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Buy Hyper Metroid from Rose Colored Gaming - They're Actually Okay

Started by RealRed, October 01, 2015, 03:02:36 PM

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I think that the topic says most of it, but let me explain.

Matthew "RoseColoredGaming" Wiggins has proven that he has little to no shame in using others' work without prior contact (He grabbed and began making publications with AdvancedPillow's Hyper Metroid logo without any communication beforehand. I'm sure that, while we all understand that we work in a very gray area of the law with rom-hacking and cart reproduction, common courtesy is still a good thing), and in addition has absolutely no respect for the creators of the content that HE is publishing.

With respect to me, the creator of Hyper Metroid, I would request that none of you purchase Matthew Wiggin's Hyper Metroid Carts, or any of his products for that matter. He plans to continue his production run do to his hasty production of cart parts.

I understand that I'm a fairly temperamental guy, but his sheer lack of human decency is incredibly alarming. He is outwardly rude and thankless.

If anyone is curious, I will publish our disagreement.

I will also add that he is actively censoring my posts on his facebook page.


Yeah I'm curious to the disagreement. Though I already side with you. I'm pretty sick of people selling and making money of hack re-production carts without having asked for permission.

And make no misconceptions, people who does that WOULD lose in court. The problem is, not only is bringing the issue to court expensive, due to the grayness of hacking in general a ruling could hurt the scene more than it helps. :I


Another annoyance is when they use versions of hacks that are not considered the final product. Hyper has been out a while now, so I suspect it won't get too many more versions released, but it's still annoying that somebody could potentially buy the hack with permastucks, crashes, or whatever.


It almost makes you want to hack in a splash screen that say something like "This is a freely available hack, if you bought this then you're being ripped off" or similar.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Lunaria on October 01, 2015, 07:23:25 PM
It almost makes you want to hack in a splash screen that say something like "This is a freely available hack, if you bought this then you're being ripped off" or similar.

This is a wonderful idea. I'm doing this from now on.
Something like this, these people are probably to dumb to know how to open SMILE anyway:

Also I looked on the Facebook site and saw that he deleted all of your posts (and will probably delete all of mine too). I'd love for you to post screencaps here.


Quote from: Lunaria on October 01, 2015, 07:23:25 PM
It almost makes you want to hack in a splash screen that say something like "This is a freely available hack, if you bought this then you're being ripped off" or similar.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least if the repro maker simply removed the notification before carting the hack. However, you could also try to detect if the notification is removed and introduce some... deferred effects. Anything from in-game messages to Earth Bound-grade consequences.


He's actually not using the logo I made. When I found out he intended to use it, I contacted him to say not to use it. After some contentious back and forth, some from me and some from him, and after showing proof that I made it, he agreed to not use the logo and he has since made his own.


Edit: But seriously, these guys have been doing this for years and never contacting the devs for permission or blessings.
That's one thing, and not a big deal, most of us would say go for it. But to delete comments from the dev on this matter, dick move.
Boycott this guy.


I'm kinda suprised this hasn't been done before. I once played a Sonic hack that stated in the intro that it was free to download, and you were tricked if you paid money for it. I think every ROM hack should have a screen like this, it would stop jerks from making easy money off of other people's work.


We made an agreement with red.  He was to be paid for the use of the game as per a mutual agreement, and we have not reneged on our agreement.  That was Red's choice.

Spamming nearly every post, comment, and image we made/posted in the last few weeks on our FB page isn't acceptable.  Of course we deleted and banned you.  That's inappropriate behavior.

Red, you're welcome to post all of our personal messages/emails.  I have no issues with you doing so.

Quote from: Digital_Mantra on October 01, 2015, 11:08:18 PM

Edit: But seriously, these guys have been doing this for years and never contacting the devs for permission or blessings.
That's one thing, and not a big deal, most of us would say go for it. But to delete comments from the dev on this matter, dick move.
Boycott this guy.

We actually go pretty far out of our way to clear the use of translations and ROM hacks.  Most recently we worked with the fellow who did the mother 25th hack, and a fellow who is completing the Marvelous translation.  If someone doesn't want us to use their work, then we don't. 

Vismund Cygnus

What's not acceptable is going over the author's head when they've explicitly stated that they don't want you using their material for your profit.

Nice try though buddy.  :colonrightv:


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on October 02, 2015, 01:47:27 AM
What's not acceptable is going over the author's head when they've explicitly stated that they don't want you using their material for your profit.

Nice try though buddy.  :colonrightv:

We didn't.

Vismund Cygnus

Based on RealRed's original post, it certainly sounds to me like he specifically had to come to you about this. Based on dealings with any other repro maker this is a trend across the board, I'd honestly be shocked to find that you did contact him first.
Based on your behaviour on your Facebook site (deleting anything even remotely dissenting) and here in your two posts, I'd highly doubt you did.
And on that note:


I understand my topic was locked, but I would like to further explain our issue, or rather that it was resolved.

Rosecoloredgaming did contact me before beginning production of their hyper metroid cart run. I agreed to endorse the production and provide some additional media in return for a commission per cart.

Following wiggy's falling out with advanced pillow over the use of a hyper metroid graphic, he came to me hoping I would parent the issue out. I refused.

He send me a seething email regarding my unwillingness to get involved, and made some remarks that I took as outward resentment towards my presence (and lack thereof) in his production run. I told him I wouldn't have it and that he should cancel the run. He refused due to monetary investments that were already made, so I got started raising a big stink.

We have since discussed the issue and have reached a mutual agreement. I recant my previous statements and am again supporting the production of his project.

Im sorry for the drama. Hopefully no more issues. Please lock this topic. I have requested deletion of my other topic.


Well, this is an awkward start to metconsts interaction with them. Assuming they are legit in wanting to actually share profits with the developers of the hacks then this can negative affect future endeavours for all parties.