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Metroid Other ZM - A Metroid Zero Mission Hack

Started by Luce Seyfarth, September 28, 2015, 10:33:29 AM

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ok good to know, now another question about kraid escape route, as you mentioned many stuff has changed in lower kraid but i don't know if i'am missing something because prior scape route which involved backtracking through the same way you came in, is now blocked by a green door, and the other way out (passing through the 3 doors room and getting to elevator vertical section) is blocked by unknow items blocks and screw attack blocks, so i'm trapped down here, so is everything ok and i just need to look further?

EDIT: never mind, i just figure it out, is a bit tricky but is ok, this new way out is very much the type for this hack
EDIT 2: bad news man, the bug i mentioned about open entrance to ridley in insect cocoon battle happened again, i'm playing in normal mode and the entrance was opened since the beginning, did you checked that out in this version?

Luce Seyfarth

Quote from: renkoha on January 31, 2017, 08:40:44 AM
bad news man, the bug i mentioned about open entrance to ridley in insect cocoon battle happened again, i'm playing in normal mode and the entrance was opened since the beginning, did you checked that out in this version?

As I've said, I couldn't reproduce this bug. I can only suspect that something triggered the event switch corresponding to the door that leads to imago cocoons room. I however just used an item code to get there faster... Do you happen to have a save file at the save station right before that? I would like to take a look at your RAM data, would be quicker then to play the game up to that point myself....


well i'm currently at pirate mother ship with zero suit and don't have a save right now but i can start over and send you one as soon as i get there, however i have a problem in my curret position cause i got to map room and then enter next room that's supposed to be a save room and is even marked as that in the map but there is no such thing, intead i got a room with a green floating enemy (the ones that trowns lightnings at you) and a ledge where i'm supposed to get into a tunnel and crawl but this doesn't happen i can grab the ledge but can't get into the tunnel, is that intended? i tried looking for shootable blocks but found nothing.

minor bug report in ridley there two energy tanks in the unknow item room, they are both in same square on minimap right next sttue icon, however if you get them both before going to map room the dot indicating items have been collected is not displayed, instead a upgrade icon is displayed (blue sphere) which is fixed if you go to map room afterwards

Luce Seyfarth

Quote from: renkoha on February 01, 2017, 11:37:18 AM
well i'm currently at pirate mother ship with zero suit and don't have a save right now but i can start over and send you one as soon as i get there, however i have a problem in my curret position cause i got to map room and then enter next room that's supposed to be a save room and is even marked as that in the map but there is no such thing, intead i got a room with a green floating enemy (the ones that trowns lightnings at you) and a ledge where i'm supposed to get into a tunnel and crawl but this doesn't happen i can grab the ledge but can't get into the tunnel, is that intended? i tried looking for shootable blocks but found nothing.

minor bug report in ridley there two energy tanks in the unknow item room, they are both in same square on minimap right next sttue icon, however if you get them both before going to map room the dot indicating items have been collected is not displayed, instead a upgrade icon is displayed (blue sphere) which is fixed if you go to map room afterwards

Uh... No that is not supposed to happen in the Zero Suit section - thanks.
As for the double Energy Tank in Ridley, I forgot to remove one of them. Oops... Now that I think about it, there's probably an extra missile container in Kraid, too, as someone said he completed the game with 10 instead of 9 tanks in Kraid.
I will get to it right now. Will look for the bug with Imago Larva, too...

Well, I'm completely at loss here. I've played the game up to Imago Larva (going Crateria -> Brinstar -> Kraid -> Brinstar -> Norfair instead of just Crateria -> Brinstar -> Norfair) and I still don't get into a situation where I can skip Imago Larva. What I didn't do was collect all the upgrades on the way... I've only diversed to get Varia Suit from Kraid to test some theories... but everything is fine.
Could you give me the concrete route of major upgrades that you got? That and a save should help finding this. I hope...


hi man i figured out the cause of imagoo issue, it was an outdated version of my gba emulator, i was using 1.7.2 am using 1.8 now, i started a new game on it and everything works fine there, i can't no longer skip the battle on normal mode, i'll end this run and will start a hard one to see if everything is ok there too, now i will head over to mother ship to see if the issue with missing save room is still present, oh and reggarding minor map bug in ridley with the two energy tanks, this time i got them after going to map room and the blue icon appeared again but since i already went to map room is now permanently there

