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Metroid: Space Complex

Started by Flower, October 15, 2016, 02:53:33 PM

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@Flower That looks much better!
Everything is looking beautiful in the gif.  Keep up the good work!


Hey y'all i felt it was finally time for a custom title screen. Recently i started in coop-mode with Sinis. This screen still needs tweak, polish, more stars, + x from my designing hand, but i have to say i already am quite pleased with the interim result. Will continue to work on it the next time through.


That's really good man.  I have some comments!

I'm not sure why, but the blue guy in the bubble was the last thing I noticed.
The scale of everything in the FG seemed enormous until I saw him... that the structure + tethered rock(?) was maybe the size of a 40 story building.
After spotting him, I'm having trouble gauging the size of everything.  The scene seems too epic to be focused on something the size of a 2 story house.

I think the tether on the right might look better at a different angle - or, redrawing the thing securing it to be angled out further.  It looks odd to me that these are not pointing in the exact same direction.

Is the "X" intentionally stylized differently from the other letters?  If so, I think it should be more dramatic.
Otherwise, I think it should be wider.

Those are asteroids, right?  If possible I think they should have some variety rather than all looking exactly the same.  The closest one looks identical to the medium sized ones, too, except for the tethers.

Looking forward to what's to come! Nice work!


That looks great so far! Love the logo and the brown asteroids on the right/middle!
The orange planetoid on the left looks a little flat to me, though. I assume that part has yet to be finalized or something... hopefully in the final product it will be shaded as well as the others   :yay:


Nice work Flower. I agree that the X doesn't match. the rest of the lettering.

The rock on the metal supports looks like a head. Intentional?


Thanks for all your feedback, constructive suggestions and your points of view.
It's absolutely true, it's my first bigger graphic screen aside from the spaceship.
So it will be an all iterative process, in other words: much work ahead (still), but i want it to be good.
I take nearly all your suggestions plus some things i had on my to do, and make something out of it.

Now to your points:

Quote from: dewhi100 on April 17, 2020, 08:20:48 PM
Nice work Flower. I agree that the X doesn't match. the rest of the lettering.
Quote from: altoiddealer on April 17, 2020, 11:15:52 AM
Is the "X" intentionally stylized differently from the other letters?  If so, I think it should be more dramatic.
Otherwise, I think it should be wider.
Quote from: Ice Man on April 18, 2020, 12:55:04 PM
Looking good but the X from Complex looks kind of squished compared to the rest.
Also looks like a misformed H in my opinion. :P
I already gave the 'X' another shot.

Quote from: dewhi100 on April 17, 2020, 08:20:48 PM
The rock on the metal supports looks like a head. Intentional?
Quote from: alien nose job on April 18, 2020, 03:07:27 PM
wow, your screenshots look fantastic !

As for the Title screen I know it's not finished, but I don't understand what I'm looking at in the middle of the picture  :(
What's under the "P" ?
looks like a glass globe in blue, ok, but what's under the rock just below it then ?

The ship is well placed in the sun.
To be honest, yes, and i think i will change it to something else, it's a bit infantile and silly.
I will go to drawing board again with this one.

Quote from: nodever2 on April 17, 2020, 02:52:31 PM
That looks great so far! Love the logo and the brown asteroids on the right/middle!
The orange planetoid on the left looks a little flat to me, though. I assume that part has yet to be finalized or something... hopefully in the final product it will be shaded as well as the others   :yay:
It's actually meant to be a dwarf star (so the redder colouring), and those shine less bright than usual stars, a bit in the redder range.
I could try and apply the darker red more in itself to give it more of a shading this way.

Quote from: altoiddealer on April 17, 2020, 11:15:52 AM
That's really good man.  I have some comments!

I'm not sure why, but the blue guy in the bubble was the last thing I noticed.
The scale of everything in the FG seemed enormous until I saw him... that the structure + tethered rock(?) was maybe the size of a 40 story building.
After spotting him, I'm having trouble gauging the size of everything.  The scene seems too epic to be focused on something the size of a 2 story house.

I think the tether on the right might look better at a different angle - or, redrawing the thing securing it to be angled out further.  It looks odd to me that these are not pointing in the exact same direction.

