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Metroid Other ZM - A Metroid Zero Mission Hack

Started by Luce Seyfarth, September 28, 2015, 10:33:29 AM

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Thanks for the feedback... If u laughed at the super missle did u laugh when I tried to get the power bomb when exiting chozdia

Luce Seyfarth

Fixed it now, will take a while to change the files, as usual.

In the meantime, use this dropbox link for the fixed version:

Was just a small oversight, a change I wrote into my documentation, but not the code itself. Oops...


Hey Luce us this the finished version(it says done) or are u still adding things like springball..
well i outdid myself.. ive got 14 videos up
im quite happy ive already helped someone out with some parts of this hack are awesomely hard.. relay hard.
hey luce on ep 13 check out how i got and energy tank... i doubt u intended people to get it like that.
or if u did  smart thinking.



Game finished  :grin:

Now i'm searching for the special varia suit place to get it on another run, and searching for the early screw attack. I have a question: Is that possible to get early unknown itens without the screw attack or we need the early screw attack to get the unknown itens?

Also, i think i found the room for the early screw attack, but i don't know how to enter... can you at least confirm if is that room?


Above this room

And below that

On the map:


And there is my review of the game:


This mod is awesome, for a advanced player of metroid zero mission acquainted with the game it's a excellent challenge.
There are a few bad points, but much more good points then bad ones. Like the start on crateria, makes more sense then the start at Brinstar. The progression on the game also it's very interesting, the possibility to skip power grip, the early visit on chozodia, the metroid room.. these are very interesting things.
There is no reason in talking too much about every good point of the game, so let's talk about the 'bad' ones in my opinion:

I get REALLY stuck, for real, on 3 moments in the game. To find power grip ( I never had used in the official this bomb jump pass on the crumble block tricky, it'v very interesting, but unused in zero mission, so i don't know if the majority of players will try doing this on the first run, or if this tricky is well know by the community, so that's not a problem )
The second moment was in Kraid.. the escape is very complicated in my opinion.. you have to find the fake block in the wall on that green room to go to another room to speed jump in the left room, if i could suggest something, i would highlight the block with a different shade or destroyed block effect..
The third moment was on Norfair.. having to go to the top left corner to explore the rest is very tricky, i don't think anything has to change in this part, it's the kind of difficult expected in this hack... the fact that the missile tank is missing and the layout of the room is different is suspicious enough to make the player try to examine the wall.
There is any way of advance to ridley without explore the top left corner of norfair?
Oh, that was one more time that i got REAL stuck and only pass through it with the help of the video kraken posted.. on ridley, i was stuck on the room with the missile blocks because a i didn't notice the secret way below the purple room where there is a fake energy tank and missile blocks instead the fake floor.. but i guess it was more a personal mistake than a extreme difficult thing of the mod..

So, i would only make a change in the kraid escape route, highlighting a bit the block that needs to be explore to find the right route.

Now a question:
What is the first power bomb tank expected to the player get through? My first one was in tourian.. after getting the full powered suit I escaped the spacechip and went to tourian to grab the power tank. Also, in which area is the early power bomb tank? [

Oh, one more thing:

After getting the full powered suit with the unknown itens, the game gets very easy in the official version and even in your mod in certain way. I think you could put more black pirates in the spaceship after samus get the full powered suit or maybe more metroid room, mini-boss, i dont know, it would be very cool to have a challeging spaceship to beat before going to meta-ridley, or new rooms with different challenges as you stated in previous post with the possibility


Anyway, i lreally liked the mod and will play it every time i want to play zero mission instead of the normal one  :lol:


you really helped me on ridley finding the right patch.. and answering  your question, yes i laugh at the power bomb at the escape route from chozodia, all that effort to be stuck in the power bomb blocks  :lol: :lol:


Wow... i save a run of this game... that missle block took me a VERY long glad my playthough is helping players....hey can someone go to the 16th video and tell me were im stuck.. please



Jump on the ceilling on that room.. i put a circle on it
Now we're even  :grin:



Luce Seyfarth

Quote from: 00kraken00 on March 26, 2017, 09:54:25 AM
Hey Luce us this the finished version(it says done) or are u still adding things like springball..

