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Metconst Summer Contest Judging

Started by DSO, September 02, 2016, 12:30:15 PM

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This is where I'll be recording the votes for the hacks from Metconst's summer contest. We ended up with four entries.

y-faster by Metaquarius
JBATW by The Monster of Surrealton
Stupid! by Lunaria
SMChallenge by SMILEuser96

If you are one of these people who volunteered for judging, please send me your list of best to worst after playing through all the hacks (do so either by PM or message on IRC). The best gets 4 points, second best gets 3 points, third gets 2, and worst hack gets 1 point. I'll give you a couple weekends to play through them, so on Sept. 17th I will be tallying the score total and the winner will be declared.

1. Y Faster

2. SMChallenge

3. Stupid

4. Justin Bailey Against the World

Best hack - Y-Faster (close between this and SMChallenge. If I could choose both as best, I would. But I can't)

2nd place - SMChallenge (again, close between y-faster and this)

3rd place - Stupid (reviewing 1.1 because iirc, 1.2 was submitted after the deadline. Unfinishable, but had it's merits)

Worst hack - JBAtW (Unfinishable. Game resets itself when going up norfair's elevator, plus I didn't really have much fun with this)

1st - YFaster (so much fun, closely matched with SMChallenge but the timer gave it the edge)

2nd - SMChallenge (lots of cool stuff, great quick play, I recommend that everyone plays this, it's great)

3rd - JBATW (m1 hacks are cool, the new area was nice, unfortunately the bugs and things made it a lot less enjoyable - will be great when fixed)

4th - Stupid! (had some kinda neat things, but needing springball for draygon and it's location made it annoying. Also, you should test especially when you finished with a month to spare)

1. yfaster
2. smcontest
3. jbvtw
4. smstupid

1.  Y-Faster - neat concept, well executed.  timer was pretty much perfect as I literally died during the escape on my first attempt.
2.  SMChallenge - not what I was expecting from a smiley hack.  really fast paced gameplay, quick to complete even if you collect 116% of the items.  RIP fox.
3.  Stupid - a bit of a slog, despite being a halfhack in a race-oriented contest.  some entertaining troll moments that I can appreciate though
4.  Justin Bailey Against The World - appears to be unfinishable.  I got permastuck in 3 different places :(

-yet to submit list

1. yfaster
2. smcontest
3. jbvtw
4. smstupid


Congrats Meta! Y Faster wins with a perfect 24 points, being chosen as the winner by every single judge who submitted results!
SMChallenge was the runner up with 18 points, though it may have been closer as some judges were very on the edge as to whether Challenge or Y Faster was better, but Y Faster had the length to develop its ideas more so that probably gave it the edge)
Stupid and JBAtW tied last with 9 points apiece.