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Super Metroid: Reimagined

Started by SavageWizzrobe, June 22, 2016, 12:08:05 AM

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I finally beat the game. Now I will try the new version! Thanks!

Clear Time: 11:42
Collecting Items Rate: 82%
Missles: 180
Super Missles: 45
Power Bomb: 45
Reserve Tanks: 3
Energy Tanks: 9
No Save States!


I finished this also. all upgrades, 9 energy tanks, 4 reserve tanks, 86 % item collection. I am glad I finished it but will not try to find the other items. some are hidden behind fake walls and that is to much effort, since the x-ray will not show them.


Version 1.4 is now out.

1.4 changes:

-The path to Varia is a bit easier to find
-A scrolling bug in a Red Brinstar room has been fixed (thanks to elminster for finding this)
-A couple tiling errors have been fixed


Pros:  It has a very vanilla look/feel to it, which can be pretty difficult to pull off.  It looks good, and a lot of the rooms individually have a pretty decent design. 

Cons:  This thing is disjointed as fuck.  The item progression is ok, but taking 30-45 minutes between major upgrades turns it into a grind.  There's a difference between heavy exploration and having to backtrack all over the place trying to figure out where to go next.  There is no overall design leading the player on where to go to next.  The blind race we did last night on Mumble devolved into everyone helping each other out so at least someone could finish it.  The way many major upgrades were hidden with terrible hints as to their location made it frustrating.  Requiring players to jump up into ceilings or walk through walls when there are no level design hints (or the hints are bad) is never good, especially when it's for a required item.  There was some pretty bad enemy placement in a number of rooms too.  Also, some required suitless underwater?  Try a huge chunk of Maridia.  A small section, like the heatrun, isn't bad.  But all those trips through Maridia really killed what momentum it did have.

It looks good, but the disjointed nature of this made it too much of a grind to enjoy.  I stopped playing after getting gravity suit because it just wasn't fun anymore.

If you want to make an extremely large hack that takes a while to complete, then take a lot of notes on Hyper Metroid (realRed).  10+ hours of that was still fun.  Even 8 hours of Phazon Hack was good.  6 and a half hours of this and I was sick of it.  Trying to emulate Axiel, Redesign, or Z-Factor is not something that should be done.

Edit:  Techno makes a good point below about the lack of permastucks.  Even when you think you're completely locked into an area, if you look around enough you'll find the way forward.  Which is harder to do than a lot of people think, especially for a hack of this size.  For that alone I can award a few points...
5/10 revised 


So this was pretty entertaining. Like crash has said, what started as a race turned into everyone helping each other. This is both good because it brings people together (:glomp:) but bad because we were collectively getting tired of running around with little to no direction at times. Now I could complain about everything that had me with a disgruntled face, but that's easy and unfair to do . Instead, I'll go ahead, be general, and hit the major things.

  • Fake walls/ceilings: these are really tricky to pull of properly as they either work really well or make the player exceedingly upset I feel. I'd say the false ceilings were pretty terrible at times (even if I didn't have much an issue finding them) but then again, I believe this is the first hack that does it this often, specifically for progression (the other example that comes to mind is getting Grapple in Legacy).
  • Little to no direction: not entirely a bad thing as Metroid is based the discovery of secrets and remembering your surroundings. However, I feel like there may be a bit too much leeway in open paths that easily get the player off track and away from where they need to be. I'm also personally not a fan of huge open rooms because after a while, they all start to meld together and it can be confusing to get around when the only thing you have to remember is a bunch of air tiles.
  • Suitless: I was lucky enough to not have to experience heat runs, but from what I heard on the other end of the line, a few were having a not so stellar time. As of v04, you seem to have touched up on Varia being less out of sight, which is good. Aqua runs (suitless underwater; can we just call them that from now on?) don't particularly bother me as much as others (see crashtour) though they do have some level of attention put toward them. Too long and obfuscated and they slow things down a bit too much, which happens to be the case here I feel. Might not have felt so sluggish if the path to Gravity was a bit shorter and cleaner.
  • Lack of connectivity: a small point that can be hard to do without blowing things wide open, but one that really drives home making hacks pretty dang good. There's loops which exist, but I still felt like getting around was a bit of a slog, namely in Crateria.
  • Advanced knowledge leads to places: there are a few points where having advanced knowledge of Super Metroid can get you places that clearly weren't intended. It's not a bad thing at all, but it is very hard to plan against or worth with as a creator without making the player feel pigeonholed with progression. I'll go ahead and spoiler some such scenarios below.
    [spoiler]It's possible to get to Grapple without ever leaving Norfair and likewise (though not easy) Power Bombs by using the nearest elevator after. Early Super Missiles are a thing. You could break into Maridia pre-Wrecked Ship and go get Power Bombs from there. I've even heard that Reverse Boss Order is something that isn't very far out of question.[/spoiler]
  • Respin: you have this patch applied. Enough said.
  • Your first hack(?): As far as I'm aware, this is your first hack. For what you've produced and what I played, it's damn fine first hack. Rough around the edges in parts, but really brings back some of that original vanilla feel (coughfindingdraygoncough). Level design wasn't amazing, nor was it terrible; a nice middle-ground. Tiling was great as I didn't notice any errors.