As I've said, there is more to be done than "just" adding Spring Ball. I might be lazy there, but I just don't want to mess with adding more rooms to the data manually when I'm quite positive Biospark will add such a feature to MAGE eventually in a future update.
In other words, Spring Ball may be implemented right now, but with the area I plan to hide it in not even created, there's just not much sense in doing so...

Quote from: 00kraken00 on March 26, 2017, 09:54:25 AM
well i outdid myself.. ive got 14 videos up
hey luce on ep 13 check out how i got and energy tank... i doubt u intended people to get it like that.
or if u did  smart thinking.

Wow... First time I actually watch one of these and right away I find a clipping bug (that one room in upper Norfair) - fixed it right away, but that may be one reason to look more into these, I think.
As for that Energy Tank... No, I didn't intend people being able to shake those bugs off the Power Suit. Didn't even know that was possible. I thought Varia Suit was necessary to get it... well, I guess that way people can have an extra Energy Tank by investing some time there if they like. Creates different strategies for the cautious and the speedy player :)

Quote from: Paulinho on March 26, 2017, 06:44:47 PM
Now i'm searching for the special varia suit place to get it on another run, and searching for the early screw attack. I have a question: Is that possible to get early unknown itens without the screw attack or we need the early screw attack to get the unknown itens?

Also, i think i found the room for the early screw attack, but i don't know how to enter... can you at least confirm if is that room?

As for early Screw Attack, one would need the Unknown Items first.

Sorry, but that room you found on the map just has some containers.
Area is correct, though; Norfair has the early Screw Attack

Good luck on finding the special Varia Suit. I've done my best to hide it, so you'll need it ;)
I can't wait to hide it again when I'm finally able to work on the next iteration...

Quote from: Paulinho on March 26, 2017, 06:44:47 PM
And there is my review of the game:


This mod is awesome, for a advanced player of metroid zero mission acquainted with the game it's a excellent challenge.
There are a few bad points, but much more good points then bad ones. Like the start on crateria, makes more sense then the start at Brinstar. The progression on the game also it's very interesting, the possibility to skip power grip, the early visit on chozodia, the metroid room.. these are very interesting things.
There is no reason in talking too much about every good point of the game, so let's talk about the 'bad' ones in my opinion:

I get REALLY stuck, for real, on 3 moments in the game. To find power grip ( I never had used in the official this bomb jump pass on the crumble block tricky, it'v very interesting, but unused in zero mission, so i don't know if the majority of players will try doing this on the first run, or if this tricky is well know by the community, so that's not a problem )
The second moment was in Kraid.. the escape is very complicated in my opinion.. you have to find the fake block in the wall on that green room to go to another room to speed jump in the left room, if i could suggest something, i would highlight the block with a different shade or destroyed block effect..
The third moment was on Norfair.. having to go to the top left corner to explore the rest is very tricky, i don't think anything has to change in this part, it's the kind of difficult expected in this hack... the fact that the missile tank is missing and the layout of the room is different is suspicious enough to make the player try to examine the wall.
There is any way of advance to ridley without explore the top left corner of norfair?
Oh, that was one more time that i got REAL stuck and only pass through it with the help of the video kraken posted.. on ridley, i was stuck on the room with the missile blocks because a i didn't notice the secret way below the purple room where there is a fake energy tank and missile blocks instead the fake floor.. but i guess it was more a personal mistake than a extreme difficult thing of the mod..

So, i would only make a change in the kraid escape route, highlighting a bit the block that needs to be explore to find the right route.

Now a question:
What is the first power bomb tank expected to the player get through? My first one was in tourian.. after getting the full powered suit I escaped the spacechip and went to tourian to grab the power tank. Also, in which area is the early power bomb tank? [

Oh, one more thing:

After getting the full powered suit with the unknown itens, the game gets very easy in the official version and even in your mod in certain way. I think you could put more black pirates in the spaceship after samus get the full powered suit or maybe more metroid room, mini-boss, i dont know, it would be very cool to have a challeging spaceship to beat before going to meta-ridley, or new rooms with different challenges as you stated in previous post with the possibility


Thanks for these interesting points. Discussing the bad points is always better than the good one (that obviously don't need any improvements).

