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[SM] Phazon Hack 0.5 (Under Construction)

Started by A_red_monk_called_Key, January 12, 2010, 04:19:46 PM

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i liked the parallel worlds remake so i'm not apposed to the idea. mainly i want SM phazon to be original looking as possible, so please don't use 0.3 GFX unless we talk. (the HUD thing is cool)

My save station? yeah thats fine i can make a new one for 0.4

SM Ph 0.4 will have some added GFX sets so i can make changes to the phazon mines, people running for there lives, 2 alt. endings, 2 alt. dimensions, and more collectables(less dickish then 0.3).


I have been trying to patch this rom for a couple of hours.

I was able to locate a pre patched rom via a link on youtube to a mediafire file. The rom played but was glitchy in the beginning, straightened out after the first energy tank and then glitched out again after the charge beam. I couldn't see where I was going so I quit.

I dont have an emulator on my PC... I'm trying to play this on my modded xbox. I'm using zsnexbox.

I have the Super Justin Bailey rom patched and it works perfect.... amongst others.

I have read all around town on what version rom to get. Every version I was able to find was straight up 3mb. All of them. I tried patching each one individually. I transfer them to my emu's rom folder and it locks the emu completely. I have to hard boot and retry. No luck what so ever.

Now, I found the tutorial thread on how to download LIPS and SMILE. I downloaded and unzipped LIPS, no problem. I downloaded SMILE but when I tried to unzip, it asks if I want to overwrite some files. The first time I clicked yes and ran into an issue while loading the rom. Second time I clicked no and had the same problem.

I'm pretty sure I'm doing everything right... I'm not so sure about the SMILE download. I remember patching Super Justin Bailey just fine back in the day. I know for a fact that it's not my xbox or the emu. I have been running the same emu since 2006 flawlessly.

I know you / we aren't suppose to share patched files. Aside from downloading a pre-patched file, I dont know what else to do.

Any suggestions?
I REALLY REALLY want to play this game.


There is a couple red flags in your post.
modded xbox, numerous patches..
I'll assume this isn't finding the right rom as usual,
but your configuration.

Play it on your PC with an emulator.


Basically, what he said. Test it with a PC emulator such as SNES9X or bsnes or ZSNES to make sure it's not the XBox emulator being a piece of crap, and if not, then make sure you've got an unheadered [JU] rom. I've played this on a couple other emulators, and it has worked fine in most cases (PSP SNES9X, for one; SNESoid on Android for another.)


It might also be worth considering that the Justin Bailey patch is not always compatible with every hack.  I'm not sure how it is with Phazon.  Try running the hack without it.  For the sake of clarity, you'll need an unheadered (3,072KB) ROM, so you'll need to be Googling "Super Metroid (JU) [!]" for a clean version.  The easiest way to check the size is to open the folder that it's in, and change the view to 'Details'.  It should list the file sizes.


I'm not trying to argue or get defensive.... but

my xbox is modded SOLID. Every emu, every rom and every rom hack has worked on it thus far. I have zsnexbox 3.0 as well as zsnexbox 3.7. The Phazon that I downloaded from mediafire works, its just glitchy and I cant see where I'm going on certain screens.

I do have a clean rom. I have been using emulators for close to a decade and know what to look for.
Also, to clarify, I'm not trying to patch over an already patched game... I know better than that  :wink:

I did get it to work properly on a PC emu, but not with the tools that the tutorial pointed me to. The distro of SMILE was broken. I had to google and get it elsewhere. I was able to de-header the rom and get it patched successfully. I got zsnes for PC and it works flawless.

You're right, it might be my xbox emulator. I'll have to look into it today and see if there are any newer versions out there that can handle it or if there are any tweaks I can do to make it work.

I'm surprised that nobody here has had experience with running this on a modded xbox. I would think that they're a little more common now-a-days in the emulator community. I don't mind playing it on my PC because I'm running XBCD to use my xbox controller, but I really wanted to see this beautiful piece of work on my big ass TV.

