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A.N.T.I. Contest

Started by Vismund Cygnus, September 23, 2015, 10:04:51 PM

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You didn't specify that the save/map/recharge room has to be 1x1, so I'm probably going to use a loop-hole and bend it to make it 2x1 and use it as a elevator room aswell and get a freebie. Doubt I'll come close to the 30 room limit regardless, but I'm just thinking ahead.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: FullOfFail on October 01, 2015, 02:08:21 AM
You didn't specify that the save/map/recharge room has to be 1x1, so I'm probably going to use a loop-hole and bend it to make it 2x1 and use it as a elevator room aswell and get a freebie. Doubt I'll come close to the 30 room limit regardless, but I'm just thinking ahead.
Originally we'd planned on just having them as 1*1. Using a 2*1, 3*1, even a 10*5 is fine so long as it adheres to the other conditions. Gives you a bit of leeway and encourages you to actually place that stuff fairly.


I had originally planned on entering this contest but I'm just too close to being done with my main project.  I plan to focus my efforts there, I don't want to add any further delays.


Quote from: Grimlock on October 02, 2015, 08:51:25 AM
I had originally planned on entering this contest but I'm just too close to being done with my main project.  I plan to focus my efforts there, I don't want to add any further delays.
My one true challenger in this contest backing out because they have another hack nearing completion? LAMESAUCE ON A SNOT BISCUIT. I demand a refund and a lynching for this! YOU DON'T SEE ME CRYING TEARS BECAUSE FEAR COULD BE LIKE TWO WEEKS CLOSER TO RELEASETION IF I DIDN'T CONTEST.

In less serious words, I will crush you all. (By sitting on you lol 'Murica) The only question is if you lot can keep SLG from placing first and second now that Grimlock has run off in terror.


Pretty sure I know of two hacks that can wreck your entry, Mst.


That is all.


It's MST; his entry will wreck itself. All we need to do is sit back and watch the chaos unfold.


I've put a lot of effort into the title screens these past four days. Too much, really. This whole contest is making me go berserk. I also have a huge project planned for next weekend, just to vaporize the vapor of my competition. Maybe until then I'll settle down and *just* work on level design... and custom bosses... and custom graphics... and custom items... IT NEVER ENDS


Stop it. Make a list of things to do and then cross of what absolutely necessary. I know you like writing your custom codes and doing other awesome off-the-wall things, but this isn't Fear. It also gives other people a chance at not getting overshadowed by someone's assembly hack. :pale:


Quote from: personitis on October 04, 2015, 12:59:06 PM
It also gives other people a chance at not getting overshadowed by someone's assembly hack. :pale:
Please. DSO has to do such things to try to prevent a clean sweep of the top three spots from me. HE STILL DOESN'T STAND A CHANCE


Quote from: personitis on October 04, 2015, 12:59:06 PM
I ar ethe goof. :pale:

[spoiler]MURDER IS THE POINT[/spoiler]

Actually the real point is there's a few ideas I've had that I wanted to make and release publically but have been distracted by writing a book. This contest just happened to be at the right time for me to say 'let's get these things done and maybe advance hacking a little further'.

Vismund Cygnus

Another rule clarification:
An item room with only 1 door and no enemies will not be counted towards your 30 room limit.
gotta save dem room slots!


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on October 07, 2015, 04:17:39 AM
Another rule clarification:
An item room with only 1 door and no enemies will not be counted towards your 30 room limit.
gotta save dem room slots!

thank you, now i can expand this as much as i can.


What if this item room happens to have like, 16 items in it, and takes up a 4*5 space?

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: MetroidMst on October 07, 2015, 07:23:53 PM
What if this item room happens to have like, 16 items in it, and takes up a 4*5 space?

If you wanna do something that silly then go for it. But it can only have one door. Like wise, you can have a door that spits you out in a different room to where you entered. But only one door.


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on October 07, 2015, 07:28:52 PM

If you wanna do something that silly then go for it. But it can only have one door. Like wise, you can have a door that spits you out in a different room to where you entered. But only one door.
And no enemies. :colonrightv:


I'll be picky and ask, what if said enemy is purely aesthetic in nature and cannot interact with Samus in any meaningful way?


I've been poking Vismund all week about rule bending and loopholes. I don't think he likes me anymore do you Vismund :C

Zero One

Well, you can hardly ask a group of hackers to NOT poke holes in things. Kinda how it all starts. :P


I think this is why it's easier to just have a 'room' defined as one room from SMILE's drop-down list. If hackers want to use massive screens, and have multiple entrances to multiple separate areas within the same screen, thus creating a bigger hack, we lose nothing. As long as it's complete and submitted on-time, I don't really see a problem.


Quote from: Quietus on October 08, 2015, 08:22:53 AM
I think this is why it's easier to just have a 'room' defined as one room from SMILE's drop-down list. If hackers want to use massive screens, and have multiple entrances to multiple separate areas within the same screen, thus creating a bigger hack, we lose nothing. As long as it's complete and submitted on-time, I don't really see a problem.
The idea behind this wording is to prevent people from setting themselves up for too much in the time frame. It also never hurts to try anything new and it was expected (by me at least) for things like this to arise.

Quote from: DSO on October 08, 2015, 12:28:15 AM
I'll be picky and ask, what if said enemy is purely aesthetic in nature and cannot interact with Samus in any meaningful way?
Aesthetic enemies count as having enemies in the room.


This is your friendly weekly reminding that I am still crushing this contest in my backwoods workshop as we speak. The little chance you had evaporated when I went outside and discovered a secret stash of beer in one of my various dumpsters that no copper has linked me to with the random body parts being found in them. WHAT THEY DON'T KNOW IS THOSE ARE THE BODY PARTS OF YOUR FUTURE HACKS, GO FIGURE THAT OUT.

The glorious pic this week is brought to you by drooling competitors wishing they lacked as much of a brain as I do.
[spoiler=GLORIOUS PIC][/spoiler]


Quote from: MetroidMst on October 11, 2015, 11:49:37 AM
The glorious pic this week is brought to you by drooling competitors wishing they lacked as much of a brain as I do.
[spoiler=GLORIOUS PIC][/spoiler]

As cool as this looks, it also pains me to look at it...  :O_o:


So Little Garbage confirmed :whoa:


Thus far my project is coming together very much like Event Horizon, only without the suitless underwater segments.


As rushed as it may sound, mine is actually almost completed. I still have a bit of design to do then the rest is testing and polishing, followed by other tweaks to things like palettes or such.

Perhaps I can actually release a hack that isnt one room for once!  :colonrightv: