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A.N.T.I. Contest

Started by Vismund Cygnus, September 23, 2015, 10:04:51 PM

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Guess I'll be the first victim?

AN.T.I [ANother Terrible Idea] By TriAsUnit (T-A-U)
[spoiler=Themes used]
Future - Because 2077 and techie base stuff
Desert - Because planet
Enter - Because your infiltrating a base?
(I don't know...some of the themes are so broad, they make no sense to me. There's an off-chance that the hack falls under other themes, too)[/spoiler]

Everything you need to know about the hack is in the readme



[spoiler=The obvious question]"But what was your first terrible idea?"
Submitting rooms to room of the week[/spoiler]

Dropbox link in the event the attachment doesn't work Haven't worked with attachments at all, and I'm scared as shit something went wrong


I like the desert screenshot. :^_^:


I like it as well. Definitely competition to mine since mine is all Vanilla-y. I never thought I would win or stand a chance (I was just joining in the rivalry with Mst)

Though I'm not going to win, and thats almost fact.. lol.
I mainly took this up so I could actually produce a hack that wasnt one room haha..

Alright so, my submission just has a few fixes that it needs in order to be completed. I'm also waiting to hear back from the testers but I might release it with the fixes on the stuff I found instead of waiting if they take too long.

Should be released tonight if all goes well and I will definitely be playing AN.T.I


Word of wisdom: If you go in expecting to fail, you will find a way to achieve this goal.



But that leads to the old question: If you try to fail, and you succeed, have you succeeded or failed? :^_^:

Quote from: Lenophis on October 27, 2015, 01:03:48 AMCRUSH YOUR ENEMIES
See them driven before you, and  hear the lamentations of the women.


Alright I think now is the best time to release this, I havent heard back from my second tester but my main tester seems to have gone through and told me a few things that needed fixing. I have finally fixed them up and hopefully my hack has no noticeable errors. I hope you guys have fun with it as I need some inspiration in my hacking to keep me going. This is actually the first completable hack i've released in all my 6 years.

So anyways. I present to you guys, my A.N.T.I submission, Metroid: Expedition 'Z'.



The theme is...
Descent [Because you're looking deep into Planet Zeron for any signs of Metroid life]
Enter [Along with Descent, you are entering the planet]
Collection [There's a total of 38 items in the hack, spread through 30 rooms]

[spoiler=Story]A new threat has risen on the Planet Zeron.
Samus has received word that there are signs of Metroid life still left there...
Did she really eradicate the entire species?
The only way to be sure is to find out herself.[/spoiler]


Ahem: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Earlier, I came across the realization that, despite it being done aside from some beta testing, my hack is under the requirements for an eligible submission and I don't have the time to add to it currently. :( I will release it in due time (when I return home), but until then, best of luck to the contestants!



On the eve of my victorious release, a new challenger has come to the conclusion it is better to not enter, than to enter and receive the CRUSHMENT from my entry!

Of course, you could simply throw some enemies in a save room or two and reach the minimum requirements. >_>

Vismund Cygnus

Today is the last day of October, which means only 19 hours and 10 minutes left to submit your bits! Get to it, so I can get out my whipped cream Sunday and dig deeper into your hearts with my scathing reviews than a stingray barb through the heart rip Mr Irwin never forget the man the legend himself Australia is still recovering 9 years later (holy fuck, he died 9 years ago?)



Quote from: personitis on October 30, 2015, 11:09:38 PM
my hack is under the requirements for an eligible submission
I recall Mst saying that you could always just add something small in to meet the requirements. FX, a few tiles, an enemy, etc.


The time has come.
I present to you:

So Little Garden
Forest - It's forest-y
Future - It's Future-y
Constraint - I was constrained to one tileset
Collection - ITEMS
Mystery - What did I done do now?

[spoiler=Release Trailer][/spoiler]

Read Me is included in the zip file.


I've been waiting for so little garden for quite some time.


This was not the first idea I had for this contest, I quickly threw this together in the final week because I knew my original idea wouldn't get done in time. So I present to you:

Angry Remnants

Minimal testing, minimal difficulty balancing, let's go!

Themes are
Ascent - Angry Fire Physics
Escape - You must defeat the boss to unlock the way out
Collection - It's an AngryFireChozo spinoff, items everywhere is a promise. Also finding all the hidden items may be necessary for you to stand a chance against the boss.