I DID get it working on my PC, but I'm still going to try and get it running on my xbox for future gamers. I'll report back with anything I find out  :grin: It can't hurt to have an xboxer in the fold. By the time I got it working, it was close to 3 in the morning, so I have a lot of adventuring to do today.

Thanks for the replies!


Nah, there's no need to be defensive.  We're just used to seeing people asking when they HAVEN'T tried things.  It's a refreshing change that you have. :^_^:

If you've got it working fine on your PC, and it doesn't work on your Xbox, then it would give me the impression that it's the Xbox emu setup.  I've never touched it, so I haven't a clue as to suggestions.

If you want to play it on your TV, just hook your PC up to it.  That's what I use. :^_^:


I'm going through my emu settings right now and challenging them against the PC version. I got the landing screen to display properly, but the first energy tank screen and the first hallway are still glitchy. Process of elimination in the video settings.

I would hook my PC to my TV, but it's too far away  :sad:

I'll just keep plowing through until I get it.
Like I said before. when I get it down, I'll post what emu and what settings are needed for future xboxers.



OK... Officially, for the record... The emulator you need to play this on a modded xbox is Snes9Xbox. Please be sure to have the latest version, which is v6. Google "Snes9Xbox_V6". If anyone needs help to get this running, don't hesitate to ask  :grin:

I'm a little embarrassed to say that my age old, tried and true ZsneXbox, the emu that I have had since the beginning, absolutely failed. I tried (seemingly) every setting combination under the sun with BOTH versions that I have.

In the end, I did get the file patched correctly (google was my friend) and I got it working flawlessly on my xbox. That's all I wanted. I am SO stoked to start playing this game.

NOW... let the barrage of "I told you so's" begin. :lol:

Thanks for everything,


Eye tolled ewe sew. :wink:

Anyway, congratulations, and enjoy the hack. :^_^:


I vaguely remember there being a buggy version of ZSnes that didn't run Phazon properly. Unfortunately, I don't remember where I read this. If that is true, its possible that the XBox emu was based off that buggy version.

That being said, ZSnes hasn't seen much development in something like 6 years. Apparently the devs are re-writing the core and porting
the code from x86 assembly to C (primarily I think this is to support other architectures), but that sounds like a TON of work. (And there isnt much publicly available info about it.)


Iirc it wasn't that phazon didn't work on zsnes, but rather snes9x didn't work and zsnes did. As I recall there was a bug which zsnes should've crashed or something with but didn't, where as snes9x did, as it should have.


Whoops, I knew I must have mis-remembered when I couldnt find any info on it. Oh well, at least an emulator exists for the Xbox that does play it fine!


Red-M0nk3y, can you pm me a patch for 0.3 that fixes map borders in most, if not all, areas? I want to scroll over the whole map at once in Tetrafuse, but I can't. Also, I seem to have gotten all phazon particles (All the maps have no blinking dots), but the reward isn't activating. Do I have to save and reload? Or is there a second "activator" that I need?

Edit: Nevermind. I beat it, 4:47, 100%. I had all the Particles; it just required me to get near a healing station to activate the "reward". Also, I noticed that in certain areas, the "reward" temporarily deactivates, mainly between the final door in the Valkyrie XI, and just before the boss there.


I believe the hyper beam isn't meant to work in the final area as it would be take away any challenge. as for the map, I hope that will be fixed in 0.4 as it can be very annoying; not sure if he has a patch to fix it for 0.3, however.


I think I broke a record somewhere...  :heheh:  1:58, 100%. Extensively abused the slowdown toggle and save states.


