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A.N.T.I. Contest

Started by Vismund Cygnus, September 23, 2015, 10:04:51 PM

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It really isn't bad thing to have a contest hack done early, as this allows plenty of time for testing and polishing. Just maybe don't do what I did and ignore your tester when they say a single boss is too tough.


Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Quietus on October 13, 2015, 06:39:01 AM
Shaktwootough. :^_^:
fixt that for ya

My hack is coming along just awfully
It's at about this stage every time that I remember why I don't do hacks.  :<_<:


Hmm, I would maybe join this contest if I actually had more hacking skills....How often do contests go on?


There's no real fixed time before a new announcement, but we generally get through two or three competitions a year.


Hmm, might have to enter one of these sometime, just can't this one really, MUST FINISH MY CURRENT HACK...


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on October 13, 2015, 06:43:33 AM
My hack is coming along just awfully
It's at about this stage every time that I remember why I don't do hacks.  :<_<:

I believe in you. Who else could I crush if you dont finish it? :O


Life stuff kept me from getting anything done this past weekend, sucks big time. It's not quite going to be quite what I'd hoped it'd be. That being said, perhaps I'll post a room in RoTM to keep BUILD THE HYPE


On a day in which my stomach disagreed with everything I ever put in it, and my head was pounding endlessly, I still managed to put in some work on my crushmenting entry. I completed a total of 9 rooms today, ran into a dumb and confounding issue, and took care of some other bugs and probably added in more. THE CRUSHMENT CONTINUES AS I STAVE OFF SICKNESS AND THE HATE OF THOSE WHO WISH I WOULD NOT ENTER SO THEY WOULD HAVE A CHANCE. Also this is possibly the greatest thing.


Just finished all of my title screen edits (since I suck at important bmps and gfx) Its pretty basic, but it'll do I think. My hack is ready to go as soon as the 25th comes. The only thing I got left to do is wait for Zozo, as one of my other testers have completed and told me the bugs they found.


I feel this will be a bit of a crummy post for the topic, but I could really use some community/development feedback here. As some might know, I have been working on an entry myself and, at a quick estimate, could finish making it likely a day before the deadline. My problem here is that I'd have to rush aspects and cut some corners on some of my design decisions in completing it within time frame. In doing so, developing it turns into being unpleasant and makes me feel disappointed in the work. While I could go back and revise the hack after release, I find it pointless as I could just get everything the way I'd like it the first time around.

My question isn't whether I should release a hack. Of course I should, that's what these contests are really meant to do. My issue stems from hurriedly and reluctantly completing my work on time and submitting something I'm unhappy with. Would anyone else actually follow through on this?


As a person known for their perfectionism (outside of the community at least) I completely understand your dilemma. I actually just recently had a project that I did not finish in time for the deadline. I didn't make it in time though because I did not want to rush the details and ended up with a project that turned out great, but was only partially noticeably unfinished. Even though the due date was past, I still finished it though, mostly for my own feeling of accomplishment and completion. So basically I would recommend taking your time, doing things right and not rushing it. People probably won't even notice what's missing if you do it right and you can just update it afterwards. It's still a hack that everyone will be able to enjoy, even if it doesn't make it to the contest. If you don't get everything done in time, it will suck at first but if you finish it, in the end it'll be more worth it.

Tl;dr: [spoiler]Take your time, try hard to finish everything by the due date anD LAY DOWN THE CRUSHMENT ON MST[/spoiler]



Quote from: SlyPork on October 23, 2015, 01:26:56 AMI would recommend taking your time, doing things right and not rushing it.
This. :^_^:

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: SlyPork on October 23, 2015, 01:26:56 AM
Take your time, try hard to finish everything by the due date anD LAY DOWN THE CRUSHMENT ON MST
This.  :heheh:


I'm just going to point out that being able to meet a deadline with a very workable project is a good thing to have. The fact you may not like it as much is even better, because that will help drive you next time, or you will learn and keep things simpler/work more efficiently. That's just life advice.

Also, this is a contest. Super polished and well done hacks you're happy with are for hacks that aren't contest hacks. These are within a timeframe, and unless the goal is to build a landing site, you're almost never going to be completely happy with it. Taking time and making sure everything is right is great, when you have time for it, which is basically any hack that isn't part of a contest. You know there is a limited time to get these things done, you've just got to work with what you can in that window, and if it isn't what you wanted, adjust and work harder next time. It's just the nature of having a deadline. It's got to be done, and things will have to be cut or developed differently than you want.
You have to accept that and LAY DOWN THE CRUSHMENT ON SCRUBS anyway.


