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[SM] Tile Error With Custom Sprites [SOLVED]

Started by cynicalCosmozoan, April 26, 2016, 10:48:51 PM

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Well I recently felt inspired to try and do some construction of a hack of my own; nothing major as of yet, as I'm still learning the ropes. But my first plan is to create a visual replacement of Samus in-game, much like has been done in Justin Bailey (not something I have seen done very often otherwise). Between editing sprite sheets and redrawing select tiles in TLP, I feel I have a good start, aside from a minor graphics glitch in the standing pose.


As the image shows, I have some unexpected duplicated pixels the show up on the left-side shoulder when in the elevator standing pose (the standing pose for loading from a save has no issues, that's a different set of tiles). It's almost like the tile has a duplicate that is drawn behind it and offset a pixel up and to the right. I double-checked the tiles in TLP, yet I can't seem to find anything that would point to this type of graphics error. Has anyone encountered an issue like this or know any methods that can help me refine these sprites?


You could try opening it in the jSM editor, and see if anything jumps out at you.


As a matter of fact, it did; when I opened jSM to look at the standing pose I saw nothing out of the ordinary, so after some messing around I figured to edit the pose so the two 16x16 tiles for the upper body are off to the sides; once I tested it in game again, I saw found this:


Ding! A rouge tile, loading right underneath everything else! Strangely enough, its one of the tiles used in the save station loading animation (located at offset D5620). However, it was originally meant to fix the mirroring issue with Samus' chest armor in the standard Power Suit pose. I thought it was essential, but realizing my edited tiles are mirrored properly, I tried making that tile fully transparent to see if either one or the other pose was affected. The result?


Extra pixels gone in glitched sprite, and no errors made in loading sprite! Not sure why the game was programmed to load an extra tile like that, but your advice helped me zone in on a solution. Thanks!

Consider this question [SOLVED]