A bit too cryptic at times and without the help of others, I probably would've put it down and not returned to it. Other than that, pretty solid and pretty fun hack.


I will echo some of the sentiments of the other blind racers.

I guess other people had a much more difficult time at the start than I did, but the "gimmick" of the hack soon tripped me up as well. Lots of seemingly random ceilings you can jump through that lead to required things. And getting around the world was a bit tedious, but it actually wasn't too bad. I appreciate that there weren't a lot of rooms that were terrible to traverse when I decided to go around looking for stuff. The race probably made this more enjoyable than it would've been otherwise, but for a first hack this is some good stuff.


Continuing on the sentiment of hidden pathways, some of them were very obvious on the first glance, but many of them weren't at all obvious until after having gone through the pathway and then looking back.  The red glow on the Norfair save room wall, the center of Red Brinstar's tower "ceiling," the cracks above a seemingly random Maridia tube...  These are all very easy to miss even of you are paying attention.  And then there are pathways forward that come completely out of nowhere.  Like a crumble block below a completely innocuous item leading to a path around a locked door, or a shootable ceiling tile that is an almost imperceptible shade difference from the surrounding tiles.

That being said, past the frustrations of playing the hack blind, it was quite nice.  Some areas were significantly more open than they needed to be, and there were a lot of awkwardly placed shot and bomb blocks, but I did like how there was never a "I'm permastuck and need to reset" moment as long as you were willing to look around.

Also, the PoNR Exit Elevator baffled me to no end as to it's purpose.


I have been playing through this hack today and I'm having a blast!

I did find a small map error, though I would share for a future patch if something more important needs patching :P

[spoiler] [/spoiler]

A Dummy

I think I might have actually gotten stuck here in Maridia.
No Power Bombs, and the door locked behind me as a Power Bomb door in the elevator room, and I had to do some underwater wall-jumps just to get in here.

Door in front of me is locked, bombing floors and walls didn't reveal anything.

Location on the map

Current equipment

edit: Hold on, remembered to check the save room thanks to previous experience, and lo and behold there was another path.  You really like your secret save room paths, don't you?

Finished the hack.

Time: 8:15
Percent: 83%

Pretty decent, although sometimes I had a hard time knowing where I needed to go for something, especially during the middle portion of the hack. (I'm still not sure if I was supposed to get Power Bombs before or after the Wrecked Ship.) Although the path became fairly clear after I got the Gravity Suit.

Nothing really stands out to me as far as positives go, I mean it was a solid hack and the gameplay tweaks were nice, but this can basically be summed up as "It's a Super Metroid hack", probably due to the rather vanilla nature of it.

The thing I would say is the negative, too many required hidden paths, you could probably cut down the amount of necessary hidden paths in half and you wouldn't be losing anything.

Overall decent though 3.5/5


What are the final loadouts supposed to be? I had 11 Energy Tanks, 4 Reserve Tanks, 195 Missiles, 50 Super Missiles, and 50 Power Bombs. I couldn't find any more unexplored squares on the map, either. I even checked by loading the full maps of each area in Smile RF. Are these supposed to be the final totals?


Quote from: M1CR0H4CK3R on August 07, 2016, 06:16:21 AM
What are the final loadouts supposed to be? I had 11 Energy Tanks, 4 Reserve Tanks, 195 Missiles, 50 Super Missiles, and 50 Power Bombs. I couldn't find any more unexplored squares on the map, either. I even checked by loading the full maps of each area in Smile RF. Are these supposed to be the final totals?