Sadly, I have the Person problem - I like the concept of what I'm working on too much to be okay with a half baked contest hack. What I've already got is "impressive", but the things I really want to do with it, like introduce D-SPC, are just going to take too long. I could release "something" if I gutted almost all my plans, but I'd rather hold this back and give it the full 5-6 months it needs to really come together.

However, the thought of not participating also makes me... ANGRY.


So I've run into a problem of my own...
Put simply, the hack is finished. Only problem, is something collision related keeps crashing the game (with no consistentcy either). By the looks of things, it's not to do with enemy data at all...probably something in samus' pose data went wrong? If I can't work out what's causing these crashes, then I'm afraid there will be nothing from me either.

(Everytime I enter something, it always goes wrong. Wonder somethimes why I bother)

Black Falcon

Quote from: TheAnonymousUser on October 24, 2015, 04:18:00 AM
So I've run into a problem of my own...
Put simply, the hack is finished. Only problem, is something collision related keeps crashing the game (with no consistentcy either). By the looks of things, it's not to do with enemy data at all...probably something in samus' pose data went wrong? If I can't work out what's causing these crashes, then I'm afraid there will be nothing from me either.

(Everytime I enter something, it always goes wrong. Wonder somethimes why I bother)
If the hack's finished already, it'd be a shame not to participate because of some dumb bug you can't fix yourself.
Remember, we're a community! You could always ask someone to help getting it fixed. There's no rule that states that you have to crush bugs on your own, espectually if they're game breaking!  It's all part of the testing phase.
With that said, I'd gladly offer my help to fix your bugs. Just shoot me a pm with ips and details on how to recreate the bug, then I'll try my best to crush it. :^_^:
Some info about the asm patches you used would help too.


Person and DSO, I've seen alot of games made for contests like Lundam Dare that have been polished up after the contest. Maybe you could do the same here?
Release a sample of what's to come. :P
I should take my own advice...

Vismund Cygnus

Feel free to post your hack right here in this old thread whenever you feel you're ready: Remember, you must post not only your hack, but also a description of how your hack meets the thematic criteria, either in your post or in a readme.

Also keep in mind that entries are open until October 31st at 23:59.59 forum time, so you still have an entire week to polish, test and perfect your hack. Only the first patch you submit will be accepted as an entry; patches with any changes from the original will be disqualified!
With that aside, post thine hax!

Vismund Cygnus

Okay so now for my excuses
[spoiler=sorry]As some of you may know from me complaining on IRC I've been suffering from quite a few health problems over the last month (and still am), particularly the last week or two; I'm not going to go in depth here, but various doctors appointments, feeling shitty and hardly being able to move have meant that I've had neither the time nor the motivation to hack, as most of my energy has gone into attempting to maintain some semblance of being alive. As such, my hack is not done, and it won't be done. I'm somewhat of a failure of a contest host, but that doesn't mean the rest of you have to fail!
So yeah.
TL;DR if you're planning on making a contest hack, don't die halfway through production.
that is all.[/spoiler]


Guess I'll go ahead and make excuses too. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it for the contest. I bit off more than I can chew by aiming for another 100% hack and not having enough free-time to dedicate to it. But the good news is the project is turning out pretty nice and I have every intention of finishing it as planned (not that I really have one, I'm winging it). I'll just release it as it's own mini-hack. I think others will enjoy it aswell.


The johns are real.

You will be seeing something from me this coming weekend, stay tuned!


As soon as my testers get back to me, and i fix any issues hack will be released so don't worry I'm actually not failing to do something for once!!


LET THE CRUSHMENT BEGIN! I have just finished building all the rooms, and just have various bits to clean up and get sorted along with the testing. (Which I will probably ignore if they complain about bosses being too hard lol)

Also I am quite proud of myself. I try to do something new and different each one of these I make, and while there hasn't been an SLC-type of BTS trickery going on, I did stumble upon something in the final room I built that I am very happy with. YOU MAY HAVE A PREVIEW OF THE WINNER:
