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[SM] Phazon Hack 0.5 (Under Construction)

Started by A_red_monk_called_Key, January 12, 2010, 04:19:46 PM

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RPG Hacker

Oh, cool. So it's a nother pretty well documented game, just like Super Mario World. That makes it even easier.

Also found this in the RAM Map:
7E:05AC - 7E:05AD    Minimum X scroll on minimap
7E:05AE - 7E:05AF    Maximum X scroll on minimap
7E:05B0 - 7E:05B1    Minimum y scroll on minimap
7E:05B2 - 7E:05B3    Maximum Y scroll on minimap

I assume that this is talking about the map in the pause screen. If yes this can be used to fix one of the bugs I reported earlier. I don't know how familiar you are with ASM, but anyways I could help you with that.


I know I might be an idiot for saying this but, I have just figured a LOT of things out! Dark Samus started out with that black and red suit it got from Samus In metroid Prime, right? Well this is a Story of how Dark Samus' suit changed to the BLUE COLOR. AND Dark Samus fighting X in this game makes some sort of sense, as Dark Samus WAS Metroid Prime before! So Dark Samus wouldn't be infected by the X virus.

(Remember Fusion?) And the Chozo created Metroids to kill ALL of the X. But that didn't pan out very well, except it would seem that the X were all terminated! (But one was left to live, just like the Metroid hatchling Samus found. Both the Metroid hatchling and the X lived due to Samus, but in two Oddly different ways!) And that's why you are revisited by all of Samus old enemies like ridley, because remember in fusion, how X take the cells of a being and replicate them?

There were about 10 SAXs'! 10!!!!! So this Phazon hack can certainly be placed in the storyline OF the Metroid franchise! Between Metroid Prime 1 and 2. Back to the point of the X. Dark Samus killed all of the X, just like the Metroids were supposed to do! Because remember Dark Samus WAS Metroid Prime! But, just like the Metroids previously, she accidentally left 1 ALIVE!!! Thus they repopulated due to the Federation's meddling when they came back to the planet noticing the disturbance due to Dark Samus killing the X! So that's how Fusion came about. Doesn't answer a LOT of questions, but it might answer some. This could be some sort of storyline to Metroid Phazon.

Suggestion: If you do bother to chose this as some sort of storyline, and of course modifying it to your liking, it would of course, be best to place a X with some special tiles around it when you leave the landing site.

RPG Hacker

Quote from: Corruptor on August 03, 2012, 11:49:08 PMAND Dark Samus fighting X in this game makes some sort of sense, as Dark Samus WAS Metroid Prime before! So Dark Samus wouldn't be infected by the X virus.

That is a good point. Yeah, that does indeed make a lot of sense, now that you say it.

Zero One

Quote from: Corruptor on August 03, 2012, 11:49:08 PMBetween Metroid Prime 1 and 2. Back to the point of the X.

Except it couldn't be between Prime 1 and 2. The X weren't in large enough numbers to cause a problem because Samus hadn't wiped out all of the Metroids on SR388 at that point. That doesn't happen until after Prime 3.


i don't know for sure but i think the game story order is: MZM, MP1, MP2, MP3, M2, SM, other M, MF

Zero One

Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on August 04, 2012, 06:40:00 AM
i don't know for sure but i think the game story order is: MZM, MP1, MP2, MP3, M2, SM, other M, MF

That's correct, except you forgot Metroid Prime: Hunters, which fits in between Prime 1 and 2.


Quote from: Zero One on August 04, 2012, 12:47:47 PM
Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on August 04, 2012, 06:40:00 AM
i don't know for sure but i think the game story order is: MZM, MP1, MP2, MP3, M2, SM, other M, MF

That's correct, except you forgot Metroid Prime: Hunters, which fits in between Prime 1 and 2.
Quote from: Zero One on August 04, 2012, 05:51:02 AM
Quote from: Corruptor on August 03, 2012, 11:49:08 PMBetween Metroid Prime 1 and 2. Back to the point of the X.

Except it couldn't be between Prime 1 and 2. The X weren't in large enough numbers to cause a problem because Samus hadn't wiped out all of the Metroids on SR388 at that point. That doesn't happen until after Prime 3.
But then that doesn't add up to how Dark samus' colors changed from black/red to light blue/dark blue. Most of the X population was likely on another planet when the chozo might've founded them and figured out what they could do, they created metroids to destroy the X, but the Metroids then turned on them so they gave up with that.

But when metroid Prime was defeated and turned into dark Samus~she (accumulated Phazon and turned into a leviathan seed?) and crash-landed on the planet with the X there, and powered up while terminating them.