So, first thing is the escape route in Kraid.
In the last version, Kraid had an entirely different puzzle for finding the escape route that ticked many players off because of how unintuitive it was - and because making a mistake (read: venturing down to get Speed Booster before clearing all necessary blocks in another room) required you to physically reload a save to try again (you could not save on the area down there, that would've been just fatal).
So I changed things, and now it is one of my favorite puzzles :P
Actually, I don't plan on making it easier. I intend on implementing another escape puzzle in Ridley on par with the one in Kraid, when I'm able to add more rooms of my own, actually. Notice that going to one area (Kraid or Ridley) makes navigating and escaping the other one much easier, so people going to Ridley first get to skip finding the proper escape route from Kraid, which is intentional design. Sorry on that one :P

Next, those hidden blocks on Norfair, which I admit are really unfair. As I've said, I plan to implement a similiar room in the future, that may give a hint on what to do to find the correct path to the Super Missile.

I think there are some different options for getting Power Bombs after getting the Fully Powered Suit. Tourian is one possibility. Another one would be Norfair, after getting the Gravity Suit. There is also a skip in Chozodia that both leads to a path circumventing the need of the Power Bomb upgrade and another Power Bomb tank.
That is intentional in fact, so players have a little more freedom.

Interesting point for the Mothership at endgame. Why didn't I think of this myself?
Well, you can bet that the next update will have a ton of black Space Pirates there after the Chozo Test ;)

If you look for further challenges, there areas I plan for the future that are designed to be entered with the Fully Powered Suit. Crocomire will be in there somewhere, too, if Trunaurs patch works in combination with my hack. As for other bosses, there sadly isn't any data. And it would be a hell of a lot work to make new ones (or even importing some of the stuff from Fusion, which would probably be sligthly less annoying). That's the sad truth with this game :(
Maybe someday there will be dedicated hackers to make all new enemies. I doubt it will be anytime soon, though.


It's not uploaded yet but u prob won't see those untill it is. On ep 20 look at the save room by the map data in cratiriea... It's a little messed up..(p.s there are to many black space pirates when u don't have plasma beam,  running around playing chicken with them for now.) And I think it was  somewhere in norfare (puzzel were u freeze the flying beetle guys to make left to right platforms) has a invisible would block that make it way to easy(not supposed to be there)and when I said spring all it was just a reference to things that u said u wanted to do not a request or something. And u did awnser one of my questions, the thing about skipping the dreaded power grip along time ago like page 3 or someting, is that still a thing.


Quote from: Luce Seyfarth on March 20, 2016, 10:39:27 PM
I've uploaded version 3.7 just now. That hidden route in Brinstar is now fixed (Just try to get by without Unknown Items...) also Power Grip can now be used there. Although...

I've also redesigned the top right part of Kraid.

I didn't find a way to double Power Bomb damage yet. Next update will probably include that...
When I get back from vacation, I will also start working on my new idea. Next update will be 4.1, then.

I managed to get the early screw attack and all unknown itens.. so the screw attack was when i tought it was  :lol:

But for the special suit... i'm looking for those early PB to grab the special varia, but i have the 3 unknown itens, they prevent me from getting the special suit?

The entrance of the room is only acessible if you dont have the itens?

