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Working on action adventure game

Started by Damski, November 30, 2015, 09:03:23 PM

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Working on action adventure game with mah bro.. Using Unity.... We have done 2 awesome monster with decent enemy AI.. I should post some videos later.. The game is definitely inspired by Super metroid .. At least the map design and the feeling of loneliness.. The main character is humanoid android  and his mission is to rescue 5 important people from planet X...  The story is definitely not yet done but this is just basic concept..

Here some game design ideas.

You can find blueprint to create new upgrade weapons + You need find materials to craft them.. Pretty typical... Second one is more interesting.. If you found  death bodies of Android that Have failed in mission to rescue.... You can steal their certain body parts.  This is only way to gain new items that has nothing do with weapons.. For example.. If u find woman android head.. You can change your male head with  woman head.. It gives something special abilities that I haven't figured out yet.. Same with armor type or even leg... It's basically frankenstein system.

Quest.. Yes there are quest that u can find from the planet X but they are nothing like stupid fetch quest and they are not mandatory.. Very hard to find.. You need go in different planet to clear some of these quest.. We are trying to make them good as possible and there are only few of them..

Prototype monster for testing purpose.. 4 frames... This sprites does not need to be perfect.. not yet..

Unused tiles and background.. Not using these least not yet but meanwhile Im working on Swamp alien tiles..

Zero One

While there's not much there, what I DO see looks awfully pretty! Can't wait to see more.


Quote from: Zero One on November 30, 2015, 09:33:57 PM
While there's not much there, what I DO see looks awfully pretty! Can't wait to see more.

Ty bro! We have been working on monsters  design quite while.. One of them are spiked mole which rolls towards you like morphing ball + he can jump while rolling... He appears from grounds like  the Super mario world enemy mole..  They are pretty dangerous... I post some videos soon.


Love the art style, it's got a kind of water colour vibe that I hope continues throughout all the gfx for the game


For some reason, the orb thing reminded me of the Wakwak tree in Portrait of Ruin. :^_^:

If the graphics remain at that standard, it should end up very pretty. I'm also intrigued by the gaining of abilities through acquired limbs. It could be good to have multiple of each, forcing the players to take their preference. It could make different runs of the game hard / easy, or open up new routes.


Sounds great. I'd like to play this if/when it gets done. :)

~ SpoOkyMagician


Ty guys! We are still working on monster Ai... Here is now 5 monster that we are working... The mole, flying guy and the robot is almost done and I post it when its the right time...

Here is 5 proto type monster... Fish,  Drill mole, robot,, swamp frog...


They all look good, though it may be worth also posting enlarged versions, since they are tiny on-screen.


These look amazing. Looking forward to seeing what this becomes.


Quote from: passarbye on December 04, 2015, 08:47:19 PM
These look amazing. Looking forward to seeing what this becomes.

Ty bro! 4 of those monster animation are  almost done.. We want create some kinda of  ecosystem in this game... For example some monster might eat each other.. You can also save injured monster... Monster species  can die in extinction if some secret event have triggered them in areas where their predator is located.. If u save them you get the reward.. These are just ideas.. so yeah.

Here is new monster while we are coding monster..

Its mushroom slime and this is the frogs favorite food.. If he eats couple of these mushroom slimes... He become much stronger.. Palette changes and the power level.


Sorry for not posting videos yet.. My bro is upgrading his broken computer so there have been little bit of pause lately..

Monster design.

This robot  walks normally like geemer but if u try to shoot her.. He start to charge two electric slime ball into the floor which circulates in the wall.. If she have very low energy.. The robot start to activates his self-destruction mode and the impact of bomb might be little bit dangerous..

Walking animation

Charge concept.. The animation is almost done..

Fungus slime monster..

This guy hide in ground.. You see his small mushroom in floor but if u start approach this moving little fungus.. Creepy big slime mushroom raises from ground and start to walk.. He is not predator so he is not trying to kill u... but if u shoot him he start to spread  deadly  poison smoke which disappears slowly.