Those are asteroids, right?  If possible I think they should have some variety rather than all looking exactly the same.  The closest one looks identical to the medium sized ones, too, except for the tethers.

Looking forward to what's to come! Nice work!
So, first of all, gladly i still have 28 tiles left (8x8 px tiles), so i have yet some room to work with.
There are several points you mentioned, i have not yet mastered to create convincing proportions and angles, this is a steady learning process i have just began to do.
What i want to do is include more stars, debris and more varied meteorites.
I strive for an convincing 3dimensional look, i hope i will achieve that.


The X looks fine now, although it may look better with pointy corners like those on the E, C, and S.

If the red star is the light source, then everything should be tinged red, and darker overall. Also, apart from the main rock, all the asteroids are shaded as if they are lit from the left, by an offscreen source.


Quote from: dewhi100 on April 19, 2020, 11:13:37 AM
The X looks fine now, although it may look better with pointy corners like those on the E, C, and S.

If the red star is the light source, then everything should be tinged red, and darker overall. Also, apart from the main rock, all the asteroids are shaded as if they are lit from the left, by an offscreen source.
I'll see what i can do about the X.

The darker tones are not really a thing of the NES palette, though i could try to find another palette, a tint darker and more in the red spectrum.
You're absolutely about the direction from which the light seems to come, i'll have to make it more sense with the rocks.


Quote from: dewhi100 on April 19, 2020, 11:13:37 AM
The X looks fine now, although it may look better with pointy corners like those on the E, C, and S.
Something more in this vein?


Both of the new "X" are much better than how it was originally.

What I had in mind was that it should be wide like all the other characters, rather than being so square.  If you look how far the "C" hangs off from the left of "Space" then I suggest stretching the X to hang out the same distance on the right.

Whatever the case, this looks brilliant


Quote from: Flower on April 19, 2020, 12:29:15 PM
The darker tones are not really a thing of the NES palette, though i could try to find another palette, a tint darker and more in the red spectrum.
You're absolutely about the direction from which the light seems to come, i'll have to make it more sense with the rocks.

A change in the directional lighting may be all you need. Additionally, real suns are more speckled, but maybe that isn't viable on NES limitations either.

Quote from: Flower on April 19, 2020, 12:29:15 PM
Something more in this vein?

I was thinking flat top and bottom, meeting diagonal sides.

More like this. Please excuse my crappy Unicode art skills.

\ \/ /
}  {
/ /\ \
Now that I'm looking again, I noticed many letters are inconsistent in which corners are curved vs angular. I doubt anyone will pick it apart too much besides me, but it's worth noting. For example the C and E which mismatch their top left corners.

One thing I really like is how the P in SPACE and the L extend a little into the center to surround the oval.


Alright, this is what I am suggesting specifically... not sure if I followed the shading rules 100%.

No pressure, I won't be sad if you don't agree  :bounce:


Edit - I realize I made the X 1px taller than the other letters...



This is another one of those Music Posts. ;)
So at first i just wanted to crunch out some title track parallel to its screen creation, and then I went through my archive of tracks and began to decide which ones i am actually gonna use, and which area i use' em in.
Those are tracks spanning the period of 2016 till today. Some got some revision, others are not yet fully finished, but mostly they are!
So what follows next is the most recent playlist of Space Complex Tracks. I named the tracks after their dedicated area.
So this is as of 2020-04-2020:

+++++ SPACE COMPLEX BGM ++++++












SNOW THEME (unfinished)


Happy Listening

@altoiddealer  @dewhi100  other than that, i am 'X'ited about your contributions about such a seemingly little detail as one letter of a logo. But i appreciate that to its fullest to be able to talk to other nerds about the best looking X.  :lol:
Btw this is the latest revision of it, and maybe i call it a day now. I just adjusted it a bit and made it as tall as the other letters.


Keep up the good work Flower!



Wonderful music, Flower.
I have been following the progress of your game, as time goes by, I see that you are gaining experience and that is good for the development of your game, congratulations!