I entered mage to look for any hint because i looked every place and didn't found the room, then on mage i found the room with special  item blocks and pb blocks, from one side of the room you have a way to the special varia room and on the other side you have a way to brinstar vertical room (the room with the fake energy tank), from where you are suposed to leave thia room, my question is, where is the entrance to this room (with the pb blocks and unknown item blocks [/spoiler]


hey luce i was thinking about new bosses... and i thought how about if you could include a fake chozo statue boss like in super metroid? you could use the removed hint statues to make them, and to make it even more interesting how about if they are the guardians of unknow items huh? that would be a really nice touch to the mod but if that's too difficult to make them, it would be more challenging to at least have unknow item guardians implemented with other creatures like the worns from brinstar and kraid, and flying bug from ridley

EDIT: @Luce Seyfarth @00kraken00 i discovered that trick for the energy tank in brinstar and as you i didn't know that was possible as well, i found out that by mere luck and now is part of my item collection order, though it has a minimum energy requirement but if you manage to pull it off, sure is a good help


I got that energy tank on my first run withoht varia suit :lol:

I was thinking "this room of the varia suit is very well protected by green door and speed booster blocks, it might have a early item" and then it was the energy tank


Well the final ep will be uploaded within the hour... took me 5 hours 2 beat the game(i can speed run the orginal under 2 hours)... i was a fun journey. THANK YOU luce, this hack was so much fun. Its literally one or the first full reworked hack of this game and im glad to have played it..... and im happy to have my lets play on youtube help people who needed help. Luce could you do evryone a favor(this hack is truly hard) put the link to the playlist on ur starting text on page one as a walkthough so people dont have to, a ask people for help on how to do e.c.t , and b, have to seach the fourms for help. I truly felt happy when  paul gave me a shoutout on how i helped him... i have no say in it though up to u luce.. i feel like a long journy has come to an end... man that game was fun(never found charge beam though).... May my walkthough help many who would be scared to try this without help.May the 2 black space pirate you fight before the escape ship die in a firy exploshin...                        link to the playthough


Quote from: 00kraken00 on March 28, 2017, 09:37:55 PM
Well the final ep will be uploaded within the hour... took me 5 hours 2 beat the game(i can speed run the orginal under 2 hours)... i was a fun journey. THANK YOU luce, this hack was so much fun. Its literally one or the first full reworked hack of this game and im glad to have played it..... and im happy to have my lets play on youtube help people who needed help. Luce could you do evryone a favor(this hack is truly hard) put the link to the playlist on ur starting text on page one as a walkthough so people dont have to, a ask people for help on how to do e.c.t , and b, have to seach the fourms for help. I truly felt happy when  paul gave me a shoutout on how i helped him... i have no say in it though up to u luce.. i feel like a long journy has come to an end... man that game was fun(never found charge beam though).... May my walkthough help many who would be scared to try this without help.May the 2 black space pirate you fight before the escape ship die in a firy exploshin...                        link to the playthough

Yes man, you did a good job :)
And luce an awesome job in this hack, is very well designed.
Also kraken, you could make some videos showing how to break sequence or showing the special varia for example

I'm on my second run, already found the 3 unknown itens and skipped power grip, but i can't reach the early power bomb

charge beam:

[spoiler] Is located in norfair, on a room with a super missile and some
Lava on the bottom... with you shoot with wave beam you'll see some blocks will disappear and a new shortcut will be open[/spoiler]


i dont know were the sequnce breaks are though.. if i did i would.

...hmmm. now i dont no what to record... i feel sad.

Luce Seyfarth

Quote from: 00kraken00 on March 27, 2017, 10:18:37 PM
It's not uploaded yet but u prob won't see those untill it is. On ep 20 look at the save room by the map data in cratiriea... It's a little messed up..(p.s there are to many black space pirates when u don't have plasma beam,  running around playing chicken with them for now.) And I think it was  somewhere in norfare (puzzel were u freeze the flying beetle guys to make left to right platforms) has a invisible would block that make it way to easy(not supposed to be there)and when I said spring all it was just a reference to things that u said u wanted to do not a request or something. And u did awnser one of my questions, the thing about skipping the dreaded power grip along time ago like page 3 or someting, is that still a thing.

One thing before answering any more questions - What country are you from? Hust interested... Not to sound rude, but your writing is really bad sometimes. I only bring this up now because the last part of your post has me scratching my head just now, what do you want to say to me?

