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Metroid Mission Rescue Version 2.5

Started by Mettyk25jigsaw, August 16, 2015, 08:47:42 PM

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Okay. So I have almost finished the version 2.3 of the Hard Mode of Super Metroid Mission Rescue with all items. I know how the Tourian/Smachoghr escape is done, and I know that there is 3 Missile/Racheta packs in the Tourian escape according to this map of the hack that you made, Mettyk25jigsaw.

Questions and remarks regarding the map:
1. Is this the map only for the easy, the normal, or the hard mode, or is the map the same for all 3 versions, or does the map at least contain everything that is part of the hard mode´s map? In case that this map is meant to contain all relevant aspects for the hard mode aswell, there are the following issues:

2.a. In Sector 1 of Crateria/Arion Skirts, in the lower room (of the 2 rooms) to the left of, and connecting to the Landing Site room (the room in which Samus´ ship is located), at its lower left corner, there is 1 Super Missile/Mega Racheta expansion that is not contained in the map and is therefore missing there.
2.b. Then in the same Sector of Crateria/Arion Skirts, there is the very bottom left room which has an elevator to Sector 1 of Brinstar/Messadon, and in the unique room to its right, connected to that room, there is 1 Missile/Racheta pack shown on the map, but instead of a Missile/Racheta, I found a Super Missile/Mega Racheta at that place, so the question is if
i) the Missile/Racheta pack on the map should actually be a Super Missile/Mega Racheta pack (in the case that there is only this Super Missile/Mega Racheta as item in this room)
ii) there actually are 2 items in this room, at that area, and I only found the Super Missile/Mega Racheta, but not the Missile/Racheta that is shown at this location.
But in both cases, this Super Missile/Mega Racheta that I found there is missing on the map. In the case that there actually is a Missile/Racheta pack (additionally to the Super Missile/Mega Racheta pack), I would like to know how to get this item.

3. In Sector 2 of Wadaria, 3 rooms to the left of Wadaria´s Ridley room, there is a Missile/Racheta pack depicted on the map, and instead of this item, I found a Super Missile/Mega Racheta at this place, so in analogy to "2.b.", this Super Missile/Mega Racheta is missing there, and I would like to know if there additionally does or does not exist a Missile/Racheta pack in this room, and in case there is such further item, I´d like to know how to get this one aswell.

4. In Sector 3 of Wrecked Ship/Base Zero, after Phantoon was killed (so in the case of activated room states), in the room that is 2 rooms to the right of the Map room of this world, there is an Energy Tank/HP Boost shown on the map, but instead at this location I got a Missile/Racheta pack, so again, in analogy to "2.b.", the Missile/Racheta pack is missing there, and I´d like to know if this Energy Tank/HP Boost exists as item in this room aswell or not, and if it exists, how to get it.

5. In Sector 3 of Maridia/Bgarnowr, at the bottom right is a room that has a world warp to Sector 1 of Crateria/Arion Skirts, and 2 rooms above this room, there are 2 horizontally connected rooms of which the left one visually seems to contain an inaccessible Energy Tank/HP Boost at its left boundary. So the question is if this item is missing on the map. Indicators for this theory are that there is a white enemy kill count door shell on the map [with a left out (and maybe forgotten) area beneath it on the map] in the right of those 2 rooms in which one can kill all (or at least sufficiently many) enemies without entering the right room via a transition, in order to open this shell (it seems) off-screen at the bottom of a tunnel in the sand floor, aswell as a gate that is off-screen past this enemy kill count shell it seems, and further tunnels that spit Samus out at the bottom, in the room beneath those 2 horizontally connected rooms, but it might be possible that within this off-screen tunnel system, there could be a block that copies the Energy Tank/HP Boost so that one could collect this item by touching this block, as it was the case in other instances. So if this Energy Tank/HP Boost can be collected, I´d want to know how to get this item.

6. In Sector 1 of Brinstar/Messadon, in the bottom left room which has an elevator to Sector 3 of Norfair/Chaud Bay, there is a Missile/Racheta pack that I found, which is not shown on the map.

7. In Sector 2 of Brinstar/Messadon, in the bottom left room of this Sector, I found a Super Missile/Mega Racheta pack that is not shown on the map.

