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Room of the Month - August 2016

Started by Retroo, July 03, 2016, 11:33:38 AM

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Who made the Room of the Month?

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2 (10.5%)

Total Members Voted: 0



Is there no way to alter the size and shape of some of the platforms? It looks a little odd that they're all carbon copies of each other.


Quote from: Quietus on July 07, 2016, 04:43:56 AM
Is there no way to alter the size and shape of some of the platforms? It looks a little odd that they're all carbon copies of each other.
With most tilesets you can almost always keep the corners and swap out the middle tiles to add some variation (looks and size of the platform), depending on the tileset and how workable it is. I also try to change some of the corners as well though for added variation. You can get some really different results by mixing things up and using tiles in different ways like this when making structures.
His room does look good though, I think it just needs a bit of refinement (as most do).


Really digging the room, Hawntah. Looks a lot like an anthill group of tunnels, which I rarely, if ever, see in the Metroid series. Why don't we have more of that good shit in SM rooms??


It's probably a factor of relative sprite size. If you made that room in SM it would feel very cramped because Samus is 3 tiles tall and so are a large number of enemies. In Zero Mission, Samus is only 2 tiles tall, same for most enemies. What's cramped in SM isn't necessarily in ZM, meaning you can have tight corridors in ZM without affecting gameplay in the same way as it would SM.


Yet the morph size is still one tile. She must have upgraded the suit to use better compression for Super. :grin:


I'll probably revise this later but for now:

and here it is in game with some rain:


You've got a lot of places in the background formations that have the straight, black edges, instead of using the equivalent tile with transparency. It makes them look very unnatural compared to the foreground ones where you've used the transparency. :^_^:


I thought there was something weird about it, thanks for pointing that out. I used to have a darker palette and no background with those tiles so I didn't realize I was using the wrong tile until I had a bright background. It looks much better now


Yeah, that's a lot better. Now that you've forced me to look at it again, I'd suggest horizontally flipping the small plants by the left-hand door (and under the platform), as they look like they're not attached to anything now that the aforementioned black line is gone.

Also, I think you're missing an inner corner tile to the right of the small plant in the morph gap in the bottom, right-hand corner.

I promise I'll leave you alone now. :grin:



I'd like to see someone else build a room using this tileset. Push it to its limits. I'm no good at designing rooms on my own, so show me what my tileset is capable of. I'm curious.



Crashed Frigate Reactor Core.

[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Water effects later on down the line.


I quite like it, though you could probably do with creating a custom tile to remove all of the grey 'spikes' in the blackness, so it doesn't look quite so obviously divided.

Vismund Cygnus

Room of the Month is a week late again! Woo!
Last month's winner was Heenok, who submitted some groovy fangame goodies:

This month we have a big old stack of interesting:

Vote for your favourite, and don't forget to submit for next month!


Quote for me. It's just a nice, clean room. :^_^:

Vismund Cygnus

I remember I used to do this thing where I'd review rooms:
[spoiler=Retroo]Pretty generic Red Brinstar with a little twist of lemon in the filler. Nothing fancy, nothing bad.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Hawntah]That's some tasty Fusion you've got going there. Changing up the decor on the little platforms definitely helped make them look less copypasted and keeps things fresh. With that said I'm not entirely sure what the purpose is of that bottom tunnel, other than obvious hint that wall is fake/trick people into taking the low path for no real reason. But solid work overall.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Quote58]Nice and lush Crateria stuff. The one thing putting me off is the very obvious straight lines running across the background (the transitions between the colours that is). Solid work though and really nice use of layering.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Physix]Looks like the entrance to an ancient ruin of some sort. Not too much to say about this one other than it looks intriguing and like it'd be a good segue from one area to another.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=TobiMikami]Ended up getting my vote. Looks like it'd work really well with some nice blue glow effects. At first I was having trouble differentiating the foreground and background but the more I look the more obvious it is. Some really nice alien looking stuff.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=heenok]Probably the blandest of the entries this week. Pretty obvious tiling error in the right hand side room and overall the tileset choice is just a bit meh.[/spoiler]


Vote for a js pyshix i mis the gyuy


Quote58 gets my vote, the vegetation remind me of the new Spinach & Roasted Red Pepper Criss-Croissant at IHOP™ for a limited time!

[spoiler=It's your breakfast place for a "come-as-you-are" meal like pancakes made just for you. But with the kind of special touches and fun twists you can't get anywhere else — even at home. ][/spoiler]