This is a non-qualifying entry, lots of bugs started cropping up and I knew I wouldn't have time to fix them all in the contest deadline, but I wanted you to see the start of where my original idea was going. I'm curious as to your feedback on this because I intend to get the bugs worked out and polish this up to a complete, released work. Remember, you're only seeing the first little section. It ends in a room that was supposed to be an intensive boss fight but instead I just threw some endgame BTS so you can see the end (and the glitches that cropped up along the way...)


No, it's not an entry here. Just a little message.

Good luck with making it in time. You still have about 6 hours. Happy halloween anyway!

And I hope you finish the second entry when you have time.

Secret Agent Klunk

In the spoiler below is a review that goes with my vote twords Metroid Expedition Z.

Read if you dare! You have been warned!
[spoiler]My vote goes to Metroid Expedition Z. The themes of descent, enter, and collection were shown. Descent was shown, in my opinion, by the fact that you start in in area that is outside then throughout the rest of the hack you are in a cave-like area. Then the theme enter, again in my opinion, is shown by the fact that you are entering an unknown area, then BAM! All of a sudden you encounter a winter-(not-so-wonderful)wonderland with unfreezable metroids! In fact to show this you even had to turn off ice beam, even after you got Plasma beam, just to damage them. And lastle, in my opinion yet again, the theme of collection was definitely shown by the collection of lots of items even some hidden ones...*hack**cough**ack*...w...attack.[/spoiler]

P.S. MST if the contest was to make the silliest, in a funny way, and funniest hack you would've gotten my vote... you almost got it anyway.


I was starting to forget about MST love for Other M, but after that Ridley...


Quote from: OhCwap on November 01, 2015, 03:57:00 PM
I was starting to forget about MST love for Other M, but after that Ridley...
That's from Prime 3. . .


Quote from: Secret Agent Clunk on November 01, 2015, 09:18:12 AM
[spoiler]My vote goes to Metroid Expedition Z. The themes of descent, enter, and collection were shown. Descent was shown, in my opinion, by the fact that you start in in area that is outside then throughout the rest of the hack you are in a cave-like area. Then the theme enter, again in my opinion, is shown by the fact that you are entering an unknown area, then BAM! All of a sudden you encounter a winter-(not-so-wonderful)wonderland with unfreezable metroids! In fact to show this you even had to turn off ice beam, even after you got Plasma beam, just to damage them. And lastle, in my opinion yet again, the theme of collection was definitely shown by the collection of lots of items even some hidden ones...*hack**cough**ack*...w...attack.[/spoiler]

P.S. MST if the contest was to make the silliest, in a funny way, and funniest hack you would've gotten my vote... you almost got it anyway.
Spoilers bro, spoilers. Try not to give away any story elements when writing a review for a hack. Gotta let people play it for themselves and figure out all the cool stuff that way :wink:

Looking forward to playing and streaming all of these this coming weekend when I actually have time for it.

Secret Agent Klunk

Quote from: MetroidMst on November 01, 2015, 06:10:17 PM
That's from Prime 3. . .

HA! I knew it was from metroid prime 3!
Also, why nyan cat music? I think the music from the original fight that was based off of would've fit just as well, but then again that's just me :D


It wouldnt fit with the theme though, there was new music for everything.


Well, here's my finished but ineligible submission to the contest!

Super Metroid Ruin - Unheadered Patch

Short hack. Shouldn't take very long to complete. My themes were as follows:
Sparsity: there's a shortage on ammo and health in addition to enemies not being very generous with drops
Decent: your goal is to move deeper and deeper into the planet, finding the boss
Gloomy: the deeper you go, the darker it gets along with the possible outlook on living with a shortage of supplies
Past: while spelunking, you'll come across some old ruins
Game ending code: Squishy_Ichigo
Proper percentage counter: Scyzer
Chain blocks (which are awesome and should be used more often): Black Falcon
Other minorly significant hex changes: Black Falcon, Cardweaver, FullOfFail, JAM, Kejardon, Quote58
tl;dr - Thanks members of MetConst

While I certainly could touch this up here and there, not only is this a very small project, but some unpleasant events arose during the time this was being made and I'd like to leave as much of that behind as possible. Moving forward, enjoy what I've cobbled together in essentially 2 weeks time! :D!: :huzzah: :shocking:

Vismund Cygnus

With all the entries in, please vote over here! This topic will now be locked for the benefit of those who don't pay enough attention.