Then it's not a record. :heheh:

Generally speaking, speedruns are either timed as an RTA, using the in-game time, or are TASes.  If you're making a TAS, you may as well go the whole hog. :^_^:

Black Soldier

Quote from: M1CR0H4CK3R on May 06, 2013, 09:46:29 AM
Edit: Nevermind. I beat it, 4:47, 100%. I had all the Particles; it just required me to get near a healing station to activate the "reward". Also, I noticed that in certain areas, the "reward" temporarily deactivates, mainly between the final door in the Valkyrie XI, and just before the boss there.
[spoiler]The "reward" deactivates in certain rooms on the Valkyrie XI because you can't kill the Core-X with it (and in those rooms where they lie in, you have to kill all of them in order to unlock the door(s) that lead forward).[/spoiler]


The "reward' deactivates when you past the lasers leading to the final areas.

They reactivate when you touch anything that is Phazon. Kind of a challenge to get through the Phazon mines without activating it once...


and that challenge will become more intense in the 2nd quest(unlocked after all particles are collected)


Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on April 06, 2013, 08:11:30 AM
i liked the parallel worlds remake so i'm not apposed to the idea.

Sorry I've been away for a while. I think I've come off completely wrong somehow, and I'd like to clarify at this time. I'm not out to make a hack with anything from Phazon. It seems from your response that you got the impression that I was trying to take things from Phazon Hack and put it into something else. I apologize if that's how I came off, because that's not it at all.

My goal was to take just a couple of the little touches that are in Phazon Hack 0.3 ... and put them into Phazon Hack 0.2. That's it. It really is just Phazon Hack 0.2X.

Quotemainly i want SM phazon to be original looking as possible, so please don't use 0.3 GFX unless we talk. (the HUD thing is cool)

Well, that I've done is, to sum it up, I figured out how to get the digital numbers, and to make sure that the colors were correct. In this version, the numbers are white on a blue background (the original colors, just rearranged to look all awesome).

In the menu screen, the text that says "Dark Samus" is copied from 0.3. The word "Phaz" with the arrow has been made the medium blue and the letters reworked to match the font of the others, making it much more legible.

Fixed the bubble that says "BOMB"

The "broken" metroid in the death sequence is now whole.

If I recall, that's it. I just tweaked those things into 0.2 as a personal experiment, so that I could play through 0.2 with these things in. I hesitated to put it up here, but if you're curious, or if anyone else is, I could post a patch and you'll see just what I mean.

The only reason I even was trying to do this was to learn a little, and also because I'm such a fan of 0.2 but am pretty confident that someone like me who might love to play it but with the digital font, etcetera, was not going to be able to do so otherwise. 0.3 has some really cool stuff, but in some ways it's just a different experience. The goal was to just spiffy it up a bit. :)

QuoteMy save station? yeah thats fine i can make a new one for 0.4

Oh, there's no need for that. Actually I kinda hope the canisters remain in 0.4 because they're so cool and unique. Again, I think I came off wrong before. See, even if I did get that figured out, I'd just be putting the 0.3 station into 0.2. I never intended to jack your stuff for some other hack; I'd think that would be pretty messed up, especially without asking permission first. Phazon Hack would be, and still is, completely original in these regards.

Besides, my issue with the save station canister was that the broken glass part appears to be a graphics foreground item, and I wasn't sure how to find that and get it into place. :)

QuoteSM Ph 0.4 will have some added GFX sets so i can make changes to the phazon mines, people running for there lives, 2 alt. endings, 2 alt. dimensions, and more collectables(less dickish then 0.3).

Sounds awesome, man. :)



QuoteIt seems from your response that you got the impression that I was trying to take things from Phazon Hack and put it into something else.
i know what your making, and i'm all about it. i had plains for a [0.2 perfect] and your 0.2x is the same idea. so i'll help any way i can.

QuoteOh, there's no need for that. Actually I kinda hope the canisters remain in 0.4 because they're so cool and unique.
yes! take it. the save stations are not a problem. i'll just make a larger and more complex SS. i can send you an ips if you need it.

send me a list of the ALL the stuff you want, and i'll send you an .ips [i'll even make similar GFX if you need them]


Hi Red Monkey !
Great job with your hack... And thanks for keeping Metroid 2D Legend alive !

Is there a timedate for your v0.4 of Phazon Hack ?
Bye bye


no more than 3 months after i release Alternate M.
