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Metroid Mission Rescue Version 2.5

Started by Mettyk25jigsaw, August 16, 2015, 08:47:42 PM

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Released V1.8...Added a save station at the beginning in messadon/Brinstar, enemy palette fixes, improvements on enemy placements, faster beams and other small improvements...


Hey Mettyk25jigsaw,

Look like I need your help again :)

[spoiler]I successfully collected the Crojei Armor and am now heading to Mahagan, but I'm facing a wall with F blocks, which breaks with a beam I don't have and I've not found an other path. This is what I can explore of Mahagan so far (the wall I'm talking about is on the right, not visible, once I take the sector switch) :

Any tips to help me again this time ? Thanks ![/spoiler]

Also, so far here are a few critics for you :
- Being only able to land 1 bomb at a time can be annoying, especially when you have to search each blocks of a room to see if there is a path. I understand you probably did that to prevent bomb jumping, but meh... :)
- Because the hack is huge, I think there is not enough saves units. I guess you have a limited number of those available, so maybe this is not fixable, but it can be very frustrating to lose 10 or even 30 minutes of play time because you did not find a save and then die.
- Backgrounds in general are sometimes confusing, and I found myself missing things because I did not see them because of it, or thinking something was a wall while it was not. Maybe making background a bit darker can solve this so there is a more noticeable difference between background and foreground.
- Doors.... but this has already been said and you already explained why they are like this.

That's all for now ;)


I am planning on improving on the BG one day in the near future, and now I will do the same with save stations in the near future...The one bomb thing was so that people couldn't cheat by using continuous bomb jumping to access areas I do not want them to explore yet so that I could make the make of the game go the way I wanted it to go, so unfortunately no go here...Sorry...Thankyou for the input...

If you do NOT want the answer to Xaphan's where to go next question, do NOT open spoiler:

[spoiler]You need to be in the only pink room in your snapshot, and at the top of the room at the first pitt, put some bombs at the bottom of pitt and you will find that something like four of the tiles are missile tiles...That should do the trick...[/spoiler]


Thanks :)

I was able to continue and got some upgrades. However, I have an issue :

[spoiler]I was able to reach this door in Smachoghr :

I did not find how to open it and it was my Only option to get out of this room, so I started shooting everywhere, turning in circles in hope to hit something that unlock the door. I saw that black circle you have to bomb to open some paths and tried all my weapons at it, and after using the Swinger on it, it seems that the door opened. At least, that was what I understand but it look like it's not that. I died (of course) in the next room, and when I was back at this door I tried everything again but the door doesn't seems to open anymore, which mean I opened it without knowing how and I am out of ideas now. So... how am I supposed to open it ?

EDIT : Well look like I managed to open it again, so maybe it dosen't always register some hits and that caused me some troubles.[/spoiler]



If you do not want to read my response to Xaphan's question, then do NOT open spoiler...

[spoiler]I think the problem is that when you bomb that circle thing, you must be stationary on the bomb, because it's the propelling of samus in ball form that activates the event, so it's like the bomb slots in Metroid Prime for example...When you opened the door with the swinger the door was probably already flashing and thence fore the door opened with the swinger...[/spoiler]


Yeah thanks, I somehow figured it out later as I decided to land multiple bombs and, by doing this, was staying on that circle thing :)

Now I'm later in the game. I found this door :


It has a purple doorcap, but when I open it, I can't go trough : It's a wall. Is it supposed to be like this ? I expected this to be the path because I did not find any other way to continue. But look like I'm wrong  :cry:


If you don NOT want the answer to Xaphan's question then do NOT open spoiler:

[spoiler]That door and also the speedbooster door in same room are meant to be like that until such time as you acquire the gravity suit/Naelleyn Armor, and then you can go through...
            As to where to go next, I think I might know what you need to do, keep heading left all the way from where you are in your image post (directly left) and you should come to another one of those rooms with a lot of bomb slots with white doors like you have in brinstar/messadon...Use the bomb slots that are blocked by the Ice beam/chiller AND Sphay beam and open the door that flashes near the top...(do not enter elevator)...However to get to the correct flashing door, you must head right first in same room after you bomb the bomb slot and when you are at the end and edge of the second platform with bomb slots (starting from left), jump up and around to the left between the pillars and head through the flashing doors...Stop here if you don't want to know anymore....There's really only one direction to go from here and you'll end up at a white door and I really think I should make this more obvious for next version...You roll into a ball and roll into and next to the white door and bomb it staying stationary, that will open the door...You then go up the elevator and then head to Chaud bay/Norfair and then head to Mahagan again using the top right hand door inside the 'very' top right hand room of Chaud bay/Norfair...The white door that was originally blocking you should be flashing now...Good luck...[/spoiler]


Thanks !