8. In Sector 2 of Norfair/Chaud Bay, the upper right most room of this Sector (which has an elevator leading to Sector 3 of Wrecked Ship/Base Zero) has a room connected to its right in which I found a Powerbomb/Nuclear Grenade, but neither this room nor its content is not shown on the map.

Questions and remarks regarding item collection and the animals:
9. I have collected every single item that can be found on this map (except of the anomalies mentioned above regarding items that I have/don´t have), except the 3 depicted Missile/Racheta packs in the Tourian/Smachoghr escape of which I know where they are and how to get them.
10. In the case (that I explicitly tested) that I beat the game with all those items as in "9.", except 2 of the 3 Missile/Racheta packs from the Tourian/Smahoghr escape (meaning I only collected 1 of those and still managed to continue normally through the escape), after the credits it says I collected "97. %", and I assume the maximum is "100. %", which indicates that the map is incomplete (at least regarding the hard mode).
11. Is it possible to save the animals (the 3 Etecoons and Dachora) in the Tourian/Smachoghr escape, or in other words, is Bomb Torizo´s/Silver Torizo´s room accessible during this escape (since normally destorying a certain object in this room´s final room state sets the corresponding flag)?
12. I am certain that the very first Powerbomb/Nuclear Grenade pack that I got, which was the pack in the room to the left of Arion Skirt´s Ridley room, increased the total amount of Powerbombs/Nuclear Grenades from 0 to 6, so it added 6 instead of 1 which I think is the amount that I got from every further expansion.
13. Do you know what the total amount of collectible Energy Tanks/HP Boosts, Reserve Tanks/HP Bonus, Missile/Racheta packs, Super Missile/Mega Racheta packs and Powerbombs/Nuclear Grenades is or should be (for the hard mode)?

I also meticulously counted the numbers of all item types on the map, and got the following result:
9 Energy Tanks/HP Boosts, 4 Reserve Tanks/HP Bonus, 126 Missile/Racheta packs, 64 Super Missile/Mega Racheta packs, 19 Powerbombs/Nuclear Grenades, and all major items that do not have expansions. Taking the anomalies into account (in the case of me having found a different item type than what is on the map, I substituted the corresponding items in the calculation) , the total amounts for energy and ammunition should be 8 Energy Tanks/HP Boosts [or 9 if the expansion in Maridia/Bgarnowr can be gotten], 4 Reserve Tanks/HP Bonus, 127 Missiles/Rachetas (of which 3 are in Tourian/Smachoghr escape), 68 Super Missiles/Mega Rachetas, and 25 Powerbombs/Nuvlear Grenades. But currently I actually have exactly these totals, except 3 less Missiles/Rachetas, but 1 more Super Missile/Mega Racheta (and I do not know where that comes from or if I actually miscounted).

Basically, I would like to finish this hack with the actual maximal percentage (as in having collected all items).


Ok, there are a lot of questions there and I will promise to answer everyone of them with pleasure, but it will take me a long time to do (a lot longer than most people) due to the fact that I have a disability that makes it very hard for me to understand what I read, so I basically will have to study it harder by repeated reading to work out what you have said. I'd like to answer now but haven't the time, can you please give me a few days? It would be greatly appreciated if you could and sorry for any inconvenience. It would probably be easier for me to do a bit here and a bit there and piece it together at the end...However I will promise to do this for you, as I would like to help you achieve your goal of 100% collection...
    I will say one thing though, the item percentage patch I used for hacks that have more than 100 items in it, may or may not be fully accurate...As I played my own hack through all the way, and item percentage was a little less than what I expected as I was only missing about 3 or 4 items (4 I think), which should make it 98% about...But the game read a few per cent less than that, but maybe I missed more than I thought by miscalculation, but I don't think so....

Answer No.1 = Unfortunately the map is the same for all 3 versions, however it is based on hard mode as it differs slightly in some spots for easy and normal, but not many spots...Also while designing the map for a small portion of the map I used a different version of excel, wish I didn't because that made some door colors become different to what they actually are in hack and was too big a job for me to bother to fix, sorry...

Answer No.2a = yeah looks like I forgot to add that one to the map, oops...
Answer no.2b = That is just suppose to be a Super Missile icon, I think it was originally going to be a missile, but I changed it to super missile for some reason by memory and obviously didn't update the map...

Answer No.3 = Another error on which I changed it from missile to s.missile without updating map...

Answer No.4 = Yet another update map error, changed it from energy tank to missile here though....

