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Room of the Week 2010 - Archives

Started by squishy_ichigo, January 16, 2010, 11:09:07 AM

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Quote from: Crys on April 13, 2010, 02:08:46 PM
one would either have to bomb or jump down to that tricky platform in order to open the orb.
I'll give you one guess as to what's in the orb...


Varia suit? :o

[spoiler]I thought it might be bombs as you say it like this, but bombs in norfair seams a bit late...[/spoiler]


It was bombs.

[spoiler=  Why they're in norfair  ]They aren't buried deep in Norfair. It's not like you have to beat Ridley to get them. It's actually pretty early in the game.

The game just has a little back and fourth. You have to get an item in Norfair to proceed in Brinstar, you have to get an item in Kraidville to proceed in Norfair, ect. Kinda like Blaster Master. Kinda.[/spoiler]

Hiroshi Mishima

I'm having trouble focusing my thoughts at the moment, so this might sound kinda weird when I try to say my thoughts on the various rooms. I apologize beforehand for it.

Tbolt - Am I correct in assuming this was the room that leads to the Wave Beam originally? In any event, the fact that you have yet again left the BTS and such visible when you submitted the screenshot makes it look very unattractive. I did rather like how you had the sloping tiles along with the other ones, but it feels out of place and unnatural, as though you were trying to force two rooms together. I also have to mention that I really actually like those pink blocks, but they don't fit in with the rest of the room and stand out a bit too much. [4th Place]

TheLicker - I liked how you used some new pipes there, but as has been said I think you seriously overdid it with the lower part of the room seeing as how it felt like you were trying to show off every last tile you made. Also the top of the room feels a little too symmetrical for my tastes, although I like the little slope going down at the bottom. Sorry, it's just feeling too crowded for me to give a better score. [3rd Place]

BlackFalcon - I'll be honest, I was blown away by this one. I mean for a moment I didn't even think this was done with SMILE, I thought it was something out of a Fusion or MZM hack, until I saw the dead bodies. By the way, having them appear to be bleeding onto the floor was a nice touch. There's a lot going on in here and a lot to look at, which makes the room interesting to look at. I just looked again and noticed one of the bodies is lighter than the other, is it in the background? That's an interesting effect. I'd love to see some more of this. [CLOSE 2nd Place]

Snarfblam - The reason I chose this one was that it took a Metroid 1 room and did something very interesting that I hadn't seen done with Metroid 1. It took me a while to realize I was even looking at a Metroid 1 room because it is so well made and detailed. Part of me was reminded of a Megaman level, part of me was reminded of Metroid 2, and the rest of me thought it musta been something out of Super Metroid (cause of the door). That is very nicely done, with functionality and beauty, especially with how finicky Metroid 1 feels when I used to try my hand at using MetEdit years ago. It was close, but I give this one first. [1st Place]


I wish I could vote for both Black Falcon and Snarfblam. But I voted Black Falcon.


Since my last room was a complete disaster and even i hated it Im going back to classic rooms!

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ehh, this room has alot of fx1 illusions and mocktroids. It's like a clone room. Hard to explain. Just gotta see it ingame to understand it, I guess. It's not completely finished yet though.



I'm not dead. This is room from my hack on which I'm working from time to time. There are a Missiles at the top point of the 2nd screen and acid at the floor. Just small room with missile expansion. And I love Graphic Set 14 & 15 for 24 unused 8*8 tiles.

There were 2 more screens from above and beyond current room, but they are completly black and there is no reason to show them. Top screen is used to show top 2 lines in the room space and bottom screen is solid and prevents player to fall through the floor.



Hooray, 22.22k =)

[attachment deleted by admin]


Might as well revive myself.
big image.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Bump. I'll be clearing up the stage for votes around 5PM EST tomorrow. Just so you know...


A room you say?

[spoiler=It's actually a boss room][/spoiler]

[attachment deleted by admin]


Giving it to Sadi this week.

Also of note:
FoolOfPhail: Very nice room, Almost got it from Sadi this week, I want to see how that room looks animated. :D
Daltone: The top of the room could use some more slopes imho, other than that I love the room, very redesigny. :P

The other two are very M1 style, not much to comment on.

Good job everyone! :D
Even you Zhs2, thanks for doing this for me! :3


If it had more variation in colour, I'd've ( <--Love that contraction) gone with Sadiz, but it doesn't, so I'm going with Daltone. 


Nice to see you back Squish.