I like the ecosystem idea, mind you I've always liked monster infighting. :P
These monsters sound pretty deadly and they look great.


I like the fact that you guys have put some thought into why the enemies are where they are, and they aren't there 'just because'.

With the robot enemy, his outer legs seem unbalanced. The one on the left seems to be moving a lot more than the one on the right.

Zero One

Gotta say, that slime monster looks like a penis.


Quote from: Mon732 on December 06, 2015, 07:46:57 AM
I like the ecosystem idea, mind you I've always liked monster infighting. :P
These monsters sound pretty deadly and they look great.

Ty bro!

Quote from: Zero One on December 06, 2015, 09:34:07 AM
Gotta say, that slime monster looks like a penis.

My mushrooms always turn to look like a dick  :lol:

The monster are based on our old Mushroom enemy.

Quote from: Quietus on December 06, 2015, 08:11:16 AM
I like the fact that you guys have put some thought into why the enemies are where they are, and they aren't there 'just because'.

With the robot enemy, his outer legs seem unbalanced. The one on the left seems to be moving a lot more than the one on the right.

I totally agree! I'm definitely going to fix it.. Yeah I really dont want create monster 'just because'.....The ecosystem gives a lot of depths for the world. It needs to be well made in to te game.... Otherwise it would sucks..

Working on stylized swamp alien tileset..


I like the tiles, but something still bugs me about frog-boy's eyes. I think they just stand out from his body a bit too much. Perhaps with some tinkering, her could have a top eyelid covering part of the top of the eyes..? I think they're supposed to stand out, but perhaps not as much as they do. :^_^:

Quote from: Zero One on December 06, 2015, 09:34:07 AM
Gotta say, that slime monster looks like a penis.
Don't lie. This is a complete phallusy.


Quote from: Quietus on December 06, 2015, 03:24:38 PM
I like the tiles, but something still bugs me about frog-boy's eyes. I think they just stand out from his body a bit too much. Perhaps with some tinkering, her could have a top eyelid covering part of the top of the eyes..? I think they're supposed to stand out, but perhaps not as much as they do. :^_^:

Quote from: Zero One on December 06, 2015, 09:34:07 AM
Gotta say, that slime monster looks like a penis.
Don't lie. This is a complete phallusy.

Yeah his eyes looks very cartoonish compared to his rest of body but I done it intentionally because every monster eye turned to be same looking.. He might look like a cartoon  character  but he is crazy bastard :D




Ah the penis mushroom fits more for background than enemy.. >D


 downward tiles are almost done..


You'll do yourself a big favour by adding in the 22.5° slopes too.


Quote from: Quietus on December 08, 2015, 04:48:53 PM
You'll do yourself a big favour by adding in the 22.5° slopes too.

:cool: I remember those slopes from smile.. I definitely going to add them.. Im also going to add at least 2-3 area map variation in swamp... The whole swamp cannot be just  one tileset..  Like for example brinstar. Have Red soil, Pink snow and the green area..

I think Purple poison water fits very well in swamp.. Quick sketch..


Poison liquid animation.. Gonna add Underwater Wave effect later...


I think the purple is fine, but the animation looks very busy. Not bad, but very active. I guess it depends on what look you want. If the poisonous liquid were bubbling up and oozing, it'd probably make more sense to have an active surface (with bubbles bursting above the surface), but if it's just supposed to be like stagnant, poisonous water, a smoother, undulating surface may work better. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on December 11, 2015, 04:28:43 AM
I think the purple is fine, but the animation looks very busy. Not bad, but very active. I guess it depends on what look you want. If the poisonous liquid were bubbling up and oozing, it'd probably make more sense to have an active surface (with bubbles bursting above the surface), but if it's just supposed to be like stagnant, poisonous water, a smoother, undulating surface may work better. :^_^:

Yeah, I'd say either give it surface bubbles or go for a slow, stagnant look.