Answer No.5 = First of all, this is a really tricky item to get, may be the hardest puzzle in all of hack, but I need to ask you a question first, Have you got Cruiser/Screw attack yet? If not, it is unaccessable until you do, Once you have the cruiser, the room and the rooms to the right and south of it, look completely different, you probably won't even recognise the rooms...If you do have cruiser, then watch this video, however if you can't see video as of yet, it means I haven't uploaded it yet as I am going to do it after I post this and then modify it, so come back in a little while...

First of all, you must kill all the enemies I killed in video, otherwise It won't work...Everything else I think is self explanatory...

Answer No.6 = Another update map error, I am pretty much a 100% sure though, all these errors are on map only and all the items in game are correct as I paid real close attention to the count of items, real thorough...Not so much so on map though....

Answer No.7 = Another Update map error, looks like there is a few of these because when first completing all rooms in hack, there were still quite a number of rooms left to put items in, I think you'll find that the majority of rooms with update map errors are because when putting the extra items in after completing all rooms, I was lazy and didn't bother about the map, my apologies...You'll find that they are only upgrades though rather than main items...

Answer No.8 = A room I added at near end of designing all rooms in hack, so I could put the remainder of items in, obviously another update map error but without room too this time...

Answer No.9 & 10 = Yeah it's a little hard for me to know how to help you with that one, since the map has several item upgrades missing, and I think the 3% you were missing is because of this...

Answer No.11 = Unfortunately I decided not to include that in my hack since the aim of the game was to rescue the Metroid, I suppose I could have done both but decided against it..

Answer No.12 = That is correct and was meant to be like that, so that one is fine...

Answer No.13 = Energy tanks = 9 Maximum
                        Reserves = 4 maximum
                        missiles = 130 Maximum
                        Supers = 70
                        Power bombs = 20 tanks Maximum----19 x single power bombs + 1 x 6 Power bombs...25 actual power bombs maximum...

Note on last message = yeah that's obviously a bit less than what the actual real total is simply because of update map errors...However Total of collectable items should be exactly 250 in actual playable game...

The End...Thankyou for your Patience...


Sure, take all the time that you need for answers, and there is no need to answer all of those questions at the same time.
I would anyways appreciate correct and precise answers more, even if they are slow and take time, rather than getting rushed answers. If you want, you can edit your last post(s) in the case that you want to fill it with answers step by step, instead of multi-posting, and I can check this thread from time to time to see those.
I am not in a hurry. :^_^:


Thanks for the answers.

Regarding Question number 5: Yes I had ScrewAttack/Cruiser already at that time, and the rooms did look exactly as in your video, and I did kill the crabs to the right from within this tunnel after I noticed that I could not get back into the tunnel if I exit it, but since on your map, there was this white door with an "E" next to it, I assumed there would be an enemy kill count door shell there, so I killed the blue crab that came to this place after a while during which I tried to get past the downwards pushing slopes (which they seem to be) to the right of the sand tunnel, and after I killed the blue crab and got past these slopes and rolled to the right, I did shoot downwards and the sound of some off-screen opening door shell occured, so I thought that I was on the right track and continued going through the sandy ground until I could not go further. But then I shot some Missiles/Rachetas and hit some Gate or something that must be down there off-screen, which then opened so I could roll around further but fell down into the bottom room. And from there on, my focus was on this place, since there was all this stuff in the off-screen area, so that I did not go back to the left to check what the blue crab did, since I did not think that one could directly get to the Energy Tank/HP Boost, but rather that some copy block of the item would be down there in the off-screen area.

Regarding the anmials: Don´t worry, I just wanted to know if it is possible to save them, because in the case that it would be possible, I would have wanted to save them instead of finishing the hack without doing so and without knowing if it was possible.

So if 130, 70 and 25 are the total ammunition counts for Missiles/Rachetas, Super Missiles/Mega Rachetas and Powerbombs/Nuclear Grenades, then there must be 1 more Super Missile/Mega Racheta item pickup and 3 more Missile/Racheta pickups be missing on the map of which I am not aware yet, because currently my total ammunition counts are 124, 69, and 25, which means that I would have 127, 69, and 25 after I got the final 3 Missiles/Rachetas in the Tourian/Smachoghr escape. So can you find those 4 remaining items that are missing on the map (unless there are some items on the map of which I thought that I collected them, but actually missed to do so, which I though doubt)?

