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Room of the Week 2010 - Archives

Started by squishy_ichigo, January 16, 2010, 11:09:07 AM

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Hiroshi Mishima

I do believe that this would be a good idea. Seeing a room in action (unless it's design just for this and isn't all that functional, as some have been in the past) usually helps bring it into focus to truly appreciate how it'd be in-game.

So yeah I fully agree with Crys that some rooms look incredible in-game but like shit in the editor. Granted that could be true for all kinds of games, not just this. :p

Silver Skree

Fun fact: My brother gave me a box of "Hex Flakes" cereal for winning RotW. Now I regret winning it.  :<_<:


Quote from: Silver Skree
Fun fact: My brother gave me a box of "Hex Flakes" cereal for winning RotW. Now I regret winning it.  :<_<:
It's the thought that counts, right?


So I guess I will submit a room since this has been lacking this weekend for some odd reason...

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A landing site from an old hack of mine...

[spoiler=Another big one][/spoiler]


I just made this on very short notice. Not my best work, but meh, it's better than only 2 entries.


MetroidMst: This room looks hard as hell to navigate lol. Although the BG colors don't look right here, I can see them looking neat ingame. I'd imagine a vertical scroll would look compliment it well.

Webber: This room is so big/close-up it's hard for me to put it in perspective. From what I see it looks nice though. The top portion could use more aesthetics, like the rock shading you have at the bottom. Nice curvature and general layout.

FullOfFail: I made this really quickly just for an extra entry. The bottom is supposed to be like half of the upper portion of a eel-like creature. I also tried to make the pipes in the right and left hand corners look like they're continuing underground. Didn't work too well though.

Not sure who I'm going to vote for yet. I'll sleep on it.


MetroidMst: This is just one of many such rooms that make use of Grapple Beam. My hack has a huge emphasis on that item once it is obtained. This isn't actualy that hard with either Hi-Jump or without, but it still has some difficulty. There aren't any scrolling BGs in it, but the orange and grey bricks do glow, plus a layer of ugly darkness helps it out too.

Webber: HUGE PIC! Like FoF said, hard to judge the whole room when you can't see most of it on screen at one time. I do admire the line of "water" floating in the sky, unless that is just me seeing something that isn't there. I detest making large rooms so I like the ideas I get from watching fellow hackers post pics of rooms just like this.

FullOfFail: The first thing I noticed was not your giant creature on the bottom. My eyes were drawn to the bright-greyish tiles. You didn't do anything wrong with them, but it just looks wrong to me to have the bright part cut off and then put other tiles "in front" of the complete blackness underneath the bright section. It just looks off. Your eel however is quite good and you even gave it a horn on top of its head. And the platforms your doors are on would be awesome if you built a pillar in between what looks like the top and bottom of one. It just looks like it should be a pillar when used that way.

Hiroshi Mishima

Hmmm.. pretty bare-bones this week, I see. No matter...

MetroidMst - I do like the design of this room on the basis of looks as the colouring and use of tiles gives it an appealing look. I also generally like rooms centered around using the Grapple Beam (cause it's a fun tool). However, it also looks very unforgiving and I generally don't like seeing rooms comprised of 80% spikes or Damage Tiles in the games I play. Though that itself may not be an issue if it plays out fine and is merely to mind-screw the player into messing up.

Webber1900 - I do enjoy a good looking Landing Site, and as far as they go this is relatively simple yet still manages to look nice at the same time. I like the colouring and the way you did the background. I don't see partially submerged landing sites all that often and so this stands out for me. It's fairly linear but I've never had a problem with that for the most part, so it works in this case. It's a good use of the vanilla tiles (I think they're vanilla) as well.

FullOfFail - This room, if I'm not mistaken, was thrown together at the last minute for an entry? No offense but even if that's not the case it has a thrown together feel to it. At a glance it's attractive enough, but then I start noticing things like that odd purple "spike" on top of the Dragon-Head-Formation which looks totally out of place. Although admittedly that's the only thing that jumps out at me, I'm still not sure if I feel this room is as good as the other two entries. Sorry, man.

Oh, and I went with Webber's room.


I appreciate that you're willing to throw something together to prevent RotW from being empty, but sadly the effort might've gone to waste because your room doesn't really stand up to the other two. There are numerous things I would not be content with in that room if I designed it myself, but I think you already know and don't really need to care, because I don't think you're actually using that in any hack.

Nice room, mostly pleasant palette, if this is indeed the landing site with water then that reminds me strongly of Cider. I don't like the palette for the grey pipes, though. They seem dull when pitted with the rest of the tileset you've got going on. Overall, it reminds me of some of my older crateria style. You do have some nice little details you're always good with in here, but they seem thinner than in the other entries you've made. You've probably already noticed, but I see a tiling error in the left screen second row from the top.

This room looks fun, but speaking from personal experience, it plays better than it looks. When I say fun, I mean fun, not the sarcastic sense people say "yeah, fun" and then proceed to mentally stab themselves with knives. Also from having played it in game, the palettes are great. My vote goes to you.
P.S. I want to see a version of this headed downward.


Well, here's my room:


Wow, not many people are posting rooms =/


Kind of a new area idea I'm working on, need to work some more stuff into the tileset though.



Room using my new snow tileset.



I have a room  :<_<:

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Time to do a review!