I'm glad I asked you because what you told me to do is exactly what I did, but when I saw that I could not go back and have to leave Mahagan, I was thinking to be on the wrong way so I reseted the game to check more carefully in Mahagan.

And yes, you should probably make that part more obvious cause when I bomber the door (totally randomly, as I expected to be perma stuck) I was like... "wtf is it supposed to open ?" but I did not expected at all that it would open an white door in an other area.

Anyway, thanks you :)


Got the Maelleyn armor !



Mettyk25jigsaw. where do i go ?

[spoiler]I am stuck after getting the swinger. i know I saw a swinger door somewhere but for the life of me i can't find it. I only get a bit of time to play when i am not working.. Just the world i need to be in to progress would be enough of a hint. Thank you Mettyk25jigsaw.[/spoiler]


If you do NOT want the answer to Plush's question then do NOT open spoilers:

Open first:
[spoiler]You need to be in Arion skirts/Crateria and If you eventually want to know the sector where the grapple door is then open next spoiler below[/spoiler]

[spoiler]It's Sector 1[/spoiler]

Good luck...


Hmm, looks like an interesting hack, might have to test it out a little later  :^_^:


Well... I expected to not have to ask you any tips anymore, but look like I will have to :(

[spoiler]I now have every upgrades in the game and I am in search of theses doors you have to open to access the final area. Currently, I'm searching for the one in Bgarnowr sector 3 (red on the map). For the life on me I scanned every walls in this area and found nothing I wasn't knowing already, but this :

But how I am supposed to speedball there ? There is not enough room to do so. On the other side of the wall, Transparent glasses do not show anything so this look like the only way to enter. Also, if this is not the way to the door I need to open, I have no idea were it is then. This is my current map :


Thanks for your help :)


Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on August 31, 2015, 08:48:23 PM
By the way 'JAM' that's 14 Permas Left not 13...The Kraid issue isn't really a perma as there is a save station and a refill spot B4 the Kraid room and I think if Plush kept at it long enough, he would still have gotten through Kraid, I'm sure...
So, the player can get refill from claws if shooting long enough? Then, yes, not a permastuck. If you mean "player always can die in spikes if out of missiles", then it's technicallny not, but actually is, I think.

Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on August 31, 2015, 08:48:23 PM
Anyway as for the $100 bet, if I was a betting man I'd take you on, lol...But unfortunately I'm not, sorry...(Smiley[I'd put a proper smiley here but on my computer since I've upgraded to windows 10 the smileys don't work,lol])
It was a joke. =)
Never upgrade to Windows 10 by the way. Torrents will not work too.

Anyway, about the constructive criticism. Found a real permastuck. Note: I'm talking about v1.6.

You can get there without Space Jump (Air Boots) by freezing enemy in the room before, but can't get out. Solution: place more platforms to get out.

Other small bugs:

"HP Bonus" sign is glitching here:

It's happening when enter the room from below.

And it's corrupting the BG.

Wrong enemy placement. Space Pirate is levitating.

Same here. Most of stones are placed incorrectly in this room.

2 in 1. You can stand there. And also, I told you about palette in PM. Well, this is one of 2 cases where it really sucks. Looks like a game glitching here. Please change this palette.

And there is the second case. These while/pink cracks looks unnatural. Better make them black as other parts of BG.

"GHIJ" instead of pink test area name icon. This bug appears for icons to new areas.

Not a stuck, but you're digging into the ground here. If there is a pushing upwards slope here, remove it.

I want to talk about the door bubble here.

When you enter the door when bubble uncentered, it's not closing after you and became closed from the start. Not a big bug, but looks not very good. How about making these doors close after you? All you need to do is set correct location of door bubble. Where? In the door editor. Xi and Yi values. Change Yi from 06 to 03 to move "closing door bubble" by 3 blocks above. Change to 09 to move 3 blocks below etc.

Graphical glitch. After pausing the Torizo (2nd) room is corrupting like this:

Check the room properties, Special Graphic Bitflag. Shouln't be 01 or 05 here.


Thanks JAM will look into, as for the bg glitches, I think that might happen after being on the pause screen map and either by holding run button while scrolling left or right etc or by adjusting beams in pause screen stats while in that room, I don't think I have the knowledge on how to fix that unfortunately (as of yet)...

Answer to Xaphan, and once again Only open spoiler if you want an answer to his/her question...

[spoiler]Look for the F block (fuser block) in blue circle on map on image and you need to find your way to the red circled room on map on image...Speedball through sector switch...Good luck...[/spoiler]


I got the 3 ips files..I changed the name of the the other file. Are these unheadered files? Because I'm getting checksum fails.