Otherwise I would have to run around everywhere in the hack again and use powerbombs and Wave beam and X-Ray all over the place to scan all surfaces and deeper grounds, and potentially I would have to bomb all the blocks to detect if they can be destroyed, and I would have to grapple at all the blocks in case they are Crumble-Grapple blocks which neither bombs nor X-Ray can detect, and I´d have to let enemies touch all the blocks in case there is some enemy-destructible block somewhere leading to some item, and I would have to align Samus in ballform against all the blocks to check if there is some "Air. Fool X-Ray" block for which neither powerbombing, Wave beam shots, X-Ray, nor bombs would help to detect those, and I would have to touch every block, because there could be some copy blocks that copy an item PLM somewhere in a room, and in theory there could also be items that have the same ID, so that collecting 1 item despawns the other item(s) (or doesn´t do so immediately, but only under certain circumstances).
I mean I know plenty of methods to find items, but it would simply just be tedious to search through every room with everything that I got.

As a sidenote, one interesting thing that I found:
In Sector 2 of Tourian/Smachoghr, in the room with the "white-blue" door-shell trigger sign on the map, one can shift Samus into the lowest tunnel (via the Crumble-Grapple block) so that Samus can touch the left blue tile of those 2 blue tiles with letters on them that tell the player what this Super Missile/Mega Racheta door shell is. And if Samus touches this left blue tile, then (as if this tile was an item) the item fanfare starts and one gets HighJump Boots/Boost Boots (for the second time, if one did already have this major item before) and then the tile disappears, which I found strange. I wonder if there would be ways to enter other tiles like this one, in order to get items at other places, since it seems item PLMs were used for those. And this would also explain why in Sector 2 of Mahagon, in the room with the Activator that triggers the "white-blue" door-shell trigger in Sector 1 of Crateria/Arion Skirts to be openable, the left blue tile with letters on it disappeared, because it was probably some item, but I collected another "real" item already that had the same ID.

Edit: Oh and 1 more thing that I noticed. In Sector 1 of Messadon, there is on the map an Activator sign in pre-Kraid´s room, but I could not find an Activator in this room, but rather in the room above it (for Wadaria, Sector 1) instead, which does not have a corresponding Activator sign on the map.

2.Edit: Oh and even 1 more thing: Again in Messadon, but in Sector 2, there is an Activator sign missing on the map (for Sector 3 of Maridia/Bgarnowr), in the room to the right of Sporespawn.


QuoteSo if 130, 70 and 25 are the total ammunition counts for Missiles/Rachetas, Super Missiles/Mega Rachetas and Powerbombs/Nuclear Grenades, then there must be 1 more Super Missile/Mega Racheta item pickup and 3 more Missile/Racheta pickups be missing on the map of which I am not aware yet, because currently my total ammunition counts are 124, 69, and 25, which means that I would have 127, 69, and 25 after I got the final 3 Missiles/Rachetas in the Tourian/Smachoghr escape. So can you find those 4 remaining items that are missing on the map (unless there are some items on the map of which I thought that I collected them, but actually missed to do so, which I though doubt)?

I'll Give it a good shot sometime when I have some spare time, please give me a few days if you don't mind...(might actually be able to do it today though)

QuoteAs a sidenote, one interesting thing that I found:
In Sector 2 of Tourian/Smachoghr, in the room with the "white-blue" door-shell trigger sign on the map, one can shift Samus into the lowest tunnel (via the Crumble-Grapple block) so that Samus can touch the left blue tile of those 2 blue tiles with letters on them that tell the player what this Super Missile/Mega Racheta door shell is. And if Samus touches this left blue tile, then (as if this tile was an item) the item fanfare starts and one gets HighJump Boots/Boost Boots (for the second time, if one did already have this major item before) and then the tile disappears, which I found strange. I wonder if there would be ways to enter other tiles like this one, in order to get items at other places, since it seems item PLMs were used for those. And this would also explain why in Sector 2 of Mahagon, in the room with the Activator that triggers the "white-blue" door-shell trigger in Sector 1 of Crateria/Arion Skirts to be openable, the left blue tile with letters on it disappeared, because it was probably some item, but I collected another "real" item already that had the same ID.