Quote from: ocesse on May 08, 2020, 11:41:52 PM
Wonderful music, Flower.
I have been following the progress of your game, as time goes by, I see that you are gaining experience and that is good for the development of your game, congratulations!
Very appreciated ocesse, thanks.

Hello everyone,
i am working on implementing Space Jump. I am fiddling with certain numbers that regulate the trigger points of the space jump (i.e. how fast you are able to jump again).
So i've got differently restrictive variants on it, and i need YOU to playtest the variants of the mechanic and give me some feedback.
Please let me know if you're up to it, thanks.
Just write here, send me a message or let me know on discord.
Some example gif? :) here:


++++++++++++++++++++++     UPDATE TIME!     ++++++++++++++++++++++

Hello you crazy gaming nerds, I have done quite a lot recently and i wanna keep you in touch, also those not frequently checking out my discord.

Did manage to implement Space Jump and nerf it, so now it's a rewarding and balanced mechanic. Was quite a struggle to get it into the code as the NEStroid Code Bank has a serious space problem. Had to move and rewrite entire existing code sections to make it possible. Wall Jump is still in the game too, and it is permanent from the beginning, as in Super Metroid. Space Jump requires an upgrade, as it's still powerful and is considered an endgame upgrade, like seen in other troids.
Here is an example gif in a test room:

Have modified the sound engine, cause Metroid seemed to load music tracks in occasions i didn't want it to, so that's a change you won't recognize, so i'll let you know it's a change that has happened, and it was necessary. Two days of hacking time where spent here. Just so you know.

Then i started to materialize my idea of tree interiors in the woods. You may guess which means of travel is needed to scale upwards here.
It's not fully finished graphically but almost there. Here is the latest WIP tile design document:

And lastly, and most noticably i created roughly the half of the first area, the Planet Surface. You may test a demo if you so wish, in this case let me know!
With some inspiration from Super Metroid i finally drew and implemented a Heal Station (aka SM Save Station). Though SM was just the raw inspiration, as i had to make use of the only 3 colours available at once in NES palettes. Also i tweaked the tile graphic and the animation to my liking and now i am quite pleased. Have a look:


That is it for now, i think. over and out, greetings to all of you, take care! :)


Quote from: Flower on May 29, 2020, 06:01:14 AM
++++++++++++++++++++++     UPDATE TIME!     ++++++++++++++++++++++

Hello you crazy gaming nerds, I have done quite a lot recently and i wanna keep you in touch, also those not frequently checking out my discord.

Did manage to implement Space Jump and nerf it, so now it's a rewarding and balanced mechanic. Was quite a struggle to get it into the code as the NEStroid Code Bank has a serious space problem. Had to move and rewrite entire existing code sections to make it possible. Wall Jump is still in the game too, and it is permanent from the beginning, as in Super Metroid. Space Jump requires an upgrade, as it's still powerful and is considered an endgame upgrade, like seen in other troids.
Here is an example gif in a test room:

Have modified the sound engine, cause Metroid seemed to load music tracks in occasions i didn't want it to, so that's a change you won't recognize, so i'll let you know it's a change that has happened, and it was necessary. Two days of hacking time where spent here. Just so you know.

Then i started to materialize my idea of tree interiors in the woods. You may guess which means of travel is needed to scale upwards here.
It's not fully finished graphically but almost there. Here is the latest WIP tile design document:

And lastly, and most noticably i created roughly the half of the first area, the Planet Surface. You may test a demo if you so wish, in this case let me know!
With some inspiration from Super Metroid i finally drew and implemented a Heal Station (aka SM Save Station). Though SM was just the raw inspiration, as i had to make use of the only 3 colours available at once in NES palettes. Also i tweaked the tile graphic and the animation to my liking and now i am quite pleased. Have a look:


That is it for now, i think. over and out, greetings to all of you, take care! :)
Looking great! Knowing that save station is only 3 colors is impressive. You are a very good pixel artist.