If it's not loading, it's probably because you are using an emulator that doesn't support EXLorom format, go to the readme file in the download or download the manual for a list of emulators that are compatible with my hack...And yes it's unheadered...


JAM, Some of those things are a side effect from one of my patches, I suspect the BF's hud patch (images 2,3 & 4) and happens when either using the map and scrolling left or right with run button held or by switching beams inside the status pause screen instead of in game...Sorry but I don't have the knowledge to fix this...
    Images 6 & 7, must be the emulator you are using as it is not suppose to be like that, double checked it on mine, the red part is not showing for me, I am using ZsnesV1.51 by Fusoya...
    The 2nd last image, well it's like that because the door scroll values for both doors are the same, going one of the ways will cause the wrong door to be closed behind you...I could fix this the obvious way, but because there are no spare door scrolls for that particular Door ptr, it's not worth the effort if you compare it to how much it is really needed...Sorry...
    The enemies in the wrong position issue? They are like this because they share the same enemy pop pointers as other rooms, so if one is changed the other rooms sharing the same ptr will change too, however, there is enough space leftover at Bank A1, so when I get the chance I can repoint these 2 rooms...I have been building the level data around these enemies and with the rooms looking completely different too, so that I can save space in the enemy pop Bank...
   I have fixed 1st and last image up, and as for the 3rd last image, well if that slope thing was not there, a similar but worse thing will happen...I'm sure from memory, I ended up being in the ground there in ball form and couldn't get out...


I have now unlocked all sectors locks and defeated mother brain, but I'm stuck during the escape :


The metroid always appears at the bottom of the room when I enter it from the morph tunel under the door at the top. I guess ithe metroid is supposed to break the block I'm on, but there dosen't seems to be a way to lure the metroid here, and I can't go back either. Is this normal ?[/spoiler]


I am still stuck Mettyk25jigsaw.

[spoiler]I have 55 rachettas, 24 mega rachetas, chiller , sphay , crojei armor, sushi, booster boots, air boots, and swinger. the swinger is the last thing I got. The secret room and yourself say I need to go  to axion skirts sector 1. I have searched all orange areas which would be sector 1. everywhere is blocked by either a white door or needing an item i do not have. I admit defeat. Where exactly do i need to be at for the next move. Thank you Mettyk25jigsaw[/spoiler]


Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on September 05, 2015, 03:47:13 AM
I am approaching being a month on my 2nd hack now and am going to put the negative feedback where people believe can be improved into practice and hopefully make it even better for 2nd hack and to keep the positive feedback I've got with the 1st and to put it into the 2nd...
That's the problem. Not only yours, many hackers have it actually. Killing the hack progress and making it done, complete. But won't do the same errors next time. THIS IS WRONG. WRONG! If something is not going to work as you planned, go and fix it! I'm telling this to all hackers "who won't do that next time", not only to you.

Second problem is release date. Hyper has it and it's almost perfect. All other hacks have things that hacker can't made before release date. So he leave it "as is" and release.

I really hope that you'll make more time to polish this hack and will not abandon it "because it's done".

Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on September 13, 2015, 03:39:12 AM
JAM, Some of those things are a side effect from one of my patches, I suspect the BF's hud patch (images 2,3 & 4) and happens when either using the map and scrolling left or right with run button held or by switching beams inside the status pause screen instead of in game...Sorry but I don't have the knowledge to fix this...
Ah, yes. Then the beam menu should become inactive. But, it's not your fault.

Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on September 13, 2015, 03:39:12 AM
    Images 6 & 7, must be the emulator you are using as it is not suppose to be like that, double checked it on mine, the red part is not showing for me, I am using ZsnesV1.51 by Fusoya...

Edited in paint, obviosly. Everything in red ellipses is ugly because of used palette. Can't you see? Mushrooms are too.

Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on September 13, 2015, 03:39:12 AM
    The 2nd last image, well it's like that because the door scroll values for both doors are the same, going one of the ways will cause the wrong door to be closed behind you...I could fix this the obvious way, but because there are no spare door scrolls for that particular Door ptr, it's not worth the effort if you compare it to how much it is really needed...Sorry...
Well, I'd like that you fix it someday. There is not so many paired doors. 50 pairs, maybe. Not too much.

Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on September 13, 2015, 03:39:12 AM
   I have fixed 1st and last image up, and as for the 3rd last image, well if that slope thing was not there, a similar but worse thing will happen...I'm sure from memory, I ended up being in the ground there in ball form and couldn't get out...
Then what if made both blocks (including top slope block) solid?

[spoiler]Do you know that you can open Swinger doors by Luchere Beam?[/spoiler]

Sorry for me beign rude sometimes, but all I want is to more polishing...

EDIT: found more things to fix. Do you really had a team of beta testers? Whip them.