Thanks for noting that I'll have to fix that for next version, and yes they are made out of item PLM's in purpose for GFX only...I ran out of room in the cre tilesheet, so I resorted to Item PLM's which also have a negative side to it but one can work around it...

QuoteEdit: Oh and 1 more thing that I noticed. In Sector 1 of Messadon, there is on the map an Activator sign in pre-Kraid´s room, but I could not find an Activator in this room, but rather in the room above it (for Wadaria, Sector 1) instead, which does not have a corresponding Activator sign on the map.

Update map error, I ended up having to place that elsewhere since the special gfx bit flag had to be set to a specific value (because of Kraid being next door), it caused issues with the event trigger as it would not set when bombing it, even when staying stationary on it...

Quote2.Edit: Oh and even 1 more thing: Again in Messadon, but in Sector 2, there is an Activator sign missing on the map (for Sector 3 of Maridia/Bgarnowr), in the room to the right of Sporespawn.

Another update map error...Although I may have changed this for other modes, because they do not have this here in normal and easy...


To Aran Jaeger:

This is what I have so far in regards to helping you find those 4 items...Download map link above and look for the 4 red square scrolls I have highlighted...

This is approximately where they are located...

1 near the top left of chaud bay...

1 near where you got the combo ball/springball-speedball in Bgarnowr...

2 near the bottom left of messadon...

Please tell me when you can how many are successful and then I will look for more...



Thank you a lot for those 4 spots, Mettyk25jigsaw. It turns out that 3 of those spots had items that I was missing, but it seems I already had the item in the bottom left most room in Sector 1 of Messadon, in the room with the elevator to Norfair/Chaud Bay. So there is only 1 remaining item missing (which should be a Missile/Racheta) of which I do not know its location. :grin:


Ok, thankyou, we are close, I will look for more later tonight... :grin:

EDIT = Gave it a good try tonight but unfortunately didn't come up with anything, often the case when you're searching for the last one, takes a long time to find. Anyway, I won't give up, I'll try some more tomorrow...


Okay, I found the final Missile/Racheta. It was in Sector 1 of Maridia/Bgarnowr, in the room above the room before Golden Torizo´s room in that world.


Yes, great...And just before I was going to check some more after looking over the forum, no need now... :lol:
Good luck with the end run, the escape is a killer in hard mode...


I just did beat the thing finally, with 100. % and 48:52 In-Game-Time.


Well Done, 48:52 is very good, especially for hard mode...Have you tried my demo hack for my 2nd hack yet? I'm liking it more than my first...But if you don't want to spoil any of it prior to final release in several years time then that is fine, but I think most people would forget most about the demo by then idk...Your choice of course...


I'm playing 2.43 Easy, and entering room 79C8C from room 79E76 results in garbled graphics and a softlock. Are those rooms supposed to share the same door pointer? Or is something else wrong? I'm playing this in the FuSoYa version of ZSNES. Thanks.


Ok thanks for the report, I'll find the problem later tonight and release a fix to it straight after, room may be overwritten...New version will also have all doors close behind you now too...And no, the same door pointer isn't the problem, as long as they use a different door value...It's all over the game in many rooms, game only has about 55 door pointers but 699 rooms or a little less in easy mode...


Released v2.44(for easy only)...Fixed bug in one of base zero's rooms where room gets screwed up, thanks goes to Microhacker for that one...
                                                      You will also get all doors close behind you now when entering through all rooms in easy mode rather than some doors load 'as is'...
                                                      There is still more things to come for V2.5...


Mettyk25jigsaw, have you ever updated your Map of the game? You should mark rooms, doors, and bomb slots only available in Normal and Hard modes with a dark green border and rooms, doors, and bomb slots only available on Hard mode with a dark blue border, then update the legend with it. You should also put an extra copy of rooms with additional states (Bgarnowr HP Boost room, anyone?) next to the Area they are in (with their alternate layouts). These are just some suggestions.


Unfortunately, I made the mistake of using a different version of excel to create the map for a portion of the hack, thenceforth because some things were of different palettes and what not, when I reverted back to the one I had before on which I should have always used in the first place, there were errors in the map on door colors gates and maybe one or two other things...There were also a number of failures towards the end of creating hack where I failed to update the left over items I had to put in hack, but to fix all these things I am afraid is a far too tedious job, it would take months, especially if I were to add the differences between modes, I am sorry...I would like to fix it as I am usually happily obliged to do so with about anything, but this one is just too fiddly and time consuming...

sm cory

I am having an issue on getting this hack to work! Someone plz help.


