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Started by Physix, February 07, 2016, 08:14:22 PM

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Quote from: frozenLake on March 05, 2016, 01:00:17 PM
How difficult would it be to add multiple characters that control differently? (such as Zero Suit Samus, or perhaps a character from prime hunters)

I'd have better luck making my own game altogether.


So... no way to implement suitless sequences?

Ah man.


Quote from: frozenLake on March 05, 2016, 01:10:07 PM
So... no way to implement suitless sequences?

Ah man.

Not worth the effort?  :nope:


Well, even if you can't change gameplay styles, is there a way to switch out sprite sets, for cases where suit upgrades are visually different, and for Justin Bailey mode?


Quote from: frozenLake on March 05, 2016, 01:16:36 PM
Well, even if you can't change gameplay styles, is there a way to switch out sprite sets, for cases where suit upgrades are visually different, and for Justin Bailey mode?

It'd require for me to rewrite many pieces of code, which I totally can do, but unless the sprite changes are significant AND I have the full set of sprites with every animation fully done, I won't bother. Ever.


I found something for you to add. LOL! Thanks Google Images..


Nah man, I had that same animation but with a few unfinished kicking frames at the end. I lost it. Sad day.

Oh yeah I posted this somewhere else:


Nice, but where's the cool wave one we discussed? Or was it the psycho crusher?


Are you doing all of these manually, or is there a 3D model you are basing the new animations on?

Also, if you tap Item Cancel with a charged shot, will it fire a normal, uncharged shot, or will it do something else?
(Missile Combos? IDK man. Maybe that would be trying to switch weapons with a charged shot)

Finally, um... are there any weapons that aren't from Super Metroid in this?


All are done without a model reference, mainly because I don't have an SM model and also because I don't know how to use 3D modeling/animating software.
Also, item cancel switches between beams and misc. If you charge up and switch to misc, the charge just cancels and nothing happens.


You should go with a Met-Fusion style missile-arm shot:

When the beam is charged and you select missiles/whatever, the charged beam releases and missiles are selected/armed.


There's them ice sentries for the final power bomb combo.


They look fine, though they appear to be circling above Samus rather than around her.


Quote from: Quietus on March 07, 2016, 02:55:06 PM
They look fine, though they appear to be circling above Samus rather than around her.

I don't want them to sink into the ground.


First thing I thought of was one of the Ice Book combos in CV Harmony of Dissonance. Looks great!


Quote from: Alukraid on March 07, 2016, 03:17:50 PM
First thing I thought of was one of the Ice Book combos in CV Harmony of Dissonance. Looks great!

Oh gee don't tell anyone I used the same sprites too.

I made them spinny spin into existence!


Quote from: Physix on March 07, 2016, 02:58:24 PMI don't want them to sink into the ground.
You could have them go round her in the third dimension, looping behind, then in front of her, while also varying the height slightly, similar to SotN's sub weapon.


I kept them above Samus to ensure that they won't be firing from within the ground. They do look nice when directly around Samus, though.

A Dummy

Quote from: Alukraid on March 07, 2016, 03:17:50 PM
First thing I thought of was one of the Ice Book combos in CV Harmony of Dissonance. Looks great!

I was thinking of that exact same thing when I saw the Ice combo.
All of your P-Bomb combos are looking pretty cool, they feel more functional than the Super Metroid combos and look like something I'd be more likely to use. (Especially that ice one.)

Steel Sparkle

All this stuff looks really sweet :3


Oh there's a picture of finished status screen I guess:


Very, very nice. That status screen looks wonderful.



This is testing new logbook. Entire day's work and it was #Worth.  :cool: :cool:  :?: :?: :!: :!: :!: :twisted: :evilno: :bounce: :pale: :colonrightv:


Every single fucking thing wants you on this planet dead. Good luck, Samus.
That made me laugh pretty good.


Quote from: Physix on March 11, 2016, 10:53:08 PM
This is testing new logbook. Entire day's work and it was #Worth.  :cool: :cool:  :?: :?: :!: :!: :!: :twisted: :evilno: :bounce: :pale: :colonrightv:

Hmm since this is made with game maker, do you plan on adding ps3/xbox360 controller support in the near future ?
I tested your game and it seems a controller would be best for it, doing it on a keyboard and trying to perform all those moves is full of fail.
After you're done working with samus, what other enemies do you plan on adding ?