See that warp?

Going through it teleports you to the red scroll screen. Maybe not actually red since you're using yellow scrolls patch. But after teleporting camera fades away off screen.

Don't you forgot to put the Scroll PLM to the warp destination? Do it now, please.


What had more bugs or permastucks:this or arrival? Not being mean, just wondering cause I heard arrival had a lot of bugs.


Guys, I'm asking nicely, I need you to realise that I only had the one faithful beta tester, give credit to MiniKraid for that...Some wrote back and said they didn't have enough time on their hands, while others I think just wanted to play the game since I never heard from them...Also keep in mind that this is my first hack ever and prior to it, I knew nothing about game modding...

  To JAM, I think you need to re-read my post where you got the message that I am learning from my criticism and putting what I have learnt into my 2nd to make it better and you are worried that I am going to forget about MMR, I have also stated in that same post I believe that I was not going to stop improving on MMR until such time as it's fully polished and I think I have proven that since I have been doing so, so don't worry, that's all I'm saying...Also I will do those improvements with that double door room(today)but next version might be a while as I am currently working on improving on ending scene of my own choice and can't be released half way through...I will fix everything else too, as for the teleport thing, I will fix that too, but I could sware the scrolling PLM was working for me, must have gone wrong somewhere...Will look into...And no I did not know the swinger door can be opened by a luchere beam...Will look into too...

To Plush's question and once again don't open spoiler if you do NOT want the answer...

[spoiler]You need to go to Samus' Ship room at the top left hand door, I know that is sector 2 (the ship room) but you can get to this next room through this door prior to accessing the swinger and this next door takes you to sector 1...good luck...[/spoiler]

To Xaphan, and don't open this spoiler too if you do NOT want the answer to his question...

[spoiler]I think an event has failed to trigger from the event PLM patch by I think it is a patch from Squishy, forgive me if I am wrong...In rare occasions that can happen but really only in ball form...Have you a manual save somewhere that might be b4 this issue? Like the room south of your image? otherwise you will have to reload from last normal save station and if this is the case I am terribly sorry...I'll see if I can improve on the setup so that it can be even more likely to set, the event...[/spoiler]


JAM, I have been trying my best to open the Swinger doors with the luchere beam, even with the charge beam on it with the luchere, but the thing won't open, seems to be fine....Are you able to upload an image of the swinger door you opened with the luchere beam? Thanks...

EDIT: Xaphan, I fixed that event issue up now and should be impossible for event not to go off/activate...Will be in next version...


I made progress Mettyk25jigsaw.

[spoiler]I had been in that area you mentioned but what I did wrong was fail to drop down the last sector warp at the start and ended up thinking that was the wrong way to go. Once you said that was the area   i went back and now have the transparency glasses. With all the backtracking i did in the last few days i know areas where i can go now with them. Thank you for your help Mettyk25jigsaw[/spoiler]


I'm very glad that you will improve your hack.
By the way, I'm at same point with piush, LOL. But I found the way.

Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on September 13, 2015, 11:37:08 PM
JAM, I have been trying my best to open the Swinger doors with the luchere beam, even with the charge beam on it with the luchere, but the thing won't open, seems to be fine....Are you able to upload an image of the swinger door you opened with the luchere beam? Thanks...
Here you go. Version 1.8, Easy mode.

Palette decision for the sand is wrong too. Doesn't looking very nice. You did very palette in Maridia, but this one is bad too. Just look at that picture:

These "||||||" blocks are wierd too. Floor is not looking good and the whole palette here is bad. Tip: when changing palette don't try to turn black color to white color. Tiles made of these block will look ugly.

Best you can to understand what I mean is just switching 2 color spectres. Exchange red with blue, for example. You will not ruin anything just by RGB => BGR switch. Do this for the Tourian palette. Still will get light blue color, but looking good.

I saw in SMILE that you've change palette lines. And some colors of palette row 6 is used by closed door. Then you should redraw tiles, not just move them to another palette line. Example. Tile is using colors 1, 2, 3 and 4 in certain palette row. Moving the tile to another palette row make tile looking awful. And you can't change palette because other tiles are using these colors. Then make the tile that's looking awful use colors 3, 4, 5 and 6 instead.

That's a rough example, but I guess, it enough of understanding of what to do.

EDIT: you may say I'm just making critics without showing something in exchange. Well, I'll show you.

You've used palette row 6 for a closed/event door cap. This force you to get rid of palette row 6 in may tilesets. But... Color you used for the door cap is $18,$18,$18. This color already exists in palette row 1 in every tileset. So, you can free palette row 6 from the event door cap.

Thus, palette row 6 can be used for any tileset if free this row from the event door cap. I worked about a hour on Tourian tileset.


