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Room of the Week 2010 - Archives

Started by squishy_ichigo, January 16, 2010, 11:09:07 AM

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Quote from: DekuKnight on August 08, 2010, 05:10:35 PM
Then where is the pic?
Quote from: SM_Fan122 on August 07, 2010, 05:32:08 PM

(I just noticed several tile errors after uploading it.... :mad:)


Voting for webber. That room is so sexy! <3

SM_Fan: Your' room is pretty good. I do notice a few tile errors, and I'm not a fan of the blazing bg colors. :/ But overall,the room does look cool. I like those structured bridges DMantra is talking about.

IMetroRat(ratchet): Your room is ok. I don't like the way the mechanical stuff mixes into the ruins at all. :/ The blue color looks pretty good. But the room looks like it serves no point and doesn't lead anywhere. Also, it doesn't have a background!  :FURY:

Webber: I love the way you mixed the tilesets. It looks so good with them together. I love the layered tiles, and overall, the room is just plain awesome. Keep it up.


I love Webber's room, it's got everything you could want in a detailed hack, I just love this room.
However.. after looking over SM_Fan's room, I really liked the realistic structured bridges and stuff.
My vote goes for SM_Fan.


Sweet Chrysanthemum, Webber you have amazing talent.


Time to copy webbers room then =3, JK


Webber, indeed.

It's in the archives now, but SM_Fan122 asked about the egg.  It's just the Dachora 's egg. :yay:


Here are my comments:

SM_Fan122 (Myself):
As I work for a Structural Engineering firm, I would to like to have realistic structures, with construction similar to modern day methods (i.e. the truss-like bridges). If I ever finish my hack, there will be many structural elements to it.

Your room is interesting. I don't know what your scheme was for the room, but to me it resembles something like an abandoned construction site where some local fauna has decided to make a nest... 

This room is awesome! Rooms like this gives newbies like me inspiration and hope! I love the pillar like structure in the background. And the ramp structure at the bottom appears that it could wrap around the pillar. This room gets my vote!


I just want to say that every room this week has an interesting appeal in it's own way (in my opinion), so here are my comments/complaints:

SM_Fan122: The bridges have an interesting design to them, but I think some custom GFX may make it better? The landscape looks a bit too flat. Mix up the terrain a bit, add some more slopes to make it more natural land. The palette, like Shadox said, is a bit blazing and really is an eyesore. Overall, its good but can be better, as you have said before, you have made changes to it? But this is actually a really cool looking room. I hope to see more from you soon. :yay:

IMetroRat: This room is actually not that bad but it sure has it's flaws. Every time you enter a room you never seem to have some kind of background, I always see a complete black background. Not saying it is bad, but it makes the room boring and unappealing. I think the palette could use some work too. Overall, the room could use some more detail, and a background would be nice too.

Webber1900: This room had some changes to the palette since I last posted this room. But it was just a minor change it to make it a bit more better. But I was surprised how much attention my room is getting. But to me, this is nothing compared to the room next to it.  :wink:

This week's vote from me goes to SM_Fan122.

Hiroshi Mishima

Too tired to post lengthy crap. I chose Webber. I can't quite remember why I picked him over SMFan, which was my initial choice. I think I just ended up liking his room better. Sorry. I did really like the structured look of SMFan's, though.


These rooms all had great aspects this week.

Even tho this room is unmistakable as a noobie edit, it's actually quite cool. The bridges and tunnels are the best, as I don't see (m)any hackers using structures like that anymore.

I like the palette of this room, and the mix of tiles looks nice. I'm guessing this is an elevator room? but i'm probably wrong. The lack of BG is disappointing :(  it could look soo much better with a BG, so get to it! RAWR!!

I thought this was one of Grime's rooms when I saw it; you have very similar BG styles (this is just an observation using that room). That said, I like the layering between the BG and FG. My only complaint is the lack of variety in the palette... IT'S ALL GREEN!!  IMO makes the statue and ruined blocks more dark greyish, and make the grass a slightly more vivid green so it meshes with the flowers you've put.

Voted for Ratchet :P


Sadi It's sorta like a Elevator But no elevator You just fall into the next Sector  :^_^:


[spoiler=Going to be crushed by other entries this week but whatever.][/spoiler]

In game the chocolate tiles remind alot of Super Mario World...


[spoiler=RotW Entry][/spoiler]

Let's see how things go for this week!  :D!:



[spoiler=what is this i don't even][/spoiler]


I'll enter this'n. :3

Notes: BG look a bit bare boned, but in-game it scrolls at just the right speed to feel enough for the whole room. Also, underwater! :3[/spoiler]



Awww hell

pack it up kiddies, this voting hasn't even started yet, and we got us a clear cut winner

damn it Grime


Quote from: squishy_ichigo
[spoiler=what is this i don't even][/spoiler]



Hiroshi Mishima

Perhaps I'm just getting tired of Super Metroid entries due to my having been playing nothing but Super Metroid for the last few weeks... but for whatever reason, I'm picking Snarfblam because I think his entry is awesome and I really wish Metroid 1 could've had stuff like this in it and probably would have if it'd been made by Capcom or a year or two later. None the less, I'm picking Snarf. I'm tired and if I remember I'll comment on the others later.


Don't want to upset anyone, but I felt there wasn't much here this week, so I went with snarfblam's room.  It looks very busy, with lots of tile variation.


Sadiztyk, that room looks pretty effin cool. My first thought when I saw it was, "oh well, guess I'll try again next week." I was actually surprised to see the way the voting is going.


Gonna go with Sadiztyk's room this time. Seems like every time I stop and look at it, another layer magically appears in the background that I didn't notice before. Holy shit.


Sadiztyk's room definitly hit my soft spot, so i voted for that one.