Yes, I was referring to that invisible block I saw in your video, thanks :)
Also thanks for giving me a hint on that save room. Forgot to change a Sprite in an alternate Spriteset for that room - It's fixed now, but as always, romhacking will take its time to publish the fixed version... Maybe when I have just too much time on my hands, I'll make my own website for this hack...

Sorry, but you can't get the Fully Powered Suit when you already have one ;)
Skipping Power Grip is for getting the Fully Powered Suit early, before Mother Brain. When you get the Fully Powered Suit after the boss in Chozodia, it becomes a moot point.

Quote from: 00kraken00 on March 28, 2017, 09:37:55 PM
Well the final ep will be uploaded within the hour... took me 5 hours 2 beat the game(i can speed run the orginal under 2 hours)... i was a fun journey. THANK YOU luce, this hack was so much fun. Its literally one or the first full reworked hack of this game and im glad to have played it..... and im happy to have my lets play on youtube help people who needed help. Luce could you do evryone a favor(this hack is truly hard) put the link to the playlist on ur starting text on page one as a walkthough so people dont have to, a ask people for help on how to do e.c.t , and b, have to seach the fourms for help. I truly felt happy when  paul gave me a shoutout on how i helped him... i have no say in it though up to u luce.. i feel like a long journy has come to an end... man that game was fun(never found charge beam though).... May my walkthough help many who would be scared to try this without help.May the 2 black space pirate you fight before the escape ship die in a firy exploshin...                        link to the playthough

I'm glad you've enjoyed it :)
You can always try to 100% the item collection if you want to record more. From what I've seen, you skipped quite a few, including even the normal Varia Suit (though that probably was to get the Fully Powered Varia Suit early?)
Thanks for offering your run as a guide for new players. I'm sure they can skip through your vids if they have trouble just beating the game, which is actually really nice, as I now have the possibility of just saying "hey, look it up on Youtube" :D
As of now though, I have a few problems with making your run the "official guideline" that I reference in the first post of this thread. Heres why:
1. Call me oldschool, but I despise save states. It's okay if people want to use them, I couldn't care less if they do, but for an official guideline I won't accept these. I would have actually made videos myself, but there is just so much stuff waiting to be added in the future (three to four new areas, two new gameplay mechanics, a new item, reshuffled items locations...) that I really want to wait until I'm done with making Version 4.1
2. As I've stated above, for a limited guide this is okay, but an official guide should be more focused on showing the viewer how to solve the game ASAP. This seems more like a semi-blind LP - which isn't bad, actually, I like Let's Plays - but it isn't a guide primarily.

Again, sorry. I will take my time, however, skipping over all your videos in order to look for glitches or unintended behaviour :)

A word one possible sequence breaks. These are the possibilities:
- getting the Unknown Items early, obviously
- you can always go to Ridleys area first, though you will have to endure some hell runs in Norfair with limited energy
- you can also go to Chozodia with just the Speed Booster
- early Power Bombs let you skip a bunch of stuff: The Ice Beam and either the main bosses or the zipline activator in Chozodia.
- early Screw Attack
- early Full Suit
- there is a way to skip Power Bombs entirely

I may be forgetting some, but I think thats pretty much it for right now.

Quote from: Paulinho on March 28, 2017, 04:00:11 AM
I managed to get the early screw attack and all unknown itens.. so the screw attack was when i tought it was  :lol:

But for the special suit... i'm looking for those early PB to grab the special varia, but i have the 3 unknown itens, they prevent me from getting the special suit?

The entrance of the room is only acessible if you dont have the itens?

I entered mage to look for any hint because i looked every place and didn't found the room, then on mage i found the room with special  item blocks and pb blocks, from one side of the room you have a way to the special varia room and on the other side you have a way to brinstar vertical room (the room with the fake energy tank), from where you are suposed to leave thia room, my question is, where is the entrance to this room (with the pb blocks and unknown item blocks [/spoiler]

First off, early PBs can be gotten anytime. If you want a hint on the location:
Look for a way to get the one in Norfair

As for the room that leads to early Full Suit, you can search this thread for hints if you want, there are actually players that found the entrance by themselves. But since I'm writing this now anyway:
You can access that room you found with MAGE anytime, too. Those Unknown Item blocks in the room, however, are the reason you can't have any of them collected if you want that Suit.
The second vertical shaft in Brinstar, as you've noticed, has the entry. You need to complete a Shinespark puzzle to clear the way to the entrance.

