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Super Metroid Rotation Hack [Beta]

Started by Smiley, January 01, 2016, 04:59:18 PM

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The concept is brilliant.

Sadly I only completed the hack at 99%, one item doesn't seems to be accessible (no pic provided sorry [spoiler]The missile placed on the room over glass tube on the original version, needing shinespark. Here you can't shinespark on the right lateral path to unlock it[/spoiler])

I fixed by myself few mistakes (game breaking bug after coming back from Spring ball rooms). Maybe this hack is a potential candidate for a Special Exploration I can upload one day.

Any plan for a sequel  :^_^:? Like rotating in the opposite way ?


Quote from: Cloud16 on January 06, 2016, 05:37:06 PM
Sadly I only completed the hack at 99%, one item doesn't seems to be accessible (no pic provided sorry) [spoiler]The missile placed on the room over glass tube on the original version, needing shinespark. Here you can't shinespark on the right lateral path to unlock it[/spoiler]

It is possible, you just need speed booster, gravity, high jump, and morph, and speedball into the two-block-wide space. [spoiler]Smiley said during our race that he could consistently do it, but I was unable to because I didn't have high jump.[/spoiler]

A Dummy

Found a problem spot, difficulty wise.

This jump in the Wrecked Ship feels nigh on impossible, it's the room on the far right of the map.
(What would normally be the top.)

Maybe add a platform or remove the spark on the right that's preventing me from walljumping?
For now I should probably give in and get the Space Jump first instead of trying to do things in the vanilla order.


I'm guessing you can either IBJ up the middle, or walljump from the left, then damage boost off the left spark toward the right, which should get you over the spark on that side.

A Dummy

Hmm, I should probably give the damage boost a try.
I thought of IBJ, but it's a rather long way up, and it would probably take me awhile before I finally get it right.

edit: Ok thanks, that got it.  Sometimes I forget that damage boosting is a thing I can do.


Hey, just played through and thoroughly enjoyed the Rotation Hack!

Only bug I noticed is when you manage to get into the speed-running dachora's health recovery room. Makes visuals very buggy after you leave, but since it can't be reached without blue suit or other shenanigans, it isn't a big deal.

Quote from: Cloud16 on January 06, 2016, 05:37:06 PM
Sadly I only completed the hack at 99%, one item doesn't seems to be accessible (no pic provided sorry [spoiler]The missile placed on the room over glass tube on the original version, needing shinespark. Here you can't shinespark on the right lateral path to unlock it[/spoiler])

That last item was a pain for me to get. If you wanna get tricky, try a "Reserve-Mode Blue-Suit" glitch.
[spoiler]You can get a blue suit using the two rooms directly below the missile tank. Check youtube for the glitch and try it out! (Would link the vid, but don't think I can because this is my first post).[/spoiler]

A Dummy

Finished my first playthrough, definitely a very interesting way of playing Super Metroid, it's a good thing I got walljumping down easy.
Play Time 2:59 (Right under the nail.)
Percentage 97%

One weird bug I was consistently getting was my map data kept getting cleared when I left an area, showing blue tiles everywhere.  This wasn't too harmful since I already know the basic Vanilla map backwards and forwards, but was still odd nonetheless.
And when I got to Maridia it gave me the map when I went in there like I already visited the map room.
Funny thing is I only noticed after I visited the map room and saw that it wouldn't work, and then I noticed the map station was in it's activated state.

Steel Sparkle

[spoiler]I have to say getting the grapple beam was a pain. Maybe make it easier since it took me save state abuse to get through that water room that is the back entrance to it.[/spoiler]
Other than what is said in the spoiler i like it so far.


Well twist my twisters...

Attention, praise and stuff to fix. Whee  :grin:

I'll get around to fixing things next weekend, maybe. I have some free time then, hopefully.

Also need to put an easter egg on that dachora room...

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: SMILEuser96 on January 09, 2016, 01:22:05 PM
Well twist my twisters...

Attention, praise and stuff to fix. Whee  :grin:

I'll get around to fixing things next weekend, maybe. I have some free time then, hopefully.

Also need to put an easter egg on that dachora room...

Okay :3 Good luck fixing those. Easter egg you say :3 I can't wait  :^_^:


Quote from: A Dummy on January 06, 2016, 06:10:21 PM
Found a problem spot, difficulty wise.

This jump in the Wrecked Ship feels nigh on impossible, it's the room on the far right of the map.
(What would normally be the top.)

Maybe add a platform or remove the spark on the right that's preventing me from walljumping?
For now I should probably give in and get the Space Jump first instead of trying to do things in the vanilla order.

I was able to get past that spot with regular wall jumping, more than once. it is one of the tougher jumps in there though.


Two buggy areas. Sorry about the messy detail and lack of screenshot.

1. Lower Norfair Spring Ball Maze Room. It's the room all the way to the, er, south, where you might normally use the X-ray Scope to get through the area with the white blocks (and there's power bombs a room over with crumble blocks, and I think a missile in the same room). Going down there is fine, but going back up causes problems with the camera once you get to the top. It just doesn't scroll up once you get back up. Somehow I was able to bug the game out enough by screw attacking around the top, and one of the seahorse dudes bugged out below me, and I was jumping up and down through blocks - until the game shunted me upwards and fixed itself.

2. In Crateria in the Gauntlet, one of the clacker thingies grabbed me and pulled me into the ground and I got stuck there, unable to get out. I'm not sure which one it was - I was still in the lava.