It only works on zsnes fusoya, snes9x fusoya, and regular snes9x, though it lags alot.


Quote from: PonchGaming on April 19, 2016, 10:23:55 PM
It only works on zsnes fusoya, snes9x fusoya, and regular snes9x, though it lags alot.

Snes9x certainly lags quite a reasonable amount, but I would suggest using zsnes by fusoya as it isn't too bad in that area, although it's not a 100% perfect, but definitely quite a lot better than Snes9x and very playable and is the one I recommended to everyone when I released it...Probably tends to lag a bit more than other hacks because it is in exlorom format perhaps, idk...
Also some snes9x versions will not play my hack either, anything 1.42 and above, you will find is fine...

EDIT: I am going to quote myself here:

QuoteProbably tends to lag a bit more than other hacks because it is in exlorom format perhaps, idk...

Actually, it's probably more likely to be the case that there are many single room ID's in my hack with multiple rooms and therefore is larger in size (the room ID's) and level data as such takes up more space and also and especially enemies, that is being more enemies in each room ID than there would be in other hacks...


Hey Mettyk25jigsaw, I have some question about the latest version of the Normal Mode of the Mission Rescue hack.
Provided that the map that you made also shows the items for the Normal Mode, i.e. the item positions being the same as in Hard Mode, it seems that in the room below room 7F518 and above the room 7F53F in Mahagan, there is meant to be a Mega Racheta in the elevator shaft, but when I got to this place, there was no item there. So the question is if there is some other item (or more items) that shares the ID of that item, which might be why it isn't there anymore. Or could there be other reasons for why the item seems to not be there (it might just be missing in the Normal Mode, or some custom code interfers with the item)? Outside of this 1 item (provided the item counts are the same as for Hard Mode), I would have all other items (except the 3 Rachetas from the final escape). And for a max% playthrough, I'd like to know what the deal is about this Mega Racheta.

Edit: I'm working simultaneously on the Easy Mode aswell and am close to the end game part, so I might have questions about that too at some point. And I have the same issue with the Mega Racheta in Mahagan's right-most elevator shaft not appearing for the Easy Mode aswell, so I assume some change for the latest patches only for Normal and Easy Mode are related to this.


There is no mistake, once you access the Charge Beam/Rinder, come back to this spot and there will be a mega racheta there, just another one of my tricks...


OK Correction there is an error, double checked...

Updated Version 2.43 normal and 2.44 easy---error fixed in edited item event patch, somehow I broke part of the patch, my fault, not the fault of patch author...

Just redownload, file just has same version name, but there is a byte edit in IPS Patch...Patch on first post on first page of this topic...


So what does this mean, what did you find out, Mettyk25jigsaw?
Does that Mega Racheta never appear/exist at all, or does it only exist as long as one doesn't have Rinder, because I certainly had Rinder and a mass of other major items already when I got there and the item was not there, which means it doesn't exist there after getting Rinder (provided there aren't any other details interfering).
I'm not going to change the hack midway with an updated patch, since this isn't a game-breaking error or anything similar, but just influences the maximal item count that one can get. But I would be curious to know if there would be any point in time or any theoretical scenario in which this Mega Racheta would be there. If I would know what situations keep the existence of that Mega Racheta, then I could check if one could get to this Mega Racheta in such a situation.
For example, if this Mega Racheta would still exist as long as one doesn't have Rinder, then I could check if one can get to the Mega Racheta without Rinder (even if it is deemed impossible).

Or do some items share the same index and aren't in the same room anyways? Because in that case, I wouldn't need to worry about this Mega Racheta, because then I could never get 1 of the items that share an index.


In order to make the charge beam item event work so the item will show up once you have collected the charge beam, you need to patch the patch...
    However I can talk you through an alternative solution, since you don't want an updated patch, considering you know how to use a hex editor, just open up the rom you are using for my hack and go to '07FF95' there should currently be an '80' there, just change it to a '10', fixed...

If you are playing an emulator that accepts the patch beside an original rom with IPS with same name, open ips file up in a hex editor and use search function for these bytes, there will only be one set, so don't worry-----A8 09 29 00 '80'----Now change the '80' to '10'...That will work too...