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Loading Explored Map After Save

Started by FullOfFail, October 07, 2015, 09:46:21 AM

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So, I'm new to making save-stations, and although I've always heard about it, I have no clue how too fix the issue I'm having. I'd like to know how to make the explored map load when restarting a game from a save-station.

I'd also want to know how the change the save-station icon tile when loading from that specific point, but that's not essential. I could probably figure that out on my own, or just leave it alone.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as to otherwise I wont use any save-stations. Thanks.


1. You need to set Area Load Station data propeply. Index of station for each area should match what you set in Save Station's PLM Low Byte. Correct values are from 00 to 07 for every area (if this isn't enough, use Save Station Extension patch).

For each save station, you'll need to set:
a. The room you'll load.
b. The door, entering to this room. Imagine you're staring in nowhere and you need a door to jump to the room and load there.
c. Scroll X and Scroll Y. These values are screen you starting at. Look for index 00 in Crateria. 0400 and 0400. Only high byte should be set.
d. Samus X and Samus Y. This is position of Samus after loading. If you miss a bit, Samus will not appear on the Save Station exactly.

2. Read this guide:
All you need to do is set correct location for each icon on the map.


I appreciate you typing that out so much JAM, but unfortunately I don't think it's what I needed. I've already set up the save-stations, and they appear to be working properly, but after loading a save, in the status-screen, they forget the previously explored map.


Do you have an area transition and/or have you checked the bitflags of the doors you are traveling through?


No, there is no area-transition. It's actually the bottom elevator room from Green Brinstar, but I had to change the save-station to the index 02 instead of it's regular 00. If you would like to elaborate where I can find the bitflag and what I should put, that'd be helpful.


While it may not be the problem you're having, I think Mst is referring to the second note under 2.13a of the old FAQ. (It should be 40, not 00)

I'm sure this has been discussed before, with screwy maps after loading. I thought it was what Kejmap (and followers) fixed, but having read their descriptions, it appears not. :neutral:

Or maybe it does... :^_^:


Basically what Quietus said. If you open the Door Editor and check the second box in the top row, that's the bitflag, and I know they can cause screwy things depending on what they're set to.


That KejMap seems to work for it perfectly! I would've tried it sooner, but I tried Scyzer's Save/Load patch and it conflicted with some other patches, so I assumed it'd be a similar situation. Sorry for the newbie question, but it's all for the greater good. I've learned a lot over the last day or so. Thanks!


Nothing wrong with asking the simple things. Learning is a continuous process that doesn't always have a direct path.

On a similar note/double checking here, say I wanted my map to turn out like Eris (multiple areas but all showing up on the same submap), I'd go about that by leaving all door bitflags 00 and making the maps for every area used the same, yes?



Very curious about this myself also.


Quote from: personitis on October 07, 2015, 10:31:13 PM
On a similar note/double checking here, say I wanted my map to turn out like Eris (multiple areas but all showing up on the same submap), I'd go about that by leaving all door bitflags 00 and making the maps for every area used the same, yes?
For those curious, here you are.
[16:53:57] <ShyGuy> Bro
[16:54:09] <ShyGuy> Answer person's map question on the forum
[16:54:37] <personitis> Oh yeah, I meant to go on a ragepost about people ignoring extra questions from others in a topic that's "already been answered"
[16:54:51] <personitis> Apparently it's not important enough though
[16:54:51] <DSO> the answer is yes
[16:54:54] <personitis> If I had forgot to do so
[16:55:02] <ShyGuy> Bitflags 00?
[16:55:13] <DSO> if you want the Eris map, yes
[16:55:25] <DSO> all bitflags 00, don't use elevators
[16:55:43] <DSO> and all area maps the same
[16:55:55] <ShyGuy> :D
[16:56:00] <personitis> And if elevators get used?
[16:56:16] <personitis> Bitflag 40?
[16:56:19] <DSO> then it will load the new submap and not show areas you have explored as explored
[16:56:35] <DSO> elevator values are wierd, there's D0, F0, A0 and E0 used in the original
[16:56:41] <DSO> and I believe other values result in crashes
[16:56:48] <DSO> I know it won't work with 40 or 00 for elevators
[16:56:50] <personitis> So if the elevator were to not change areas, it wouldn't mess with the map?
[16:57:03] <DSO> shouldn't, but uh
[16:57:08] <ShyGuy> SLI elevator didn't break map
[16:57:16] <ShyGuy> So it should be fine
[16:57:17] <DSO> that's the Norfair one I think
[16:57:26] <DSO> I'm not sure what the elevator bitflags are for anyway
[16:57:50] <personitis> Alright. Thanks.
[16:58:39] <DSO> the intra-Norfair one uses A0 for the top and B0 for the bottom, so I'd copy that and you should be fine