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[SM] Phazon Hack 0.5 (Under Construction)

Started by A_red_monk_called_Key, January 12, 2010, 04:19:46 PM

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QuoteI'd suggest just releasing another version of 0.2, but clearly labelling it as '+ map fix.

this is a good idea, because the graphic and color changes are too big to release early

(Things are moveing fast. and i'm thinking of moveing items to new rooms)

Changes in G-beam used as a key: its still a key but better than before.
some what of a story.
enemys make sence.
i'm sick of looking at these GFX, so this means new GFX
new enemy color palettes.
any thing you want to see in 0.3 let me know


i don't know whats gottin into me i'm getting grafix work done at brake neck speeds
this GFX set clean up and change was done in 4 hours

more will be added to this room. this is just to show how fast things are moving[/spoiler]


Damage makes the two videos inconsistent. :heheh:


It's really nice that you got the map fixed. It was the only bad thing about this hack. I also think that you should release the map fix before 0.3 as an "expansion" of 0.2. The map fix alone is worth a new release of the hack in my opinion and then you will make all the fancy GFX in 0.3 :wink:


Map fix is at the first page of this thread, and Parasite Echo thread



I haven't played this hack in quite awhile. It was nice to pick it up again and give it another run. The map fix was a never a big problem for me, but having it fixed makes me want to cart this hack! :grin: Looking forward to 0.3 with the new GFX. Since I haven't been around in awhile, I'll have to go checkout your other project and see how it's coming along.


these rooms will be cut and replaced with medium level challenges.

if anyone is interested in making a challenge room i will select medium level rooms based on these factors
necessary                                               can have
moch ball                                                   normal missile
enemy clears path                                    P-bombs, missile, s-missile, wall kick, grapple
water, x-ray, morph ball, spring ball             dark beam, missile, s-missile
speed boost                                              morph ball, missile, grapple
space jump                                             dark beam, missile, s-missile, grapple
P-bomb, enemy E97F                               bomb, missile, s-missile, water, wallkick
extream wall kick                                       missile, spikes, morph ball, grapple

i'll take the rooms like this and change the graphics later. thank you


dude, this is the best hack ive ever play, truly amazing. by the way, i see you are open to good receptions of opinionsn and ideas for your hacks, well you know, i really like phazon hack how it look right now, of course is great you are gonna make it with full new gfx and palettes, wich is great i repeat, but i think i will keep playin the actual version even after the new one is finished, cos it look like a sooo classic game, i just want let you know a simple idea for phazon hack 0.2. i like how the surface look, the crateria tiles with snow and come new gfx look neat, JUST, i would like to ask for a sky pallete change, i was thinking about a soft pink sky with purple clouds. i think it will look great over the dark crateria tiles covert on snow, and will give it a bit more of that "all new stuff" feeling without been it, thats the magic!

...And a second thought come after that, MAYBE you could slighty modify the sky graphic, and add THE DESTROYED SPACE STATION in wich you teleport, show it in the background, THAT would be amazing dude... cos will give to it a sense of conection, then when you see the station in the back you may think "and there is where i go to when i teleport"....
PS. one more sugestion, the water in the surface with pink/purple sky and destroyed station, would combine better with a GREEN palette water, just think about this composition;
Sky: pink
Clouds: Purple
Crateria tiles: dark almost black with snow over (just like they actually are)
Water: Green

what dyou think? sorry im a really pasionate graphic designer.


thank you. not bad ideas you are vary close to what it looks like now. the snow area is done and has a large planet with 2 moons in the BG. the snow graphics are new, and the ice caves have been overhauled(new color and added pixels) many rooms had to be repointed because there is so much detail in each room. all the enemies of the snow area look the same, but have high quality graphics and color like the ship photo above. none of the main rooms have changed shape just look better. the x-ray rooms and bottom of the phazon mines are the only rooms changing shape. some out of the way rooms will be changed also, and some items will be moved to provide a better speed run challenge.


Nonono Thanks YOU Sir, for making such a great game. Waiting for Parasite Echo and Phazon 0.3, im sure theyll also gonna be great. I hope you think about the idea for Phazon 0.2 tought.

edit; i just found a bug

see? samus standing in the air. the scroll dont move when you enter this room from the abobe door.

i think i found some other similar in seweres i think... when i found it again ill take a picture :)


sweet! thanks. that room is getting cut though and changed out with a room the has a special graphic, and many enemys


Congratulations to your great hack. It's one of the best I ever played.

But I have a visual problem. I'm playing it on my Sony Ericsson Xperia Play and overall the game is too dark on it. Like in the Sewers I can barely see Samus. On PC it's much brighter. All other SM hacks I played so far (and I played many) look normal on the device. This just happens on the Phazon hack.

Any idea?


yeah, that all me. the dark colors look better on my computer, dark BG's and a dark samus. i show people the phazon hack on my DS and have the same problem. all is changed in 0.3 almost done with the red rooms, and there no longer an eye sore. i didn't plain on changing the sewers GFX, but i'll add that to the list. thanks


That sounds good. Do you know when you'll release 0.3? I don't know if I should wait for 0.3 or go on with 0.2.


enemies and event stuff is done fast(all in about 4 days)
graphics are slow (the more i make the more i can reuse with small changes)

so the more i do the faster i'll get stuff done. i put in 10 to 14 hours a day(1 day making new GFX for each set then 3 days to place the new graphics adding more as i go)

after 0.3, and PE are done i'm thinking about doing the same thing to the original


Quote from: Red-M0nk3y on July 18, 2011, 09:26:18 AMi put in 10 to 14 hours a day
Woah! :whoa:

I often don't put that in a month. :heheh:


you know... looking your awesome re-sprite of ridley, your style is very like "silicon graphics" (without black contorn line). i was thinkin that you might could slightly modify samus sprites in that style, that would be cool to see :)

Silver Skree

No, no, no. Don't ask such a cruel thing of this man until there's a good and proper editor for that table.

* Silver_Skree glances at snarfblam...


Can someone tell me where I have to go after getting the Speed Booster? Which item is next?

EDIT: I just watched a Let's Play video of Phazon hack and found the door I'm supposed to go through (in Powerplant), but in my game that same door is locked (greyed out). How do I get the door open?

You can see the door that I mean at 0:35 in this video: Let's Play Super Metroid: Phazon #7 - A Grapple With Botwoon


that door was supposed to be locked and was over looked in 0.1.
i'll do my best to put up more sines that give clues as were to go after speed booster, grapple, and blue phazon

SM phazon hack 0.3 is the last of the hack title. V0.4 will be the SM Phazon beta with music, and the last of the GFX used, and all of the details changed(like the ending, and minor details that nobody notices)


Quote from: Red-M0nk3y on July 20, 2011, 07:44:22 AM
that door was supposed to be locked and was over looked in 0.1.
i'll do my best to put up more sines that give clues as were to go after speed booster, grapple, and blue phazon
I don't understand. Isn't it possible to open that door in 0.2? If not, what is the trigger for the door to open? Is Grapple Beam next after getting Speed Booster?


Nope, Speed booster is after Blue phazon, and you need Grapple to get Blue phazon, so that should help. if you don't know where Grapple is, it's in Red Ceres, after Botwoon, botwoon is easy, it's just one quick grapple to kill him after you beat him. (no grapple before, grapple after) I believe speed boost is in Phazon Mine?



Quote from: DarkSamus on July 20, 2011, 11:18:01 PM
I am also quite bothered by the same thing. I cant imagine Samus, Dark or not, explore with out bombs. Also I was never able to get that far into the game...this was certainly a challenging hack for me. :whoa:


Quote from: DarkSamus on July 20, 2011, 11:18:01 PM
Nope, Speed booster is after Blue phazon, and you need Grapple to get Blue phazon, so that should help. if you don't know where Grapple is, it's in Red Ceres, after Botwoon, botwoon is easy, it's just one quick grapple to kill him after you beat him. (no grapple before, grapple after) I believe speed boost is in Phazon Mine?

No, I already have Speed Booster. But thanks to RedMonkey's PM I found the way into the red section on the right and got the Grapple. Further I found the Blue Phazon and finally the Bombs :) It's such a relieve to finally have the bombs :lol:

So much fun with this hack :yay: