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How/When did you get into video games?

Started by SChase123, April 28, 2016, 01:58:10 PM

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I'm not so sure that a three-year-old would think much beyond the fanged jelly disappearing and making you shoot rainbows.


First games I can ever remember really having any exposure to would be Super Mario World and Chrono Trigger for the SNES. The first games I actually played myself would've been Super Mario 64 and 007 Goldeneye. The first game I ever played successfully and actually completed was Final Fantasy VII. I was about 7 or 8. Didn't get most of what was happening, but I thought Cloud had a cool sword. In retrospect I really don't know how I actually finished the game. I know a big part was because I watched my brother play through it so I knew the story progression (in respect to "where to go" and I occasionally asked him for help.) But how did my characters actually get strong enough to win? I dunno, but I pulled it off. I played quite a few Final Fantasies after that.


My dad and I played Top Gun on the NES, I played Super Mario World with my brothers. Watched my parents played Super Metroid and beat it after months, and played Ninja Gaiden at my grandmas. I think I lost like 3 of her GB's with tetris

The joys of being younger than five


As for me, my 'career' as a video-gamer starts back so far I can't even remember... My parents used to play the original Super Mario Bros 1 and I watched from behind the couch, cowering in fear because of the music when you entered castle levels. I was but one year old, and this was as told by said parents. One of my oldest memories is one of my father coming back from work with a brand new game for the NES, it was Super Mario Bros 2 (although now that I think of it, it wasn't like he bought it on release date; I ain't that old xD ) and I vaguely remember just putting in the NES and start playing... I was around 2 or 3 years old back then.

Nowadays, I know these old classics like the back of my hand. SMB3, LoZ A Link to the Past, SM, MF, SMW, all those games that made my childhood are still as awesome when I play them two decades later, but now? I feel like I want more of these old classics... which is why I turned to hacks, which I discovered about 2 years ago. Which is why I think what you are all doing is really awesome!!  :yay:


Quote from: Ozma on May 03, 2016, 03:40:41 PM
Nowadays, I know these old classics like the back of my hand. SMB3, LoZ A Link to the Past, SM, MF, SMW, all those games that made my childhood are still as awesome when I play them two decades later, but now? I feel like I want more of these old classics... which is why I turned to hacks, which I discovered about 2 years ago. Which is why I think what you are all doing is really awesome!!  :yay:

Me too! My brother's SNES was stolen when I was too young to play it and I spent quite a few years playing Ninja Gaiden, SMB 1/2/3, LoZ 1/2, Contra, even the original Metroid- and so many others on an NES he got at a yardsale. I played them, but.. I sucked horribly. It wasn't until my brother got an N64 and I actually became proficient at controlling my character that I actually consider myself "becoming" a gamer. We still had the NES so I ended up going through all those games too, and I still love to play them. Some of them I wasn't very good at. I didn't play through all of Metroid and LoZ until recently. Still haven't played through LoZ2.

I'll also never forget when my brother got a GBA. He had Metroid Fusion (first Metroid game I played through. God I love that game.) and LoZ ALttP. I was in middle school. I played those games soo much.

I also played all the pokemon games, now that I think about it. Got a GB Color and Pokémon Yellow when I was 9. Definitely played the crap out of those.


So we got a lot in common, gaming-wise then :) although LoZ 1/2 on NES are completed both, and the first one I succeded in completing the master quest, however only while using save states xD

Stumbled on this forum while going on a Metroid binge, speedran ZM then MF then attempting 100% runs of SM then the Primes (just completed 100% scans/items on Prime 1, a first for me and currently playing Prime 2, prolly my favorite) while playing hacks of SM, notably Metroid Phazon, Hydellius and Z-Factor, none of which I succeeded in completing... yet  :eyeroll: Still looking forward to any Fusion hack to be completed; I really loved it, despite the linearity!

Apart from these, LoZ Parallel Worlds really is something if you're a Zelda fan, pretty challenging, and one perma-miss in particular can really f-- I mean screw up your entire game (I had to start all over at some point...) and I played a few SMB3 hacks, they are great, and one particular Pokémon fangame (I.E. Pokémon Uranium) which really threw me back to when I was 7 years old or so, when I got my GameBoy Color (dubbed 'the devilish green machine' by my grandpa at the time xD ) with Pokémon Blue version and, later, Silver version... :P

But enough advertising of other hacks xD all this to say, it dates back A LOT and my style of video games is really wide!


Quote from: Quietus on April 29, 2016, 04:48:35 PM
I'm not so sure that a three-year-old would think much beyond the fanged jelly disappearing and making you shoot rainbows.

I can't remember exactly how old I was when I played Super Metroid, I guess it was around four or five years old. But I always thought that Samus absorbed the baby Metroid and it lived on inside of her  :lol: I could not stand the fact that it died, so I always thought the other way around. And when I played Fusion and they said they used the Metroid DNA, it was clear to me that they got the DNA from the Metroid living inside of Samus  :grin: Shows how kids always make the world they want it to be and ignore facts as much as they can  :eyeroll:

About the topic:

I started playing video games from the moment on I was able to hold and use a controller properly :D My father and older brother played since Super Mario Bros. 1 and so I grew up with games. Played many NES and SNES games from Mega Man to Shadowgate, Little Samson, Zelda and classics like Zelda LttP and the Metroid games. I kept playing games when the N64 came out, I had the PS1 and 2, all the handhelds, etc. etc.. Feeling like an old geezer when I think about it  :=x:
Later I moved over to the PC for games like WarCraft, StarCraft or Counter Strike. Had many friends in school who also played those games, so we always sat in Teamspeak and played those great gems the whole night. Those were pretty great times.

Today I mainly stick to the old games or hacks, not really up to date with the newer generations. Don't have much time to start an epic game like Witcher or Fallout. But now that I got fewer days to work a month and because of that much more free time, I'm trying to work my way through the games I missed and get up to date again  :^_^:


Quote from: Firebrand on May 04, 2016, 04:16:18 AMToday I mainly stick to the old games or hacks, not really up to date with the newer generations. Don't have much time to start an epic game like Witcher or Fallout. But now that I got fewer days to work a month and because of that much more free time, I'm trying to work my way through the games I missed and get up to date again  :^_^:
Strangely enough, I was talking to somebody else about this the other day, and they were saying they didn't feel they had enough time now they'd got older, got a family, and got a job. We chatted for a while, and I said that I didn't game any less than before - which is 'whenever I can' - but I had to change the way that I play now. I haven't got the hours in a day to 100% things like I always used to, and the idea of playing a game repeatedly like I used to when I was younger is pretty much a no-go. I went through a period where I just forced myself to get to the end of games, and stop trying to find / collect everything. I found that after a while, it became the norm, I no longer missed it, and I now get to regularly see ending credits. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on May 04, 2016, 06:31:44 AM
Quote from: Firebrand on May 04, 2016, 04:16:18 AMToday I mainly stick to the old games or hacks, not really up to date with the newer generations. Don't have much time to start an epic game like Witcher or Fallout. But now that I got fewer days to work a month and because of that much more free time, I'm trying to work my way through the games I missed and get up to date again  :^_^:
Strangely enough, I was talking to somebody else about this the other day, and they were saying they didn't feel they had enough time now they'd got older, got a family, and got a job. We chatted for a while, and I said that I didn't game any less than before - which is 'whenever I can' - but I had to change the way that I play now. I haven't got the hours in a day to 100% things like I always used to, and the idea of playing a game repeatedly like I used to when I was younger is pretty much a no-go. I went through a period where I just forced myself to get to the end of games, and stop trying to find / collect everything. I found that after a while, it became the norm, I no longer missed it, and I now get to regularly see ending credits. :^_^:

That is totally true. As soon as life kicks in with job and girlfriend (or wife) and all that, you can't play games like you did back in the days. I remember playing through Ocarina of Time like 500 times, same with Super Metroid, Castlevania games, etc.. But today I can barely finish a game like Call of Duty which is really short.
My problem is, that I'm a hardcore completionist... I want to see and find everything a game has to offer, so I would go crazy if I just play the game for the sake of finishing it. In the past that was great, I spend countless hours to look for items in hacks or similar stuff.  :grin: But today... Hopefully the future looks brighter  :^_^:


Give it a whirl. It gets easier after a few games. It never goes away, and I still have my moments where I suddenly want to collect stuff, or get distracted by some shiny collectible. I always think I must look like the dog from 'Up!' when he sees a squirrel. :grin:


I was a baby, lying on a blanket, when my Dad and one of his friends was playing Donkey Kong Country on SNES.


Quote from: Mayo-chan on May 04, 2016, 09:19:16 AM
I was a baby, lying on a blanket, when my Dad and one of his friends was playing Donkey Kong Country on SNES.
You missed an opportunity to say you were a diddy baby. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on May 04, 2016, 09:16:54 AM
Give it a whirl. It gets easier after a few games. It never goes away, and I still have my moments where I suddenly want to collect stuff, or get distracted by some shiny collectible. I always think I must look like the dog from 'Up!' when he sees a squirrel. :grin:

I'm gonna give it a try  :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on May 04, 2016, 09:24:39 AM
Quote from: Mayo-chan on May 04, 2016, 09:19:16 AM
I was a baby, lying on a blanket, when my Dad and one of his friends was playing Donkey Kong Country on SNES.
You missed an opportunity to say you were a diddy baby. :^_^:

God damnit Barbara!! xD


Quote from: Firebrand on May 04, 2016, 08:57:05 AM
That is totally true. As soon as life kicks in with job and girlfriend (or wife) and all that, you can't play games like you did back in the days. I remember playing through Ocarina of Time like 500 times, same with Super Metroid, Castlevania games, etc.. But today I can barely finish a game like Call of Duty which is really short.
My problem is, that I'm a hardcore completionist... I want to see and find everything a game has to offer, so I would go crazy if I just play the game for the sake of finishing it. In the past that was great, I spend countless hours to look for items in hacks or similar stuff.  :grin: But today... Hopefully the future looks brighter  :^_^:

Ugh this is so me. I'm still trying to finish Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. I actually finished Black Ops 3 before it (but that's because I love each Black Ops game and I found the wallrunning and stuff to be amazing.)

Recently I've been trying to play a Metroid: Zero Mission hack and it's hard, and fun... but it takes so much time to figure out what to do next! And of course, I want to get all the items.. I just can't play games the same way I used to, especially now that I'm married and at a university. At this point I just want to finish the games, even if I see an 85% that tells me it's not "really finished."


I was first exposed to video games around the age of 4 when family members of mine gave us an NES with some games. I remember 2 of them were Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt and Metroid. I'm sure one of these is my first game ever played.

As for first game actually beaten, that'd be Super Mario World on the SNES which I finished at around age 6. I also beat Super Metroid at around that time, maybe age 7, but I needed a bunch of help to finish it.

Oddly enough I wasn't exposed to Zelda until around age 10.

Golden Warrior

Before I was 6, I'd always watch my brother play games like Zelda and Pokemon. Around the time I turned 6 though, he gave me my very own copy of Pokemon Yellow and everything just kind of took of from there. I got into a ton of other Nintendo stuff and then branched out to loving games like Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Legaia, Mega Man, etc. Sometimes I still go back and play Pokemon Yellow just for the nostalgia of the first game I ever played.


Quote from: Golden Warrior on June 22, 2016, 02:27:36 PMLegend of Legaia
I never finished one of the Legaia games, but I enjoyed what I played, and always remember joking about how the name sounded like 'leg higher', which was appropriate when you're kicking the snot out of your opponents. :grin:


Noticed video game but it was arcade machine back in 1986 named pac man show biz pizza.
When I visited my cousins for thanksgiving/chrismas holidays in 1988 he was playing castlevania.
Then he played bad dudes for hours on end, life force, smb2 and many others.

I got my first nes console back in 1989 with super mario brothers and dick tracy.
Loved smb1 for a small time but hated the living day lights out of dick tracy.
Mother told me if I didn't beat the game she would not buy another one.
Beat the game in a month to get rid of it, traded it in for Metroid.
Best game I've ever played after that its been on going till this day. :/