The X weren't all on  SR388, because the Chozo were terminated BEFORE in Prime! So there is no way that they created the Metroids afterwards! So the X had to have existed beforehand on a different planet or something. I don't know, I just find a big hole in your logic considering the chozo lived on planets Tallon lV and SR388 and the Metroids were created beforehand.

And that's where Samus was while all of Phazon Hack was happening! The FED's were likely concentrating on that, but noticed the destruction of the planet Dark Samus was on! But of course, there was nothing to see, as basically all of the evidence was destroyed....except for that one lonely X on the Space station!

Zero One

The Chozo colonised SR388, which is the X-Parasite homeworld, waaaay before the events of ANY Metroid game. In order to combat the X, the Chozo created the Metroids, which successfully suppressed the X. The Metroids then turned on the Chozo, causing them to flee SR388. The Metroids remained on SR388 until Samus destroyed them all during the events of Metroid 2 many years later, which came after the Prime Trilogy. Y'know, after Dark Samus was completely wiped out. There weren't any X to encounter.


Quote from: Zero One on August 04, 2012, 09:00:44 PM
The Chozo colonised SR388, which is the X-Parasite homeworld, waaaay before the events of ANY Metroid game. In order to combat the X, the Chozo created the Metroids, which successfully suppressed the X. The Metroids then turned on the Chozo, causing them to flee SR388. The Metroids remained on SR388 until Samus destroyed them all during the events of Metroid 2 many years later, which came after the Prime Trilogy. Y'know, after Dark Samus was completely wiped out. There weren't any X to encounter.
Honestly I don't know where that leaves the way. If this is true, then Fusion shouldn't have even happened >:l. *cough* neither should've Other M *cough*

Zero One

I fail to see how Fusion couldn't happen. I don't know where you've gotten that from. Fusion happened because of the events of Metroid 2, as did Other M.

Read this entire post.


QuoteBut then that doesn't add up to how Dark samus' colors changed from black/red to light blue/dark blue.
the red suit was just the mid point from phazon suit to dark samus, nothing special.

as i have it now, Dark samus escapes Tallon IV in an escape pod aimed at SR217. SR217 is a federation top-secret bio-weapons research out post. that collects species from SR388 for secret federation weapons development. Phazon was found and collected by a SR217 research team, is used to mutate the X-virus with metroids.


Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on August 04, 2012, 09:06:43 PM
QuoteBut then that doesn't add up to how Dark samus' colors changed from black/red to light blue/dark blue.
the red suit was just the mid point from phazon suit to dark samus, nothing special.

as i have it now, Dark samus escapes Tallon IV in an escape pod aimed at SR217. SR217 is a federation top-secret bio-weapons research out post. that collects species from SR388 for secret federation weapons development. Phazon was found and collected by a SR217 research team, is used to mutate the X-virus with metroids.
I like this one a lot better :X


Quote from: Corruptor on August 04, 2012, 08:31:10 PM
The X weren't all on  SR388, because the Chozo were terminated BEFORE in Prime! So there is no way that they created the Metroids afterwards! So the X had to have existed beforehand on a different planet or something. I don't know, I just find a big hole in your logic considering the chozo lived on planets Tallon lV and SR388 and the Metroids were created beforehand.
According to the manga, the Chozo left SR388 after creating the metroids, but just before the events in MZM.  And from the games all we know are that the X existed on SR388 and BSL station.  I suppose you could consider the metroids on Tallon IV the prototype, while the ones on SR388 were the final product put there to combat the X that they discovered.  Before the events on BSL, the most logical reason for the X to be somewhere else (especially somewhere that metroids are) is if it's a chozo research facility used in the development of metroids.

Dark Samus returning home to recover from it's lost battle with Samus (as metroid prime)?  Possible I suppose.  Maybe the chozo had to relocate the original research faciltiy to Tallon IV in a hurry for some unknown reason leaving stuff behind, and the GF found it and started poking around.  So we have the events in Phazon hack.


I'm pretty sure the Tallon IV metroids were brought there by the Space Pirates, with the exception of course of Metroid Prime herself. I think there's a scan that describes them as degraded by the Pirates' tinkerings, which is why you can kill them without freezing them first.

RPG Hacker

Quote from: Derakon on August 04, 2012, 11:56:06 PMI'm pretty sure the Tallon IV metroids were brought there by the Space Pirates, with the exception of course of Metroid Prime herself.

This. All the Metroid there are either found in the pirates' facilities or in the impact crater. Well, technically the ones IN the impact crater could have been brought there by the Chozo since (if I remember correctly) it were them who sealed the entrance, so they probably knew what was down there.


I don't think so, IIRC there is a pirate log entry stating that they found the Metroids and started experimenting on them. A good indicator of this is the fact that there were none on what little of Orpheon we saw.


There were no Metroids on any other planet except SR388 until the Space Pirates/Galactic Federation moved them. The Frigate Orpheon transported the Space Pirates and the Metroids, which they then started to breed/experiment on. The Galactic Federation took Metroids from pretty much wherever Samus had fought the pirates to do their own stuff to them. The Pirates didn't just find Metroids on Tallon IV, because the Chozo would have had no need to bring them there. They made them for one purpose, which was fulfilled with the X Parasite, and that existed on only one planet. The Space Pirates moved them around and we arrive at Zero Mission.


Quote from: Derakon on August 04, 2012, 11:56:06 PM
I'm pretty sure the Tallon IV metroids were brought there by the Space Pirates, with the exception of course of Metroid Prime herself. I think there's a scan that describes them as degraded by the Pirates' tinkerings, which is why you can kill them without freezing them first.
That would make sense. Also, where is this Manga you all keep talking about, and I am indeed out of the storyline because I am missing this.
Also, zero one, I love your wall of text (slightly) bashing Other M. :)
[spoiler]Samus returns to the Galactic Federation to give them her report. Then she turns into a whiny, hormonal woman with daddy issues. Attracted to the Bottle Ship by a distress signal called the Baby's Cry, called such as it has the urgency of a crying baby. As opposed to all the other distress signals that cough in the hopes you might turn around. Meets up with a GFed squadron, including Adam Malkovich, causing her daddy issues to surface. Shit happens, biological weaponry, meets a small Birdy that evolves into Ridley, kills Ridley AGAIN. Though, not after a TERRIBLE cutscene where Samus wets herself and Anthony has to sacrifice himself to save her. Realises that the GFeds scraped the DNA of a load of Zebes creatures from her suit, including Ridley and THE BABY. All the GFed troopers are dying. Samus meets Melissa Bergman who witnesses a murder and is then attacked by the murdered. Samus saves Melissa Bergman, who then hides. More people die, Samus kills Nightmare (this part was pretty cool) and travels to Sector Zero. Samus is shot in the back by Adam and her daddy issues resurface. Adam tells Samus that soon the Bottle Ship will be in GFed space, where they will go in and take all of their biological weaponry experiments. Samus must stop this. Adam goes into Sector Zero to blow it up, as the Metroids in there can't be frozen. Adam dies as Sector Zero is ejected from the ship, then destroyed. Badass way to go, poor execution. Samus' final orders from Adam were to travel to a location as a survivor is there. Holy shit, it's Melissa Bergman, except for real this time. She then releases the fucking Metroid Queen from Return of Samus. This is also pretty awesome. Cutscene mid-battle, where there is a countdown to the ship reaching GFed space. Suddenly, space brakes and the ship stops just outside of GFed jurisdiction. Samus and the Queen are thrown to the ground. Samus grapples into the Metroid Queen's mouth and kills it with a Power Bomb (which is cool, because you can be swallowed by the Queen and bomb it in Return of Samus to kill it). Melissa Bergman comes out and explains shit. The Melissa Bergman you met before was actually Madeline Bergman, who is actually Mother Brain in android form (who is now called MB) because they were growing Metroids and Mother Brain was the only thing that could control them. That's why the Chozo built Mother Brain on Zebes after they had to flee from SR388. BTW, she kills the Deleter (the guy killing all the GFed troops). GFed troops board the ship, showing that the space brakes did fuck all, except serve as deus ex machina for Samus to kill the Metroid Queen. MB goes apeshit and summons a shitton of enemies that were already in the room with them and some from elsewhere. Samus can't move for some reason. When there is a break in the combat, Samus takes a shot a MB and freezes her. MB is then shattered by a bullet, while Madeline cries in the background because the GFeds are twats. Madeline treated MB as a daughter, because she was quite human, until the scientists decided to kill her. Hence why she went apeshit and actually caused all the crap to happen on the Bottle Ship. Samus is ordered to be arrested as no one from Malkovich's squadron is left alive, meaning that Samus was acting illegally. A soldier goes to take her away, which turns out to be Anthony. Because a member is left alive, Samus hasn't done anything wrong, or something like that. Everyone leaves. A bit later, Samus returns to the Bottle Ship before it is scheduled to be destroyed to retrieve something important she left there. Then OH SHIT IT'S FUCKING PHANTOON, so you get another completely awesome battle. Then for some reason, after the battle, Samus removes her suit and grabs Adam's helmet, which he left behind when we went to intercept Samus at Sector Zero. Then the Bottle Ship is being decommissioned by means of the self-destruct, so Samus has to escape suitless. If she dies, she dies while still holding on to Adam's helmet. But of course, canonically, she escapes. [Shit Other M][/spoiler]


Manga? Head over to and you'll find all the manga there is for metroid. Some I believe was even translated by the good people over there.


