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A Metroid editor for DOS?

Started by PKstarship, September 06, 2015, 01:24:46 PM

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I've recently found out about DOS game editors, a utility I can use with my Android tablet. I wanted to ask, is there a Metroid editor for DOS? I've searched a bit, but I haven't found anything so far...


It seems a bizarre thing to request, but I had a look for you anyway. Unfortunately, I too came up with nothing.


In all my years pretending I'm an expert hacker, I've only come across three NES Metroid level editors. Metedit, which was never really fully completed, an Adobe Flash-based editor which was actually kind of slick but I don't know where to find it, and the editor I made, which is clearly mind-blowing. So, since your options are flash or Windows, you're pretty much out of luck.


Quote from: snarfblam on September 08, 2015, 06:02:29 PMthe editor I made, which is clearly mind-blowing.
True. The modesty feature is awesome. :grin:


Here is the best advice for your situation. Give up trying to modify any Metroid titles (or really any game) on the Android OS. It's just not going to happen, & if it does, it won't be anytime soon. I am sorry if that is all you have, but it isn't enough. & even if editors did exist.... on the Android, really? Probably using a touchscreen? Get real. No actual game creating is done that way. Get a computer. Even a cheap ass PC that is a decade old could run these editors.

Edit : reading this does sound condescending, but I still stand by the fact that you should do your best to build a really cheap PC somehow, because you seem very interested in making big modifications that are only really feasible to do on a real PC.
Do keep at it with what you have, though. It's clear you seem pretty enthusiastic about Metroid hacking.


My parents aren't getting me a PC, and I can't argue with them, and I don't want to just give up, so I'm just trying to be resourceful. I've got a DOS emulator for running DOS programs, a text editor for writing ASM patches, a hex editor, tile editor, IPS patch creator, and ROM patcher at my disposal right now, so I'm using those to make hacks. So far I've just started working on a Mega Man 2 hack that changes level layouts and replaces Mega Man with a Mega Man styled Samus. And I don't have a problem with touchscreen controls...

A Dummy

Props to you for being so resourceful with what you have, I would never have thought that someone could make hacks on a tablet.  Maybe you could get a low end PC for Christmas or something.


Quote from: PKstarship on September 08, 2015, 07:23:06 PM
My parents aren't getting me a PC, and I can't argue with them, and I don't want to just give up, so I'm just trying to be resourceful.
You are using the limited tech at your disposal, in this case an Android tablet, to create actual hacks, and your parents won't buy you a computer? Wow, that really sucks :sad:

You'd imagine that by 2016 the rest of my generation (I'm 39, working in the games industry for 20+ years) would have learned that software engineering and game production are actual trades (not to mention computer-savvy ppl manage much better in society in general), and encourage that interest/profession.

I would even consider co-sponsoring a basic PC for you. I hope you manage to sort this out eventually.


Yeah, and, PK's tablet is starting to have some problems, as its a first gen Kindle Fire (I have one of those, they start acting up and sh*t after a few years). The reason I know this is that he is my spriter, though, we are having problems with it due to my computer just recovering from a nearly dead hard drive and his tablet, nonetheless, he is very resourceful. He even tried out the original Tile Layer for DOS on DOSBox on Android to try and help me out. Everything that I hear from him, the best type of PC for him would be one of those newer fancy Surface Tablets or something, which costs alot. Otherwise, he would have to learn pixel art with a mouse. I can send a small work he has done to show his potential, as he made my Twitch banner, if anyone is interested..


My parents have recently started trying to find me a PC, so it will be fine. I haven't been wanting to do spriting and everything currently because if my tablet up and dies, all my work goes bye-bye. I wouldn't call myself too resourceful because I realized that doing any real hacking work on a project will require a PC (I tried hacking Megaman 2, all I did was mess up level scrolling and palettes).

Honestly, I don't think my pixel art is really that amazing. I was able to create a few standing sprites for NES Samus but I still haven't been able to really make something that amazing lately. I just dunno.. maybe I'm not quite ready for a full spriting job.


Quote from: Meeptroid on February 04, 2016, 02:33:50 PMOtherwise, he would have to learn pixel art with a mouse.
Pixel art is more about experience and a way of thinking than the actual tool though. I would definitely recommend using a mouse, which I've been using since the Amiga days, before that it was a joystick on C64 (wouldn't recommend that though :O_o:).

It's only when you want to draw more traditionally you'll benefit from using a Wacom (surface tablets aren't as good imho, unless you're talking about a Wacom Cintiq or similar).

Zero One

As a guy with a small Wacom Intuos, oh my god, it's so good. I can't wait for the point where I can grab a Cintiq or something similar.

But yes, pixel art with a mouse is definitely the best way to go through my somewhat limited experience.