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Started by Physix, February 07, 2016, 08:14:22 PM

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Quote from: ponybaloney on June 26, 2016, 12:30:23 AM
Quote from: Physix on June 24, 2016, 06:28:39 PM
I don't want to store a 109kb string within code... lmao.

What exactly is it that makes it so large?

Let's see... Every minimap tile needs 5 bytes. 3 bytes to determine color, walls, a mark (e.g. item within the minimap tile?), and 2 bytes to determine the room resource ID that it's associated with. Every world (brinstar, norfair, etc). is a fixed 32x32 size. That's 5120 bytes per world. I have a fixed 16 worlds. So multiply one world by 16, and we have 81920 bytes. That's around 81kb, and there's other random data getting it up to 100 kb. I just can't store that in a line of code.


Is there any reason you've gone with blue for Power Bombs? The normal door and the Power Bomb door look incredibly similar.

Otherwise I like what you have. What happens if a door closes on the player?


Quote from: FPzero on July 05, 2016, 11:45:34 AM
Is there any reason you've gone with blue for Power Bombs? The normal door and the Power Bomb door look incredibly similar.

Otherwise I like what you have. What happens if a door closes on the player?

They only close when she far away. If stuck, doors forcefully open.


I personally enjoy the blue power bomb. The military made a radioactive core go critical twice in the 40's, and reported it creating a blinding blue light, so it'd fit well with it as a nuclear explosion. Also, it'd be the same color as Phazon, the Metroid equivalent to radioactive substances. It's practical, I like it.


I'm only worried about the doorcap color not being yellow or differing enough from the regular one.


Maybe make the hatch color a deep or dark blue.


Make it purple cuz it's the opposite of yellow.


I don't mean to be a bother because obviously you have limited free time just like anyone else and this is a question you probably get all the time but, any word on an updated demo? I'm eager to try out them fancy lookin doors and water gfx and upgraydd stuffs


Quote from: ponybaloney on July 20, 2016, 02:58:22 PM
I don't mean to be a bother because obviously you have limited free time just like anyone else and this is a question you probably get all the time but, any word on an updated demo? I'm eager to try out them fancy lookin doors and water gfx and upgraydd stuffs

Working on a Chozo tileset.


That means I need to finish it, make a little play area (I have a few ideas), and add some sort of meaningful closure. I can't estimate the time required.


They both look pretty good. The second seems to have a lot more use of shadow than the left. It's not wrong, but seems a little inconsistent.


Quote from: Quietus on July 22, 2016, 05:13:10 AM
They both look pretty good. The second seems to have a lot more use of shadow than the left. It's not wrong, but seems a little inconsistent.

It's WIP.


Indeed it is, but it's kind of customary that when you post images / videos here, other members provide feedback, WIP or not. :^_^:


Those chozo look really fucking good. More pl0x


Quote from: Physix on July 22, 2016, 02:41:52 AM
Quote from: ponybaloney on July 20, 2016, 02:58:22 PM
I don't mean to be a bother because obviously you have limited free time just like anyone else and this is a question you probably get all the time but, any word on an updated demo? I'm eager to try out them fancy lookin doors and water gfx and upgraydd stuffs

Working on a Chozo tileset.


That means I need to finish it, make a little play area (I have a few ideas), and add some sort of meaningful closure. I can't estimate the time required.

Woah, yelling at him to do his own art actually worked! Great job Dmit :)


And a second tileset.

I wonder if anyone remembers the source image.


That looks really nice. Underwater sets are some of my favorites to see. Could you post a picture or gif of it without the water overlay so we can see the art without the wavy effect over top?



Original design by VR, aight.

Updated my map system:

I'll have it show items/time on the bottom, and the current area's name on the top. Dunno what to do about looking at the other area's maps, though. Can't design an interface for that.


That thermal vent looks fantastic. I'm amazed no one I know of has thought to add them to an underwater tileset before.

I also like the brickwork in the map gif. They look really nice.

Assuming I'm reading your comment on the map correctly, is there no way to get it to swap between world maps by pushing a button like Zero Mission did?


All your tilesets look great Physix, keep this up. I want to try importing these to MZM soon to see how they look and work with MZM samus.

Zero One

Quote from: Zero OneOk, this ends, NOW. Whether accidental or not, Physix, your engine does contain works that do not belong to you. Please ensure that you are not distributing these works in further releases or screenshots on this site, or you will be banned, permanently, including any and all new accounts you may create. It is unfortunate that we are at this point, but it cannot continue like this any more. I will not have this community be a place for people to blatantly steal and redistribute assets.

Unfortunately, Betatronic has pointed out that Physix did not follow this rule; linking to a YouTube video is in breach of this, regardless as to whether or not you give credit for the assets. As such, there will be no more MEngine development advertised on this website. Which is a damn shame, but he brought it on himself.