I must say, this hack is incredibly impressive and immersive.  I think that you made a full-scale, enjoyable hack that was focused more on the world itself rather than requiring difficult elements needing to be pulled off everywhere.  The ability to explore very large maps, and still being able to get around the entire map with relative speed (once you find warp stations) is very nice.

Anyways, spoiler'd below are my semi-walls of text on what I thought of the hack.

Minor Dislikes
Although I greatly enjoy the graphics and design aspects of the game, there are some parts I didn't enjoy as much. The Space Pirate type monsters have waaaay too much health (ten hits from uncharged light/echo OR two hits from Phazon Beam) near the end of the game, and having to spend that much time killing individual enemies disrupts the flow of the gameplay for me.  To be honest, even the orange Pirates in the Phazon Mines seemed to have an absurd amount of health.[/spoiler]

Comments on some of the features.
[spoiler]The maps were very awesome elements - being able to keep track of where you should go next, and how many Phazon Particles remained in an area, was a very cool feature.  It seems like a rather complicated element to include (however, given my lack of general knowledge in this area, have no idea what it took to add it).[/spoiler]

Phazon Particles
[spoiler]Some of the Phazon Particles appeared to be hidden in random places that didn't seem suspicious in the slightest.  That being said, I think a few of those would be necessary considering what finding all of them does.[/spoiler]

Phazon Beam
[spoiler]Phazon Beam is rather cool.  I find it interesting that you also disable it before the final area via those lasers.  It is slightly disappointing that it just vanishes, as you can go through the game without needing a single Phazon Particle, so the reward of being able to use the beam (everywhere outside of the final area) is much less significant.

Is this disabled at that point so that you can use Dark/Ice beam on the Metroids, or just so you can't hyper beam the bosses?  Some of the particles, and the number you must find, seems like enough to warrant keeping the beam in the final area...[/spoiler]

Sorry for the rambling, I'm a ibt tired but wanted to comment on this before heading off to sleep.

RPG Hacker

Quote from: Chaosfissure on August 15, 2012, 03:57:31 AMMinor Dislikes
Although I greatly enjoy the graphics and design aspects of the game, there are some parts I didn't enjoy as much. The Space Pirate type monsters have waaaay too much health (ten hits from uncharged light/echo OR two hits from Phazon Beam) near the end of the game, and having to spend that much time killing individual enemies disrupts the flow of the gameplay for me.  To be honest, even the orange Pirates in the Phazon Mines seemed to have an absurd amount of health.[/spoiler]

I actually agree on that. It just took forever to kill them and the fact the the Light Beam is pretty slow in this game (or at least it SEEMED faster to me in the original game) doesn't really help.


I will stat working on 0.4 some time this week. not much to do.

special thanks to RPG Hacker for fixing the last map glitch.


Excellent hack so far. I'm not sure if this bug has been posted or not but this enemy, and only this enemy in that part of the map:


if you happen to jump into it, the game will crash, and you'd have to load an earlier state or restart the game. Gamebreaking if you don't use save states, or save often.

Here's the map location:


And about the special doors:

[spoiler]The one that supposedly required grappling beam to open. I didn't know that at first, and actually opened them by disabling all my beam enhancements. The regular shot opened them. Just something I felt like pointing out.[/spoiler]


Of the official games, I have only played Zero Mission, Super and Fusion, so the whole Dark Samus thing among other metroid history is like 'what?' to me.

Anyway, I recently ambled through the Phazon 0.3 hack, and I thought that how much was changed was excellent, and so much of it (practically all of it) was extremely unique.

The only thing that really annoyed me was the Tetrafuse map, and how viewing all of it was not possible unless you were at the top right section, and even when you scrolled left and down, you couldn't scroll it back. I'm guessing that couldn't be helped?

Anyway, this was an very good hack, I'd be curious to see what output would be yielded from a collaboration of yourself, DMantra and SB...

-brain explodes at the thought-


lgdz - i knew about the bugs, but that door glitch, good find thank you.

as for that map glitch, RPG Hacker fixed it

and ill speed up the light beam, i want it to be better then the faster beam combos but not by too much