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What's your favorite non-Metroid ROM-hack?

Started by PKstarship, August 23, 2015, 02:14:24 PM

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I've been playing many hacks lately, and was wondering what hacks everyone here likes, so I made this topic. I'll start, my favorite hack is Sonic Classic Heroes, A hack of Sonic 2 that adds all of the levels from Sonic 1, and you can play as Team Sonic or the lesser known Team Chaotix, and you can switch between characters anytime in-game, like Sonic Heroes, but WAY better. The elemental shields from Sonic 3 are added, and there are two different sets of Chaos Emeralds to collect. Everyone is welcome to share their favorite hack so we can hopefully all find new hacks to play :^_^:



Extra Mario Bros (ok so it's 50% metroid)   Highly recommend
SMB Unlimited - this was a lot of fun until I got stuck in a puzzle on 8-3.  Highly recommend.
Zelda - Parallel Worlds Remodel - this one is very tough but probably the best ALTTP hack to date.
SMRPG - Armageddon is really really cool, but requires Save States to enjoy if you are not a master at SMRPG

Recently played through "Legend of Iowa" that was surprisingly good.  You need to be good at interpretting the hints and walking into every wall on the OW and meth labs (dungeons)


Return to Dinosaur Land - Super Mario World
Collectors Backpack - Diablo 2
And waaay too may Doom WADs to name. :^_^:


Another hack that I have played a ton of lately:

Super Mario All-Stars NES has an excellent save function that saves points, current power-up form, which player's turn it is on a 2-player save, the exact level you saved on, coins, lives, and the inventory in Super Mario Bros. 3. it makes playing Super Mario Bros. 3 and The Lost Levels so much easier. some emulators can't play it, but it is still very amazing, and you should try it if you have an emulator that supports the MMC5 mapper :^_^:


I just realised that I posted non ROM stuff. I saw the title when I entered, posted about Diablo 2, then thought 'hang on, was it ROM stuff?', reread the OP, saw nothing about ROMs, then waffled on. Never mind. :^_^:


I've just started playing Extra Mario Bros and have been having a lot of fun with it. I really like the how the Mushroom and Fire Flower aren't the only power-ups. Just one question, anyone know what the Technical Fire power-up does? I can't figure out what it does.


From what I can make out from the enclosed information, it sounds like you can hold up on the D-pad to alter the trajectory of your fireballs. Presumably upward? :O_o:


Jutei Senki english translation by Aeon Genesis.

I was also playing Sonic: Megamix a little bit. It's pretty much a second levelset for sonic 1 and you can play as shadow and mighty (???). It's pretty rad.

A Dummy

I really like FF6: Return of the Dark Sorcerer.
FF6 Brave New World is also pretty cool.
And I really enjoyed the random FF6: Beyond Chaos.

I thought Mega Man X Hard type was fun as well. ( Has been refined a lot since it showed up here.)

I have also played part of both SMRPG - Armageddon and the original Zelda - Parallel Worlds. (I didn't know there was a remodel until just now.)

Edit:  Oh yeah, and I shouldn't forget Doctor Mario World, that one was really fun.


I really enjoyed Rockman 4 Minus Infinity, considering how much of an expansion it was to the original game and all the references to the Megaman series as a whole.


Another hack that I have recently started is Super Mario World: Secret of the Seven Golden Staues, and it is just AMAZING. There are added power-ups like the Ice Flower and the Boomerang power-up, and several moves added from Super Mario 64, like the long jump and ground pound. It's more difficult than the original Super Mario World, but it instantly became my favorite hack after ten minutes of playing it.


Quote from: PKstarship on August 30, 2015, 12:40:46 AM
I've just started playing Extra Mario Bros and have been having a lot of fun with it. I really like the how the Mushroom and Fire Flower aren't the only power-ups. Just one question, anyone know what the Technical Fire power-up does? I can't figure out what it does.

I recommend that you collect all 8 keys, defeat the boss, then proceed to the Special World...

I tried beating this game savestateless before but some areas are just incredibly difficult


I've gotten six keys and the Space Jump so far. I do use save-states though, perhaps after I beat Extra Mario Bros, I'll attempt a no save-state run. Also, I got lost in area 2 for half an hour trying to find a secret that was in area 3 the whole time *facepalm* :lol:

A Dummy

Cool! Now I have some new Hacks to play.  :^_^:


Figured I'd update this thread. I've had Rockman 4: Minus Infinity sitting on my tablet for a while, it was really difficult, and I hadn't played Mega Man in a while, so I got owned by the game. I've gotten my Mega Man skills back recently, and gave this hack another try, and OH MY GOD IT IS SO AMAZING! I just got to Wily Castle level one, and it was all I could do to not cry tears of joy while playing that level, and I'm not exaggerating here. If you haven't played this hack, do yourself a favor, stop reading this and download it RIGHT NOW. It's just that good of a hack.

Also, I feel insane saying this, but I really love using the touch-screen controls on my emulator. Even though there is no tactile sensation like a normal controller, I just... know somehow where all the buttons are without even paying attention. I realized this when playing the hack that I was just doing all sorts of fancy controlling and manuevering without even thinking about it. Does this make me weird, or is anyone else this good at using touchscreen controls?


It's a bit like anything else - if you do it enough, you'll get good at it. :^_^:


I tried playing SM on a tablet before but stopped as soon as I realised I couldn't mockball. After that I've never really used it  (apart from Pokemon) as I much prefer a controller.


I'm the same. The only things I've played where touch controls seemed to work effectively are TCGs and any game where you only need to tap the screen. Anything requiring actual movement just felt really clumsy.


Console games on a tablet only play well if you have a Bluetooth controller:

These guys have some pretty neat retro looking controllers:

I have the NES30 but I've got my eye on the NES30 pro...

I use the extra buttons on the face for turbo mostly.  On the top I use those for save state save and save state load.


Oh I have seen these guy's controllers! I hear they look really nice, feel really nice, and are really good quality, is that true Grim?


Quote from: Meeptroid on September 20, 2015, 12:41:27 PM
Oh I have seen these guy's controllers! I hear they look really nice, feel really nice, and are really good quality, is that true Grim?

I would recommend them, they are a bit pricey though.  As they say "buy once, cry once", I try to buy quality over cheap junk when ever I can.  The NES30 Pro looks pretty good for N64 games (that's why I'm considering getting it also), it looks like it has all the buttons you'd need.

It looks like their going for $35 to $50 depending on the model.  The SNES lookalike which would be perfect for Super Metroid is $35 on Amazon.



Funny thing is, the only game I can't play well using touch-screen controls is Street Fighter. Also, I beat Rockman 4: Minus Infinity a few days ago. The game is really high-quality and has lots of stuff to do. The upside is I'm better than ever at playing Mega Man, that game is very, very, difficult.

I also played this mod for A Liink to the Past, where items from BS Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets were added. The stoty is still exactly the same, but you can get things like the Hurricane Spin and Super Lamp. You can even catch fairies with just the bottle, no butterfly net.