on another topic or thread, and this is the last place I knew were the development was being done on that front.

I recently got contacted by a user in who mentioned several bugs found in Redux regarding the PB+CF implementation.
Some of those bugs were fixed in Super Metroid Turbo, so I contacted samsamcmoi about those bugfixes from Turbo, which he kindly shared for Redux.

However, there are still certain bugs related to Control Freak, which have been confirmed as existing in the original Control Freak code and are not exclusive to the PB+CF implementation.
I wanted to see if the original author of Control Freak was still around to notify these bugs to that author, but seems like Kejardon has been MIA for years now (last active date was Feb 2019 I think).

So, with that, I couldn't think of any other place where to mention these bugs other than this thread.
Without any more delays, here are the bugs reported to me about Control Freak:

Quote from: starlightbotanist
When testing I discovered three other bugs that are present in turbo, redux and 'redux + samsamcmoi's asm patch'.

1) If you aimlock downleft and press right+jump at the same time, the aiming switches to upright, when it should be downright(at least that's what fusion/zero mission do)

2) If you aimlock downright and press left and jump at the same time, the aiming switches to upleft, when it should be down left(at least that's what fusion/zero mission do)

3) When aim locked straight up and walking off a ledge, for a frame or two the aim direction changes to upleft/upright, but does go back to straight up on it's own.  This isn't too bad and seems more of a graphical glitch.  However, there is a worse condition.  If you press the jump button while falling and before hitting the ground, it changes the aimlock to upleft/upright. This one is kind of hard to explain, but try this and you will see what I mean:
* Aimlock straight up, walk off a ledge.  The aim direction changes to diagonal for a few frames, then goes back to straight up.
* Aimlock straight up, walk off a ledge.  Press jump while falling.  Aimlock changes to, and stays diagonal.

4) If aimlocked downleft/downright/straight up and you take damage, aimlock will be reset to upleft/upright.

Again, sorry if this not the right place for this, please redirect this to the appropriate thread in that case.


Quote from: ShadowOne333 on April 05, 2022, 04:52:43 PM
Sorry for the really obnoxious bump...

Thanks for posting this Shadow. Some of the conditions to recreated the bugs are a bit odd to explain. I went ahead and made an account here in case anyone wanted further detail regarding this or wanted fixes tested.