Luce Seyfarth

Ah well, that fixes the issue :)

Don't waste your time, I fixed the double energy tank and missing save room already, I will search again for an extra missile container in kraid later when I get home from work, then upload the fixes. In other words, you will still find Thema in the game, no need to try.
But thanks for the help anyway :)


ok i'll wait for next version but before you update the hack another bug report, the room behind varia suit where there is a zipline and a hidden zip line switch, they are both already active when i entered the room, afterwards i went to get early power bombs and entered the place where you are supposed to activate that switch and nothing happened, this is the only place where a zipline is active before going to chozodia though, so is this intended?

in the mean time one question about future updates, is it possible you add crocomire into the hack, it could be a secret boss in norfair since it doesn't have a big bad boss or the secret guardian of special varia suit in brinstar

Luce Seyfarth

Quote from: renkoha on February 02, 2017, 10:58:36 AM
ok i'll wait for next version but before you update the hack another bug report, the room behind varia suit where there is a zipline and a hidden zip line switch, they are both already active when i entered the room, afterwards i went to get early power bombs and entered the place where you are supposed to activate that switch and nothing happened, this is the only place where a zipline is active before going to chozodia though, so is this intended?
That is no bug. That is part of the early Full Suit sequence...
Try going there without getting Power Grip
Though I already have new plans for early full suit for the next major update...

Quote from: renkoha on February 02, 2017, 10:58:36 AM
in the mean time one question about future updates, is it possible you add crocomire into the hack, it could be a secret boss in norfair since it doesn't have a big bad boss or the secret guardian of special varia suit in brinstar
...And I already have plans for him as well. He will either be a boss for the new Wrecked Ship area or the new "Lower Kraid" one.


ok i'll do it in next version, and major update sound too great can't wait to see it happen, i got to say your ZM hack is the best i have played so far, you are doing a great job man don't stop and if you need something say something and i'll see what i can do

Luce Seyfarth

Fixed all newly found bugs, including extra containers in Kraid and Ridley and the missing save room at the beginning of Chozodia. I hope everything works fine now.

Also, I have finished concepts of futute areas, as well as item progression and a new hiding place for early full suit. Now working on map layouts as well as some hacking to make "Spring Ball" separate from High Jump Boots. Progression on Justin Bailey mode is on halt until I finish these other tasks.


ok ive played the hack before9got stuck in ridly, i found that full version is relesed but i forgot how to get out of kraid...can i get a hint.

EDIT: nvn shinspark room got it
EDIT2: i noticed a guy was talking about the Ensnared Kiru Giru the path under him was open.. well same thing happend to me. im am using the chome vba-m emulator.


i'll play it as soon as lets me log in and download the mod

Luce Seyfarth

Quote from: 00kraken00 on March 16, 2017, 12:49:27 PM
EDIT2: i noticed a guy was talking about the Ensnared Kiru Giru the path under him was open.. well same thing happend to me. im am using the chome vba-m emulator.

Seems to be an emulator problem. I personally never encounterd it using VBA on windows, but niw that you mentioned a specific emulator, I might try playing up to that point. That room has three versions internally, so I suspect the wrong one is being loaded. Maybe I can find a fix so that it'll work on all emulators in the future.

Quote from: Paulinho on March 19, 2017, 03:21:18 PM
i'll play it as soon as lets me log in and download the mod

It seems has a few problems. Tried downloading another hack today and although the site is back online, the links don't seem to be working. I'll find another way to upload this somewhere if it continues to be that way for too long.