Quote from: renkoha on March 28, 2017, 05:23:06 PM
hey luce i was thinking about new bosses... and i thought how about if you could include a fake chozo statue boss like in super metroid? you could use the removed hint statues to make them, and to make it even more interesting how about if they are the guardians of unknow items huh? that would be a really nice touch to the mod but if that's too difficult to make them, it would be more challenging to at least have unknow item guardians implemented with other creatures like the worns from brinstar and kraid, and flying bug from ridley

A word on new enemies: The problem here are the required AI routines. That's some serious advanced stuff right there, ans simply copying the code from Super Metroid obviously won't work, since the GBA is a completely other system and Zero Mission runs on a completely different engine. What might work out instead is importing some of the Metroid Fusion stuff. That game has a bunch of really neat bosses to boot, but it would still require much work. I doubt it would be impossible for me to learn, but IF I wanted to do that, I would have to dedicate quite some time in this process alone, maybe with the help of fellow hackers who can give me a hand.
The thing is, I work 9 hours a day since I've got my bachelor's degree and during weekends I spend most of my time with my girlfriend to compensate for lost time during the week - As sexy as those chunks of hex code are, I'm only a man after all :D

I will gladly use whatever others hack into Zero Mission given the chance, though. Not without credit, too. I would also like to make a unique title screen (replacing "Zero Mission" with "Other ZM" in the same font style), but the one time I tried, all the colors were off after reimporting the image into the ROM. So if someone is willing to make that I wouldn't refuse them.

In the meantime, I use my cleverness to somewhat circumvent the lack of bosses in Zero Mission :P :D
For the main three new areas I have planned, I have a boss for each of them:
1. Crocomire, obviously. That thing just screams to be used.
2. Brinstar Worm with a twist: A different battle arena and, most importantly, fought while in Zero Suit mode.
3. A specific other, recurring boss that I won't spoil right now

Thanks again for all of your support by the way :)
Currently I'm working on implementing a new game mechanic. Shouldn't take too long as it revolves just around a single bit flip, actually. Then I will finally start going for adding the Spring Ball. First, the behaviour, then a new item sprite. Making a new menu entry is tricky for me, however, but I have a way to circumvent that if the need arises.


I'm 15 from the u.s... Yup let that sink in... My spelling is bad because ,  might be typing from my phone as I am no and I have giant fingers, or b, type really really fast on PC,(I'm a quantity over quility with typing) I use save states on this hack mainly because that was my first full playthrough and the hack is hard. P.s is the boss ur adding going to be a a chozo stayed(terizo I think) or a Metroid evolution. I only new about the power bomb varia suit.... Ur telling me I could have gotten it earlier... No wonder it was so hard... Also in norfar when u ball spark out or ridly and u stop at the missle block spot(I know how to get there) what is in that spot I didn't understand the puzzle. My least favorite part in the hack is getting through that bug nest area with stupid long beam. First time I tried that took me like 2 hour to figure out the pattern. If u do ever spit the charge beam and beam combinder into 2 items but charge beam in in worm guy cus it sucks when u can't kill a boss because u don't have enough missle and u need to farm up before him.


Neither of your excuses for bad spelling are remotely valid. If you're on phone, you should have autocorrect; if you're with a keyboard, you need to respect the fact that this isn't IRC and you're not writing as a real time conversation, you can take time to make your posts readable. Neither way prevents you from having commas nor paragraphs.

Remember that readability is important, if you're going to write something on a forum, I expect you want people to read what you've written, and making your posts readable is clearly something worth aiming for in this respect. A lot of us (probably most of us) were 15 at some point and were writing with the basics of formatting and correct spelling.