[spoiler]The final totals are the same as vanilla: 14, 4, 230, 50, 50.


Help!   I am trap in Brinstar after I got Charge Beam.  I have bomb, missile, and morph ball.  I can't go back where I came from because I need Super Missile.


[spoiler]Look for off tiling on the right side of brinstar, it's a hint. I recommend keeping your eye out for anything that looks even the slightest bit odd, there's a lot of hidden required paths.[/spoiler]


A quick question; I have managed to get to Norfair with three energy tanks, 15 missiles, morphball, bombs, high jump boots and charge beam - am I screwed?  I can't get back up to my ship due to green super missile doors :(

Edit: No longer trapped! However, it involved getting the [spoiler]varia suit back in Brinstar[/spoiler] and executing some single wall jumping well beyond my normal capabilities!  I can't believe that was the path meant by the game designer  :pwuh:


You can heat run to get
ice beam
and then that means you can
freeze rippers to get to varia

so no, that wasn't intended, but is a little convoluted and well hidden.


I beat this thing but there's a lot of stuff that left me scratching my head (as in, how would I get there!?).

It looked like there were two big (?) sections of Brinstar that I could never find the entrance to:
- The big room on the map in the lower left of the area. I assume it's somehow connected to the room with the SM tank underneath it. I tried exhaustively checking the left perimeter of Brinstar for an entrance, but to no avail.
- At the top of the shaft near the entrance to Maridia, there's a bunch of crumble blocks, indicating an exit to some area or another.

Also, I never found the Plasma Beam. I feel that it would be in the room on the very upper right of Maridia. I tried exploring that area, but couldn't ever actually find it.

(What I'm saying is that I'm slightly surprised there's no map for this thing.)


Quote from: Jordan5 on September 03, 2016, 10:54:46 AM
You can heat run to get
ice beam
and then that means you can
freeze rippers to get to varia

so no, that wasn't intended, but is a little convoluted and well hidden.

Yep, I did those two items the other way round  :blush:


Was thinking about this hack the other day. I apologize if this is considered necroposting. I feel like this hack never really received the attention it deserved; it was a meaty, sprawling adventure that had a lot to offer, despite some hiccups (particularly with how the main path was often hidden behind inconspicuous shot blocks, hah). No map on nordub's map station or anywhere else, no one talking about it. And unfortunately Wizzrobe seems to have not logged on recently, which is a shame, because he has tons of potential as a hacker.

I also feel like it's worth noting that the hack's page on the main MetConst site has a bunch of dead images :P (because photobucket sucks, to no one's surprise).


Though I've taken a long hiatus, I am at last back with an announcement. Given all the feedback on the hack, I have quietly made multiple adjustments to Reimagined, in which I hope will be the final version, version 1.5.

Most of the changes are quality of life improvements, like the following:

- A handful of metal doors can now be destroyed when opened from the other side, especially in Crateria and Maridia.
- A couple helpful upgrades are available earlier because of changing a couple door shells (Spazer and X-ray). I did a bit of rebalancing on Spazer damage as well to compensate for this.
- Generally made parts of the hack less cryptic and removed some obstacles to speed up play. This includes revealing a handful more map tiles, changing/removing a couple obstacles, and so on. Earlier X-ray also helps with this.
- Added a couple extra platforms to a few rooms.
- Overall difficulty has been lowered a bit to make it more accessible/less frustrating. It's still very much a Veteran difficulty hack, however.

There are also a couple of fixes in this version:

- Resolved a couple potential softlock spots.
- Fixed a map glitch in a Norfair room.

I will update the first post of this topic, as well as the hack page.


You should fix the images on the main site in some way too, as most of them aren't available anymore.


Honest legit question

Am I stuck here? (pls ignore color obs did that for whatever reason)

forum wont let me post link on first post so i will edit

Miranda Gemini

Quote from: arktvrvs on June 20, 2020, 07:32:16 PM
Am I stuck here?
[spoiler=Better Answer]One of the more annoyingly designed rooms in the game, because if you don't make it through those gates you're forced to take damage to reset the lava. Next time, don't let go of run. Hope you saved recently![/spoiler]


I made this seven months ago, shared it in the MetConst server, and then entirely forgot to post it here. Oops.

2.5 YEARS LATER EDIT: map remastered and reuploaded