Hmm, this is a toughy. I'm going to give it to Dalton.

Tbolt: The right side of the lava at the bottom could use a solid block instead of that gate thingy. In my logic it seems the lava would fill in the holes, well on the left side atleast. But I'm wondering why'd you have lava if you're just going to put a platform almost all the way over it anyway. If there's a missile under there than that'd make sense, otherwise I'd say remove a couple blocks to make it more hazardous.

FullOfFail: Like I said previously, it really needs to be animated and with enemies to look right. Credit goes to Grime for the moon and stars. Now that I look at it, the star tile placement could be better. Looks too cluttered in some places, and not enough in others. Prob need to add more icons for the monitors, it's getting repetitive.

JAM: I'm assuming there's an item on the middle platform. I like the color of the blue blocks. Dunno what else to say.

Dalton: I really like this. It's really reminiscent of redesign, as squish said. One thing I've never been a fan of though, is floating platforms. But that's just me. I like to connect platforms to a structure of some sort, usually a play on the background. I like the jaggyness of it all too.

Sadi: Red fits that tileset much more than the original green. The brown blocks at the top dont really look right. Maybe it's just the color mix, but it just looks odd to me. Given how dark the red is, the pipes look too bright, but that's a non-issue. I'm wondering what those things in the bottom left is. Maybe a refill station? I never know with you, since you're an ASM'er.


I think i'm gonna have to say Sadi
[spoiler]tbolt76: I like the lava but those openings are pretty small.
FullOfFail: Close second, i like the greyness and the space shippy style, the monitors and containment bubbles are kewl.
JAM: I like how you got the full screen of those grey blocks just like you'd see in M1, also the blue is nice
Daltone: you know what i think.
Sadi: This room has a nice style to it and since you said its a boss room intrigues me, i'm guessing it has something to do with those 3 boxes, switches perhaps? the red rocks with the growth on them fits it together nicely, i think the purple rocks lying throughout should be red though (unless they are near the blocks which they are from) 


I'm going with FoF on this contest, although Sadiztyk's and Daltone's rooms are bangin' as well!

For the Metroid1 rooms: those are very nice designs as well, but I haven't played much Metroid1 in awhile so I can't judge well.


I really like FoF and sadi's rooms, but I have to go with sadi. FoF,  like you said, it would look better in game. Sadi has my vote.


Daltone cause that room resonates with me and I want to live in it.

Silver Skree

Looks like there might actually be some competition in this week's rooms! :shocking:

I vote FoF. I want to see that room animated.


I voted Daltone.
[spoiler]When I first opened that room up I noted so many little things that amazed me, which I've never seen used before. The wall of vines on the left under the elevator (under the pink bit) gives the impression that beyond there is just pure epic jungle. The pink slopes look a bit dodgy, but I don't think there's any tiles that actually fit those well in the tileset.
Also, I really want to see a custom BG in that area =P I don't mean one like what's there, but one like another layer1. that'd be epicness.

Not really much to comment on, as the original Metroid's rooms are quite simple. I'm hoping that the bridge across the lava is made from crumble blocks, cause otherwise it'd be just too easy to get through that room.

I like this room. I'm getting the impression it's where Metroids are grown from scratch, and they're being imprinted with the memory of Samus so they can hunt her?

Not really much to comment on in this one either. I'm guessing you're using green scrolls for the room, which would be annoying when jumping (cause the room will scroll up and down a bit).
Also, there's a "end" pipe piece in the CRE, with 3 dots on it. I'd put those pipes at the end of the pipes on the platforms, see how that looks, cause ATM the pipes look like they just go into blocks for no reason.


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on April 23, 2010, 01:40:28 AM
I'm getting the impression it's where Metroids are grown from scratch, and they're being imprinted with the memory of Samus so they can hunt her?

Something like that. Since it's in the Space Pirates HQ it's mocktroids. The part with Samus wasnt intended to be connected to the Mocktroids, it's just a 'warning there's an intruder' sign. In the center of the bubbles I have falling sparks like they're being created. And when you come near it they break out of the bubbles. The center bubbles are supposed to be like those energy balls you find in the Wrecked Ship, it's what's used to create the mocktroids.

/long reply


My vote this week goes to FoF, with a close second from Sadi.



That's... colourful. A bit too much for my flavour.


I disagree with para,  loving the color contrasts. But I'll get into that with my post-comments.

Meh, this room sorta sucks but I've been lazy lately so it'll have to do.