Finally, remember that there are people on this forum whose first language isn't English, and so if for no other reason, it's important to keep your posts readable for their sake, both so that they can interpret your posts correctly, and to improve their own ability to write proper English by example


The problem is lack of effort on my side...(i know a guy who can admit hes wrong... wow) i can read my typing so i don't put effort into typing so.... i should but more effort.
hey luce if u are going to port fusion bosses into zm(i was trying to yesterday isn't a lot of knowledge on the subject) in the charge beam room u should put the first boss from fushion.
The rolly polly guy would be fun to fight there.

Luce Seyfarth

Thanks for pointing these things out, P.JBoy :)
Also, thanks for your research into Zero Mission in the past, your documentation actually was my starting point for hacking this game when I first began doing so all those years ago!

I wonder how you would come to think that I will try to make Fusions bosses work in this anytime in the near future, but okay...

Actually, there is a reason why I don't advise people to skip the normal Varia Suit in their first run. You can get it just after Speed Booster to make all these hell runs in Norfair a non-issue.

Destroying those bug nests without beam upgades may be aggravating at first, but nothing a seasoned player of the original Zero Mission won't be acquainted to, as skipping the Long Beam is a very popular strategy on 15% runs.
All bosses have methods for farming missiles, so not having the Charge Beam there isn't really that much of a loss.

Quote from: 00kraken00 on March 29, 2017, 11:40:25 PM
(...)Also in norfar when u ball spark out or ridly and u stop at the missle block spot(I know how to get there) what is in that spot I didn't understand the puzzle(...)

And I don't really understand what you are talking about there :/
Are you talking about the room that has the Power Bomb expansion in Norfair? If so, then you just found the path to early Power Bombs.
Is it in your videos? If so, can you give me the number and time?


Quote from: Luce Seyfarth on April 02, 2017, 05:41:27 PM
Thanks for pointing these things out, P.JBoy :)
Also, thanks for your research into Zero Mission in the past, your documentation actually was my starting point for hacking this game when I first began doing so all those years ago!

Thanks ^^; Although I think interdpth would rightly deserve most of the credit for the work on M0M


luce ep 15 at 2:40.. but isnt that were charge beam is..... and u finaly gave a hint on early power bombs now to find them.....and i didnt even now there was a different varia i feel stupid........(still dont knw were its is) arent i funny i get early jump boots but i dont know were normal varia is.


@00kraken00 Yes this missile block is from the acess to the charge beam room

Hey luce


I think i just figured out how to enter in the special varia room but, i'm having problems with the early power bomb and i surrender to check with Mage. There is a door very well hidden to another room ( the room behind the kiru giru mini boss ).. but i searched every block in this room in mage and there is no way to the power bomb room, is this a bug or there is another room to acess the early power bomb? because the secret gap brings you to the another part of the power bomb room and without gravity suit you can't jump in the lava to acess the power bomb



Paul if u can get it send me a pm so i can make a bounus ep.

Luce Seyfarth

Quote from: 00kraken00 on April 03, 2017, 01:47:18 PM
luce ep 15 at 2:40.. but isnt that were charge beam is.....(...)

Okay, you asked about the exit from the Charge Beam room. Makes sense now.

Quote from: Paulinho on April 04, 2017, 06:38:34 PM
Hey luce


I think i just figured out how to enter in the special varia room but, i'm having problems with the early power bomb and i surrender to check with Mage. There is a door very well hidden to another room ( the room behind the kiru giru mini boss ).. but i searched every block in this room in mage and there is no way to the power bomb room, is this a bug or there is another room to acess the early power bomb? because the secret gap brings you to the another part of the power bomb room and without gravity suit you can't jump in the lava to acess the power bomb


You see, this is a product of earlier limitations I faced while hacking.

At the time, I didn't know how to add area connections. I had to link the proper path back to Norfair to that room between Kiru Giru and Imago, because it holds an area connecting door - quite a cheap trick, but I hold off making a proper new area connection, because I have other plans with it, once again, when I'm able to quickly add new rooms.

You can get this Power Bomb without Gravity Suit, there is a hidden path back that avoids the lava and can be found by... well, using a Power Bomb after you get them there.