3. In Crateria, the section of the Climb that leads to the Crateria Super Room has a problem in that if you bomb yourself into the top-end area by bombing the floor, you'll drop down next to the one-way door, be unable to open the door below you, and then be unable to get back up because the area you initially bombed respawns blocks too quickly. I don't know if there's some sort of trick to still get up there, but I found it impossible. I didn't check the low-end door which requires a power bomb to open, but I'd suspect the same problem there.


For number three, I suspect it'd be a couple of quick IBJs to get out. It would certainly be easy enough with mid-air starts.



That was an intense fall through the lava just then!

Edit: Saved, then went and got Speed booster and wave beam, then went to what's usually the top left room with the missiles and reserve tank, and died instantly.  :(

Edit 2: There's a hole in the ground that I fell though, causing Samus to wrap around the screen. I did a few walljumps out of sight, and managed to somehow leave the room.


Can't believe this is my first post on here...

But, I played through this recently, got 78%, under 2 hours, bla bla bla

Had fun getting out of Bombs.  Is there anyway to make this a little easier?
Had to get Gravity Suit before Speed Booster.  I'd rather not have to dive into lava.  Having said that, I went out of Lower Norfair the way I came in. That was fun, nearly died in Acid.
Getting Super Missiles early without having to know how to mock-ball is a nice change of pace.

Quick question, and the real reason for this post:

Was Zebetites being vulnerable to Plasma Beam (or beams in general) intentional?


First of all, thank you; this was such an awesome gaming experience. Such a simple idea at its core, but brilliantly executed.

I Livestreamed my first playthrough.. Got 100% completion and just under 4 hours (meh!). I decided to do a second (any %) playthrough just for myself. Unfortunately when I got to Ridley's door (right after killing the 'eye door' with a super missile), the game froze. Wasn't a big deal since I just saved before Ridley. But when I reset, my save data was cleared :cry: I was at 1hr 20m or so. Bummer!

Besides that, everything went relatively smoothly (minor graphical glitches here and there but who cares :^_^:). There was only one time during the first playthrough on Livestream where I had to reset the game (see below):


This is in Lower (Lefter?) Norfair near the secret passage back to Upper Norfair. I didn't realize the door going the other way had fall-blocks to take you straight to the power bomb, so I took the route you'd need to take in the vanilla version. I was trapped in there forever with a glitchy Samus falling through blocks and warping from bottom to top of the screen :^_^:

Hope this helps in some way. Thanks again, I had a lot of fun playing through this. Looking forward to updates / future projects!

- Steve

Nara Sumas

I am super noob when it comes to forums so I hope I posted this correctly. I just had to register and send a huge thanks to the people responsible for this hack. First playthrough took around 3 hours and now in just a little shorter, I'm at 99% trying to get that Maridia missile but I just can't seem to perform the required move as of yet. This is for me, a boatload of entertainment; this twist on a game I spent so much time on is getting the best of me in the last few days. I look forward to see speedruns and TASes of this and also looking forward for other great hack of this game. The only other one I tried was Impossible and I am purtty darn proud to say I'm stuck in the super missile room hahahaha. But yea, enjoying those hacks that doesn't go out of their way to make the game unrecognizable, but adds a great twist to it in rather subtle ways. Again, great job, thank you.

dis astranagant

I'm trying it with the randomizer.  Got screw attack from the morph ball spot and can't figure out what I can even do with it.  The path to Crateria is still locked and dropping down puts me in a room with a missile door and a morph ball passage.  I've tried spinning into just about every surface I can think of but it's not helping.

Maybe you shouldn't use the randomizer versions that remove a bunch of items.  I probably wouldn't be stuck if the item you normally have to powerbomb to under the first save room had actually been there.

A Dummy

Wouldn't you still be able to get out just fine since the Screw Attack can destroy bomb blocks?

dis astranagant

There don't seem to be any reachable bomb blocks in the first 2 rooms of blue Brinstar and the door back into Crateria is locked.  The top of the morph ball room needs power bombs, the room before the missiles has nothing breakable besides the shootable platforms, you need morph ball to get into the Mother Brain case, and I've been mashing my face on the walls for a while in case I forgot something.

Unless I'm missing something (like some insane walljumping into the upper middle of the very first room), the one's unplayable.

Maybe a trigger fucked up?  The search light didn't happen when I picked up the screw attack and I can't leave the old mother brain room.


If you can't get bombs and missiles in blue brinstar then you'll have to try a new seed. The trigger to wake crateria requires you to have bombs and missiles.
The seed 9399907 works, no guarantees about difficulty though. :P

dis astranagant

I rolled another seed and trying to get out of the Crateria map room has basically killed my interest.  My thumb is sore from all the one sided wall jumping and trying to time it so I get in the door just breaks my rhythm.

dis astranagant

A trigger definitely broke in my screw attack seed.  The randomizer changes the trigger for waking Crateria to just picking up whatever replaced the morph ball.


Hi, dudes! I registered specifically to pop in and say a huge THANK YOU to SMILEuser69 for this rom hack. Probably the best, most fun hack I've ever played. I'm not a hardcore Super Metroid player, but I was able to complete it. Admittedly, I hit a few points where I said "Eh, fuck it," and loaded instead of trying to escape rooms, but all in all, I found the challenge approachable and interesting, even as a semi-scrub.

I live-streamed it and had a great time with a number of folks who hadn't seen the hack yet, all being surprised by the little changes together. So thank you again for all the work that went into this!