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Maturity of Metconst Members

Started by Malpercio, January 08, 2010, 01:13:32 PM

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Maturity is allowed here? i thought we were all supposed to be crazy friendly peoples and screw maturity until we start going too far


* squishy_ichigo is on top apparently

A few of our patrons are more mature then others, but we all have a good time.  Its all for the lulz baby! (at least thats what Bloodsonic tells me as he trolls me for no reason)

#metconst, our irc counterpart is rather silly at times, and the forum reflects us being slighty (keyword is used RATHER loosely... seeing as how completely not serious many of us are ;D) more serious.

I look forward to seeing a few of our lurkers coming out of the dark and saying a few things every once in awhile. I always look forward to meeting new people, and I like to give everyone the 'benefit of the doubt' as some people like to say.  But if you turn out to be a complete and total noobfag/idiot, I might look down on you until you can redeem yourself. If any of you new peoples do read this, I welcome you to come to our irc channel, and hang out with us.  We are a pretty awesome group of kiddies. (most of the time anyways ;D)

So... all in all.... our maturity level sucks ass.  Why can't you kiddies be more like Grime! D:<

(/me is kidding... how bland would this place be if we were all alike :O)


Quote from: squishy_ichigoI always look forward to meeting new people, and I like to give everyone the 'benefit of the doubt' as some people like to say.  But if you turn out to be a complete and total noobfag/idiot, I might look down on you until you can redeem yourself.
Contradict much?

You should always be nice to idiots. They're always the ones who are going to get banned first since most of them don't shape up, so why rub it in?


Quote from: Zhs2 on January 08, 2010, 04:02:52 PMYou should always be nice to idiots. They're always the ones who are going to get banned first since most of them don't shape up, so why rub it in?
Because it's more fun that way. :hfive:

"What does the scouter say about Metroid Construction's maturity level?"
"It... It's over nine thousand!"
"What?! Nine thousand?!"


Quote from: Zhs2 on January 08, 2010, 04:02:52 PM
Contradict much?

I'm curious at to what you are implying by that.
new people: this can fall into the newbie category, see sidenote.

benefit of the doubt: A favorable judgement given in the absence of full evidence.

idiot: A common term for a person of low general intelligence.

noobfag: In this context, I am referring to a person who ACTS like a noob, despite having been around for quite some time.  Someone who makes constant (and I do mean CONSTANT) idiotic mistakes, that could be compared to someone who is a newbie. 
Sidenote: I use the term newbie to mean a person new to the community, while noob is used as a insult on someone who is not new, but acts as such.  I suppose this might be what you were referring to as being contradictory.


edited for clarity, as I didn't exactly explain myself very well before the edit. ^_^;


Quote from: uNsane
"What does the scouter say about Metroid Construction's maturity level?"
"It... It's over nine thousand!"
"What?! Nine thousand?!"
and therefore, by rule 9001 of the internet rules (
it is EPIC maturity.

as if.  :>_>:


I thought you said you where going to sleep squishy! >:|


Quote from: squishy_ichigo
Quote from: Zhs2
Contradict much?
I'm curious at to what you are implying by that.
You like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but if they happen to look like idiots, you won't?


Quote from: Zhs2 on January 08, 2010, 04:02:52 PM
Quote from: squishy_ichigoI always look forward to meeting new people, and I like to give everyone the 'benefit of the doubt' as some people like to say.  But if you turn out to be a complete and total noobfag/idiot, I might look down on you until you can redeem yourself.
Contradict much?

That means I give you the BotD first, THEN if you turn out to be an idiot, and my time had been wasted on you by giving you my BotD, I won't respect you anymore unless you redeem yourself.

Its really not a hard concept to understand Zeke Zeke. <_<;


Well, then you should have specified! :razz:


I almost would have thought hayashi started this one, as he slightly hates it when I act out of order when a newbie is around. I don't give them the benefit of doubt unless they speak normally. I still don't trust them after that. Take for example our beloved Flamestar. I didn't trust him at first, but he turned out to be a pretty cool guys, as eh finds kewl hex changes and doesn't afraid of anything. But mostly people turn out like Hacker and jason.


Everyone is new at some point.  Discrimination against new people will only lower our new recruits, and the more hackers the better it sounds to my ears!

We must do our part to make sure new peeps are trained in the arts of SM hacking correctly! It is our duty as oldfags! :awesome:


New fags are kewl as long as they don't stay stupid forever. (Ala most people on SMWC)

Quote from: squishy_ichigo on January 08, 2010, 03:46:47 PM
* squishy_ichigo is on top apparently
Hell yeah! :3


If they can behave, conform to the rules, and possibly even show us creativity spawned from their heads, then I don't have a problem with them. This technically means people can act like retards, assholes, idiots, whatever they want as long as they live against the above conditions. We can't throw people out for being, well, people that obey guidelines.

Case in point: tomatobob


And none of this would have happened if we had locked the topic. :P

(which I was VERY close to doing at first btw)

edit: PAGE BREAK FTW! :awesome:
* squishy_ichigo loses 200 maturity points

edit 2: after this topic getting cleaned out (quite a bit actually) I lost my page break. :(
* squishy_ichigo loses another 200 maturity points!
MOAR :awesome:


Quote from: Zhs2 on January 09, 2010, 01:07:51 PM
If they can behave, conform to the rules, and possibly even show us creativity spawned from their heads, then I don't have a problem with them. This technically means people can act like retards, assholes, idiots, whatever they want as long as they live against the above conditions. We can't throw people out for being, well, people that obey guidelines.

wait... so as long as people are against behaving, following the rules, and even being creative in their ideas, then they can act like retards, idiots, and so on? :P


Oh, you silly read-wronger. It's more like living close to lawfulness and following rules and guidelines as opposed to living against the wasteland of not following rules and guidelines. Maybe I should have typed "leaning" instead of "living"... but you get what I mean. :heheh:


Zhs2 supports chaotic good in other words! :D



Zhs2 is a fag, and this topic still sucks.


Umm.. Captain Duck, can you help me on this one?

"Sure Digicock Manhole! -quack- Sorry I do that. -quack- Anyways, -quaaaaaaaaaack!- the maturity of members here is totally irrelevant to me -quoauaaaK- because I am not one. Why did you need my opinion? I just blow shit up with my bombs. -quack-"

Silver Skree



I'm so immature, I posted in this topic just to make it look like I post here sometimes!


My original topic idea wins in the end! xD Seriously, how did you guys take a screw around topic and turn it uptight? .-.


Well, to be honest, my ever so immature staff members (my 'lockfags', if you will) were pretty intent on locking this topic, but I was actually saying relevant things in it so I single-handedly delved my hand cleanly through the splits in the good and bad posts, thus carving an awesome discussion out of a spam topic. That being said, don't do it again. :stern: This topic gave me enough of a headache.

In any case, I think we're all old enough here to post responsibly, seeing how we can do such a thing to a spam topic. This topic has also outlived its usefulness, so I think it's time for a good old fashioned *KACHUNK.*