I realy cant wait to see speedruns of this on youtube. But could u get power bombs before chozodia(i never got power grip) i figered it was a shine spark puzzle but.... now im stuck in chozdia without u can see ive been everywere in chozdia.. that spot in the pirate ship in bottem right corrner ive been to. can some just give me a hint like top left corner of chozodia e.c.t(better hints will be apreciated) here the link to my map (

Luce Seyfarth

Quote from: 00kraken00 on March 21, 2017, 09:07:29 AM
I realy cant wait to see speedruns of this on youtube. But could u get power bombs before chozodia(i never got power grip) i figered it was a shine spark puzzle but.... now im stuck in chozdia without u can see ive been everywere in chozdia.. that spot in the pirate ship in bottem right corrner ive been to. can some just give me a hint like top left corner of chozodia e.c.t(better hints will be apreciated) here the link to my map (

"Top left corner" is almost literally where you have to go :P
- Go to top left corner, find zipline activator (solve missile block puzzle)
- Go back to lower right corner, find exit
- Don't forget to check Metroid room again for a useful upgrade

Early Power Bomb is a sequence break requiring Speed Booster and Super Missile. Power Grip has no connection to Power Bombs, isn't required for anything and can be gotten right after the bombs.


wasnt there somting u got if u skip quate"the dreaded power grip" end quate


is the the puzzle ur talking about because i cant figere it out

or is it the puzzle over by the upper exit to crateria.


I'm enjoying the game, very interesting things in the mod specially the beggining in crateria
But i'm stuck in kraid, right after collecting the speed booster, I can only go to the room eith tje green super missile door (from where you came) or the room with the unknown item blocks and blue wall of screw attack blocks... i've already bombed everything on those
Rooms, fired missels but nothing happens

Luce Seyfarth

Quote from: 00kraken00 on March 23, 2017, 01:06:45 PM
is the the puzzle ur talking about because i cant figere it out

or is it the puzzle over by the upper exit to

You need to find a way to enter this room from the bottom right.

Quote from: Paulinho on March 24, 2017, 01:15:57 AM
I'm enjoying the game, very interesting things in the mod specially the beggining in crateria
But i'm stuck in kraid, right after collecting the speed booster, I can only go to the room eith tje green super missile door (from where you came) or the room with the unknown item blocks and blue wall of screw attack blocks... i've already bombed everything on those
Rooms, fired missels but nothing happens

Glad that you like it :)
Try exploring the room below the elevator room.


Hey Luce im recording this on YouTube(as there are no plays of it yet/semi walkthough) is that ok.
I have u credited in the video description, the forums, and the download.


Can some tell me were the early power bombs are(uppper left crateria, bottem left kraid, middle brinstar, e.c.t)
i want to show them on my youtube series

Luce Seyfarth

You can do what you want as long as you don't take credit for making the hack.

As for the videos themselves, I would suggest you rerecord the first four then. Shouldn't take too long anyway and it's the only way to "restore" the audio proper, it seems.
I don't like the intro song at all, actually, but thats  just personal opinion.

You can search this thread for hints at early Power Bombs if you wish, but this is a huge sequence break and don't fit a "first" playthrough well. I myself probably would make these a bonus episode or something.

Just my two cents; as I've said, do what you want...


all right sweet. btw ive got 8 epesodes out and alls going well, at least if players get stuck this will be a look to so they wont stop playing, i just hope people dont watch it all then play, p.s the old shinespark power bomb spot, were u now have the super missle bomb chain puzzle is evil, genius but evil.....


Thank you very much for your videos kraken.. just got stuck on ridley and the videos help a lot, that secret spot on the purple room was tricky.
I laught a lot at the episode 8 super missile in crateria, i bet is only possible with space jump maybe?


What is the standard varia suit? That one in kraid protected with power bomb blocks is the special one?

EDIT: I get the varia suit, its the normal one. The answer was in the save room above  :grin:

Beat kraid and now heading to confronting ridley with ice beam, wave beam, hi jump, speed booster, 6 super missels, 5 energy tanks, 95 normal missels, varia suit, i think i didn't had any sequence break. That mod is awesome, the metroid room was very challeging and interesting.. the 5 energy tanks have made it possible to pass without any problems

EDIT 2: I managed to beat mother brain and get to the chozo test, but when samus get the fully powered suit and the screen gets pink, the game crashes :/

Luce Seyfarth

Quote from: Paulinho on March 25, 2017, 06:41:36 PM
EDIT 2: I managed to beat mother brain and get to the chozo test, but when samus get the fully powered suit and the screen gets pink, the game crashes :/

What... I just tested this after reading you post and it seems something went wrong with the last update. Crashes here, too. I will quickly fix this, then post again when I'm done.