Shadox: People like ma pallete. :awesome:

DSO: Well, the room is very interesting, but seems kinda strange. It doesnt make too much sense, such as the pipe in the upper left corner. The GFX look good, but i dont understand. Also..the pallete looks strange...

Project XVIII:: I really like the gfx and the pallete. It really looks like you got a good snow gfx going there, pal! You look like you really know how to use that gfx perfectly! You got my vote :D

IMetroRat: Logo, wtf? And it looks too weird, with one side being brick or whatever, and the other being creteria rock. I'm not saying this is a bad room, just needs some more work, if you know what i mean.

yeah, my vote goes to Project for great gfx and pallete. This seems more like Pallete of the week, to me :<_<: Great room of the week this week :D


Shadox: pallete is pretty decent. Though since I know that tileset well, I can tell you it has A LOT of room for detail. Other than that the formation off to the side seems like a good natural structure.

DSO: I can just see the two layered beauty already. 'Nuff said.

Project: I like the snow and how you got it with the Maridia (?) tileset. What bugs me is detail. Since it's snow, what I would do is make it so that at points while running through it, you dip down into it and emerge a little way further.

MetroRat: Pretty basic layout. Though I like the curvature on the rocks, I must say the green bricks clash with the purple of the rocks...

DSO's got my vote.


DSO, you really seem to like super-saturated palettes. Not something I'm a huge fan of, but the room looks good despite that.

Project, I like the idea a lot, but the terrain is really plain. Mix in some stone and steel tubing and that screen could kick arse.

My hands are a bit full right now, as far as ROM hacking goes, but I'd like to start submitting ROTW entries again.


DSO - Palettes are as awesome as always.  Keep it up!

Project - Seems a bit too...white, but I can see that being a good thing in snowy areas.  More detail, however, would be nice.

Shadox - Not bad, I'd love to see a new BG to that room now!

IMetroRat - A bit bland right now, but that's a nice start.

Overall, my vote goes to DSO.  Beautiful room!

Silver Skree

DSO: I'll agree with snarfblam; I'm not a fan of some of the super-saturated palettes DSO posts, but this room is sweet even in spite of that. What really hooked me was that save room. Dat save room. Mmh.

Shadox's is some really nicely plain landing site action that makes me really look forward to playing whatever he's got in store. Props on those nonchalant rock-BG tiles.

Project: Lol, cloud world in Super Metroid, wtf. This is cool and I like the idea; it's a good palette and everything, but nothing to really set it above the bar. A little critique on the tileset itself though: remove the black outline on the clouds. I'm not against outlines, but not a black one on clouds. On my second glance, I thought it was a Layer1 room until I was like "duh, no, look past the pipes and the slope tiles."

Rat: Ew. Hardly any variety, and split right down the middle. Use more different tiles.

Hiroshi Mishima

Not gonna be too wordy, not in a serious talking/critiquing mood.

Shadox - I'm assuming this is the Landing Site judging from the doors. I really like the Chozo you got there, and the doors look very nice. Aside from that it's strictly vanilla tiling insofar as I can tell. Nothing wrong with that as I've said in the past, however I must admit that it has a bland look to it. Especially when compared to both DSO and Project's rooms. It feels a little empty, too, but it's pleasant none-the-less.

DSO - Wow, interesting use of a large room here. It looks as though it may actually be 3 rooms in one, which is a very creative use of extra space. The colours are appealing and don't clash. I like the stuff going on in the background and foreground, and it doesn't distract too much so that's another plus there. I like the design you've used for the room, as well. It looks good, serves multiple purposes, and it has a relatively natural feel to it. It also doesn't have any seemingly empty spots. I think I have my choice this week.

ProjectXVII - I find the concept of a Cloud World-esque area interesting. Mind you if it's snow it is less convincing as it looks too fluffy to be snow or ice. It's an intriguing design choice and I quite like it. It could use a little more to look at, personally, but for what it is worth, it looks good. I probably would have gone with this if DSO's hadn't blown me away.

IMetroRat - I'll be honest, this room feels like it's got a LOT of wasted space. Large chunks of nothing with a (very nice) border on the one side, and some rocky outcroppings on the other. I know you have the huge, possibly bulky, structure towards the middle, but it feels as though it's only purpose is to prevent climbing to the other side and feels unnatural to me. I really like the seemingly Metroid 2-esque design on the one side of the room, however.


Shadox: I like this room alot in terms of layout. The only thing it's really missing is some rock shading. I like the pallet color aswell.

DSO: I like the contrasts in this. I also like how the bottom is more rectangular to match with the brick BG. Nice aesthetic and turned out great. Not really liking the green windows against the red tube, it's too many contrasts conflicting at once. I'm thinking a play with the golden mushrooms might look better against the red.

Project: I'm liking the layout, but I think you need to take the tiles into tilelayer and polish them. Like the edges, they're too black, you should make them a lighter color.

IMetroRat: This room needs alot more detail in the golden blocks area. Just too empty in the center there, maybe make a small temple or something. The way you got the BG blocks set up it seems like it'd fit in nicely. Maybe make it look ruined, that way you don't actually enter it.

I'm going with Shadox. The layout of that room kick's ass.


I like the detail of the DSO room, its deviation from typical old Super Meroid style roomage.


Another room to submit this week. With more detail than last week's.
Even if I probably wont get any votes >.>



lol, I'll have the video up tomorrow.

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