Quote from: nodever2 on May 29, 2020, 09:15:15 AM

Looking great! Knowing that save station is only 3 colors is impressive. You are a very good pixel artist.

thank you!

and also: animals saved. ;) as someone has to teach you walljump  ;D

also in one of my recent posts regarding Space Complex bgm i forgot to add the Surface Area Theme, so here it is:


Once again regarding Music:

I made a high quality album of everything that's done for the OST so far. for your pleasure.
You can find it here:
Metroid: Space Complex OST High Quality


OK, so i went on to design rock cave, the cave scene as a whole and the waterfall scene, which the cave seemlessly transitions to.
Be aware both are work in progress, but I'd like to show what is there now, as i've been working hard on this stuff lately.

Rock Cave Test Scenes:

aaaaaand Waterfall (well at least what has seen the day of light already):

Over and out!  :)


Very cool!

The waterfall looks greats.  I have some opinions on it...

-Are you able to make it "mist"?
-Where is the water going?
Since Samus is walking behind it, this puts the blue floor tiles in the FG, so I don't think it makes sense that the side facing away from the water should be so drastically colored.
I think maybe it should continue all the way off-screen, or maybe there is something that can be done to better show where the water is going?
-I'm a little put off by the way the blue tiles abruptly cut off.

Keep up the good work :)


Quote from: altoiddealer on June 04, 2020, 09:51:28 AM
Very cool!

The waterfall looks greats.  I have some opinions on it...

-Are you able to make it "mist"?
-Where is the water going?
Since Samus is walking behind it, this puts the blue floor tiles in the FG, so I don't think it makes sense that the side facing away from the water should be so drastically colored.
I think maybe it should continue all the way off-screen, or maybe there is something that can be done to better show where the water is going?
-I'm a little put off by the way the blue tiles abruptly cut off.

Keep up the good work :)

yea i'll do something about that, absolutely. what you see is the first "hey it's in the game now, how does it look?" screen capture. I'll come back here when i have done something considerably about it.

What i have done in the meantime though is to work out parallax scrolling stalactites and -mites in the cave.


Hey ya,
it's about time to inform you about the latest progress i made for Space Complex.


  • rewrote parts of the Music Engine for that it does what I WANT IT TO, and not the sometimes really buggy Metroid Engine. Main reason is i have quite an amount of songs i wanna insert, and Metroid's Engine is not really well opted for that. Another thing is the "Item Room Music" - Procudure often produced buggs in the music or rather behaviour i don't want.
  • tweaked Underwater Physics to my liking, they are a bit less restrictive as in Rogue Dawn. So you are a little faster in general and can jump a little further
  • optimized the Space Jump, it's now fully working on land and underwater.
  • worked out and implemented Gravity Suit. That was the most work. Days. Many Days.

Depending on the Upgrades you have found, the Jump Height underwater is different.
The Jump Height is calculated as follows, in order of Jump Height:

  • None of the both upgrades
  • Hi Jump only
  • Gravity Suit only
  • Gravity Suit + Hi Jump
Reason is i want the player to really 'feel' each upgrade.

Other thing that Gravity Suit offers is additional damage reduction.
That is calculated as follows:

  • VARIA SUIT or GRAVITY SUIT only: 50% reduction
  • BOTH SUITS: 75% reduction

... + many many other detail tweaks.

Learned and applied quite some assembly in the process, which was a pain in the a-- sometimes to figure out and get right, but here we are now.

Crafted the background music for the Temple Area.
You can find it here:

i am working on a Lavafall for the Volcano Area. WIP:

Worked out the tileset, background animation and the whole graphics for Marine Area.

+++++ GAME PROJECT MANAGEMENT in general +++++
Last days i also put much thought into the direction the game is meant to go, where what upgrades are, which upgrade does what, and came up with the progress chart of the whole game world. Therefore i had a nice long day with a good friend of mine,also a retro game geek as me (so like all of us ey?). That was so important to get a feel for the whole game world, how progression is meant to build during gameplay, how the world is interconnected and so on. Also we put together some scenes of the game, like some enemy rooms, that you need to beat to get something, something like grey doors in Super Metroid. and more.
In general, there are many different possible routes throughout the game world, so that each playthrough differs. I also thought off speed runners in that regard.
I could post the chart we drew, but that would spoil too much most certainly.
But let me say, this helps so much in getting a picture of the product, and thus start designing nice and well put together levels.

So I'm feeling accomplished and look into a bright future of this game's development.